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Three subjects were given extensive practice in discriminating syllables which differed in voice onset time. For these subjects, there were two major findings. First, discrimination of speech follows normal psychophysical laws: long-onset-time stimuli require larger differences than shorter ones for comparable discrimination. Second, the shape of the discrimination function for experienced subjects is more like a leaning W than an inverted V, the usual shape for naive subjects. The data support a model of speech perception with both an acoustic and a phonetic component. The phonetic component is best characterized as a prototype matching process, with the prototype including information on the simultaneity of formant onset.  相似文献   

Mitterer H  Ernestus M 《Cognition》2008,109(1):168-173
This study reports a shadowing experiment, in which one has to repeat a speech stimulus as fast as possible. We tested claims about a direct link between perception and production based on speech gestures, and obtained two types of counterevidence. First, shadowing is not slowed down by a gestural mismatch between stimulus and response. Second, phonetic detail is more likely to be imitated in a shadowing task if it is phonologically relevant. This is consistent with the idea that speech perception and speech production are only loosely coupled, on an abstract phonological level.  相似文献   

Motor theories of speech perception have been re-vitalized as a consequence of the discovery of mirror neurons. Some authors have even promoted a strong version of the motor theory, arguing that the motor speech system is critical for perception. Part of the evidence that is cited in favor of this claim is the observation from the early 1980s that individuals with Broca’s aphasia, and therefore inferred damage to Broca’s area, can have deficits in speech sound discrimination. Here we re-examine this issue in 24 patients with radiologically confirmed lesions to Broca’s area and various degrees of associated non-fluent speech production. Patients performed two same-different discrimination tasks involving pairs of CV syllables, one in which both CVs were presented auditorily, and the other in which one syllable was auditorily presented and the other visually presented as an orthographic form; word comprehension was also assessed using word-to-picture matching tasks in both auditory and visual forms. Discrimination performance on the all-auditory task was four standard deviations above chance, as measured using d′, and was unrelated to the degree of non-fluency in the patients’ speech production. Performance on the auditory–visual task, however, was worse than, and not correlated with, the all-auditory task. The auditory–visual task was related to the degree of speech non-fluency. Word comprehension was at ceiling for the auditory version (97% accuracy) and near ceiling for the orthographic version (90% accuracy). We conclude that the motor speech system is not necessary for speech perception as measured both by discrimination and comprehension paradigms, but may play a role in orthographic decoding or in auditory–visual matching of phonological forms.  相似文献   

Speech sounds are highly variable, yet listeners readily extract information from them and transform continuous acoustic signals into meaningful categories during language comprehension. A central question is whether perceptual encoding captures acoustic detail in a one-to-one fashion or whether it is affected by phonological categories. We addressed this question in an event-related potential (ERP) experiment in which listeners categorized spoken words that varied along a continuous acoustic dimension (voice-onset time, or VOT) in an auditory oddball task. We found that VOT effects were present through a late stage of perceptual processing (N1 component, ~100 ms poststimulus) and were independent of categorization. In addition, effects of within-category differences in VOT were present at a postperceptual categorization stage (P3 component, ~450 ms poststimulus). Thus, at perceptual levels, acoustic information is encoded continuously, independently of phonological information. Further, at phonological levels, fine-grained acoustic differences are preserved along with category information.  相似文献   

Boatman D 《Cognition》2004,92(1-2):47-65
Functional lesion studies have yielded new information about the cortical organization of speech perception in the human brain. We will review a number of recent findings, focusing on studies of speech perception that use the techniques of electrocortical mapping by cortical stimulation and hemispheric anesthetization by intracarotid amobarbital. Implications for recent developments in neuroimaging studies of speech perception will be discussed. This discussion will provide the framework for a developing model of the cortical circuitry critical for speech perception.  相似文献   

At the behavioral level one of the primary disturbances involved in congenital dyslexia concerns phonological processing. At the neuroarchitectural level autopsies have revealed ectopies, e.g., a reduced number of neurons in the upper layers of the cortex and an increased number in the lower ones. In dynamic models of interacting neuronal populations the behavioral level can be related to the neurophysiological level. In this study an attempt is made to do so at the cortical level. The first focus of this model study are the results of a Finnish experiment assessing geminate stop perception in quasi speech stimuli by 6 month old infants using a head turning paradigm and evoked potentials. The second focus of this study are the results of a Dutch experiment assessing discrimination of transients in speech stimuli, by adult dyslexics and controls and 2 month old infants. There appears to be a difference in the phonemic perceptual boundaries of children at genetic risk for dyslexia and control children as revealed in the Finnish study. Assuming a lowered neuronal density in the 'dyslexic' model, reflecting ectopies, it may be postulated that less neuronal surface is available for synaptic connections resulting in a lowered synaptic density and thus a lowered amount of available neurotransmitter. A lowered synaptic density also implies a reduced amount of membrane surface available for neurotransmitter metabolism. By assuming both, a reduced upper bound of neurotransmitter and a reduced metabolic transmitter rate in the dynamic model, the Finnish experimental results can be approximated closely. This applies both to data from behavioral head turning and that of the evoked potential study. In the Dutch study adult dyslexics show poor performance in discriminating transients in the speech signal compared to the controls. The same stimuli were used in a a study comparing infants from dyslexic families and controls. Using the same transmitter parameters as in modeling the results of the Finnish study, also in this case the experimental results for adults and infants can be approximated closely. Simulation of behavioral and pharmaceutical interventions with the model provide predictions which can be put to the test in experiments.  相似文献   

Both emotional words and words focused by information structure can capture attention. This study examined the interplay between emotional salience and information structure in modulating attentional resources in the service of integrating emotional words into sentence context. Event-related potentials (ERPs) to affectively negative, neutral, and positive words, which were either focused or nonfocused in questionanswer pairs, were evaluated during sentence comprehension. The results revealed an early negative effect (90–200 ms), a P2 effect, as well as an effect in the N400 time window, for both emotional salience and information structure. Moreover, an interaction between emotional salience and information structure occurred within the N400 time window over right posterior electrodes, showing that information structure influences the semantic integration only for neutral words, but not for emotional words. This might reflect the fact that the linguistic salience of emotional words can override the effect of information structure on the integration of words into context. The interaction provides evidence for attention–emotion interactions at a later stage of processing. In addition, the absence of interaction in the early time window suggests that the processing of emotional information is highly automatic and independent of context. The results suggest independent attention capture systems of emotional salience and information structure at the early stage but an interaction between them at a later stage, during the semantic integration of words.  相似文献   

The present study investigated burst cue discrimination in 3- to 4-month-old infants with the natural speech stimuli [bu] and [gu]. The experimental stimuli consisted of either a [bu] or a [gu] burst attached to the formants of the [bu], such that the sole difference between the two stimuli was the initial burst cue. Infants were tested using a cardiac orienting response (OR) paradigm which consisted of 20 tokens of one stimulus (e.g. [bu]) followed by 20 tokens of the second syllable (20/20 paradigm). An OR to the stimulus change revealed that young infants can discriminate burst cue differences in speech stimuli. Discussion of the results focused on asymmetries observed in the data and the relationship of these findings to our previous failure to demonstrate burst discrimination using the habituation/dishabituation cardiac measure generally employed with older infants.  相似文献   

The results of a recent perceptual study (W. Ziegler & D. von Cramon, 1985, Anticipatory coarticulation in a patient with apraxia of speech. Brain and Language 26, 117-130) provided evidence for disturbed coarticulation in verbal apraxia. Further support for this finding is now provided by acoustic analyses. Formant frequencies and LP reflection coefficients were chosen to assess anticipatory vowel-to-vowel coarticulation and vowel anticipation in stop consonants, respectively. These parameters revealed a lack of coarticulatory cohesion in the speech of a patient suffering from verbal apraxia, explainable by a consistent delay in the initiation of anticipatory vowel gestures. The findings are discussed with respect to prosodic features and to theoretical and clinical concepts of verbal apraxia.  相似文献   

Trading relations show that diverse acoustic consequences of minimal contrasts in speech are equivalent in perception of phonetic categories. This perceptual equivalence received stronger support from a recent finding that discrimination was differentially affected by the phonetic cooperation or conflict between two cues for the /slIt/-/splIt/contrast. Experiment 1 extended the trading relations and perceptual equivalence findings to the /sei/-/stei/contrast. With a more sensitive discrimination test, Experiment 2 found that cue equivalence is a characteristic of perceptual sensitivity to phonetic information. Using “sine-wave analogues” of the /sei/-/stei/stimuli, Experiment 3 showed that perceptual integration of the cues was phonetic, not psychoacoustic, in origin. Only subjects who perceived the sine-wave stimuli as “say” and “stay” showed a trading relation and perceptual equivalence; subjects who perceived them as nonspeech failed to integrate the two dimensions perceptually. Moreover, the pattern of differences between obtained and predicted discrimination was quite similar across the first two experiments and the “say”-“stay” group of Experiment 3, and suggested that phonetic perception was responsible even for better-than-predicted performance by these groups. Trading relations between speech cues, and the perceptual equivalence that underlies them, thus appear to derive specifically from perception of phonetic information.  相似文献   

The interaction of syntactic structure and acoustic pattern in perceptual segmentation of heard speech was investigated using sentences recorded with intonation patterns appropriate to their underlying structure and sentences where intonation was placed in direct conflict with the underlying structure. Speech samples were monitored through dichotic earphones with messages switched from one ear to the other either between or within major linguistic constituents. Analysis of errors in source localization and in sentence reproduction suggested a primary role of acoustic pattern in segmentation is to cue underlying syntactic structure. Two subsidiary experiments provided evidence that observed effects were related to active perceptual processing of the speech signal.  相似文献   

The cyclic variation in the energy envelope of the speech signal results from the production of speech in syllables. This acoustic property is often identified as a source of information in the perception of syllable attributes, though spectral variation can also provide this information reliably. In the present study of the relative contributions of the energy and spectral envelopes in speech perception, we employed sinusoidal replicas of utterances, which permitted us to examine the roles of these acoustic properties in establishing or maintaining time-varying perceptual coherence. Three experiments were carried out to assess the independent perceptual effects of variation in sinusoidal amplitude and frequency, using sentence-length signals. In Experiment 1, we found that the fine grain of amplitude variation was not necessary for the perception of segmental and suprasegmental linguistic attributes; in Experiment 2, we found that amplitude was nonetheless effective in influencing syllable perception, and that in some circumstances it was crucial to segmental perception; in Experiment 3, we observed that coarse-grain amplitude variation, above all, proved to be extremely important in phonetic perception. We conclude that in perceiving sinusoidal replicas, the perceiver derives much from following the coherent pattern of frequency variation and gross signal energy, but probably derives rather little from tracking the precise details of the energy envelope. These findings encourage the view that the perceiver uses time-varying acoustic properties selectively in understanding speech.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that nonnative (L2) linguistic sounds are accommodated to native language (L1) phonemic categories. However, this conclusion may be compromised by the use of explicit discrimination tests. The present study provides an implicit measure of L2 phoneme discrimination in early bilinguals (Catalan and Spanish). Participants classified the 1st syllable of disyllabic stimuli embedded in lists where the 2nd, task-irrelevant, syllable could contain a Catalan contrastive variation (/epsilon/-/e/) or no variation. Catalan dominants responded more slowly in lists where the 2nd syllable could vary from trial to trial, suggesting an indirect effect of the /epsilon/-/e/ discrimination. Spanish dominants did not suffer this interference, performing indistinguishably from Spanish monolinguals. The present findings provide implicit evidence that even proficient bilinguals categorize L2 sounds according to their L1 representations.  相似文献   

Human newborns discriminate languages from different rhythmic classes, fail to discriminate languages from the same rhythmic class, and fail to discriminate languages when the utterances are played backwards. Recent evidence showing that cotton-top tamarins discriminate Dutch from Japanese, but not when utterances are played backwards, is compatible with the hypothesis that rhythm discrimination is based on a general perceptual mechanism inherited from a primate ancestor. The present study further explores the rhythm hypothesis for language discrimination by testing languages from the same and different rhythmic class. We find that tamarins discriminate Polish from Japanese (different rhythmic classes), fail to discriminate English and Dutch (same rhythmic class), and fail to discriminate backwards utterances from different and same rhythmic classes. These results provide further evidence that language discrimination in tamarins is facilitated by rhythmic differences between languages, and suggest that, in humans, this mechanism is unlikely to have evolved specifically for language.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the processing of speech by dyslexic readers and compares their performance with that of age-matched (CA) and reading-ability-matched (RA) controls. In Experiment 1, subjects repeated single-syllable stimuli (words and nonwords) presented either in a favorable signal-to-noise ratio or with noise masking. Noise affected all subjects to the same extent. Dyslexic children performed as well as controls when repeating high-frequency words, but they had difficulty relative to CA-controls with low-frequency words and relative to both CA- and RA-controls when repeating nonwords. In Experiments 2 and 3, subjects made auditory lexical decisions about the stimuli presented in Experiment 1. Dyslexics performed less well than CA-controls, gaining similar scores to RA-controls. Thus, their difficulty in repeating low-frequency words could be reinterpreted as a difficulty with nonword repetition. Taken together, these results suggest that dyslexics have difficulty with the nonlexical procedures (including phoneme segmentation) involved in verbal repetition. One consequence is that they take longer to consolidate "new" words; verbal memory and reading processes are also compromised.  相似文献   

Models of speech perception have stressed the importance of investigating recognition of words in fluent speech. The effects of word length and the initial phonemes of words on the speech perception of foreign language learners were investigated. English-speaking subjects were asked to listen for target words in repeated presentations of a prose passage read in French by a native speaker. The four target words were either one or four syllables in length and began with either an initial stop or fricative consonant. Each of the four words was substituted 60 times in identical sentence contexts in place of nouns deleted from the original story. The results indicated that four-syllable words were more easily detected than one-syllable words. Contrary to expectation, stop-initial words were not more accurately detected than fricative-initial words. Based on these findings additional considerations that seem needed in order to apply current models of word recognition to naive listeners are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats were given intermixed preexposure to the compound flavors AX and BX and to the compound CX in a separate block of trials (4 presentations of each compound). In Experiment 1, rats showed less generalization of conditioned aversion from AX to BX than from CX to BX, a perceptual learning effect. Experiment 2 showed that the formation of an excitatory association proceeded more readily between A and B than between C and B, suggesting that intermixed preexposure maintains the effective salience of A and B and does not establish inhibition between them, a process that would require prolonged preexposure. According to this analysis, salience modulation and associative inhibition may contribute to perceptual learning at different stages of preexposure.  相似文献   

We examined categorical speech perception in school‐age children with developmental dyslexia or Specific Language Impairment (SLI), compared to age‐matched and younger controls. Stimuli consisted of synthetic speech tokens in which place of articulation varied from ‘b’ to ‘d’. Children were tested on categorization, categorization in noise, and discrimination. Phonological awareness skills were also assessed to examine whether these correlated with speech perception measures. We observed similarly good baseline categorization rates across all groups; however, when noise was added, the SLI group showed impaired categorization relative to controls, whereas dyslexic children showed an intact profile. The SLI group showed poorer than expected between‐category discrimination rates, whereas this pattern was only marginal in the dyslexic group. Impaired phonological awareness profiles were observed in both the SLI and dyslexic groups; however, correlations between phonological awareness and speech perception scores were not significant. The results of the study suggest that in children with language and reading impairments, there is a significant relationship between receptive language and speech perception, there is at best a weak relationship between reading and speech perception, and indeed the relationship between phonological and speech perception deficits is highly complex.  相似文献   

Children with developmental speech disorders may have additional deficits in speech perception and/or short-term memory. To determine whether these are only transient developmental delays that can accompany the disorder in childhood or persist as part of the speech disorder, adults with a persistent familial speech disorder were tested on speech perception and short-term memory. Nine adults with a persistent familial developmental speech disorder without language impairment were compared with 20 controls on tasks requiring the discrimination of fine acoustic cues for word identification and on measures of verbal and nonverbal short-term memory. Significant group differences were found in the slopes of the discrimination curves for first formant transitions for word identification with stop gaps of 40 and 20 ms with effect sizes of 1.60 and 1.56. Significant group differences also occurred on tests of nonverbal rhythm and tonal memory, and verbal short-term memory with effect sizes of 2.38, 1.56, and 1.73. No group differences occurred in the use of stop gap durations for word identification. Because frequency-based speech perception and short-term verbal and nonverbal memory deficits both persisted into adulthood in the speech-impaired adults, these deficits may be involved in the persistence of speech disorders without language impairment.  相似文献   

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