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Video feedback amplifies critical individual and group processes that have implications for a social theory of the self. The judicious use of video replay facilitates the reworking of identity by (1) inciting the self to “become an object to itself,” thereby triggering new self-reflexive loops of awareness; (2) assisting the self to experience the various perspectives that group members hold toward it, thereby altering its own perspective of itself; (3) enabling the group to become an object to itself, thereby galvanizing a sense of identity and meaning; and (4) allowing clients to view and re-view themselves in a wide range of roles, thereby fostering a multidimensional concept of self. Literature on the use of video in groups is reviewed, and a social theory of the self as explicated by George Herbert Mead is summarized.  相似文献   

在儒家哲学中,价值非仅哲学的一个部门,而是贯通所有哲学问题并规定了其本质的一个核心和辐射源。儒学以人的存在实现为进路,落实到“心性”的论域动态地展示人性的内涵,而非对人性做静态的分析。儒学即心言性,即情言心,将“知”理解为人的存在所本具的智照、定向和主宰作用。其所主人性本善论,规定了中国文化的价值实现方式。儒学循道德和存在实现进路以建立其形上学体系,其所言伦理与价值,则是一种真理与应当本原一体,表征人的生命存在之整全性意义的伦理价值观念。儒家所言道,是在实存差异实现之“通”性上所显现出的一个形上超越性的“一”,其达道之途径,可名之为“旁通而上达”。“旁通”与“上达”两个维度,虽有分判,又相即互成,共同构成了儒家的价值和形上学系统。这一价值和形上学系统,既凸显了一种即伦常日用而达超越的实践品格,同时亦体现出了一种尽性、成己以成物的价值平等精神。  相似文献   

Prior studies suggest a positive association between life satisfaction and wisdom. In a sample with 123 European American community-dwelling adults, the results suggest that wisdom and life satisfaction are positively intertwined, and that openness value is an important factor for life satisfaction, a self-transcendence orientation, and wisdom.  相似文献   

Axiomathes - This article examines the Kantian ideas on motion in his work Metaphysical Foundations of Natural Science. In that essay, Kant holds that motion as a concept—from its connotation...  相似文献   

Whether or not intrinsic valueis additively measurable is often thought todepend on the truth or falsity of G. E. Moore'sprinciple of organic unities. I argue that thetruth of this principle is, contrary to received opinion, compatible with additivemeasurement. However, there are other veryplausible evaluative claims that are moredifficult to combine with the additivity ofintrinsic value. A plausible theory of the goodshould allow that there are certain kinds ofstates of affairs whose intrinsic value cannotbe outweighed by any number of states ofcertain other, less valuable, kinds. Such``non-trade-off' cannot reasonably be explainedin terms of organic unities, and it can bereconciled with the additivity thesis only ifwe are prepared to give up some traditionalclaims about the nature of intrinsic value.  相似文献   

This paper concerns Hegel's early treatment of the productive imagination in his 1803–1804 Faith and Knowledge. I show how he articulates that activity in terms of a pair of speculative unities, which solve lingering problems of self‐knowledge and self‐constitution from Kant's B‐deduction. On the one hand, I argue that the familiar unity of spontaneity and receptivity makes possible knowledge of the moment of self‐positing. On the other hand, I contend that Hegel's talk of imagination as both an “organic idea” and an “intuitive intellect” refers to a self‐constituting capacity that intellects like ours possess. I show that self‐constitution is possible, for Hegel, only in so far as intellects like ours possess a capacity to unify possibility and actuality in thought, or to think themselves into being.  相似文献   

Using the controversy surrounding the views of the Princeton University ethicist Peter Singer as a foil, the authors address the commonly held view that the appropriate time to terminate the life of a human being is when the individual has lost consciousness and there is no hope that he or she will regain it. They make an admittedly dubious case for the vegetative state, with which loss of consciousness is commonly equated, in order to clear the way for a more defensible basis for the termination of a human life, that of the person’s own personal, even if idiosyncratic view of when his or her life is no longer worth living.  相似文献   

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