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Of the offensive yet non-pathological personalities in the literature, three are especially prominent: Machiavellianism, subclinical narcissism, and subclinical psychopathy. We evaluated the recent contention that, in normal samples, this ‘Dark Triad’ of constructs are one and the same. In a sample of 245 students, we measured the three constructs with standard measures and examined a variety of laboratory and self-report correlates. The measures were moderately inter-correlated, but certainly were not equivalent. Their only common Big Five correlate was disagreeableness. Subclinical psychopaths were distinguished by low neuroticism; Machiavellians, and psychopaths were low in conscientiousness; narcissism showed small positive associations with cognitive ability. Narcissists and, to a lesser extent, psychopaths exhibited self-enhancement on two objectively scored indexes. We conclude that the Dark Triad of personalities, as currently measured, are overlapping but distinct constructs.  相似文献   

Aggression involves using force to dominate a situation, whereas violence uses force to do intentional harm. Previous research suggests the Dark Triad underlies much anti-social behaviour, and is associated with aggression. We extend this work to examine whether Dark Triad constructs predict self-reported violence. The Dark Triad, measured using the SD3, was examined in relation to normal personality traits as indexed by the HEXACO, which comprises a general Big Five structure with the addition of an Honest–Humility dimension. We also measured impulsivity using the I-7. A sample of 159 adults completed the measures. Principal Components Analysis revealed Machiavellianism, psychopathy and violence loaded on the same factor, which also had negative loadings for HEXACO domains of Honesty–Humility and Agreeableness. Narcissism loaded on a separate factor which was also defined by Extraversion. Hierarchical regression analyses found Agreeableness a more powerful predictor of violence than psychopathy or Machiavellianism, both of which showed a trend to this association; narcissism had no effect. Agreeableness emerged as the strongest negative predictor of violence, and exclusively explained the majority of variance in violence scores. Findings are discussed regarding the centrality of low agreeableness as a driving force behind the Dark Triad and the constructs it predicts.  相似文献   

The diagnostic label, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), is rapidly gaining currency in the UK. Although many systemic practitioners are skilled and experienced at working with the clinical difficulties associated with the diagnosis, there is little systemic literature on the topic. This paper discusses some of the difficulties for systemic practitioners in engaging with the concept of BPD and offers some pointers for the development of systemic practice in this area.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a severe personality disorder leading to unstable emotional state, impulsivity, disturbed relationships and personal distress. This paper suggests a 12-step intervention plan including Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to Mr. X, a 21 year old male psychiatric inpatient having BPD, to promote his mental health. Therapy could not be conducted as the patient dropped out of treatment and got himself discharged from the hospital. This paper outlines implications for treatment on the basis of the clinical presentation of Mr. X. Mr. X presents himself with the BPD features showing suicidal tendencies, substance abuse and disturbed emotions. In depth interview of the patient showed extreme emotional disturbance and difficulty in controlling emotions and suicidal ideations. He was admitted at the Nur Manzil Psychiatric Centre, Lucknow, India and was kept under close observation because of being obsessed with suicidal thoughts; he also tried to kill himself. The DBT skills training and problem solving approach along with contingency management and behavioral chain analysis are suggested according to the clinical profile of Mr. X in order to reduce his self mutilating acts and substance abuse. Thus a general feeling of personal well being can be achieved thereby reducing personal distress.  相似文献   

Evidence that nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) serves a maladaptive emotion regulation function in borderline personality disorder (BPD) has drawn attention to processes that may increase risk for NSSI by exacerbating negative emotion, such as rumination. However, more adaptive forms of emotion processing, including differentiating broad emotional experiences into nuanced emotion categories, might serve as a protective factor against NSSI. Using an experience-sampling diary, the present study tested whether differentiation of negative emotion was associated with lower frequency of NSSI acts and urges in 38 individuals with BPD who reported histories of NSSI. Participants completed a dispositional measure of rumination and a 21-day experience-sampling diary, which yielded an index of negative emotion differentiation and frequency of NSSI acts and urges. A significant rumination by negative emotion differentiation interaction revealed that rumination predicted higher rates of NSSI acts and urges in participants with difficulty differentiating their negative emotions. The results extend research on emotion differentiation into the clinical literature and provide empirical support for clinical theories that suggest emotion identification and labeling underlie strategies for adaptive self-regulation and decreased NSSI risk in BPD.  相似文献   

This study demonstrates inherent features in the DSM-III diagnostic criteria for personality disorders (i.e., overlapping diagnoses and heterogeneous symptomatology) that limit efforts to identify a sensitive and specific MMPI profile for the borderline personality disorder. A sample of 71 inpatients was administered an MMPI and a semistructured interview that systematically evaluated each of 81 symptoms for the 11 DSM-III personality disorders. Interrater reliability was substantially higher than has been obtained with unstructured interviews. The effect on the borderline MMPI profile of (a) variation in the number of borderline symptoms and (b) overlap with the schizotypal, histrionic, and antisocial diagnoses was demonstrated. We discuss implications with respect to a prototypal model of classification.  相似文献   

Students with borderline personality disorders are difficult to counsel and present problems in consultation. Providing these students with structure through consistent limit setting can produce positive changes in their behavior.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis of the published literature was performed to evaluate the common effect size (r) of the association between childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). An online search from 1980 to 1995 was used to gather published papers. r coefficient was used as an effect size measure, and 21 studies were retrieved. A moderate pooled r (.279) for the association between CSA and BPD was observed. Pooled effect size estimates were also obtained for CSA parameters. No significant effect of moderators was evidenced. The results of this study did not support the hypothesis that CSA is a major psychological risk factor or a causal antecedent of BPD.  相似文献   

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) is a cognitive-behavioral treatment for borderline personality disorder (BPD) that is based on the theory that emotion dysregulation is the core feature of BPD. This article focuses on aspects of DBT theory and techniques that specifically address emotion. The dialectical and biosocial theories that underlie DBT are reviewed with an emphasis on how each relates to emotional experiencing in BPD. Selected treatment strategies that address emotion dysregulation and their hypothesized mechanisms of change are also described. Relevant research findings are incorporated throughout to provide an empirical foundation for the DBT theories and strategies that are discussed.  相似文献   

Interpersonal difficulties are a widely accepted characteristic of borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, the results of empirical findings of deficits in social-cognitive abilities that may underlie interpersonal difficulties in this population have been mixed. In this paper, we review the literature on social-cognitive impairment in BPD by organizing studies based on patterns of positive and negative of findings. We provide a new model of mentalizing impairment in BPD by integrating findings into one framework that suggests hypermentalizing as the core feature of social-cognitive impairment in BPD. We review data in support of a hypermentalizing model of BPD and situate this data in the broader context of current work on hypermentalizing.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a pervasive pattern of psychopathology characterized by unstable affect, suicidal behaviors, and identity problems (Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders. Washington, DC: Author; 2000). BPD is heterogeneous in nature, highly prevalent in clinical settings, and increasingly studied by clinical and social psychologists. This review highlights affective instability, impulsivity, and interpersonal hypersensitivity, the interaction of which we believe accounts for the symptoms of BPD, the BPD criteria most associated with these features, and the interrelationships among these underlying dimensions. We also discuss difficulties in measurement of these dimensions. Real-world assessment methods will assist in the measurement of time-dependent processes and identify causes, covariates, or consequences of these processes to determine how these features manifest themselves in real life.  相似文献   

Recent literature reviews, point out the lack of crisis intervention and crisis prevention programs that are in existence to address crises experienced by first-degree and divorced family members of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) probands. The focus of such intervention programs should be to facilitate the improved ability of the first-degree and divorced family members to manage and transcend the unstable family environment. Correlations between personal instability and frequency of psychosocial crises have been examined, as well as the ripple effect of frequent individual crises on family environments. Reviews of current therapeutic interventions, as well as a synthesis of practical family therapy interventions focusing on breaking the cycle of dysfunctional multi-generational family environments are also examined.  相似文献   

Women in high security mental health care are frequently diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Such women commonly report histories of child abuse, in particular child sexual abuse, and the vast majority also self-harm. In this paper, we draw on social constructionist theory to develop a framework for understanding these women, the effects of abuse and the reasons they self-harm. We demonstrate how a social model of intervention provides a comprehensive framework for identifying and exploring relevant factors within therapy. We argue that diagnostic categorisation has limited utility in directing therapeutic work with this particular group of women, because it directs attention away from the social world to internal pathology. We demonstrate that it is with reference to women's past and current relationships that borderline behaviour can be understood to be meaningful and partially adaptive. We conclude that treatment is more usefully organised around and directed towards those factors, such as abuse and self-harm, that are implicated in women's ongoing relationship difficulties.  相似文献   

Clinical experience involving the treatment of patients with comorbid borderline and narcissistic personality disorders suggests that this patient population is among the more difficult to treat within the personality disorder spectrum. In this article, we present refinements of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP) based on our clinical experience with and research data on patients with comorbid narcissistic personality disorder/borderline personality disorder (NPD/BPD). We briefly review object relations formulations of severe narcissistic pathology, as well as recent research in attachment and the allied concept of mentalization, which have provided a new lens through which to view narcissistic disorders. The research findings from two randomized clinical trials demonstrating the efficacy and effectiveness of TFP are presented. The data from the two Randomized Clinical Trials (RCT) allowed for the study of the characteristics of the subgroup of borderline personality disorder patients who have comorbid NPD/BPD. Findings on comorbidity, attachment status, capacity for mentalization, and level of personality organization of borderline patients with comorbid NPD/BPD, compared with borderline patients without comorbid narcissistic pathology (BPD), are presented. Clinical implications of the observed group differences are discussed, with a focus on refinements in the technique of TFP. Clinical case material is presented to illustrate the specific challenges posed by narcissistic patients to carrying out TFP in each phase of treatment.  相似文献   

We examined the differences between narcissism, mode of defense, and level of aggression on the Rorschach. We also investigated differences in borderline, narcissistic, and Cluster C personality disorders by examining responses to Rorschach content variables. The Lerner Defense Scale (P. Lerner & H. Lerner, 1980), the aggressive content section of the Holt (1977) method for assessing primary process manifestations, a modified version of Exner's (1986a) Egocentricity Index, Wagner's (1965) exhibitionistic M score, and grandiosity were scored on the Rorschach protocols of 17 borderline, I7 narcissistic, and 17 Cluster C personality disorders. Borderlines were found to employ primitive defensive structures to a greater degree and severity, show more intense and overall aggression as welt as more responses on the three forms of aggression in the Holt method, and have higher levels of grandiosity. Narcissists evinced significantly higher levels of egocentricity than borderlines and higher levels of idealization than the Cluster C group. Convergent validity was found on the measures of defense and aggression, which showed a strong relationship between primitive aggression and primitive defense.  相似文献   

Borderline personality disorder and externalizing disorders are associated with suicide-related behaviors. The present study examined whether symptoms of borderline personality disorder mediate the relationship between externalizing disorders and suicide-related behaviors. Diagnostic interviews were administered to 344 participants (n = 233 women). Results indicated that symptoms of antisocial personality disorder, alcohol use disorders, and drug use disorders each were significantly associated with suicide threats and self-injurious behavior in women and symptoms of antisocial personality disorder were associated with suicide attempts in women. With the exception of the association between symptoms of alcohol dependence and self-injurious behaviors, borderline personality disorder symptoms mediated or partially mediated all associations between externalizing disorders and suicide-related behaviors in women. These results highlight the importance of assessment and treatment of borderline personality disorder symptoms in individuals with externalizing disorders, particularly in the presence of suicide-related behaviors.
Lisa M. JamesEmail:

IntroductionFour studies have found a smaller amygdalar volume in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) relative to controls, whereas four other studies have found similar amygdalar volume in BPD patients relative to controls. This study aims to compare amygdalar volumes of BPD patients with controls, and also to compare BPD patients with and without post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with controls in order to determine whether PTSD can explain the heterogeneity of findings.MethodSystematic review and meta-analysis of magnetic resonance imaging studies that measured amygdalar volumes in BPD patients and healthy controls.FindingsA significant reduction of amygdalar volumes in BPD patients was confirmed (p < .001). However, data from the studies that discriminated BPD patients with and without PTSD indicated that amygdalar volumes were significantly smaller in BPD patients without PTSD relative to controls (left: p = .02; right: p = .05), but not in BPD patients with PTSD relative to controls (left: p = .08; right: p = .20).ConclusionThis meta-analysis suggests that amygdalar volumes are reduced in patients with BPD. This pattern is confirmed in BPD patients without PTSD, but not in BPD patients with PTSD, raising the possibility that reduced amygdalar volume in BPD patients cannot be explained by comorbid PTSD.  相似文献   

Substantial research has investigated the association between intelligence and psychopathic traits. The findings to date have been inconsistent and have not always considered the multidimensional nature of psychopathic traits. Moreover, there has been a tendency to confuse psychopathy with other closely related, clinically significant disorders. The current study represents a meta‐analysis conducted to evaluate the direction and magnitude of the association of intelligence with global psychopathy, as well as its factors and facets, and related disorders (i.e. antisocial personality disorder, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder). Our analyses revealed a small, significant, negative relationship between intelligence and total psychopathy (r = ?.07, p = .001). Analysis of factors and facets found differential associations, including both significant positive (e.g. interpersonal facet) and negative (e.g. affective facet) associations, further affirming that psychopathy is a multidimensional construct. Additionally, intelligence was negatively associated with antisocial personality disorder (r = ?.13, p = .001) and conduct disorder (r = ?.13, p = .001) but positively with oppositional defiant disorder (r = .06, p = .001). There was significant heterogeneity across studies for most effects, but the results of moderator analyses were inconsistent. Finally, bias analyses did not find significant evidence for publication bias or outsized effects of outliers. © 2019 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

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