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实验采用类比推理的经典四项比例式"A:B::C:D",选择两种有难度差异的类推题目(同形、反义)作为实验任务,用情绪图片诱发情绪,采用事件相关电位(event-related potentials,ERPs)技术,探究欲求(高动机强度)、愉悦(低动机强度)和中性情绪影响类比推理的差异及脑机制。结果发现:(1)图式生成阶段:N400、P300和LNC被诱发,情绪在LNC上的主效应不显著;(2)类比映射阶段:N400和LNC成分被诱发,情绪在LNC上的主效应显著。LNC幅值:欲求情绪(高动机强度)愉悦情绪(低动机强度)中性情绪。结果表明情绪对类比推理的影响主要发生在类比映射阶段。不同趋近动机强度的积极情绪均会降低推理质量,延长推理的反应时,部分支持情绪的动机维度模型。  相似文献   

通过控制负性情绪的不同回避动机强度,采用经典四项比例式的推理任务,探究不同回避动机强度的负性情绪对类比推理的影响。研究结果发现:(1)不同回避动机强度的负性情绪(悲伤和恐惧)均会导致推理任务的正确率下降;(2)在低回避动机强度情绪(悲伤)下完成推理任务的反应时比高回避动机强度情绪(恐惧)下更长。结论:不同回避动机强度的负性情绪均会对类比推理产生消极作用,高回避动机强度的负性情绪下完成推理任务的速度更快,但正确率较低,这可能是由于注意窄化和情绪的动机强度通过工作记忆影响了推理过程。  相似文献   

实验通过“A:B::C:D”范式, 采用事件相关电位技术, 考察了语言类比推理的神经机制。实验结果显示:图式生成阶段诱发出N400和P300成分, 反映了类比源域的词对概念通达和词对关系抽取的加工过程; 类比映射阶段诱发出N400和晚期负成分LNC, 反映了类比目标域前项词汇概念意义的激活, 以及将已获取的图式关系类比映射于目标域, 并进行推理的加工过程。研究结果表明, 语言类比推理的神经机制复杂, 牵涉到一系列认知加工步骤; LNC成分与类比映射阶段的加工关系密切, 其波幅和头皮分布的广泛性情况与类比映射关系的复杂程度成正比。  相似文献   

考察趋近动机强度的积极情绪和回避动机强度的消极情绪与工作记忆协调性对自我控制的影响。结果发现,与高趋近动机的积极情绪、高回避动机的消极情绪以及中性情绪相比,在低趋近动机的积极情绪下完成言语工作记忆以及在低回避动机的消极情绪下完成空间工作记忆,工作记忆成绩提高,而Stroop分数降低。这表明情绪与工作记忆的协调性受到情绪动机强度的影响,只有在低动机强度情绪时才表现出情绪与工作记忆类型的协调性,这种协调性会节省自我控制资源,促进自我控制加工。  相似文献   

考察趋近动机强度不同的积极情绪和回避动机强度不同的消极情绪与工作记忆的协调性对自我控制任务的影响。结果发现,与高趋近动机的积极情绪、高回避动机的消极情绪以及中性情绪相比,在低趋近动机的积极情绪下完成言语工作记忆以及在低回避动机的消极情绪下完成空间工作记忆,工作记忆成绩提高,而Stroop分数降低,这表明情绪与工作记忆的协调性受到情绪动机强度的影响。  相似文献   

采用自我报告和生理反馈法,从强度、纯度、时间进程三方面考察图片、音乐、电影和回忆四种常用情绪诱发方法诱发出的高兴、激动、悲伤和恐惧四种不同维度的情绪的有效性。得出结论:(1)总体上,音乐诱发情绪的强度最高,图片最低;在积极情绪中,音乐诱发的强度普遍较高,图片较低;消极情绪中,回忆诱发的强度普遍较高,音乐较低。(2)音乐诱发情绪的纯度较高,图片较低。(3)效价和激活度不同,情绪的时间进程不同,高兴能持续将近1分钟,激动能持续2分30秒,悲伤能持续1分30秒,而恐惧能持续2分钟。  相似文献   

该研究以几何图形作为实验材料,测定14名硕士研究生在完成两种类比推理任务(大小变化和颜色变化)和其基线任务时的事件相关电位(ERP),探讨类比推理过程的脑内时程动态变化。研究发现,两种推理任务所诱发的波形基本一致,而推理任务与其基线任务之间的ERP波形存在显著差异,两种基线任务之间的ERP波形也存在显著差异;类比推理的加工过程是有阶段性的,即编码潍断、映射、得出结论,研究结果进一步支持了Sternberg的成分理论;推断和映射这两个类比推理所特有的加工阶段都有其对应的脑机制,图式推断阶段主要激活的是前额皮层和双侧的顶叶皮层,类比映射和调整阶段主要激活的是左半球的颞叶、额叶和中央顶。  相似文献   

小学生对情绪社会调节作用的理解   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
考察了小学二、四、六年级学生对情绪社会调节作用理解的特点.结果表明:小学生认为愤怒、悲伤和恐惧情绪标志着表达者不同的人际地位,会诱发接受者不同的情绪和后继行为:愤怒情绪标志着表达者的支配地位,会诱发出接受者的恐惧情绪和道歉认错行为;悲伤和恐惧标志着表达者的非支配地位,会诱发出接受者的悲伤情绪和目标恢复行为,恐惧情绪有时还会诱发接受者的高兴情绪.在对愤怒、悲伤和恐惧情绪反映表达者的社会目标的理解上,没有差异,都反映了表达者期待接受者采取目标恢复的社会行为.高年级学生在区分不同情绪表达的支配性以及诱发接受者的情绪上,存在着差别;低年级学生对接受者的后继行为的理解存在着差异.  相似文献   

情绪状态对大学生条件推理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林珠梅 《心理学探新》2011,31(3):219-222
采用不同情绪效价的电影片断诱发大学生不同的情绪,并运用眼动仪器记录条件推理的过程和结果,探讨了不同情绪状态对条件推理的影响状况。实验采用3(情绪组别:积极情绪、消极情绪、中性情绪)×4(推理形式:MP、DA、AC、MT)的混合实验设计。研究结果发现,中性情绪状态下的条件推理成绩显著地高于积极和消极情绪状态,结果支持抑制假说。  相似文献   

在社会交往中, 判断情绪刺激与自我和他人的相关程度对于情绪加工十分重要。本研究利用ERPs技术, 要求被试默读相继呈现的名字(自我、朋友和陌生人)和情绪性词汇(积极、中性和消极), 考察自我相关信息影响情绪词汇加工的动态时间特征及二者的整合机制。结果发现, 在情绪词汇加工早期, 消极词汇相比积极和中性词汇诱发了波幅更大的EPN。在加工晚期, 消极词汇相比中性词汇诱发波幅更小的N400, 并相对中性和积极词汇诱发更大的LPP。更为重要的是, 在LPP时间窗出现情绪效价和自我相关性的交互作用:与自我名字相关的消极词汇比中性词汇诱发了波幅更大的LPP, 与朋友名字相关的消极词汇比中性和积极词汇诱发了波幅更大的LPP, 而与陌生名字相关的各类词汇诱发的LPP波幅无显著差异。该研究表明, 个体对情绪信息非常敏感, 随着加工的深入会体现出不同的认知过程, 并且会根据自我相关性进行过滤, 在加工晚期与自我相关信息进行整合, 表现出自我和朋友相关的消极情绪的加工优势。  相似文献   

Emotions influence cognitive processes involved in memory. While some research has suggested that cognitive scope is determined by affective valence, recent models of emotion–cognition interactions suggest that motivational intensity, rather than valence, influences these processes. The present research was designed to clarify how negative affects differing in motivational intensity impact memory for centrally or peripherally presented information. Experiments 1 & 2 found that, relative to a neutral condition, high intensity negative affect (anger) enhances memory for centrally presented information. Experiment 3 replicated this effect using another high intensity negative affect (threat). Experiment 4 extended this by finding that, relative to a neutral condition, low intensity negative affect (sadness) enhanced memory for peripherally presented information. Finally, in Experiment 5, the effects of sadness and threat on scope of memory were directly compared, finding that threat narrowed scope of memory, while sadness broadened scope of memory. Together, these results provide additional support for the motivational dimensional model of cognitive scope, in that high intensity emotions narrow cognitive scope, while low intensity emotions broaden cognitive scope.  相似文献   

In a recent study (Gilead et al., 2016), perspective taking (PT) was found to have a significant effect on affect ratings of negative pictures compared to neutrals. The current study explores the question whether PT would be affected equally by distinct negative emotions. We used neutral pictures and pictures classified as provoking sadness or disgust, matched for their intensity and arousal. Participants were asked to rate the pictures (on a scale from 1—no emotional reaction, to 5—very strong reaction) from 3 different perspectives - tough, sensitive, or their own – “me”. In Experiment 1, all pictures were mixed in the same blocks. In Experiment 2, the sad and disgust pictures were separated into two different blocks (each including neutrals). Both experiments showed significant interaction between PT and emotion. PT was found to be influenced by valence; however, distinct negative emotions were found to affect PT similarly.  相似文献   

Differences in the processing of emotions like fear and sadness have important implications for our understanding of many psychological phenomena (e.g., attentional biases, psychopathology). The late positive potential (LPP) is an established event-related potential that reflects motivated attention to emotional stimuli at the neural level with excellent temporal resolution, but has been infrequently used to study differences across emotions. Drawing on functional theories of emotion suggesting that the quick processing of fear-inducing stimuli increases chances of survival, we hypothesized that fear-inducing pictures would produce larger LPP amplitudes compared to other emotions (happy and sad) in the early time windows of the LPP (e.g., 400–700, 700–1000 ms). The results supported our hypothesis, offering new, albeit preliminary, evidence of the differential processing of threat-related stimuli on the LPP.  相似文献   

王振宏  李娜 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1047-1053
通过对不同情绪唤醒状态下的心率变异性(HRV)和呼吸性窦性心率不齐(RSA)分析,探讨了积极情绪加速高唤醒消极情绪引起的心血管反应向基线恢复的自主神经活动机制。实验表明:与在观看高唤醒恐惧影片结束后观看悲伤影片和中性视频比较,观看高唤醒恐惧影片结束后观看快乐影片加速了高唤醒恐惧影片引起的心率、指脉等心血管反应向基线的恢复;与在观看高唤醒恐惧影片结束后观看悲伤视频和中性视频材料比较,观看高唤醒恐惧影片结束观看快乐影片后的恢复期,被试的迷走神经激活水平迅速增强,迷走神经激活水平甚至超过基线期。因此,积极情绪加速高唤醒消极情绪刺激引起的心血管反应向基线恢复,其自主神经活动机制是在积极情绪状态下个体有更强的迷走神经激活。  相似文献   

The present study examined the effect of worry versus relaxation and neutral thought activity on both physiological and subjective responding to positive and negative emotional stimuli. Thirty-eight participants with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and 35 nonanxious control participants were randomly assigned to engage in worry, relaxation, or neutral inductions prior to sequential exposure to each of four emotion-inducing film clips. The clips were designed to elicit fear, sadness, happiness, and calm emotions. Self reported negative and positive affect was assessed following each induction and exposure, and vagal activity was measured throughout. Results indicate that worry (vs. relaxation) led to reduced vagal tone for the GAD group, as well as higher negative affect levels for both groups. Additionally, prior worry resulted in less physiological and subjective responding to the fearful film clip, and reduced negative affect in response to the sad clip. This suggests that worry may facilitate avoidance of processing negative emotions by way of preventing a negative emotional contrast. Implications for the role of worry in emotion avoidance are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have identified two powerful ways to regulate emotional responses to a stressor: experiencing incidental positive emotions and using cognitive reappraisal to reframe the stressor. Several cognitive and motivational theories of positive emotion support the formulation that incidental positive emotions may facilitate cognitive reappraisal. To test the separate and interacting effects of positive emotions and cognitive reappraisal, we first adapted an established picture-based reappraisal paradigm by interspersing blocks of positive emotion inducing and neutral pictures. Across two pre-registered studies (Studies 1, 2), reappraisal effectively decreased self-reported negative emotions and increased self-reported positive emotions; however, experiencing incidental positive emotions did not facilitate reappraisal success. In another preregistered study (Study 3), we employed a more powerful positive emotion induction via virtual reality (VR), used a social stress anticipation task, and instructed participants to reappraise the anticipated stressor positively. Although there was a robust effect of the positive emotion induction (relative to the neutral induction) on feeling more positive emotions throughout stress anticipation, the results again indicated that incidental positive emotions did not facilitate cognitive reappraisal. We propose that incidental positive emotions and cognitive reappraisal may constitute separate pathways of influence when regulating one's responses to negative events.  相似文献   

One of the main difficulties in the study of emotion is the induction of a real emotional response by means of artificial techniques. The aim of the current study is to validate the Spanish version of a set of films with the capacity to induce emotions (PIE) under laboratory conditions and to analyze its capacity to provoke differentiated basic emotions. A sample of 127 subjects took part in the study; 57 excerpts of Spanish-dubbed films with capacity in previous studies to induce 7 emotions: anger, fear, sadness, disgust, amusement, tenderness, and neutral emotion were used. Subjective emotional response was measured using the Self-Assessment Manikins and the Discrete Emotions Questionnaire. Films included showed a good capacity to induce positive and negative affects, high levels of emotional activation and variations in the perception of emotional control. They induced basic emotions of amusement and fear in a differentiated way. However, sadness and disgust could not be significantly differentiated from anger; or anger and tenderness from sadness. The PIE could be a useful tool for the experimental research of emotions in Spanish populations.  相似文献   

When the association between emotion and well-being is being considered, positive emotions usually come to mind. However, negative emotions serve important adaptive functions and particular negative emotions may be especially adaptive at different stages of adult development. We examined the associations between self-reported negative emotions in response to an emotionally neutral, thematically ambiguous film and subjective well-being among 76 young (age 20-29), 73 middle-aged (age 40-49), and 73 older (age 60-69) adults. Results indicated that higher self-reported anger in response to the film was associated with higher well-being for middle-aged adults, but not for young and older adults. Higher self-reported sadness in response to the film was associated with higher well-being for older adults, but not for young and middle-aged adults. These findings were stronger for cognitive well-being (i.e., satisfaction with life) than for affective well-being (i.e., ratio of dispositional positive to negative affect) and were specific to these emotions (not found for self-reported disgust or fear) and to the emotionally neutral film (not found for sad or disgusting films). Results are discussed in terms of the functions that anger and sadness are thought to serve and the control opportunities afforded in midlife and late life that render these functions differentially adaptive.  相似文献   

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