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This paper describes a software system called PLE that is designed to turn a Data General Corporation computer system into a sophisticated infinite-channel tachistoscope. We describe hardware and software characteristics of the PLE system and evaluate its performance in comparison to a typical tachistoscope. Additionally, we describe two example experiments that have been implemented in the PLE system.  相似文献   

A microcomputer system for real-time control of experiments in cognitive psychology is described. The microcomputer serves as an interface that allows a remote timesharing computer to control the timed display of textual material on CRTs and collect response times accurate to 1 msec. It can control two CRT subject stations presenting the same or different experiments and control other devices such as slide projectors and tape recorders. It is argued that such special-purpose microcomputer interfaces provide a real-time laboratory with significantly less effort than does the more traditional laboratory minicomputer.  相似文献   

This paper describes outlines of the TYMES software system designed and developed to control complicated experiments in the behavior laboratory. A versatile programming language is adopted to perform a wide range of real-time data manipulations and interactive controls based on a PDP-11 small computer.  相似文献   

The hardware and system software of the Apple Macintosh computer are described, and their implications for conducting psychological research is discussed. A library of machine language routines for presenting auditory and visual stimuli and recording response latencies is described.  相似文献   

The FOCLAB system, a dialect of FOCAL, provides complete real-time experiment control and data acquisition capabilities in the area of experimental psychology. The language provides digital and analog input/output, graphics (including alphanumerics) on a refresh CRT, and a powerful set of time measurement operations. With these facilities FOCAL may be used in cognitive and operant, as well as psychophysiological research. FOCLAB will operate with either PDP-8 or PDP-12 systems, and can control most of the currently existing lab interface options for these computers. The system will operate on 8K core-only machines, as well as under OS/8.  相似文献   

Procedures are described for the IBM PC/AT and compatibles that measure an event’s duration with millisecond accuracy and that synchronize stimulus presentation with the vertical-retrace signal. The software is written in Turbo Pascal (Versions 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0; Borland International, Inc., 1984, 1985, 1987). Difficulties reflecting differences among video controller cards are also presented.  相似文献   

Interactive on-line experiments provide a unique and useful method for communicating material to students that is otherwise cumbersome and often confusing. The Java programming language is particularly suited for Internet-based programming applications of this sort because it bypasses many technical issues, including resource availability, security, and cross-platform compatibility. In most cases, topics appropriate to this medium of presentation should (1) not be easily demonstrated by other means, (2) represent an important finding in the field, and (3) be robust with respect to variations in both participants and equipment. The present paper outlines the integration of interactive experiments into an introductory cognitive psychology classroom, describing several experiments currently available on the World-Wide Web (WWW). Evaluation of the technical aspects of the technology as well as expansion of the format to other courses is discussed.  相似文献   

A flexible computer system for research and teaching experiments in psychology is described. Special features of the system include (1) separate phases for the generation and running of experiments, (2) facilities to control presentation of stimuli according to any factorial design, and (3) different modes of operation depending on the prior knowledge of the users. The system is evaluated both in terms of the range of experiments that can be performed and in terms of the time and effort required to create new experiments or modify old ones. General principles for designing interactive systems are discussed in the light of experiences with this particular system.  相似文献   

A high-level language program to obtain the bootstrap-corrected asymptotic distribution-free (ADF) test statistic proposed by Yung and Bentler (1994) is reviewed. The program uses the Gauss-Newton algorithm, first to obtain the ADF test statistic from the raw data, and second, to achieve the corrected test statistic from 500 independent bootstrap samples. A generator of nonnormal random samples was also implemented, according to the algorithms of Fleishman (1978) and Vale and Maurelli (1983), which permits the realization of Monte Carlo simulations. Furthermore, the open nature of the program facilitates the inclusion of new procedures as well as the possibility of increased control of the procedures, variables, and equations.  相似文献   

This paper describes an all-purpose experimental system, “APES,” for use in a microprocessor-controlled behavioral pharmacology laboratory. APES is an assembly language program that can run on any of the DEC PDP-11 family processors under an RT-11 single-job operating system. Its main purpose is the real-time control of psychological experimentation. The capabilities of the system are: (1) system generation of all operant or Pavlovian conditioning paradigms, (2) collection and storage of both behavioral and physiological data in a machine-readable format for later statistical analysis, and (3) operation that can be accomplished by individuals who have no computer programming experience.  相似文献   

The sensation-seeking motive was first operationalized by Zuckerman, Kolin, Price, and Zoob (1964) with the development of the Sensation-Seeking Scale (SSS). One area of applied research in which the SSS has been used is the study of volunteering. In this area, evidence suggests that high-sensation seekers volunteer for exciting activities more often than low-sensation seekers, but not for unexciting activities. However, a problem with this research is that no empirical data has been obtained related to the subject's belief of the exciting nature of the activities. In this study, college students were given the most recent form of the SSS and were asked to volunteer for either or both of two studies. SSS scores were higher, p less than .05, for volunteers than for nonvolunteers for a study that subjects rated as exciting, but did not differ for a study that subjects rated as unexciting. This demonstrates that volunteers for exciting studies, but not volunteers for unexciting studies, tend to be higher sensation seekers than nonvolunteers.  相似文献   

Data previously reported from successful replications of 9 famous experiments (Zwaan et al., 2018) were re-analysed. Rather than the null hypothesis significance tests performed in the original study, this study performed a pervasiveness analysis, which examined the number of people in the original samples that demonstrated the effect each experiment is renowned for. Seven of the 9 experiments were shown to exceed the pervasiveness threshold adopted in this study. That is, in each of these 7 experiments, over 80% of participants demonstrated the target effect, indicating support for Zwaan et al.’s claim that these effects are robust. The remaining 2 experiments (Repetition Priming and Shape Simulation) did not meet this pervasiveness criterion, casting doubt on the reproducibility of these effects. The pervasiveness analysis was demonstrated to be a useful adjunct to traditional forms of analysis because it provides information directly relevant to claims about the reproducibility of psychological effects.  相似文献   

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