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The Operant Package for the Neurosciences (OPN) is a software system that runs on the TRS-80 Model I and Model III and the Apple II+ and Apple lie microcomputers. It is designed to allow a single microcomputer to control behavioral experiments in up to eight different stations, record experimental data, and provide detailed data analysis. Although segments of the program are written in BASIC, allowing users to interact with OPN in a simple English question-and-answer format, the part that provides real-time experimental control is written in Z-80 assembly language. The present report describes in detail assembly language algorithms that we found to facilitate speed of processing and flexibility of control. Particular problems dealt with how to update and change flag variables controlling the reinforcement contingencies and output conditions in each station, as well as how to decide when each station should shift contingencies. The solutions to these problems utilize byte-oriented parallel processing strategies, converting serially organized reference information for each station into a group of working flag bytes that control contingency and output variables for all stations in parallel.  相似文献   

This paper presents the ways in which psychology departments are using microcomputers for instruction, the types of facilities that they are using, and the varieties of hardware that they employ. These data are related to other data reported over the past 10 years. In addition, a summary of the types of software currently available in all areas of psychology is presented, and areas in which there is a need for further software development are identified. The information reviewed in this paper was compiled from the current software listings available through COMPSYCH, as well as the results of a survey distributed to registered users of COMPSYCH who hold academic positions.  相似文献   

Ongoing development of a series of laboratory modules for experimental psychology courses is described. The modules are designed to be implemented on a network of TRS-80 microcomputers, which are linked by a Network 3 controller. Within each module, the computer controls stimulus events, records individual data, probes the student for understanding of experimental concepts, and tabulates the class data. In addition to a discussion of the modules and their software implementation, the required hardware is described.  相似文献   

Characteristics of microcomputers are described affecting suitability for low-cost laboratory network use. Assuming a network of small microcomputers with interfaces for applications and a larger one for program development, 6502-based hobbyist computers appear cheapest at this time, while microcomputers imitating minicomputers have the best hardware and software support.  相似文献   

The recent proliferation of time-shared terminals, computers, and instructional software is producing a dramatic change in undergraduate education in psychology. Although computers have been used for many years in research in psychology, their use as instructional alternatives only recently has been thrust upon the academic community, a development for which many faculty-even experienced computer users—are ill prepared. The use of computers and microcomputers in instruction can provide the instructor, and more importantly, the student, with an effective pedagogical tool. However, computers cannot be introduced into the curriculum in a piecemeal or haphazard fashion. In this paper, issues involved in the effective introduction and use of computers in teaching are outlined.  相似文献   

The literature reveals limited use of the microcomputer in special education, although empirical evidence exists which supports the claims of accelerated learning via microcomputers. Limited special education use of microcomputers is approached in this article from the position that the educational domain is lagging behind business and industry regarding technological change-over. This 'lag' is questioned in regard to administrator roles. Administrators and special service professionals are encouraged to make changes that could benefit the educational system. Guidelines are provided for incorporating microcomputers into the special education curriculum.  相似文献   

The increasing sophistication of laboratory microcomputers has brought an attendant need for efficient programming systems. One such system, UCSD PASCAL, has been made commercially available as an adaptable package for many popular microcomputers. This paper addresses the implementation of UCSD PASCAL and describes a powerful extension of the package to use a host timesharing system as a virtual floppy-disk facility.  相似文献   

Twenty-three BASIC language programs have been written to allow the TRS-80 and other microcomputers to perform most of the classical experiments normally used in teaching a laboratory course in experimental psychology. Most programs allow experiments to be run as though the computer was the specialized apparatus normally used. This facilitates a realistic and interactive learning experience for the students.  相似文献   

The availability of low-cost microcomputers has been accompanied by the development of many inexpensive peripheral devices. The recent introduction of digitizers and plotters for use with microcomputers makes new research designs and instructional applications possible. This paper reports the characteristics and applications of one plotter and three digitizers of reasonably low cost. The application of digitizers in obtaining individual responses, quantifying data, preparing stimuli, and translating stimuli into machine-readable form is discussed. The application of plotters to hands-on instruction in data analysis and stimulus preparation is presented.  相似文献   

Much interest is being expressed in schools across the nation about the use of microcomputers to improve the delivery of special and regular education services. With this interest has come the need to evaluate educational programs utilizing microcomputers so that decisions about program improvement and expansion can be made. This paper discusses the evaluation of special education programs that incorporate microcomputers as a major instructional tool.  相似文献   

An interface, controlled by a Z-80 central processor, that plugs into the PET microcomputer’s IEEE-488 port is described. This interface is capable of controlling 48 separate 28-V dc output signals, six of which are high current. Sixteen inputs (switch closures) can be accepted by the interface. Data tagged with real-time information are output automatically to cassette tape in PET format. This PET interface system is designed to accommodate a single experimental station.  相似文献   

Each upgrade of computer hardware usually requires the development of new programming systems for psychological experimentation. Developing new software means learning a new system and unlearning an old one. To minimize this problem, a set of subroutine calls, derived from the Apple Psych system, can be implemented with different dialects of Pascal on different microcomputers.  相似文献   

Microcomputers represent a complex educational innovation requiring a planned change approach to program implementation. In this paper, the AVICTORY approach, a framework for assessing organizational readiness for microcomputers, is delineated. A case illustration is presented to demonstrate the relevance of the approach and a strategy for operationalizing and measuring organizational readiness is provided. Activities which may facilitate school readiness for microcomputers are also discussed.  相似文献   

It is fairly straightforward to write a small program for a small computer, even using a relatively slow and unstructured language such as BASIC. However, current experiments in psychopharmacology require the system integration and data management services provided by large programs running on 256K microcomputers, and the efficient development of such programs requires the use of structured languages such as Pascal.  相似文献   

This paper briefly considers the differences between minicomputers and microcomputers and the implications of these differences for data-generating simulations. The important difference is that between a timesharing and a single-user system. Finally, a hybrid model of survey research is presented. This model has some unusual features and is suitable for either type of computer.  相似文献   

Although many researchers wishing to use the World-Wide Web for academic purposes rely on centralized Web services, they should be aware that it is neither expensive nor difficult to operate their own server. Doing so provides research-related benefits such as complete control over their host name and documents provided, the guaranteed ability to execute common gateway interface and server-side include programs, immediate access to their collected data, and the ability to better control who participates in their experiments. This paper surveys Web-server software features likely to be of interest to psychologists and conceptually summarizes their operation and use. The basic steps required to set up a Web server on popular microcomputers are reviewed, and security issues concerning Web-server operation are discussed. An accompanying resource Web page can assist users in setting up their own servers.  相似文献   

This article proposes a multidisciplinary alternative framework to the classical model of the diffusion of innovations, to analyze the potential uses of microcomputers for development. The emphasis on the indigenous knowledge systems translates a paradigm shift in the analysis of technology transfer. This shift requires the integration of the user’s knowledge as the condition of the adoption of the innovation. Expert systems based on indigenous knowledge can help make this shift possible if they are used to understand the cognitive processes of the indigenous knowledge, rather than to mimic their performance. where he has been a visiting scholar since October 1990. He has conducted research about the economics and sociology of agricultural production in China and Venezuela. Since 1990, his research focused on the uses of microcomputers for development, under contract for the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations. His interest for the microcomputer technology broadened in 1992 with a new research project on the social history of this technology in the U.S. This article is based on a lecture delivered at the Center for Indigenous Knowledge for Agriculture and Rural Development (CIKARD), Iowa State University, March 18, 1991.  相似文献   

An overview of the various uses of microcomputers in the elementary reading program. Classroom instruction programs are described. Diagnostic, record keeping, and planning functions of microcomputers are explained. Program evaluation guides are suggested and sources of evaluations and reviews are given. Resources available for classroom teachers who wish to begin with microcomputers in reading are provided.  相似文献   

A hardware and software interface system from International Data and Acquisition and Control, Inc. (IDAC) is reviewed. The IDAC system comes with spreadsheet software compatible for either Macintosh or IBM microcomputers. I prefer to use the IDAC hardware with my own software written in TrueBasic and spreadsheet macros. The entire system is easy to use and is currently in use for our undergraduate Learning Laboratory.  相似文献   

The instructional power of experimental models was recognized by the significant effort directed toward the development of EXPER SIM at several institutions. Owing to a number of factors, interest in these tools appeared to wane. The price/performance characteristics of some new microcomputers suggested that a rekindling of interest in the use of modeling as an inquiry/problem solving tool could possibly be achieved if the large timesharing versions could be successfully migrated to one or more popular micros. We have partially achieved these objectives, having both transported EXPER SIM to the LSI-11 computer and developed, tested, documented, and evaluated many new models in sensory, personality, and social psychology and psychobiology. In addition, we have begun devising techniques to migrate a version to the Apple II and III microcomputers.  相似文献   

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