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Shape constancy and slant perception at birth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Slater  V Morison 《Perception》1985,14(3):337-344
Two experiments are described the object of which was to investigate whether perception of shape at birth is determined solely by proximal (retinal) stimulation, or whether newborn babies have the ability to perceive objective, real shape across changes in slant. In experiment 1 looking at (ie preference for) one stimulus, a square, when paired with either of two trapeziums, was found to change in a consistent manner with changes in slant, indicating that these changes in stimulation are detected and can cause considerable changes in looking behaviour. In experiment 2 newborns were desensitized to changes in slant during familiarization trials, and subsequently strongly preferred a different shape to the familiarized shape in a new orientation. This suggests that the real shape had been perceived as invariant across the retinal changes caused by the changes in slant, and further suggests that shape constancy is an organizing feature of perception which is present at birth.  相似文献   

We argue that the experimental conditions in the Durgin et al. (2009) study were so different from those in Bhalla and Proffitt (1999) that the results of the former study cannot be generalized to the latter. The participants in the Durgin et al. study viewed a 2-m-long ramp; those in Bhalla and Proffitt viewed expansive hills. When drawing generalizations from one study to another, equating experimental conditions is always important; moreover, from an embodied perspective on perception, equating the opportunities for action also matters.  相似文献   

Witt JK  Proffitt DR 《Perception》2007,36(2):249-257
Perceived slant is grossly overestimated, such that 5 degrees hills look to be about 20 degrees. However, overestimation is found only in visual and verbal measures of apparent slant; action measures are accurate. This dissociation is consistent with several lines of research that suggest that there exist two perceptual processes, one for visually guided actions and another for explicit awareness. However, studies in other contexts have shown that analogous effects can be the result of differences in the task demands associated with the responses themselves as opposed to the processes underlying the responses. Two experiments are reported in which these alternatives were tested. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that two perceptual processes underlie the dissociation between explicit awareness and visuomotor assessments of perceived slant.  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, it was shown that hills appear steeper to people who are encumbered by wearing a heavy backpack (Experiment 1), are fatigued (Experiment 2), are of low physical fitness (Experiment 3), or are elderly and/or in declining health (Experiment 4). Visually guided actions are unaffected by these manipulations of physiological potential. Although dissociable, the awareness and action systems were also shown to be interconnected. Recalibration of the transformation relating awareness and actions was found to occur over long-term changes in physiological potential (fitness level, age, and health) but not with transitory changes (fatigue and load). Findings are discussed in terms of a time-dependent coordination between the separate systems that control explicit visual awareness and visually guided action.  相似文献   

Linear transformations (shear or scale transformations) of either horizontal or vertical disparity give rise to the percept of slant or inclination. It has been proposed that the percept of slant induced by vertical size disparity, known as Ogle's induced-size effect, and the analogous induced-shear effect, compensate for scale and shear distortions arising from aniseikonia, eccentric viewing, and cyclodisparity. We hypothesised that these linear transformations of vertical disparity are processed more slowly than equivalent transformations of horizontal disparity (horizontal shear and size disparity). We studied the temporal properties of the stereoscopic slant and inclination percepts that arose when subjects viewed stereograms with various combinations of horizontal and vertical size or shear disparities. We found no evidence to support our hypothesis. There were no clear differences in the build-up of percepts of slant or inclination induced by step changes in horizontal size or shear disparity and those induced by step changes in vertical size or shear disparity. Perceived slant and inclination decreased in a similar manner with increasing temporal frequency for modulations of transformations of both horizontal and vertical disparity. Considerable individual differences were found and several subjects experienced slant reversal, particularly with oscillating stimuli. An interesting finding was that perceived slant induced by modulations of dilation disparity was in the direction of the vertical component. This suggests the vertical size disparity mechanism has a higher temporal bandwidth than the horizontal size disparity mechanism. However, conflicting perspective information may play a dominant role in determining the temporal properties of perceived slant and inclination.  相似文献   

Knowledge updating involves learning about cue effectiveness based on task experience. Priorresearch has yielded inconsistent conclusions regarding age and knowledge updating. To resolve this inconsistency, the authors analyzed the effects of aging within a single paradigm. Participants studied cue-target associates during 2 study-test trials. Cues included rhyme cues and highly effective category cues. On each study-test trial, different items were presented, and participants predicted recall performance, received a cued recall test, and postdicted performance. Knowledge updating was operationalized as an improvement in the accuracy of predictive judgments across trials. An age deficit was evident in improvements in absolute accuracy, whereas age equivalence was evident in relative accuracy. Evidence suggested that deficient inferential processes contributed to the age deficit in knowledge updating.  相似文献   

Backus BT  Banks MS 《Perception》1999,28(2):217-242
When a horizontal or vertical magnifier is placed before one eye, a frontoparallel surface appears slanted. It appears slanted away from the eye with horizontal magnification (geometric effect) and toward the eye with vertical magnification (induced effect). According to current theory, the apparent slant in the geometric and induced effects should increase with viewing distance. The geometric effect does scale with distance, but there are conflicting reports as to whether the induced effect does. Ogle (1938 Archives of Ophthalmology 20 604-623) reported that settings in slant-nulling tasks increase systematically with viewing distance, but Gillam et al (1988 Perception & Psychophysics 44 473-483) and Rogers et al (1995 Perception 24 Supplement, 33) reported that settings in slant-estimation tasks do not. We re-examined this apparent contradiction. First, we conducted two experiments whose results are consistent with the literature and thus replicate the apparent contradiction. Next, we analyzed the signals available for stereoscopic slant perception and developed a general model of perceived slant. The model is based on the assumption that the visual system knows the reliability of various slant-estimation methods for the viewing situation under consideration. The model's behavior explains the contradiction in the literature. The model also predicts that, by manipulating eye position, apparent slant can be made to increase with distance for vertical, but not for horizontal, magnification. This prediction was confirmed experimentally.  相似文献   

The Gollin test (measuring recognition thresholds for fragmented line drawings of everyday objects and animals) has traditionally been regarded as a test of incomplete figure perception or 'closure', though there is a debate about how such closure is achieved. Here, figural incompleteness is considered to be the result of masking, such that absence of contour elements of a fragmented figure is the result of the influence of an 'invisible' mask. It is as though the figure is partly obscured by a mask having parameters identical to those of the background. This mask is 'invisible' only consciously, but for the early stages of visual processing it is real and has properties of multiplicative noise. Incomplete Gollin figures were modeled as the figure covered by the mask with randomly distributed transparent and opaque patches. We adjusted the statistical characteristics of the contour image and empty noise patches and processed those using spatial and spatial-frequency measures. Across 73 figures, despite inter-subject variability, mean recognition threshold was always approximately 15% of total contour in naive observers. Recognition worsened with increasing spectral similarity between the figure and the 'invisible' mask. Near threshold, the spectrum of the fragmented image was equally similar to that of the 'invisible' mask and complete image. The correlation between spectral parameters of figures at threshold and complete figures was greatest for figures that were most easily recognised. Across test sessions, thresholds reduced when either figure or mask parameters were familiar. We argue that recognition thresholds for Gollin stimuli in part reflect the extraction of signal from noise.  相似文献   

Summary Linear retinal perspective as a cue for visual slant and shape is analyzed in terms of its geometrical and psychophysical properties. Geometrically, retinal perspective is defined as the visual-angle difference in the projective magnitudes of the near and far edges of slanted rectangles. The psychophysical effectiveness of retinal perspective is then determined in two experiments. In Experiment 1, the sensitivity of the eye to retinal perspective is shown to be inversely related to the visual-angle height of slanted rectangles which are rotated about a horizontal axis. In Experiment 2, the visual shape of monocularly observed slanted rectangles is shown to depend solely on a simple prediction derived from Weber's Law, in which it is assumed that perceived height is a linear function of visual-angle height.
Zusammenfassung Die geometrischen und psychophysischen Eigenschaften der linearen retinalen Perspektive wurden analysiert, um festzustellen, welchen Einfluß die Perspektive auf gesehene Schräge und Form hat. Geometrisch wird die retinale Perspektive als die Sehwinkeldifferenz in der projektiven Größe der näheren und ferneren Kante schräger Rechtecke definiert. Die psychophysische Wirksamkeit der retinalen Perspektive wurde an Hand zweier Experimente gemessen. Im ersten wurde gezeigt, daß die Sensitivität des Auges für die retinale Perspektive eine negative Funktion der Sehwinkelhöhe schräger Rechtecke ist, wenn diese um eine waagerechte Achse gedreht sind. Im zweiten Experiment wurde festgestellt, daß die Sehform einäugig betrachteter schräger Rechtecke von einer einfachen Ableitung des Weberschen Gesetzes abhängig ist, in der angenommen wird, daß die wahrgenommene Körperhöhe des Rechteckes eine lineare Funktion der Sehwinkelhöhe des Retinabildes ist.

These investigations were supported by research grants MH-08856 and MH-10,691 from the National Institute of Mental Health, United States Public Health Service. The advice of Robert Seibel in the calculations of the regression lines of Fig. 4, and the assistance of Robert Pasnak in the conduct of Experiment 2 are gratefully acknowledged. Technical assistance was rendered by J. L. Cohen, W. F. Garber, Martha Harsanyi, R. L. Kochman, S. Ludwig, and Judith Ann Muth.  相似文献   

To assess the development of monocular slant perception as well as the relative effectiveness of different sources of information, children in first, third, and fifth grades and college adults were asked to make judgments of surface slant on the basis of monocular texture gradient information. Accuracy of judgment increased with increasing age. In addition, differences in gradient effectiveness were found. Compression gradients were relatively ineffective sources of information, whereas perspective and multiple gradients resulted in greater accuracy. The results suggest limitations on the specificity of certain forms of gradients.  相似文献   

A regularly rotated shape was matched to given shapes set in the frontal parallel plane position, under conditions which yielded practically zero constancy. It was found that increases in the rate of rotation resulted in increases in the angular settings at which the subjects matched the rotating shape to the given standard shapes. Thus Langdon's (1951) experimental results were confirmed. However, since matches to the “real” shape also increased with increases in the rate of rotation, Langdon's interpretation of his experimental results is considered to be incorrect. Further theoretical discussion is advanced in support of this conclusion: namely, that regular rotation of a shape, viewed under conditions which usually yield zero constancy, does not restore constancy.  相似文献   

Under specified conditions a pair of simple shapes are matched by a subject when almost all supplementary textural and space cues of depth vision have been removed. Under such conditions it is found that shape constancy is no longer present. However, the effect of regular rotatory motion of the shape is sufficient to restore constancy in the continued absence of other cues. Degree of perceptual constancy appears to be correlated with rate of change of shape. It is suggested that an explanation of the phenomenon is to be sought along the lines of Michotte's concept of “object creation” rather than in terms of gradient variables.  相似文献   

Random dot stereograms of slanted surfaces were constructed, each representing one or two slanted surfaces in different relative arrangements and with different axes. Latency to fusion and from fusion to stereoscopic resolution was measured for each stimulus. It was found that latency to fusion was always very brief but that latency to stereoscopic resolution varied markedly, depending upon the orientation and arrangement of the stereoscopic surfaces. A gradient of discontinuities at a surface boundary produced an instant slant response for that surface, whereas a gradient of absolute disparities across the surface did not, except under conditions where vertical declination (a form of orientation disparity) was present. We conclude that stereopsis is not based on the primitives used in matching the images for fusion and that it is, at least initially, a response to disparity discontinuities which play no role in the fusion process. We also conclude that vertical declination is responded to globally as a slant around a horizontal axis but that other forms of orientation disparity are ineffective. The evidence from our experiments does not support the existence of a stereoscopic ability to respond globally to differences in magnification (or spatial frequency). It is suggested that stereoscopic perception of slant around a vertical axis is slow because it results from the integration of local processes.  相似文献   

When a figure moves behind a narrow aperture in an opaque surface, if it is perceived as a figure, its shape will often appear distorted. Under such anorthoscopic conditions, the speed or direction of the object's motion is ambiguous. However, when the observer simultaneously tracks a moving target, a figure is always perceived, and its precise shape is a function of the speed or direction of tracking. The figure is seen as moving with the speed or in the direction of the target. Thus, it is argued that eye movement serves as a cue to the figure's motion, which, in turn, determines its perceived length or orientation.  相似文献   

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