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Three experiments examined interference effects in concurrent temporal and nontemporal tasks. The timing task in each experiment required subjects to generate a series of 2- or 5-sec temporal productions. The nontemporal tasks were pursuit rotor tracking (Experiment 1), visual search (Experiment 2), and mental arithmetic (Experiment 3). Each nontemporal task had two levels of difficulty. All tasks were performed under both single- and dual-task conditions. A simple attentional allocation model predicts bidirectional interference between concurrent tasks. The main results showed the classic interference effect in timing. That is, the concurrent nontemporal tasks caused temporal productions to become longer (longer productions represent a shortening of perceived time) and/or more variable than did timing-only conditions. In general, the difficult version of each nontemporal task disrupted timing more than the easier version. The timing data also exhibited a serial lengthening effect, in which temporal productions became longer across trials. Nontemporal task performance showed a mixed pattern. Tracking and visual search were essentially unaffected by the addition of a timing task, whereas mental arithmetic was disrupted by concurrent timing. These results call for a modification of the attentional allocation model to incorporate the idea of specialized processing resources. Two major theoretical frameworks—multiple resource theory and the working memory model—are critically evaluated with respect to the resource demands of timing and temporal/ nontemporal dual-task performance.  相似文献   

Jiang and Wagner (2004) demonstrated that individual target-distractor associations were learned in contextual cuing. We examined whether individual associations can be learned in efficient visual searches that do not involve attentional deployment to individual search items. In Experiment 1, individual associations were not learned during the efficient search tasks. However, in Experiment 2, where additional exposure duration of the search display was provided by presenting placeholders marking future locations of the search items, individual associations were successfully learned in the efficient search tasks and transferred to inefficient search. Moreover, Experiment 3 demonstrated that a concurrent task requiring attention does not affect the learning of the local visual context. These results clearly showed that attentional deployment is not necessary for learning individual locations and clarified how the human visual system extracts and preserves regularity in complex visual environments for efficient visual information processing.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the effects of memory contents and memory load in rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) speeded tasks, trying to explain previous inconsistent results. We used a one target (Experiment 1) and a two-target (Experiment 2) RSVP task with a concurrent memory load of one or four items, in a dual-task paradigm. A relation between material in working memory and the target in the RSVP impaired the identification of the target. In Experiments 3 and 4, the single task was to determine whether any information in memory matched the target in the RSVP, while varying the memory load. A match was detected faster than a non-match, although only when there was some distance between targets in the RSVP (Experiment 4). The results suggest that memory contents automatically capture attention, slowing processing when the memory contents are irrelevant to the task, and speeding processing when they are relevant.  相似文献   

McLeod (1980) reported some findings which showed that no phase of a movement was more attention-demanding than the other phases, contrary to all the results previously reported (e.g., Ells, 1973; Glencross, 1980). However, McLeod used a paradigm in which the two tasks were serial. Each task consisted of a series of 50 reaction time (RT) trials and/or 50 aiming movement trials. In addition to this, the interval of time between a response and the following signal within each series was constant. In order to try to replicate McLeod’s findings, two experiments were conducted in which the response-signal interval was manipulated. The hypothesis was that time certainty associated with a constant interval would facilitate the allocation of time and would thus artificially reduce the interference between tasks. In Experiment I, manual responses were used for the RT task; in Experiment II, they were vocal. Manipulation of the response-signal interval does not change one of the conclusions reached by McLeod: when the RT task involves vocal responses and the results on the RT task are analyzed in terms of response rather than stimulus arrival during the movement, then there is no phase of the movement which is more attention-demanding than the other phases. However, the results of Experiment II in which both the vocal RT task and the movement task significantly deteriorated in the dual-task condition were taken as an indication that the movement studied involved central attentional demands.  相似文献   

McLeod (1980) reported some findings which showed that no phase of a movement was more attention-demanding than the other phases, contrary to all the results previously reported (e.g., Ells, 1973; Glencross, 1980). However, McLeod used a paradigm in which the two tasks were serial. Each task consisted of a series of 50 reaction time (RT) trials and/or 50 aiming movement trials. In addition to this, the interval of time between a response and the following signal within each series was constant. In order to try to replicated McLeod's findings, two experiments were conducted in which the response-signal interval was manipulated. The hypothesis was that time certainty associated with a constant interval would facilitate the allocation of time and would thus artificially reduce the interference between tasks. In Experiment 1, manual responses were used for the RT task; in Experiment II, they were vocal. Manipulation of the response-signal interval does not change one of the conclusions reached by McLeod: when the RT task involves vocal responses and the results on the RT task are analyzed in terms of response rather than stimulus arrival during the movement, then there is no phase of the movement which is more attention-demanding than the other phases. However, the results of Experiment II in which both the vocal RT task and the movement task significantly deteriorated in the dual-task condition were taken as an indication that the movement studied involved central attentional demands.  相似文献   

Individual differences in phonological learning and verbal STM span   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A relationship between phonological short-term memory tasks (e.g., nonword repetition, digit span) and vocabulary learning in both experimental and real-life conditions has been reported in numerous studies. A mechanism that would explain this correlation is, however, not known. The present study explores the possibility that it is the quality of phonological representations that affects both short-term recall and long-term learning of novel wordlike items. In Experiment 1, groups with relatively good and poor span for pseudowords were established. The good group was found to perform better at explicit memory tasks tapping the incidental learning of a limited stimulus pool used in an auditory immediate serial pseudoword recall task. In Experiment 2, the results of Experiment 1 were replicated when experience of correct recall was controlled. In Experiment 3, the immediate recall performance of the good group was found to benefit more than that of the poor group from syllable repetition within stimulus pools. It is concluded that the efficiency of a process that creates phonological representations is related both to short-term capacity for verbal items, and to long-term phonological learning of the structure of novel phonological items.  相似文献   

Learning sequential structures is of fundamental importance for a wide variety of human skills. While it has long been debated whether implicit sequence learning is perceptual or response-based, here we propose an alternative framework that cuts across this dichotomy and assumes that sequence learning rests on associative changes that can occur concurrently in distinct processing systems and support the parallel acquisition of multiple uncorrelated sequences. In three experiments we used a serial search task to test critical predictions of this framework. Experiments 1 and 2 showed that participants learnt uncorrelated sequences of auditory letters and manual responses, as well as sequences of visual letters, spatial locations, and manual responses simultaneously, as indicated by a reliable response time (RT) cost incurred by occasional deviants violating either of the sequences. This RT cost was reliable even when participants showing explicit knowledge were excluded. In Experiment 3 learning of spatial and nonspatial sequences was functionally dissociated: whereas a spatio-motor distractor task disrupted learning of location but not of letter sequences, a phonological distractor task had the reverse effect. The distractor tasks thus did not reduce unspecific attentional resources, but selectively disrupted the formation of sequential associations within spatial and nonspatial processing dimensions. These results support the view that implicit sequence learning rests on experience-dependent changes that can occur in parallel in multiple processing systems involved in spatial attention, object recognition, phonological processing, and manual response selection. The resulting dimension-specific sequence representations support independent predictions of what will appear next, where it will appear, and how one will have to respond to it.  相似文献   

Many recent computational models of verbal short-term memory postulate a separation between processes supporting memory for the identity of items and processes supporting memory for their serial order. Furthermore, some of these models assume that memory for serial order is supported by a timing signal. We report an attempt to find evidence for such a timing signal by comparing an “item probe” task, requiring memory for items, with a “list probe” task, requiring memory for serial order. Four experiments investigated effects of irrelevant speech, articulatory suppression, temporal grouping, and paced finger tapping on these two tasks. In Experiments 1 and 2, irrelevant speech and articulatory suppression had a greater detrimental effect on the list probe task than on the item probe task. Reaction time data indicated that the list probe task, but not the item probe task, induced serial rehearsal of items. Phonological similarity effects confirmed that both probe tasks induced phonological recoding of visual inputs. Experiment 3 showed that temporal grouping of items during list presentation improved performance on the list probe task more than on the item probe task. In Experiment 4, paced tapping had a greater detrimental effect on the list probe task than on the item probe task. However, there was no differential effect of whether tapping was to a simple or a complex rhythm. Overall, the data illustrate the utility of the item probe/list probe paradigm and provide support for models that assume memory for serial order and memory for items involve separate processes. Results are generally consistent with the timing-signal hypothesis but suggest further factors that need to be explored to distinguish it from other accounts.  相似文献   

Serial deployment of attention during visual search   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
This study examined whether objects are attended in serial or in parallel during a demanding visual search task. A component of the event-related potential waveform, the N2pc wave, was used as a continuous measure of the allocation of attention to possible targets in the search arrays. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the relative allocation of attention shifts rapidly, favoring one item and then another. In Experiment 2, a paradigm was used that made it possible to track the absolute allocation of attention to individual items. This experiment showed that attention was allocated to one object for 100-150 ms before attention began to be allocated to the next object. These findings support models of attention that posit serial processing in demanding visual search tasks.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether response selection involves executive control, using the selective interference paradigm within Baddeley's (1986) working memory framework. The interference from response selection was estimated by comparing the patterns of dual-task interference of simple and choice RT tasks with those of a number of established working memory tasks. In Experiment 1, we compared impairment of forward and backward verbal serial recall from the RT tasks and articulatory suppression. Experiment 2 measured the adverse effects of the RT tasks and matrix tapping on forward and backward visuospatial serial recall. Finally, in Experiment 3, we examined the impairment from the RT tasks with two measures of executive control--namely, letter and category fluency. Altogether, the three experiments demonstrated that response selection interferes with executive control and that the interference is not produced at the level of working memory's slave systems, which supports the assumption of executive involvement in response selection.  相似文献   

We reexplored the relationship between new word learning and verbal short-term memory (STM) capacities, by distinguishing STM for serial order information, item recall, and item recognition. STM capacities for order information were estimated via a serial order reconstruction task. A rhyme probe recognition task assessed STM for item recognition. Item recall capacities were derived from the proportion of item errors in an immediate serial recall task. In Experiment 1, strong correlations were observed between item recall and item recognition, but not between the item STM tasks and the serial order task, supporting recent theoretical positions that consider that STM for item and serial order rely on distinct capacities. Experiment 2 showed that only the serial order reconstruction task predicted independent variance in a paired associate word–nonword learning task. Our results suggest that STM capacities for serial order play a specific and causal role in learning new phonological information.  相似文献   

In a serial reaction time (RT) task with a probabilistic stimulus sequence, the length of the response-to-stimulus interval (RSI) and the sequence complexity was manipulated to investigate the relationship between sequence learning and sequential effects in serial RT tasks. Sequential effects refer to the influence of previous stimulus presentations on the RT to the current stimulus. Sequence learning is stimulus-transition specific and is demonstrated as the difference between practiced and unpracticed sequences within an interpolated random block of trials. There is a clear parallel between sequence learning and specific changes in sequential effect in the short RSI conditions, suggesting that a common mechanism may lie at the basis of sequence learning and automatic facilitation, which is responsible for sequential effects at short RSI. Importantly, the changes in sequential effects accompanying sequence learning are the same as those observed with practice in random serial RT tasks, indicating that the learning process underlying sequence learning is the same as in random tasks.  相似文献   

Three experiments using psychological refractory period (PRP) tasks documented backward crosstalk effects in which the nature of the second-task response influenced the first-task response latencies. Such effects are difficult to explain within currently popular bottleneck models, according to which second-task response selection does not begin until first-task response selection has finished. In Experiments 1 and 2, the first of the PRP tasks required a choice reaction time (RT) response, whereas the second task required a go/no-go decision. Task 1 responses were faster when the second task required a go response than when it required a no-go response. Experiment 3 showed that Task 1 RTs were also influenced by the complexity of second-task responses. These backward crosstalk effects indicate that significant second-task processing is carried out in time to influence first-task responses and thus challenge strictly serial bottleneck models.  相似文献   

Research on time and attention shows that a nontemporal task may interfere with a concurrent timing task by making time judgments shorter, more variable, and/or more inaccurate compared to timing-only conditions. Brown (1998, Psychological Research, 61, 71-81) counteracted the interference effect by giving subjects automaticity training on a nontemporal task to reduce the amount of processing resources the task required. Such practice attenuated interference in timing. Two new experiments were designed to replicate and extend the previous findings. Subjects generated a series of 5-s temporal productions under single-task (timing only) and dual-task (timing plus nontemporal task) conditions. The nontemporal tasks were pursuit rotor tracking (Experiment 1), and mirror-reversed reading (Experiment 2). We employed a pretest-practice-posttest paradigm, with the practice sessions devoted to performance of the nontemporal task. Pretest-posttest comparisons showed that practice reduced interference in timing in both experiments. Dual-task probe trials were given during the practice sessions to trace the time course of the improvement in timing. The results showed that interference in timing was reduced with even small amounts of practice. The findings support the idea that timing is very sensitive to changes in the allocation of attentional resources.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that addressed the nature of processing in working memory by investigating patterns of delayed cued recall and free recall of items initially studied during complex and simple span tasks. In Experiment 1, items initially studied during a complex span task (i.e., operation span) were more likely to be recalled after a delay in response to temporal–contextual cues, relative to items from subspan and supraspan list lengths in a simple span task (i.e., word span). In Experiment 2, items initially studied during operation span were more likely to be recalled from neighboring serial positions during delayed free recall than were items studied during word span trials. Experiment 3 demonstrated that the number of attentional refreshing opportunities strongly predicts episodic memory performance, regardless of whether the information is presented in a spaced or massed format in a modified operation span task. The results indicate that the content–context bindings created during complex span trials reflect attentional refreshing opportunities that are used to maintain items in working memory.  相似文献   

The theory of working memory was devised to explain the effects of a concurrent memory load in various experimental situations in terms of the operation of a central executive processor and a phonemic response buffer. It also explains the effects of phonemic similarity, articulatory suppression, word length, and unattended speech. Experiment 1 demonstrated that a concurrent memory load markedly reduced the phonemic similarity effect in immediate serial recall, which was taken to support the concept of a limited-capacity phonemic response buffer. A more detailed analysis of the results suggested that a concurrent memory load may affect the storage capacity of the central executive processor and the translation of orthographic stimuli into phonological representations, as well as the storage capacity of the phonemic response buffer. Experiment 2 showed that a concurrent free-recall task reduced the phonemic similarity effect in immediate serial recall, but only in the case of visually presented sequences of items. Moreover, unattended speech was found to have no effect upon performance in immediate free recall. These results were taken to imply that the phonemic response buffer contributes only to performance in cognitive tasks that require the accurate retention of serial-order information.  相似文献   

The nature of processing demands during a letter-match task was investigated in an extension of the Posner and Boies (1971) paradigm. In Experiment I, a visual probe was employed in addition to an auditory probe in two different experimental conditions. The shape of the auditory probe reaction time (RT) function was similar to that found by Posner and Boies. However, in contrast to their findings, RT was greatly increased shortly after presentation of the first letter for the visual probe function. It was concluded that perceptual as well as postperceptual limitations on processing capacity exist. A second experiment provided further support for this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of response repetition on choice RT were compared in b-reaction and in c-reaction tasks [Experiments I(a) and I(b)]. The difference in RTs for repeated and for non-repeated responses was found to be less for c-reaction than for b-reaction tasks. This seemed to be because in c-reaction tasks subjects can prepare themselves to make the same response on every trial, so that there is little further RT reduction consequent on immediate response repetition. In b-reaction tasks subjects cannot always prepare to make the same response, so that the difference between response repetition RT and responce alteration RT is greater. Experiment II examined transitions between events in a serial, self-paced C.RT task in which subjects made a different response to each of two signals but withheld any response to the onset of a third. In this task responses were faster when they followed other, different responses than when they followed “no go” trials. The results of these experiments allow us to reject, even for very elementary tasks, a simple “S--R connection network” model for the processes involved in the identification of signals and the production of responses to them.  相似文献   

This study explores how cued shifts of visual attention and rapid encoding of visual information relate to limited-capacity processing mechanisms. Three experiments were conducted placing a partial-report task within a dual-task paradigm. Experiments 1 and 2 involved a simple speeded visual discrimination (Task 1) and then an unspeeded partial-report task (Task 2). Generally, Task 2 accuracy declined as the temporal overlap between the two tasks increased. In addition, in Experiment 1, varying the number of items in the partial-report display had an effect on performance regardless of overlap. In contrast, in Experiment 2, varying the type of probe had an effect only at long task overlap. The generality of the interference effect was tested in Experiment 3 using an auditory discrimination as Task 1. Again, Task 2 accuracy declined as the temporal overlap between the two tasks increased. In all cases, the observed interference had the properties of a processing bottleneck. It is argued that encoding information into memory and response selection for the first task both require general-purpose processing. The results are discussed in terms of the functional relationship between attention and memory.  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to determine the effects of amount of prior target information (Experiment 1) and semantic priming (Experiment 2) in an attentional gating task. The goal was to determine some causes of the processing deficits commonly observed in perceiving successive visual stimuli. Items in a rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) stream are subject to processing deficits before they are processed to the level of recognition (early selection) and after they have been recognized (late selection). Deficits in the former case presumably are due to an early filter that prevents complete recognition and semantic analysis, whereas deficits in the latter case arise from interference or response competition, producing forgetting among a set of recognized items. The semantic-priming effects found between a cue and a target (Experiment 2) and between two successive targets (Experiment 3) indicate that top-down processes can increase the subjective availability of related items. The results are consistent with the idea that most processing deficits observed in search through an RSVP sequence are due to limited capacity in our ability to form episodic representations of all the items in the sequence.  相似文献   

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