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Subjective time as affected by positive radial acceleration in a human centrifuge was studied by a modification of the method of ratio production. Auditory signals (1–20 sec.) were used as stimuli. The results showed a marked change in subjective time during gravitational stress. Subjective time, as measured by the methods employed, was a positively accelerated function of objective time and the positive acceleration was enhanced during centrifugation. The demonstrated change in time experience was caused by a difference in retention of preceding time intervals, retention being impaired during centrifugation.  相似文献   

by Byron Kaldis 《Zygon》2009,44(1):169-196
I offer a critical exposition and reconstruction of Michael Oakeshott's views on natural science. The principal aim is to enrich Oakeshott's modal schema by throwing light on it in terms of its internal consistency and by bringing to bear on it recent developments in philosophy in general and the philosophy of science in particular. The discussion brings out the special place reserved for philosophy, the crucial tenet of the separateness of these modes seen as Leibnizian monads as well as the special status allowed to science. It considers the possibility of combining one moment of philosophical thinking, namely ethics, with science in the midst of such modal separateness. I first offer a general introduction of how to approach Oakeshott's views on science. The next section stresses philosophy and its relation to science. This is followed by an elaboration of what the modes of experience are meant to be and how science is placed among them. An examination of Oakeshott's more particular views on science concludes the essay.  相似文献   

Performance was measured by seven sensorimotor and perceptual tests given to 30 students in six successive trials, spread over five hours, before and after the intake of either 15 mg dexamphetamine, zoo mg Pentobarbitone, or a placebo. Subjective performance, level of aspiration, wakefulness, and mood were measured by a scaling method. A close agreement was found between the amount of objective and subjective improvement following dexamphetamine, whereas the objective impairment induced by Pentobarbitone was not reflected in the subjective measures. These results were examined in relation to the other indices of activation.  相似文献   

This study examines the use of compliance-gaining message strategies in “interpersonal” versus “noninterpersonal” relationships. Subjects were asked how likely they would be to use persuasive strategies in a hypothetical situation involving either a spouse (interpersonal situation) or new neighbors (noninterpersonal situation). A subjective expected utility model is proposed to account for subjects' choice of strategies. According to the SEU model, subjects weigh the expected advantages and disadvantages of strategies both in terms of their persuasiveness and their effects on the relationship with the persuadee. Regression analysis supported the use of the SEU model to predict subjects' choice of strategies. Situational comparisons of SEU indicated that most strategies are rated more persuasive, less likely to damage the personal relationship, and more likely to be used in the spouse situation than in the neighbor situation.  相似文献   

Like many other early psychologists, William James was fascinated by hypnosis and related phenomena. For James, hypnosis was both an experimental technique for creating divisions of consciousness, and a laboratory model of naturally occurring disorders of awareness. James' treatment of consciousness in hypnosis presages contemporary interests in dissociation and implicit cognition, and underscores the role of the self in conscious mental life. At the same time. James recognized the complexity of hypnosis as an interpersonal process. In the end. James' views suggest how a rapprochement between the cognitive and social approaches to hypnosis might be achieved.  相似文献   

By means of the method of ratio estimation, scale values were obtained for subjective distance. In three experiments different stimulus ranges of the objective distances were used. It was found: ( 1 ) Subjective distance is a power function of the objective distance. ( 2 ) The exponent of the function varies with the stimulus range. With increasing stimulus range the exponent has a tendency to decrease. It is conceivable that the change of the exponent may be explained by an adaptation of the subjective range to the stimulus range.  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 轮廓是物体的外形线,它在视觉图形知觉中起着重要的作用。一般说来,引起轮廓的刺激,是视野中明度(或颜色)的突然变化。但是,有时在一片完全同质的视域中,人们也能看到轮廓。这种轮廓不是由于客观上的刺激梯度造成的,而是由于一系列其它因素造成的。这种轮廓叫主观轮廓,认知轮廓或错觉轮廓。  相似文献   

BRATFISCH, O., EKMAN, G., LUNDBERG, U., and KRÜGER, K. Subjective temporal distance and emotional involvement. Scand. J. Psychol. , 1971, 12, 147–160. –Three experiments were conducted in which subjects were required to estimate the subjective temporal distances of various historical periods, each of which was named after some person, event, or social process. In all, 65 subjects participated. In related experiments the same subjects estimated their degree of emotional involvement in what might have happened to people living during the various periods named. Using the actual dates when the events took place, the relation between objective and subjective temporal distance was found to be described by a simple power function. Emotional involvement was shown to be inversely related in a simple monotonic manner to both subjective and objective temporal distance, when other variables were so far as possible held constant. A number of different alternative power functions as well as an exponential and a logarithmic function were fitted to the empirical data. A specific type of power function with three empirical constants and a simple exponential function were found to describe experimetal data to a good approximation.  相似文献   

The current study addressed whether two institution‐wide interventions in St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, that increased caregiver sensitivity (Training Only: TO) or both caregiver sensitivity and consistency (Training plus Structural Changes: T+SC) promoted better socioemotional and cognitive development than did a No Intervention (NoI) institution during the first year of life for children who were placed soon after birth. It also assessed whether having spent less than 9 versus 9 to 36 months with a family prior to institutionalization was related to children's subsequent socioemotional and cognitive development within these three institutions. The Battelle Developmental Inventory (J. Newborg, J.R. Stock, L. Wnek, J. Guidubaldi, & J. Svinicki, 1988) was used to assess the socioemotional and cognitive functioning of children in NoI (n = 95), TO (n = 104), and T+SC (n = 86) at two to three time points during their first 6 to 12 months of residency. Results suggest that improving caregiver sensitivity can improve the cognitive development of infants in the first year of institutionalization whereas improving caregiver consistency in addition to sensitivity is more beneficial for socioemotional development than is sensitivity alone. Similarly, for children in T+SC, longer time with a family prior to institutionalization (consistent caregiver, unknown sensitivity) was associated with better socioemotional, but not cognitive, baseline scores and more rapid cognitive than socioemotional development during institutionalization. These results suggest caregiver sensitivity is more highly related to cognitive development whereas caregiver consistency is more related to socioemotional development in the first years of life.  相似文献   

L'examen critique de la littérature traitant du développement économique, de ses causes et conséquences, des variables psychologiques qui l'induisent ou le favorisent, fait apparaître la modernisation comme un phénomène complexe dont la mesure se révèle malaisée. On peut certes identifier une dimension psychologique universelle, cognitive et motivationnelle — le modernisme — qu'il est possible de mesurer au moyen d'une échelle appropriée. Mais se limiter à ce point de vue conduirait immanquablement à méconnaître la complexification imposée à cet état psychologique par la culture, le milieu, etc. c'est pourquoi, des mesures de variables composant la culture subjective peuvent fournir des indices supplémentaires, susceptibles d'éclairer le ou les processus de modernisation et de clarifier les relations entre ce phénomène, les facteurs qui le conditionnent et les conséquences qu'il entraîne. On voit dès lors l'intérêt que présente ce type d'analyse pour des problèmes tels que celui de la planification optimale de la vitesse de modernisation ou encore celui des relations entre modernisation et hygiène mentale.  相似文献   

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