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The aim of this study was to investigate the perception of competing speech stimuli in 3-, 4-, and 5-year-old normally developing children. A dichotic listening paradigm was used in which the temporal alignment between the two stimuli was varied to represent three levels of competition. Minimal, moderate, and maximal levels of temporal competition were represented by a Separation, Lag, and Simultaneous test condition, respectively. The subjects were behaviorally set to listen for and to report the two stimuli on each trial. The incidence of double correct responses in the test conditions was the measure of interest. The results show a sharp and linear drop in double correct scores from the Separation, to the Lag, and to the Simultaneous condition. There were no age-related differences in the Separation and the Simultaneous conditions. In the Lag condition, the performance of the 3-year-olds was significantly lower than the 4- and 5-year-olds. The findings were interpreted to be indicative of limited auditory processing ability in preschoolers for moderately and maximally competing speech stimuli.  相似文献   

This study examined the perception of one's own and others' ability in preschool Japanese boys and girls. In Study 1, 70 Japanese boys and girls aged 4–6 years rated their own and their close friend's ability on their favorite outdoor and indoor activities. In Study 2, 65 Japanese children aged 5 and 6 years rated their own and their close friend's ability and guessed that of a nonfriend (a mere acquaintance child in the preschool) on their most and least favorite outdoor and indoor activities. The major findings were as follows: (a) the perception of preschool children's own ability correlates with that of their close friend's ability; (b) ability perception was influenced by preference for the activity and by gender; and (c) no difference was found between ratings for a close friend and a nonfriend according to activities preferences, which differed from the ability perception by preadolescent children.  相似文献   

The frequencies of nine types of disfluency, including silent pauses, were studied in 60 nonstuttering males, 3.5 and 5 yr-of-age. The younger children evidenced significantly higher rates of part word, word, and phrase repetitions, incomplete phrases, and disrhythmic phonations. The older children demonstrated significantly more grammatical pauses. The two groups did not differ in the frequency of interjections, ungrammatical pauses, and revisions. The most powerful discriminating category between the two age groups was phrase repetition. The results are compared with findings from other recent investigations of disfluency in nonstuttering preschool males. Possible explanations for the discrepancies among the various investigations and for the high degree of variability in disfluency reported in the literature are proposed. The results of this investigation suggest that nonstuttering children begin to show more adult-like disfluency patterns toward the later preschool years.  相似文献   

Rips LJ 《Cognition》2011,119(3):356-373
Identity is a transitive relation, according to all standard accounts. Necessarily, if x = y and y = z, then x = z. However, people sometimes say that two objects, x and z, are the same as a third, y, even when x and z have different properties (thus, x = y and y = z, but xz). In the present experiments, participants read stories about an iceberg that breaks into two icebergs, one to the east and the other to the west. Many participants (32–54%, in baseline conditions across experiments) decided that both successors were the original iceberg, despite the different spatial locations of the successors. Experiment 1 shows that this tendency is not due to participants failing to understand both to mean both are simultaneously the original. Similarly, Experiment 2 demonstrates that the tendency is not solely due to their interpreting the question to be about properties of the icebergs rather than about the icebergs themselves. Experiments 3 and 4 suggest, instead, that participants may understand Which is the original? to mean Which, in its own right, is entitled to be the original? Emphasizing entitlement increases the number of seemingly intransitive responses, whereas emphasizing the formal properties of identity decreases them.  相似文献   

This study examined the differences in current and ideal body size among 108 Japanese and 129 Croatian preschool children (M=4.9 yr.). Boys and girls in both samples showed similarities by selecting the figure representing their current body size. Significant sex differences were found in selection of an ideal figure in the Japanese sample but not in the Croatian group. Japanese girls showed greater preference for a thinner figure than boys. In selection of an ideal body size significant cultural differences were found only for boys: Japanese boys preferred thinner figures. Results relating to body discrepancy (Current minus Ideal figures) indicated that there were fewer satisfied Japanese girls than Croatian girls whereas for the boys, a significantly larger number of Japanese than Croatian boys wished to be heavier.  相似文献   

This study aims to discover whether observers with the same cultural background as the inhabitant of a bedroom perceive common characteristics among the inhabitants. The study was carried out with 107 females who were asked to assess the inhabitants of eight bedrooms. Several slides of each bedroom were shown to participants and they had to choose from a list of seventy-six characteristics those that defined the resident of each bedroom. Results revealed that socio-demographic variables thus attributed coincided with the profiles of the inhabitants. A correspondence analysis brought to light a dimension linked to affective aspects, which was more prominent among women; whereas among men the characteristics thus attributed were more linked to practical aspects and to difficulties for social interaction. A second study was conducted to determine whether gender stereotype had any influence on the result of the previous study. The outcomes showed that this stereotype did not have any effect on the participants' judgments.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate concomitantly self-esteem and model of attachment to the mother in extremely premature (24–28 weeks of gestation) and full-term children, in relation to the child's variables (neonatal condition, gender, cognitive development) and family variables (family adversity, socioeconomic status). Forty-two extremely premature and 27 fullterm children were assessed at 5 years 9 months. For the premature children, neonatal status and developmental quotient (DQ) at 18 months were also obtained. Premature and fullterm children did not differ in attachment and self-esteem categories. For all subjects, IQ at 5 years 9 months differed significantly across self-esteem categories. Seventy percent of premature children who showed a decrease in IQ from 18 months to 5 years 9 months had a negative self-esteem. In the premature group, DQ at 18 months was lower for the children that were categorized at 5 years 9 months with nonsecure attachment to the mother. Attachment appeared sensitive to early neuromotor impairments, and self-esteem to the developmental level at the time of the evaluation.  相似文献   

Preschool children enrolled in same- and mixed-age day care classrooms were observed during free play to examine patterns of social and play behavior. In mixed-age rooms, there was more interactive-functional play, for both older and younger children, more dramatic play and negative interactions for younger children, and a tendency for older children to be onlookers. In the same-age rooms, there was more conversation and more parallel-functional interaction for both older and younger children. While previous research has emphasized the benefits of mixed-age rooms, the current research indicates that some costs may also be involved.  相似文献   

Free recall, cued recall, color recall, organization in recall, and sorting of 3- and 4-year-olds was assessed on 9-item lists of objects that were orthogonally varied on color and category dimensions. Half of the children in each age group were presented items successively, and the other half simultaneously. Older children recalled more items than younger children in both free and cued recall, and also organized their recall more. Moreover, simultaneous presentation benefited the older, but not younger children. Clustering and sorting data suggested a decreasing reliance on perceptual information, and increasing utilization of conceptual information, over the preschool years. The results were discussed in terms of the importance of concrete, external stimulus support at both time of encoding and retrieval.  相似文献   

Recency judgments in second and fourth grade Ss were examined when contextual or spatial locations were correlated with sequential order. No age differences were apparent when the cues were not available; however, unlike fourth grade Ss, the younger Ss failed to take advantage of the additional cues when they were provided. In Experiment 2, second grade Ss were successfully trained to use the appropriate strategy, suggesting that the age related deficiency was one of production rather than mediation. The effectiveness of mnemonic elaboration as an aid to recall of order information was established, together with the short-term efficiency of training such mnemonic strategies in young children who do not adopt them spontaneously. The data support the hypothesis that memory tasks are developmentally sensitive when a deliberate mnemonic strategy can be applied but insensitive to developmental differences when no strategy is appropriate.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested preschoolers' use of abstract principles to classify and label objects by shape or function. Three- and 4-year-olds were instructed to match objects by shape or function. Four-year-olds readily adopted either rule, but 3-year-olds followed only the shape rule. Without a rule, 4-year-olds tended to match by shape unless object function was shown during matching (Experiment 2). Three-year-olds' ability to use a function rule was tested in several conditions (re-presenting functions; reminders to "use the rule"; repeating rule on every trial). None induced consistent function matching (Experiment 3). Supplemental memory and verbal tasks showed that 3-year-olds have trouble using function as an abstract basis of comparison. Naming data, however, show that preschoolers are learning that object labels are based on function. The results show preschoolers' growing flexibility in adopting abstract generalization rules and growing knowledge of conventions for extending words.  相似文献   

Criterion validity and test-retest reliability across the two forms of the Test of Early Reading Ability-Second Edition were examined. 18 preschool age children, 4 boys and 14 girls, between the ages of 37 and 59 mo. (M = 48.5, SD = 7.6) were randomly administered Forms A and B as well as the sound-blending, letter-word identification, spelling, and sound-awareness reading subtests from the 2001 Woodcock Johnson-III. Correlations were moderate between the children's performance on the Test of Early Reading Ability-2 Forms A and B and their reading subtest scores from the Woodcock Johnson-III and also between Forms A and B of the Test of Early Reading Ability-2. However, Forms A and B of the Test of Early Reading Ability-2 were not clinically equivalent.  相似文献   

Moral judgments were studied in 103 aggressive and 79 nonaggressive 10-year-old Finnish children. Their aggressiveness was evaluated by means of peer ratings. Moral judgments were assessed by presenting them with stories from their daily lives that contained moral conflicts. The results showed that the children did not adopt a constant level of moral reasoning; instead, judgments were situation specific. Furthermore, the moral cognitions of aggressive children did not differ from those of their nonaggressive peers, although sex-related differences tended to be significant: Boys adopted absolute moral standards, whereas girls' judgments were more relative.  相似文献   

This study explored the influence of children's lexical diversity during conversation on the way the children were evaluated by adults. Four adults listened to 93 2-min, samples of children, aged 36 to 78 months, conversing with an adult. They rated each child on 10 7-point bipolar adjective scales. Analysis indicated that children who conversed with low lexical diversity were perceived as less appealing, mature, and talkative than those who conversed with high diversity.  相似文献   

Many pre-school children show closing-in behaviour (CIB) in graphic copying tasks: a tendency to place their copy abnormally close to or even on top of the model. Similar phenomena have been studied in patients with dementia, though it is unclear whether the superficial similarities between CIB in development and dementia reflect common underlying cognitive mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate the cognitive functions involved in CIB in pre-school children. Forty-one children (3–5 years) were assessed for CIB, and completed a neuropsychological battery targeting visuospatial abilities, short term memory (verbal and spatial) and attention (sustained attention, selective attention and attention switching). Binary logistic regression found that performance on the attention subtests was the best unique predictor of CIB. A second analysis, in which the three attention subtests were entered as separate predictors, suggested that attention switching ability was most strongly related to CIB. These results support the view that CIB in children reflects inadequate attentional control. The convergence of these results with similar observations in patients with dementia further suggests that similar cognitive factors underlie CIB in these two populations.  相似文献   

An important goal of parents and preschool educators alike is to introduce young children to a variety of symbol systems, and to help children begin to master some of these crucial cultural tools. Our research indicates that, in spite of the importance that adults place on symbolization, adult intuitions about the acquisition of symbolic functioning and how to facilitate it are often poor. In this article we summarize research on toddlers' understanding of two kinds of symbols—models and pictures. We show that the initial insight that something is a symbol or representation of something else is extremely challenging for young children, and it is an insight that must be achieved with each symbol system they encounter. Two factors that contribute to the difficulty children have appreciating symbolic relations are discussed: dual representation (the ability to think about something in two different ways at the same time; specifically, the ability to think of something both as an object itself and a symbol for something else) and representational specificity (understanding that a symbol can stand for a specific reality). Implications of these factors for preschool practice are considered.  相似文献   

This study investigated different types of planning skills in 4- and 5-year-olds. The planning tasks consisted of three search tasks and two clustering tasks. Each task was measured in three ways: by a planning score, the Bronson task attack strategy measure of ongoing behaviors, and by self-report. A varimax rotation of the scores in a factor analysis produced the same two factors for both the planning scores and the Bronson task attack strategy scores. One factor was formed by tasks that allowed for a variety of open-ended solutions, but also had heavy information-processing demands. Tasks that allowed for only one task-imposed solution, but with lighter information-processing demands, formed the second factor. Two of the primary planning tasks used in prior research with preschoolers did not load on the same factor, the grocery store search task (Gauvain & Rogoff, 1989) and the Wellman search task (Wellman, Fabricus, & Sophian, 1985), which suggests that these tasks measure different types of planful search. Self-report data indicated that children were not able to adequately describe their plans. In addition, the one task that required semantic clustering was too difficult for the majority of the preschoolers. Taken together, this suggests that language-based planning measures will underestimate preschoolers' actual planning capacity.  相似文献   

We used a numerical bisection procedure to examine preschool children's sensitivity to the numerical attributes of stimuli. In Experiment 1 children performed two tasks. In the Cups Task they earned coins for choosing a green cup after two drumbeats and a blue cup after eight drumbeats. In the Gloves Task they earned coins for raising a red glove on their left hand after two drumbeats and a yellow glove on their right hand after eight drumbeats. Then in each task a psychometric function was obtained by presenting intermediate numerosities and recording the percentage of trials in which children chose the "many" option. In Experiment 2 children's performance in a '2 vs. 8' discrimination was compared with their performance in a "4 vs. 16" discrimination. Results showed that the individual psychometric functions were of two types, one in which the percentage of "many" choices increased gradually with stimulus numerosity and another in which it increased abruptly, in a step-like manner. Although the average point of subjective equality was close to the geometric mean of the anchor numerosities and the average functions for "2 vs. 8" and "4 vs. 16" superimposed when plotted on a common scale (the scalar property), the individual data were highly variable both across tasks (Cups and Gloves) and numerosity ranges ('2 vs. 8' and '4 vs. 16'). It is suggested that between- and within-subjects variability in the psychometric function is related to children's verbalizations about the sample stimulus.  相似文献   

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