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以往个体和团队冲突研究主要考察了个人特征或团队特征对冲突结果的影响, 而尚未充分关注冲突管理过程中个体特征与团队特征间的交互效应。基于个人-团队匹配理论, 本研究探讨了个体层面宜人性与团队层面宜人性异质性对团队中个体冲突(关系冲突、任务冲突)和工作绩效间关系的影响。基于来自64个银行服务团队(包含339名下属和64名主管)的多来源、多时点纵向数据, 本研究所得结果显示:(1)关系冲突显著负向影响工作绩效, 任务冲突对工作绩效的影响不显著。(2)个体宜人性能够显著减弱关系冲突对工作绩效的负面影响, 而增强任务冲突对工作绩效的正向影响。(3)关系/任务冲突、个体宜人性和团队宜人性异质性间存在着三重交互效应, 共同影响工作绩效。具体而言, 当团队宜人性异质性水平较低时, 个体宜人性对关系/任务冲突与工作绩效间关系的调节作用更加显著。  相似文献   

Eight- and ten-year-old children of low and average ability were given four tests, one of which was developed by Pascual-Leone (1970) as a relatively pure measure of mental capacity (M-capacity) as conceived in his neo-Piagetian model. The remaining tests confounded knowledge base and cognitive style (field dependence/independence) with M-capacity to varying degrees. Age and ability effects were found, but were invariant over tests. This contradicts Globerson’s (1983) predictions for the hierarchy of tests used. Possible reasons for an apparent discrepancy between Globerson’s results and those of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   

Background. The positive relation between course grades and student ratings of course satisfaction is well established but controversy continues concerning the magnitude, interpretation, and implications of this association. Aims. This study examined the within course relations of a set of variables often implicated as potential contributors to the grade‐student rating relation. Sample. Two‐hundred and twenty students enrolled in an internet‐based university course. Method. Measures of course mastery and performance goals, expected grades, course effort, cumulative GPA, and final course grade were prospectively collected. The dependent variable was a global measure of course satisfaction obtained at the end of the semester. Results. A path model fit the data very well and all study variables directly or indirectly predicted course satisfaction. Grades had a moderately strong effect, half of which was independent of other model variables. Adjusting for all model variables, students high on mastery course goals evaluated the course more positively whereas students high on performance goals provided less favourable evaluations. Conclusions. Students can assess the same course and instructor in different ways depending upon such factors as their degree of success, their motivations for taking the course, and the amount of effort invested. Course satisfaction, then, can be substantially influenced by factors loosely or unrelated to course or teacher effectiveness.  相似文献   

魏华  汪涛  周宗奎  冯文婷  丁倩 《心理学报》2016,(11):1479-1488
品牌名称是重要的品牌资产,在传递品牌价值、构建品牌形象和凸显品牌特征的过程中起到关键作用。以往研究发现,品牌名称的语义特征和语音特征都会对消费者知觉和偏好产生影响,但少有研究考察品牌名称语音特征中叠音的作用。本研究将从婴儿图式的角度,基于刻板印象内容模型,通过4个实验考察叠音品牌名称对消费者知觉和偏好的影响,并检验元音特征和产品类型的调节作用。研究结果表明:(1)与非叠音品牌名称相比,叠音品牌名称会让消费者觉得该品牌更像婴儿,进而感觉该品牌更加温暖,但是能力更低。(2)叠音对于消费者温暖知觉的影响受到元音特征的调节。当品牌名称中含有前元音时,叠音对于温暖知觉的影响会削弱。(3)叠音对于消费者偏好的影响受到产品类型的调节。对于享乐型产品,消费者更偏好叠音品牌名称;对于实用型产品,消费者更偏好非叠音品牌名称。本文为品牌名称的设计提供了指导,同时也丰富了婴儿图式和刻板印象内容模型的理论内涵。  相似文献   

The present study extended recent research revealing that illusions can influence performance in golf putting (Witt, Linkenauger, & Proffitt Psychological Science, 23, 397–399, 2012), by exploring the potential mediating roles of attention and action planning. Glover and Dixon’s (Journal of Experimental Psychology. Human Perception and Performance, 27, 560–572, 2001) planning–control model suggests that both perceptual and movement-planning processes are prone to illusion-based bias. We therefore predicted that both the perception of target size and a measure of attentional control related to movement planning in golf putting (the quiet eye) would be influenced by the illusion. Moreover, as performance could not be corrected using online control (once the ball was struck), we predicted that these biases would also influence performance. We therefore proposed a three-stage process by which illusory context biases perceptual processes, which in turn bias subsequent attentional control related to movement planning, which in turn biases motor performance. Forty novice golfers completed an Ebbinghaus illusion putting task that was designed to manipulate their perceptions of target size, while quiet eye duration and performance (mean radial error) were measured. The results indicated that the illusion was effective in facilitating differences in perceived target size, with perceptually bigger holes promoting longer quiet eye durations and more accurate putting. Follow-up mediation analyses revealed that illusion-based differences in size perception partially mediated illusion-based differences in both quiet eye duration and performance. Moreover, the relationship between illusion-based differences in quiet eye duration and performance was also significant. Future research should further test this three-stage process of bias in other far-aiming tasks in which online control cannot be used.  相似文献   

Dyslexia is far more than a learning disorder; it has significant impact on personality organization. While dyslexia usually begins to manifest most clearly in early latency when the challenge of learning to read is at its height, often the dyslexic child's ego development and functioning has already been adversely affected. The literature from neuropsychology suggests that dyslexia is a subtle language-processing disorder that affects emotional, cognitive, and social development. The neuroanatomical literature also suggests a significant correlation between the neurodevelopmental basis for dyslexia, the caregiving environment, and psychological development.These two bodies of literature and analytic observations of a dyslexic patient suggest that the dyslexic individual may have a neurological deficit that increases vulnerability to overstimulation. The author hypothesizes that emotional and cognitive states result and reappear within the analytic encounter. This complicates clinical assessment and technical decisions. The author presents an analytic case and examines (1) the impact of deficit on the development of conflict; (2) the impact of the overwhelmed ego on the mastery of developmental tasks; and (3) the impact of dyslexia on dysgnosia, transference, and analytic process and technique.  相似文献   

This study addressed the question: Do special education labels bias teachers' evaluations of children? Thirty primary level teachers were given different labels for the same child: learning disabled, educable mentally retarded, emotionally disturbed, normal, or no label. Teachers made behavioral observations from the same video-tape, completed a checklist, and graded the same academic work purportedly completed by the target child. Teachers' behavioral observations and grading of the academic work were not influenced by the special education labels, but the checklist scores were. Implications for the philosophical debate about the effects of labeling and for methods of classroom data collection by teachers are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations between students' scores on integrating science knowledge and their conceptual knowledge of educational research concepts, methods, and applications. Participants were 124 graduate students enrolled in several sections of a required introductory course in educational research methods. Students' integration of science knowledge was measured via the Test of Integrated Process Skills II, and performance in the educational research methods class was assessed via midterm and final examinations. Analysis indicated that correlations between scores on the Test of Integrated Process Skills II and achievement in the course on midterm and final examinations were .36 and .42, respectively, suggesting that those who were more able to integrate science knowledge also tended to exhibit higher performance on the examinations.  相似文献   

Clinical work with adolescents and young people over the last decade has indicated that an intense relationship to digital objects was a major aspect of their mental lives. Digital objects have become embedded, inextricably, within our psychology, emphasising the earliest drives and phantasies at some moments, yet giving rise to less familiar phenomena at other times. The aim of this paper is to consider how the rise in digital media and social networking is impacting upon the lives of young people and influencing the course of their development, with particular reference to the impact of visual media within social networks and how this has a distinct influence on mental functioning. In attempting to describe these processes, it is hoped that we can become more able to accompany younger or older people in their exploration of the digital world, which will be as important to them in their future adult lives as their mastery of the physical, external world was in early childhood. The need is pressing, since access to the digital world has significantly increased through the use of mobile, connected devices, and the further evolution of new technologies, such as ‘the internet of everything’ and ‘wearable tech’, are almost upon us.  相似文献   

When learning basic color vocabulary, young children show a selective delay in the acquisition of brown and gray relative to other basic color terms. In this study, we first establish the robustness of this finding and then investigate the extent to which perception, language, and color preference may influence color conceptualization. Experimental tasks were designed to measure different aspects of perceptual color processing (discrimination and saliency), color preference and objective counts of color term frequency in preschool-directed language (books and mothers' speech) were used to compare the acquisition of three groups of colors: primary colors, secondary colors (orange, pink, and purple) that appear at the same time as the primary colors, and secondary colors (brown and gray) that appear late. Although our results suggest that perception does not directly shape young children's color term acquisition, we found that children prefer brown and gray significantly less than basic colors and that these color terms appear significantly less often in child-directed speech, suggesting that color preference, linguistic input, and developing color cognition may be linked.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new find-ings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

Aim of our investigation was the analysis of the performances of chronic alcoholics under abstinence. 3 groups of 30 alcoholics were investigated after 3 weeks, 3 months and one year and compared with a group of control (n = 30). The most essential results: Strong increase in the first 3 month, after only slow increase. The level of healthy population has been attained nearly but not complete. The restitution is independent of the age and sex but significant dependent to the type of drinking (gamma- and deltadrinker). This results are important for the occupational rehabilitation of alcoholics after therapy.  相似文献   

It is often assumed that groups or teams pool knowledge and consider more information than individuals. However, numerous group decision-making studies have found that groups tend to focus on information that members had in common before group discussion instead of exchanging members’ unique information. This paper extends previous research and introduces the differential cue weighting (DCW) model to explain how group members form and revise their judgments during group discussion. It is proposed that information cues are differentially weighted depending on the combination of three factors: the cue’s initial distribution, its ownership by the member, and its addition to group discussion. An empirical study provides support for the DCW model, demonstrating that, for individual judgment, unique information can be just as influential as common information, but only for the member who contributed it to discussion.  相似文献   

Background. The development of socially appropriate behaviour is increasingly seen as an important part of a student's education. Aim. To examine whether changes in a student's behaviour, as part of an ongoing social empathy intervention, can in part be explained by the difference between the student's self‐perception of their behaviour and their peers‐perception of their behaviour. Method. A school population (383 students from year levels 4 to 6) was assessed for a range of prosocial and antisocial behaviours. Assessments were made by the students themselves, and by peer nominations of their classmates. A perceptual difference index was calculated to determine the difference between the student's self‐assessment and their peers' assessment of their behaviour. Results. Hierarchical regression found that students' prosocial behaviour increased more over the course of the school year when self‐perception of their prosocial behaviour more closely matched the perceptions of their class‐peers. Similarly, students' antisocial behaviour decreased more over the school year when their self and peer perceptions of their antisocial behaviour were more closely aligned. Very few personal demographics were associated with either type of behaviour, and overall there was found to be a great deal of stability in behaviour. Conclusion. This study highlights the importance of taking into account students' personal characteristics when developing interventions to encourage socially appropriate behaviour. Furthermore, it suggests that in order to achieve positive change, any intervention must engage student's self‐beliefs regarding their behaviour.  相似文献   

The Children's Embedded Figures Test, the Rod and Frame Test to measure the field dependence-independence cognitive style, Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Tests to measure cognitive ability, and two cancellation tasks (Zazzo task and Bourdon task) to assess sustained attention were administered to 179 boys and 110 girls whose average age was 9.0 yr. Correlations between scores on measures of field dependence-independence and cognitive ability were moderated. Average correlations between scores on measures of field dependence-independence, cognitive ability, and measures of sustained attention was .23 for the Zazzo task and quite weak (.06) for the Bourdon task.  相似文献   

According to career construction theory, continuous adaptation to the work environment is crucial to achieve work and career success. In this study, we examined the relative importance of career adaptability for job performance ratings using an experimental policy-capturing design. Employees (N = 135) from different vocational backgrounds rated the overall job performance of fictitious employees in 40 scenarios based on information about their career adaptability, mental ability, conscientiousness, and job complexity. We used multilevel modeling to investigate the relative importance of each factor. Consistent with expectations, career adaptability positively predicted job performance ratings, and this effect was relatively smaller than the effects of conscientiousness and mental ability. Job complexity did not moderate the effect of career adaptability on job performance ratings, suggesting that career adaptability predicts job performance ratings in high-, medium-, and low-complexity jobs. Consistent with previous research, the effect of mental ability on job performance ratings was stronger in high- compared to low-complexity jobs. Overall, our findings provide initial evidence for the predictive validity of employees' career adaptability with regard to other people's ratings of job performance.  相似文献   

One traditional and long-held view of medial temporal lobe (MTL) function is that it contains a system of structures that are exclusively involved in memory, and that the extent of memory loss following MTL damage is simply related to the amount of MTL damage sustained. Indeed, human patients with extensive MTL damage are typically profoundly amnesic whereas patients with less extensive brain lesions centred upon the hippocampus typically exhibit only moderately severe anterograde amnesia. Accordingly, the latter observations have elevated the hippocampus to a particularly prominent position within the purported MTL memory system. This article reviews recent lesion studies in macaque monkeys in which the behavioural effects of more highly circumscribed lesions (than those observed to occur in human patients with MTL lesions) to different subregions of the MTL have been examined. These studies have reported new findings that contradict this concept of a MTL memory system. First, the MTL is not exclusively involved in mnemonic processes; some MTL structures, most notably the perirhinal cortex, also contribute to perception. Second, there are some forms of memory, including recognition memory, that are not always affected by selective hippocampal lesions. Third, the data support the idea that regional functional specializations exist within the MTL. For example, the macaque perirhinal cortex appears to be specialized for processing object identity whereas the hippocampus may be specialized for processing spatial and temporal relationships.  相似文献   

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