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石竹 《中国道教》2010,(2):9-10
<正>3月29日下午,由香港道教联合会主办的第十届香港道教节在香港伊利沙伯体育馆隆重开幕。香港特区行政长官曾荫权、中央政府驻港联络办主任彭清华、国家宗教局局长王作安、中国道教协会会长任法融应邀担任主礼嘉宾。香港民政事务局局长曾德成,香港道教联合会主席汤伟奇,香港道教联合会会长黎显华、周铭,香港其他宗教的代表,以及来自海内外的道教界人士和各届嘉宾共2000余人参加了开幕式。曾荫权特首、王作安局长、任法融会长、汤伟奇主席分别在开幕式上致辞。  相似文献   

The present study seeks to understand the association of adolescents’ religious belief with life satisfaction in Hong Kong. Data of 5,812 adolescents’ key demographic information and life satisfaction were gathered through stratified sampling in order to reflect four distinctive adolescent groups in Hong Kong: Hong Kong Mainstream Chinese Students (HKMCS), Non-Chinese Speaking South and south-east Asian Students (NCS), Chinese Immigrant Students (CIS) and Cross-Boundary Students (CBS) from Mainland China. The Multidimensional Students’ Life Satisfaction Scale (MSLSS) was used to explore life satisfaction of the four student groups. Results indicate that there were significantly different levels of life satisfaction across the four groups. Key demographic variables were significantly but dissimilarly associated with different groups of students’ life satisfaction. Religious belief was substantially important for the life satisfaction of NCS in particular. Implications for research, policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the religious conversion of the migrant Filipina domestic helpers in Hong Kong from Christianity to Islam. Religious conversion is found to result primarily from their romantic involvement or inter-marriage with Pakistani men. Their conversion behavior is analyzed in the light of the socio-political situation of their respective countries and the religious and cultural expectations of their community. Rambo's stage model of conversion is used to understand and explain the conversion processes.  相似文献   

The Catholic Church, the largest school-sponsoring body in Hong Kong, is a major provider of religious schools and educational programmes. In 2006, the Catholic Diocese released its first centralised and comprehensive curricular document concerning religious and moral education (RME) in Catholic schools. Taking this programme as a reflection of the Church’s response to the challenges of a changing social milieu, severed church–state relations and shortcomings in Catholic education in post-1997 Hong Kong, this article reviews the framework and principles of the new curriculum. While retaining strong religious elements in its curriculum, the Catholic Church has widened and re-oriented its programme, and re-designed the contents and pedagogical methods. The new programme is characterised by adjustment and differentiation, upholding Christian faith, and selective absorption of Chinese culture. This article also discusses problems in the implementation of the new programme, including organisational compartmentalisation and an underdeveloped political dimension in the content.  相似文献   

《道德经》是修心养性、治国安邦的大典,道家内圣外王之学,尽在此经。汉朝初年奉行的黄老道术,缔造战国以来中国首次的太平盛世。唐朝李姓,唐初  相似文献   

2003年年初有机会去香港参加一次学术会议,感触良多,但有两点值得写一写,姑且用“见闻”的题名以飨读者。  相似文献   

The authors provide an overview of recent developments in professional counseling as related to schools, career counseling, and community services in Hong Kong. The strategic position of counseling professionals, counseling associations, and counselor certification is discussed. The future development of counseling in Hong Kong is also considered.  相似文献   

<正>"道通天地继往开来",是2010年第十届香港道教节的主题。"道通天地"者,所强调的是,"道"贯通于天地之间。而"继往开来",是自勉要继承前人的事业,开辟更灿烂的未来。香港道教联合会举办第十届道教节的目的,就是希望做到继往开来,将贯通于天地之间的"道",进一步在社会上弘扬。自2001年起,每年的农历二月十五日,香港道教联合会均公开举办道教节庆祝活动,以纪念太上道祖诞辰,并与市民同乐,更透过各项公开活动,努力宣扬道教义理文化,希望以中华传统价值观念  相似文献   

No seasonality was discovered in homicide in Hong Kong. Weather variables were not associated with homicide rates.  相似文献   

Suicide rates were highest among Service workers and the lowest in Agriculture workers and fisherfolk in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Married adults (N = 720) between 30 and 60 years old responded to the 12-item Chinese Value of Children Scale (Shek, Lam, Tsoi, & Lam, 1993). Although the respondents generally agreed that children contribute to parents' own personal growth, spousal relations, family happiness, and family wholeness, a majority also perceived that parenthood was associated with increased financial burden and personal sacrifice. In contrast to the heavy emphases on the traditional Chinese values of security and posterity, these Hong Kong Chinese parents did not seem to emphasize such values strongly. Results also showed that the Chinese fathers tended to perceive parenthood as more positive and less burdensome than the Chinese mothers did.  相似文献   

Factorial structure of the kidcope in Hong Kong adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Kidcope (A. Spirito, L. J. Stark, & C. Williams, 1988), a brief screening measure of coping strategies for children and adolescents, was subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses in a sample of adolescents in Hong Kong. A 2-factor model was found to fit the data when only the 2 emotional regulation items were treated separately and were allowed to load on the 2 different factors. Further analyses showed that factor loadings, factor variances, and factor covariance were invariant across age and gender. On the basis of the factor analyses, the authors created 2 composite scores, representing control-oriented and escape-oriented coping strategies. Implications for the use of the Kidcope in research and preventive intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper provides an insight into the development and growth of family therapy in Hong Kong. Family therapy was introduced in Hong Kong in the early 1980s and is now gaining ground. The authors give a historical account of the development of family therapy in Hong Kong, and report on its progress and achievement for the past three decades there. The field has gone through several stages of development. The 1980s were marked by an importation of Western family therapy models, during which overseas expertise was tapped to promote family therapy. The 1990s were characterized by a blossoming of different schools of family therapy on the local scene. Most schools established their own practice centers, and training packages were tailor-made for local use. The 2000s were an important era of family therapy development in Hong Kong. The field has nurtured a new generation of leaders (both academics and front-line practitioners and trainers) who play an essential role in advancing its development. The paper concludes by identifying problems in clinical practice, professional training, and research and knowledge development, and proposes ways of overcoming these difficulties.  相似文献   

The impact of Western psychology in Hong Kong can be seen in its institutions and practices. Local students however acquire their knowledge of psychology through the medium of at least two foreign languages; English (the medium of instruction) and the technical language of its subject matter, which does not find ready equivalents in Chinese. Some examples of psychological terms in Chinese and English are presented to support this. Problems of translation and of the models implicit in much of psychology's subject matter reduce its impact. Because indigenous beliefs are more likely to shape psychology's development than imported ones, they should be made explicit in psychological practice and reworked into future educational curricula so that the discipline as a whole may benefit.  相似文献   

在宗教组织的现代化路径上,践行社会公共服务和举办社会教育事业是很重要的两个方面.立足于此,本文以香港啬色园的社会服务和社会教育事业为例,并相较于香港基督教组织和佛教组织在这两方面的社会成效,简要探讨了道教组织的现代化问题.笔者认为,立足公民社会和更好促进作为社会个体的人的现代化,在逐渐革新自己作为宗教的相关要素的同时实现自己面对新时代和面对未来的华丽转身,已是道教在现代社会得以可持续发展的关键.而实现这一关键的重要举措,则是首先在组织现代化的层面上大兴社会公益服务事业和社会教育事业.没有这两方面的相互补益,则组织现代化的实现不可想象;而没有组织的现代化,就意味着没有与现代社会相沟通和交流的通道和平台.  相似文献   


This paper aims to introduce and examine the two Taoist Web sites in Hong Kong, and concludes with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of these Web sites, as compared with other Web sites on Taoism.  相似文献   

Hidden youth was a phenomenon which originated in Japan and later spread to Hong Kong. The youth were described as being in a state of social isolation, marginalization, and prone to emotional disturbances. This may imply that they were suffering from a poor quality of life. However, direct contact with the hidden youth found that some of them are satisfied with their lives. The present study aims to investigate the relationship between the hidden youth’s quality of life and their period and level of social withdrawal. A total of 588 of the hidden youth took part in the study. With the use of mean plots in ANOVA, correlation analysis, regression analysis, and mediation analysis, it was found that the longer the period of social withdrawal, the better the quality of life. The positive correlation between the two variables was mediated by positive emotions derived from social support. On the other hand, as the level of social withdrawal increased, the quality of life decreased. The negative association between the two variables was mediated by negative emotions caused by low levels of social support and a high sense of loneliness. These findings suggest that being “hidden” is the preferred lifestyle of young people and it should not be regarded as a problem that undermines their quality of life.  相似文献   

While Holland's model has been widely tested and found broad support in the West, it has not been tested in Hong Kong. Using a sample of 1813 entering freshmen, we investigated the cross-cultural validity of Holland's models of six interest or personality types in Hong Kong. Results indicated: (a) Holland's model as operationalized by UNIACT has considerable external validity; (b) the internal structure of the UNIACT was generally consistent with the formulations by Holland; (c) the cultural value of traditionality affected the fit between Holland's model and the student data in that Hong Kong students who hold stronger traditional values tended to behave less consistently with Holland's model than those who hold weaker traditional Chinese values. These findings were discussed in terms of their implication for future cross-cultural vocational psychology research and practices.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven Chinese teacher-counsellors in Hong Kong were assessed on their theoretical orientations using a 45-item self-report checklist at the beginning of their advanced training and at the end of a course on counselling theories. Based on their ratings on nine theoretical orientations, it could be inferred that the beliefs and values of these teachers were most congruent with those of the Person-Centred approach. With ratings above a cutoff score as endorsement, teachers were found to endorse more orientations in the post-course assessment, reflecting an increase in flexibility in approach. Despite the fact that teachers’ reported self-efficacy toward helping significantly increased in post-course assessment, teachers’ membership in low, medium, and high self-efficacy groups did not have any bearing on teachers’ changes in flexibility in approach or changes in primary approach. Implications of the findings for understanding teacher-counsellors’ process of finding an integrative approach personally meaningful for their future practice are discussed.  相似文献   


The provision of boarding schools in comparison to day schools among the elementary or secondary levels seems to be declining as schooling becomes compulsory. Little research has been conducted in this area. Due to the increase of emotional and behavioral disordered students and divorced and separated families in recent years, some students may benefit more from the life of boarding education. Boarding schools can also help to reduce the unequal supply of school places in different districts, especially following the introduction of compulsory education which implies sufficient elementary and secondary school places close to where the students live. A survey on the need of boarding education for junior secondary students was carried out among their guardians in Hong Kong. The response rate was 80% and some of the results agreed with other reputable studies, About 7.95% of the guardians would like to send their children to boarding schools if places are available. The boarding provisions in Hong Kong were far from enough and building more boarding schools was recommended.  相似文献   

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