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Applied Research in Quality of Life - The present paper measures quality of life through a set of dimensions included in the following partial indicators of objective well-being: demography,...  相似文献   

In this paper we employ a unique data set of 413 adults and scrutinize over the linear and non-linear relationship of religious adherence to life satisfaction. The findings confirm the previous studies regarding the positive linear and curvilinear relationship between the uni-dimensional religiosity and subjective well-being. To deepen the understanding of the relationship between religiosity and subjective well-being, the authors make use of a multi-dimensional religiosity scale. Via dissecting religiosity into different dimensions, we show when life satisfaction is in negative, positive, linear and/or curvilinear relationship with religiosity. The empirical evidence shows that the relationships between the dimensions of religiosity on life satisfaction are non-linear. Specifically, we demonstrate that there exist non-linear relations of ideological and consequential dimensions of religiosity to life satisfaction.  相似文献   

Failure of Engineering Artifacts: A Life Cycle Approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Failure is a central notion both in ethics of engineering and in engineering practice. Engineers devote considerable resources to assure their products will not fail and considerable progress has been made in the development of tools and methods for understanding and avoiding failure. Engineering ethics, on the other hand, is concerned with the moral and social aspects related to the causes and consequences of technological failures. But what is meant by failure, and what does it mean that a failure has occurred? The subject of this paper is how engineers use and define this notion. Although a traditional definition of failure can be identified that is shared by a large part of the engineering community, the literature shows that engineers are willing to consider as failures also events and circumstance that are at odds with this traditional definition. These cases violate one or more of three assumptions made by the traditional approach to failure. An alternative approach, inspired by the notion of product life cycle, is proposed which dispenses with these assumptions. Besides being able to address the traditional cases of failure, it can deal successfully with the problematic cases. The adoption of a life cycle perspective allows the introduction of a clearer notion of failure and allows a classification of failure phenomena that takes into account the roles of stakeholders involved in the various stages of a product life cycle.  相似文献   

In this paper, differences between life satisfaction and intrinsic motivation (flow) are addressed. Theories are presented on evaluation, flow and openness to experience. Data from a Norwegian panel study are analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. Young adults (n = 264) participated in a projective study with cartoon frames showing Donald Duck in challenging situations. Measures of satisfaction with life and the personality trait of openness to experience were added to the analysis. Subjects scoring high on openness rated Donald Duck's feelings as positive. A slightly opposing tendency was found for persons scoring high on satisfaction with life. The results are discussed with reference to the philosophical distinction between hedonism and eudaemonia.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - Quality of life (QOL) of a patient is usually computed as the (weighted) sum of items and analysed by means of multiple regressions to evaluate its...  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine age and gender differences in the contents of regrets, and the association between regrets and subjective well-being. The sample consisted of 176 participants ranging in age from 19 to 82 years. The results showed that young adults (19–29 years) named regrets related to relationships and leisure more often than middle-aged (30–54 years) and older adults (55–82 years), whereas regrets related to work and family were more salient among middle-aged and older adults. Furthermore, gender comparison revealed that regrets concerning relationships and family were more frequent among women than among men. Related to subjective well-being, results showed that regrets concerning education and work were negatively associated with life satisfaction, and depressive symptoms associated with self-related regrets.  相似文献   

This study employs Amartya Sen’s Capability Approach to assess the quality of life of people in Delhi. Despite recording the highest per capita income in the country, Delhi remains a city-state of many inequalities causing huge disparities in the living conditions of the rich and the poor. Here I assess peoples’ perception of these disparities using five sets of well-being dimensions; psychological distress, social interactions and leisure activities, sheltering conditions, health status, and economic status & working conditions. Using a stratified random sample of 330 households (1,267 individuals aged atleast 18 years) and plurality of well-being dimensions, survey responses are quantified using fuzzy set theory, an approach designed to handle inexact and fuzzy outcomes. The results show that around 31 % of Delhi’s population is deprived of social interactions and leisure activities, over 25 % of people have very poor health status and around 14 % have very poor economic and working conditions. Education, in particular, is found to play an important role in improving the well-being of individuals. Higher levels of education are associated with higher levels of well-being achievement. The findings from this analysis should make a strong case for supplementing economic indicators with other indicators of well-being.  相似文献   

Quality of life (QoL) studies have become acceptable globally as indicators of how well a people are living. They are increasingly being used to identify and design areas of intervention to raise the wellbeing of a population. While studies on livelihoods in the informal waste recycling system of developing country cities have also been on the increase in recent years, assessments of the QoL expectations within the livelihoods framework in the informal waste recycling sector seem surprisingly few. Studies of this nature have also not been undertaken in the context of Nigerian socio-political, cultural and economic environment. Applying qual-dominant mixed methods approach to the livelihood activity of waste picking in the commercial city of Aba in southeastern Nigeria, this paper identifies predominant social indicators relevant to the Aba scavengers, waste pickers?? perceptions and QoL expectations, and potential outcomes of meeting the QoL expectations of waste pickers in the area. It also categorizes pickers?? vulnerabilities into four levels of increasing magnitude. Given that African social dynamics do not always or often find expression, fully or partially, in figures, the paper stresses the need to apply ethnographic and qualitative research methods in assessment of QoL and wellbeing in the informal waste recycling system. It further argues that integrating QoL assessments into public decision-making and social policy in Nigeria will contribute significantly towards meeting some of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while also engendering sustainable urban livelihood outcomes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although a balanced life has always been viewed as desirable, there are problems with extant conceptualizations and measures of this construct. Here we introduce 2 new life‐balance measures, based on time‐use profiles, that address these problems. One defines life balance as objectively equitable time use across multiple life domains, and the other defines life balance as low subjective discrepancy between actual and ideal time‐use profiles. Study 1 finds that both measures predict concurrent well‐being, in both U.S. and Indian samples. Study 2 shows that fluctuations in balance predict fluctuations in well‐being over a 3‐week period. Study 3 replicates the Study 1 findings using a different time assessment technique, based on the Day Reconstruction Method. Study 4 assigns participants the month‐long goal of enhancing their life balance, finding that those who achieve this goal enhance their well‐being. In all 4 studies, the balance effects on well‐being were mediated by psychological need satisfaction associated with balance.  相似文献   


Recent remarks of Pope Francis spark anew an important discussion: are we alone in the Universe? The article follows traces of the idea of extraterrestrial life throughout philosophy, evaluates the current considerations about the probability of extraterrestrial life and discusses the potential implications for the discovery of such life from a theological point of view. This “thought experiment” covers basic insights on creation, revelation and redemption.  相似文献   

The aim of the analyses presented here was to explore subjective and objective components and predictors of self-rated quality of life (QoL). The vehicle for the study was a questionnaire module on perceptions of quality of life, which was commissioned by the authors for inclusion in the Office of National Statistics (ONS) Omnibus Survey in Great Britain. For the survey, 2033 randomly sampled adults aged 16 and over were interviewed in their own homes (77% response rate). Multiple regression analyses showed that relatively little of the variance in overall QoL ratings was explained by the objective, socio-demographic indicators (5%), and the addition of the health status indicator (reported longstanding illness) contributed nothing. The subjective ratings of life in self-nominated areas of importance explained the most, with those who did not prioritise the area at all as the referent (relationships, finances, own health, others' health, work and social life). These variables contributed over twice as much as the objective and health status variables, indicating the relative importance of self-nominated 'important areas of life' over theoretically important, objective variables and reported illness. However, the final model still only explained a modest amount of the variance in quality of life ratings (16%), confirming the amorphous nature of quality of life.  相似文献   

The present study investigated naturally occurring profiles based on two dimensions of meaning in life: Presence of Meaning and Search for Meaning. Cluster analysis was used to examine meaning‐in‐life profiles, and subsequent analyses identified different patterns in psychosocial functioning for each profile. A sample of 8,492 American emerging adults (72.5% women) from 30 colleges and universities completed measures on meaning in life, and positive and negative psychosocial functioning. Results provided support for five meaningful yet distinguishable profiles. A strong generalizability of the cluster solution was found across age, and partial generalizability was found across gender and ethnicity. Furthermore, the five profiles showed specific patterns in relation to positive and negative psychosocial functioning. Specifically, respondents with profiles high on Presence of Meaning showed the most adaptive psychosocial functioning, whereas respondents with profiles where meaning was largely absent showed maladaptive psychosocial functioning. The present study provided additional evidence for prior research concerning the complex relationship between Presence of Meaning and Search for Meaning, and their relation with psychosocial functioning. Our results offer a partial clarification of the nature of the Search for Meaning process by distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive searching for meaning in life.  相似文献   

After the demise of the Soviet Union, many individuals felt a sigh of relief as fear was leaving them. Yet, over the years, counselors have seen a new fear—terrorism—demonstrated in drive-by shootings, hate crimes, and now, weapons of mass destruction. In helping clients deal with this all-too-real phenomenon, a reframing process is in order, one that views our lives not in permanence, but as constant change. Much needless suffering is due to clinging to permanent belief systems, which, in reality, are impermanent. Many clients I have worked with have found effective ways not only to deal with, but to flourish in whatever life brings, via a self-Being relationship.  相似文献   

条件性推理测验关注人们如何解决表面上看上去类似于传统归纳推理测验的问题,其真实目的是根据反应者是否将基于某种内隐偏差的解决方案视为合理的,进而评估反应者的人格倾向.有证据表明该方法可以有效防止自陈问卷的有意扭曲等相关问题,获得更可靠的结果.这种测评思路在成就动机和攻击性两个领域的研究中已经获得初步成效,测验的信度和效度都较为理想.然而也需指出,这一新思路尚处在发展中,还有一些问题如施测方法、测验构建和思路拓展等需作进一步探讨.  相似文献   

Applied Research in Quality of Life - This study aimed to evaluate health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of Hungarian schoolchildren aged 8–18 years and in a representative urban...  相似文献   

This research enriches our knowledge of the tourist market in relation to the elderly, i.e., those age 65 and older and retired. The purpose of the research is to explore the missing link between travel behaviors of the elderly and how they contribute to Quality of Life (QoL). As a result, this study clarifies elderly tourist motivation and also aims to examine the relationship among motivation, constraints, leisure-life domain satisfaction, and overall life satisfaction by generating theoretical and practical implications related to those behaviors. Using a structural equation modeling approach, the research model identifies the relevant relationships among the constructs. The results reveal that motivation positively influences satisfaction with leisure-life domain. However, travel constraints do not affect leisure-life domain satisfaction. In addition, satisfaction with leisure-life domain is linked to overall life satisfaction among the elderly.  相似文献   

The life satisfaction approach (LSA) enables researchers to attach monetary values to nonmarket circumstances that affect people’s life satisfaction. Previous studies employ LSA to examine how the environment, health, and social capital, etc. affect life satisfaction. This study focuses on the OECD Better Life Index and intends to evaluate more comprehensive socioeconomic characteristics. Considering comprehensive factors about life enables us to avoid biased estimation. This study also considers more consistent estimation methods. Previous studies tend to attach monetary valuations in different settings. Thus, it is difficult to compare the effects of different socioeconomic circumstances. This study employs LSA to estimate the happiness functions of Japanese survey respondents by incorporating extensive socioeconomic characteristics as explanatory variables. Controlling for multiple factors affecting subjective wellbeing, we more accurately attach monetary values to each factor within a consistent analytical framework. By doing so, we assess factors’ relative comparable influence on subjective wellbeing. We adopt three estimation procedures to check robustness against model specifications. Results indicate that respondents value small changes in their socioeconomic circumstances more highly than other factors. Especially, circumstances surrounding quality of life carry higher equivalent monetary valuations than material living standards.  相似文献   

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