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随着中国人口老龄化程度的不断加剧以及老年人购买力的增强,老年人消费群体已然成为了家具消费市场中的重要组成部分。而根据笔者的实地调研,发现市场上针对老年人的家具产品少之又少。因此可以以老年人为研究对象,研究他们的生理、心理以及生活习惯,并针对老年人的需求,以家具设计为媒介,设计出满足居家型老年人的康复性养老家具。  相似文献   

我国已经趋于老年化发展,并且正在以规模化的进程步入老龄化社会。老年化社会在发展的过程中会出现许多问题,如家庭成员内部结构在年龄高层化等。特别是进入到当前新时代,传统的养老模式已经难以适应老年人各方面需求。许多建筑商对小区进行养老住宅改造,以满足老年人居住环境安全性和独立性的需求。文章分析了我国居家养老住宅改造的趋势,对居家养老住宅改造的必要性进行了论证,分析了中国人口老龄化与居家养老型住宅的现状,以及居家养老型住宅所存在的问题,并且对多层住宅适老性改造设计提出若干建议。  相似文献   

随着全球人口逐渐老龄化,国内外大多数国家都在一定程度上对老年人的居住模式进行了一些探索。目前多数国外发达国家针对老年人的居住问题已经确立了以居家养老为主的模式。而我国老龄人口增速较快,老年人口基数较大,且多数未富先老,越来越多老年人的养老居住问题也逐渐凸显,从我国养老的传统观念来看,"以居家养老为主"的模式比较适合我国的国情。设计师应从老年人的生理、心理变化特点出发,总结适合老年人的住宅室内设计原则及适老化设计的内在因素,提出住宅室内空间各个组成部分的相关设计要点,解决老年人在居家养老中面临的障碍,为老人的养老生活打开一扇窗,让更多的老人能够在自己的家中快乐地生活、健康优雅地老去。  相似文献   

面对全球老龄化的趋势,国外一些国家在智慧居家养老服务理论与实践方面进行了有益探索,我国发展智慧居家养老服务也具有客观必然性。国外开展的ACTION模式为老年人及其家庭护理者提供可靠、信任的服务,一直被认为是欧洲信息通信技术在养老服务中应用的最好示范;由法国国家支持的以音频技术为基础设计的新的智能居家系统SweetHome也取得了很好的效果。阐述了ACTION模式和Sweet-Home模式的提出背景、体系构成、实施效果,借鉴其经验,对我国在模式设计、服务项目、参与主体和人才培养等方面发展智慧居家养老服务具有一定的启示。  相似文献   

当前,在人口老龄化背景下,随着中国传统居家养老的弊端日渐凸显,不少家庭便把机构养老作为养老的第一选择。公共食堂作为养老院内主要的公共空间之一,其空间环境质量决定了老年人的生活品质。经实地调研发现,我国部分养老机构的适老性建设并未跟上时代的发展,机构内的公共食堂亦是如此。因此,为创造一个优质的适老性公共食堂,以南宁市五象养老服务中心公共食堂为例,以“老年人为本”理念进行设计,基于老年人的身体及心理需求,致力于打造出一个具备无障碍性、舒适性、人文关怀性的高质量食堂。  相似文献   

结合消费升级理论及居民消费升级的现实,分析医护养老需求与消费的相关性,探讨医护养老供给的现状及存在的问题,指出医护养老的发展模式和保障措施。老年人消费能力的提升导致医疗、健康服务消费支出在其总支出中的比重不断增加,医护型养老服务迎来政策和市场机遇。相关制度缺位、养老服务人才缺口大、社会资本投资动力不足、支付能力低等,导致包括机构养老、医疗护理、临终关怀等医护养老服务供给不足。应发展"医"、"养"一体式、对接式的医护养老模式,并从立法、财政政策、人才培养机制等方面提供保障。  相似文献   

国家老龄委提出"以居家养老为主,集居社会化养老为辅,与社区养老服务网络相结合"的老年居住养老体系,表明社区居家养老服务空间作为我国支撑养老服务的基础平台,发挥着至关重要的作用。本文研究的社区居家养老服务空间优化配置策略是建立在遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm)的基础上的,通过对影响空间性能的各项物理指标进行分析、归纳和分类研究,运用实验模型论证了构建多目标性能化改造的理论、方法和技术体系,对社区居家养老服务空间的科学配置,具有重要的社会学意义。  相似文献   

我国许多城市进入人口老龄化阶段,城乡老年人中90.5%以上希望居家养老,居家养老政策逐渐成为我国养老的主流模式。人们集中到城市生活,带来了房地产市场的繁荣。伴随着用地紧张,房价上涨,小户型住宅日益得到人们的喜爱。从老年人的身体状况和生活照料程度考虑,一般将老年人分为三种类型,分别为:自理老人,介助老人,介护老人。以自理老人为例,探讨以家庭养老模式下,小户型住宅空间收纳的合理化、适老性设计。  相似文献   

本文在简要讨论居家养老服务发展之现实背景的前提下,对长江三角洲地区居家养老服务发展的情况给予概述性分析,结合"长三角"各地在发展居家养老服务发展中的具体做法,归纳梳理出五种富有成效的运作模式,并展望了未来发展的前景.  相似文献   

在日益严重的人口老龄化背景下,养老成为社会各界普遍关注的问题。文章在阐述不同的养老模式特点的基础上,分析比较了不同养老模式的优缺点,进而总结了不同的养老模式在当今中国社会养老需求中的适用性,提出了采用居家养老模式与机构养老模式并存的方式,以期从根本上解决老年人的养老需求问题。  相似文献   

IPV is the most challenging mental health problem facing clergy. Abused women (n = 476), most of whom are Christians living at home (not in shelters), sought assistance from domestic violence centers. Data obtained from questionnaires demonstrated that confiding in clergy predicts higher self-esteem and reduces the impact of lack of social support on self-esteem, self-efficacy, and life satisfaction. Compassionate clergy counseling can have a positive influence on psychological outcomes of women in abusive relationships.  相似文献   

This study investigates how cognition influences activities of daily living and health-related quality of life in 85-year-olds in Sweden (n = 373). Data collection included a postal questionnaire comprising demographics and health-related quality of life measured by the EQ-5D. The ability to perform personal activities of daily living (PADL) was assessed during a home visit that included administering the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Cognitive impairment was shown in 108 individuals (29%). The majority were independent with respect to PADL. A larger number of participants with cognitive impairment reported that they needed assistance in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) compared to the group without cognitive impairment. Impaired cognition was significantly related to problems with IADL. Significant but low correlations were found between cognition and health-related quality of life - higher ratings on perceived quality of life correlated with higher results on the MMSE.  相似文献   

为建立中国中学生和大学生的幸福感常模,采用青少年幸福感问卷,在全国31个省(自治区、直辖市)取样43536名被试进行测量。结果发现:(1)青少年幸福感问卷的信效度达到可接受水平;(2)高中生的整体幸福感水平显著低于初中生和大学生;(3)家庭居住在市区的初、高中生的整体幸福感水平显著高于居住在县城和乡镇的学生。所建立的初中生、高中生和大学生的平均分常模和百分等级常模可作为评价学生幸福感的参照标准。  相似文献   

Two parallel forms of the Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES) were developed. Each form includes 19 items representing each of five domains of adult living: marital roles, parental roles, employee roles, social-interpersonal-heterosexual roles, and educational roles. To determine the psychometric characteristics of the scales, 367 persons were tested, including police, senior citizens, business undergraduates, and psychology undergraduates. Reliability estimates for domain and total scores ranged from .81 to .97. Correlations between social desirability and SRES scores ranged from –.03 to +.18. Preliminary evidence of validity was derived from the confirmation of two a priori hypotheses: (a) Women scored more egalitarian than men, and psychology students scored more egalitarian than business students; (b) Both student groups scored more egalitarian than senior citizens and police.This research was supported by a Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors Grant from Central Michigan University. A portion of this paper was presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Detroit, April 1981. The authors wish to thank Ann Carey, Tom Blair, and Larry Dennis for their computer assistance.Copies of the Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale may be obtained from Carole A. Beere, Department of Psychology, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48859.  相似文献   


This study investigates how cognition influences activities of daily living and health-related quality of life in 85-year-olds in Sweden (n?=?373). Data collection included a postal questionnaire comprising demographics and health-related quality of life measured by the EQ-5D. The ability to perform personal activities of daily living (PADL) was assessed during a home visit that included administering the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE). Cognitive impairment was shown in 108 individuals (29%). The majority were independent with respect to PADL. A larger number of participants with cognitive impairment reported that they needed assistance in instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) compared to the group without cognitive impairment. Impaired cognition was significantly related to problems with IADL. Significant but low correlations were found between cognition and health-related quality of life – higher ratings on perceived quality of life correlated with higher results on the MMSE.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to complement and advance Wilber's integral approach through an investigation into ancestral consciousness by the Zulu. Five isiZulu home language speakers (age range 33 to 56 years) and a sixth English speaking person were participant-researchers. Experiences of ancestral consciousness from individual, collective, subjective, objective, cultural and social perspectives were explored. Findings suggested that ancestral consciousness increased perceived spirituality as assessed on a standardized spirituality scale. It was also associated with immediate apprehensions of senior kinsmen, living and dead, of God and/or more generally of Spirit. Wilber's integral approach appears to hold explanatory value in non-Western culture.  相似文献   

The study examines interactions and experiences of Bedouin women living in polygamous households in Israel. A mixed-method approach was applied in a two-part study. The quantitative part examined differences in differentiation of self and marital satisfaction between 50 Bedouin women in polygamous marriages and 50 in monogamous marriages. It found that, in polygamous families, women's levels of marital satisfaction were positively related to their I-position and fusion with others and negatively related to emotional cutoff and number of children at home, whereas among monogamous counterparts, marital satisfaction was only negatively associated with emotional cutoff. Surprisingly, fused relationships with the family of origin predicted higher satisfaction only in women in polygamous marriages. The qualitative part, which yielded deeper understanding of the authentic voices and experiences of 18 senior wives, revealed that they had severe emotional and physiological responses to their husbands' marriage to another woman. For most, particularly those who married young, living in a polygamous family adversely affected their marital satisfaction. Interactions ranged from violent relationships, accompanied by jealousy and anger, to respectful and harmonious relations. Along with the challenges, some women, especially the educated, chose proactive ways of coping. Educated women also preferred cohabitation with the other wife.  相似文献   

The effects and side-effects of a victim assistance project aimed at victims of burglary are experimentally evaluated. Key features of the programme included the provision of burglary prevention information by police officers during a personal interaction with the victim through a positive and limitative communication strategy. Results suggest that important programme goals (for example, stronger satisfaction with police performance, a more internal risk orientation concerning victimization, stronger preventive intentions) were met. One of the positive effects for which experimental support was found was an improvement in police-victim relations. As regards side-effects the programme led neither to response generalization, nor to increased fear of crime outside the home. However, the side-effects of increased fear in the home did occur in female victims and victims with an external risk-orientation. The implications for future victim assistance projects in this domain are finally discussed.  相似文献   


This study examines religion and church-based assistance among 127 chronically ill African-American and white elderly persons hospitalized for congestive heart failure and discharged to home. Elders reported high levels of religiosity and prayer behavior; they reported low levels of church help received. Controlling for living arrangement, gender, social class and health in probit regression analyses, race was not a significant predictor of subjective religiosity, frequency of prayer, or level of church help received. Findings indicated a significant race-by-health interaction. Subjective religiosity was positively associated with health for whites but no relationship was found between religiosity and health for African-Americans. Further research is called for that replicates study findings on other elders with chronic illness.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates how monolingual Chinese seniors claimed Montreal’s Chinatown as home through exercising agency and working out paradoxes concerning their living conditions, familial relations and subjectivities. Chinatown authenticity is primarily created as a tourist spot for ephemeral consumption and circulation, but residents contested it by their rootedness and belonging. Their narratives further challenged the stereotypes of Chinatown residents as sojourners and the stigma of monolingual seniors as monocultural fixtures. These ground a theoretical discussion and policy suggestions by emphasising the importance of subjective integration and by identifying concrete areas of improvement for a better living quality in Montreal’s Chinatown.  相似文献   

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