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This study links Horney’s account of human growth and neurosis to authenticity by examining aggressive responses on the point subtraction aggressive paradigm, providing the first empirical test of whether authenticity can predict objective behavior. Data from undergraduate, postgraduate, and mature students demonstrate that when controlling for age, gender, trait-anger, agreeableness, and functional dimensions of coping, individuals who measure high on authentic-living respond less aggressively to attacks and counter-attacks in unfair situations. Authentic-living uniquely accounted for 14.2% of variance in aggressive-responses (= −.37). The findings suggest that inauthenticity is a strong predictor of aggressive behavior, and therefore increasing levels of authenticity in counseling practice may reduce maladaptive levels of anger. We suggest future exploration between authenticity and models of emotional regulation will unearth the cause and effects of aggression within inauthentic individuals.  相似文献   


Self-regulation in preschool-aged children is a much-researched topic, but there are still disagreements regarding the dimensionality of the construct. Most studies distinguish between hot and cool self-regulation and consider self-regulation as two-factorial. Hot self-regulation tasks refer to the ability to adapt appropriately to emotional stimuli, while cool self-regulation tasks are emotionally neutral. Our study contributes to the understanding of self-regulation at preschool age and reveals new insights concerning a more differentiated view of cool self-regulation. With a total sample of 434 preschool-aged children, we conducted confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses that demonstrated a three-factorial solution. In accordance with the variables that determined the factor structure, we inferred one hot and two cool self-regulation dimensions. We identified a time component in task scoring as a potential reason for the differentiation in cool self-regulation. The novelty of our findings and study limitations are considered.  相似文献   

Aggression is often measured in the laboratory as an iterative “tit-for-tat” sequence, in which two aggressors repeatedly inflict retaliatory harm upon each other. Aggression researchers typically quantify aggression by aggregating across participants’ aggressive behavior on such iterative encounters. However, this “aggregate approach” cannot capture trajectories of aggression across the iterative encounters and needlessly eliminates rich information in the form of within-participant variability. As an alternative approach, I used multilevel modeling (MLM) to examine the slope of aggression across the 25-trial Taylor Aggression Paradigm as a function of trait physical aggression and experimental provocation. Across two preregistered studies (combined N = 392), participants exhibited a modest decline in aggression. This decline reflected a reciprocal strategy, in which participants responded to an initially-provocative opponent with greater aggression that then decreased over time to match their opponent's declining levels of aggression. Against predictions, trait physical aggression and experimental provocation did not affect participants’ overall trajectories of aggression. Yet, exploratory analyses suggested that the participants’ tendency to reciprocate their opponent's aggression with more aggression was greater at higher levels of trait physical aggression and attenuated among participants who had already been experimentally provoked by their opponent. These findings (a) illustrate several advantages of an MLM approach as compared with an aggregate approach to iterative laboratory aggression paradigms; (b) demonstrate that the magnifying effects of trait aggression and experimental provocation on laboratory aggression are stable over brief time-frames; and (c) suggest that modeling the opponent's behavior on such tasks reveals important information.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that information about the valence of words is encoded in a semantic system, we predicted that the match between the valence of a prime and the valence of a target word will influence the pronunciation of the target only if and to the extent that pronunciation is semantically mediated. In line with this prediction, we found affective priming effects (faster pronunciation when prime and target had the same valence than when they had a different valence) only when participants were instructed to read words but not nonwords (Experiment 1) or words that were not names of occupations (Experiment 2). Priming was not significant when participants were asked to read white but not red words (Experiment 1) or words that did not have a frame around them (Experiment 2).  相似文献   

Social aggression is widely emerging among young adults and can cause social and psychological adjustment problems. Although trait anger is believed to affect aggression, the longitudinal effect of trait anger on social aggression has not been tested, and the underlying mechanisms are unclear. A temporal path model (TPM) was constructed to explain how trait anger longitudinally predicts social aggression. Three-wave data were collected in five provinces of China from 1209 valid young adults. The results showed that trait anger predicts social aggression through both hostile attribution tendency (an in-process tendency) and anger rumination tendency (a post-process tendency), and these tendencies may predict each other. The present study supports the idea of TPM for aggression and develops General Aggression Model.  相似文献   

The psychometric properties of a Spanish translation of the Buss and Perry aggression questionnaire adapted for pre-adolescents and adolescents have been studied. A maximum-likelihood confirmatory factor analysis corroborates Buss and Perry’s four-factor structure. The internal consistency of each factor and of the total score has proved to be satisfactory. The four factors are more closely interrelated in pre-adolescents than in adolescents.A second aim of this work has been to further our understanding of the possible relationship between aggression scores and certain outside-school activities of the subjects studied. Two thousand two hundred and eight students filled in the questionnaire together with a self-report concerning their habits. The results show that the aggression scores rise concomitantly with time spent watching television and playing video games and decrease the greater the time devoted to extra-curricular reading or moderate amounts of homework. Statistically significant differences relating to age and gender were also found.  相似文献   

Maltreatment of children is a chronic community problem that increases the risk of future aggression. Despite several decades of research highlighting this relationship, few studies have explored the potential neuropsychological deficits that are likely to mediate it. This exploratory study aimed to examine how child maltreatment may be associated with aggression via impairment in the developing prefrontal-limbic-autonomic pathways that are implicated in neuropsychological models of aggression. Furthermore, it aimed to investigate the relationship between child maltreatment and both reactive and proactive aggression subtypes. To investigate this non-invasively in an at-risk population, children with a documented protective care history (n = 20) and a community control group (n = 30), aged between 6 and 12 years, were compared on measures of cardiovascular functioning, affect regulation and cognitive functioning aligned with this neuropsychological model. Whilst no group differences were found on cardiovascular functioning (i.e., resting heart rate, heart rate reactivity, heart rate variability), the protective care group performed significantly worse on measures of affect regulation and cognitive functioning (i.e., global intelligence, executive functioning, smell identification and social cognition). The relationship between child maltreatment and aggression was mediated by executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation but not global IQ, social cognition or olfactory identification. The results suggest that interventions targeting aggression in maltreated children will benefit from clinical assessment and psychological strategies that address the executive dysfunction and affect dysregulation that has been associated with this clinical outcome.  相似文献   

Long-term social isolation of laboratory animals is a model to study the behavioral and neurochemical consequences of the absence of social interaction in rodents. Many of the symptoms induced by isolation resemble depression and anxiety disorder symptomatology. Our studies have revealed that male mice socially isolated for more than 4 weeks, exhibit increased aggressiveness, a reduced responsiveness to GABA(A) receptor acting drugs, and a downregulation of brain levels of 3alpha,5alpha-tetrahydroprogesterone (allopregnanolone: 3alpha,5alpha-THP), a neurosteroid endowed with potent positive allosteric modulatory activity of the action of GABA at various GABA(A) receptor subtypes. This downregulation of 3alpha,5alpha-THP appeared to be associated with the reduction of brain type I 5alpha-reductase mRNA and protein expression. Systemic administration of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor fluoxetine and its metabolite norfluoxetine normalized brain 3alpha,5alpha-THP content and reduced responsiveness to GABA(A) mimetic drugs in a stereospecific manner. These drugs in nanomolar doses also reduced social isolation-induced aggressiveness with the same stereospecificity as detected in their action on 3alpha,5alpha-THP brain content, while their ex vivo inhibition of serotonin reuptake occurred at high micromolar doses and lacked stereospecificity. From these results we infer that the brain 3alpha,5alpha-THP content physiologically upregulates GABA(A) receptor responsiveness to GABA and that social isolation induces a reduction of brain 3alpha,5alpha-THP content that is probably causally related to the onset of aggression.  相似文献   

Maternal aggression of lactating rats was used to induce acute social stress in a resident-intruder paradigm. Behavioral and electrocardiographic responses of male intruders were simultaneously recorded. Cardiac electrical activity was measured by means of a telemetry system which ensured preservation of intruder's behavioral repertoire. Behavioral response to maternal attack was evaluated in terms of percent time spent in passive/submissive (p/s) and active/non-submissive (a/ns) patterns. This allowed us to classify the intruders as submissive, non-submissive, and intermediates. During the test, a significant decrease of average R-R interval (R-R) compared to baseline conditions and the occurrence of arrythmias of different nature were found. Ventricular arrhythmias, including premature ventricular beats and ventricular tachycardias, were present in all the intruders while R-R fluctuations and II degree atrioventricular (A-V) blocks only appeared in submissive and intermediate rats. Most ventricular arrhythmias occurred within the upper range of heart rate and were preceded by periods of low R-R variability. These electrocardiographic events were temporally associated with a/ns behavioral patterns and were related to an increased prevalence of sympathetic activity. On the other hand, R-R fluctuations and II degree A-V blocks preceded by high R-R variability were synchronized with p/s behavior and were ascribed to a predominant inhibitory effect of vagal activation which becomes more pronounced as the level of sympathetic activity increases. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ehlers and Clark (Behav. Res. Ther., 38 (2000) 319) recently proposed a cognitive model of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In this study, we examined two facets of this model, appraisal and peritraumatic dissociation, in the context of a hospital emergency room. Fifty-one emergency room personnel completed questionnaires measuring posttraumatic stress symptoms, interpretations of traumatic events experienced while working in the emergency room and subsequent intrusive recollections, and peritraumatic dissociation. Twelve percent of participants met formal diagnostic criteria for PTSD, and 20% met PTSD symptom criteria. As predicted, both negative appraisals of the trauma and of intrusive recollections were associated with increased PTSD severity. Although peritraumatic dissociation did not correlate with overall PTSD symptom severity, it was associated with the reexperiencing symptom cluster. Discussion focuses on the factors associated with PTSD in emergency room professionals and implications for intervention.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests that reactive and proactive aggression likely have distinct underlying mechanisms that uniquely contribute to the perpetration of each as a result of faulty cognitive and emotional processes. Still, very little work has examined the association of the functions of relational aggression with emotion dysregulation and hostile attribution biases. In addition, it is important to examine relational aggression in its pure and co-occurring functions given that past work finds reactive and proactive aggression to occur both jointly and distinctly. Thus, the current study employed a bifactor model to distinguish between pure reactive, pure proactive, and co-occurring relational aggression in emerging adulthood (N = 647, Mage = 19.92, SD = 2.83), a developmental time period for which relational aggression is particularly prominent. To further address gaps in the relational aggression literature, indirect pathway models revealed that relational hostile attribution biases emerged as a concurrent indirect path in the relationship between emotion dysregulation and pure reactive relational aggression. Furthermore, emotion dysregulation was directly positively associated with both pure functions as well as co-occurring relational aggression, and hostile attribution biases for relational provocations were directly associated with both pure functions of relational aggression, though the association was negative for pure proactive and positive for pure reactive relational aggression. Findings highlight the potential influence of emotion dysregulation and attributing hostile intent to social situations on engaging in the different functions of relational aggression.  相似文献   

中学生心理危机分类模型属于复杂数据模型,本文采用分类树算法探究家庭、校园、同伴和个体因素在中学生心理危机分类中的相对重要性差异,尤其是心理痛苦三因素对致死性危机的独特作用。结果显示:(1)中学生自杀危机和非致死性危机分类树的分类效果良好,自伤危机分类树的分类效果欠佳;(2)中学生自杀危机中,痛苦逃避最为重要,痛苦唤醒次之,之后为痛苦体验和学校满意度;(3)中学生自伤危机中,同伴问题行为最为重要,之后为父母陪伴和家庭监督;(4)中学生非致死性危机中,歧视知觉最为重要,之后为痛苦唤醒和同伴支持。提示中学生不同心理危机的促发机制存在差异,心理痛苦三因素模型在自杀分类模型中作用显著,但并非自伤危机和非致死性危机的关键变量。  相似文献   

The main aim of the current study was to test the cognitive content‐specificity hypothesis across internalizing and externalizing problems in Chinese adolescents. The participants consisted of 2,158 adolescents aged 11–19 years from three middle schools, and they completed a number of measures assessing a wide range of automatic thoughts and syndromes related to internalizing and externalizing problems. Multivariate regression analyses demonstrated that thoughts about social threats, personal failure and hostility were the strongest predictors of anxiety, depression, and externalizing problems, respectively. Age was a statistically significant, albeit modest, moderator of the relationship between automatic thoughts about social threat and anxiety. The current study provides support for the cognitive content‐specificity hypothesis in internalizing and externalizing problems in a Chinese sample.  相似文献   

The triarchic model of psychopathy encompasses different conceptions of psychopathic personality characterized by three phenotypic components: boldness, disinhibition, and meanness. Psychopathy is a complex construct at both emotional and behavioral level. The aim of this study was to determine the core elements of psychopathic personality in a community sample and analyze the relation between these elements and other personality traits such as aggression, and certain specific behavioral manifestations such as substance use. The study sample comprised 1,159 participants aged between 17 and 74 years, who were administered the Triarchic Psychopathy Questionnaire, the Impulsive‐Premeditated Aggression Scale, and the Aggression Questionnaire. The results show that the constructs of meanness and disinhibition are more highly associated with different forms of both impulsive and premeditated aggression. Furthermore, men scored higher on all three components of the triarchic model compared to women. Finally, higher substance use (tobacco and drugs) was associated with higher scores in meanness, boldness, and disinhibition. These findings demonstrate the importance of assessing psychopathy in a community sample, and the detection of possible risk factors for the disorder.  相似文献   

Delayed-response tasks (DRTs) have been used to assess working memory (WM) processes in human and nonhuman animals. Experiments have shown that the basal ganglia (BG) and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) subserve DRT performance. Here, we report the results of simulation studies of a systems-level model of DRT performance. The model was trained using the temporal difference (TD) algorithm and uses an actor-critic architecture. The matrisomes of the BG represent the actor and the striosomes represent the critic. Unlike existing models, we hypothesize that the BG subserve the selection of both motor- and cognitive-related information in these tasks. We also assume that the learning of both processes is based on reward presentation. A novel feature of the model is the incorporation of delay-active neurons in the matrisomes, in addition to DLPFC. Another novel feature of the model is the subdivision of the matrisomal neurons into segregated winner-take-all (WTA) networks consisting of delay- versus transiently-active units.Our simulation model proposes a new neural mechanism to account for the occurrence of perseverative responses in WM tasks in striatal-, as well as in prefrontal damaged subjects. Simulation results also show that the model both accounts for the phenomenon of time shifting of dopamine phasic signals and the effects of partial reinforcement and reward magnitude on WM performance at both behavioral and neural levels. Our simulation results also found that the TD algorithm can subserve learning in delayed-reversal tasks.  相似文献   

Treatments for eating disorders, in particular for people with anorexia nervosa, have often been adaptations of therapies designed for other conditions. Indeed, there is a move advocating the use of a transdiagnostic treatment approach in which general module based treatments are mixed together as needed rather than using a specific anorexia nervosa targeted strategy. The outcome of treatment is relatively poor, especially for those who for some reason do not have the benefit of an expert form of early intervention for anorexia nervosa. Technological advances in the neurosciences and genetics have radically altered how eating disorders and in particular anorexia nervosa have been conceptualised. In this paper we describe evidence that suggests that key aspects of the social information processing network both the cognitive and affective elements may be anomalous in people with anorexia nervosa. This has implications for models of treatment which can be tailored more directly to these causal and or maintaining factors. We describe the Maudsley method of working with adults with anorexia nervosa which has integrated these elements. This treatment approach includes working with the individual to develop a more flexible and holistic cognitive style with greater emotional intelligence. This is supplemented with work with the families to interrupt interactions that either accommodate to or aggravate the symptoms. Thus we are now in the position to understand and work to change how people with anorexia nervosa think and behave rather than focusing on what people think and say they do. Our prediction is that treatments that focus more directly on aetiology such as the intrapersonal and interpersonal maintaining factors will improve outcome.  相似文献   

We analysed the mediational role of the personality dimensions of sociotropy and autonomy in the relationship between certain styles of attachment and depressive symptoms. In order for us to do so, a group of university students filled out the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), the Revised Personal Style Inventory (PSI-II) and the Relationship Questionnaire (RQ). Individuals having attachment styles with a negative model of self (preoccupied and fearful) obtained significantly higher scores in the BDI than those having attachment styles with a positive model of self (secure and dismissing), which coincides with previous research. We followed the standard procedure of Baron and Kenny of linear regression in order to perform the mediational analyses. The preoccupied attachment style-depressive symptoms relationship was mediated by sociotropy. It was also found that autonomy exerted a significant mediational effect on the relationship between the fearful attachment style and depressive symptoms. These results are consistent with the notion that insecure attachment predisposes individuals to the development of depressogenic personality styles. Thus, the findings of the present study contribute to improving the understanding of the factors involved in the development of vulnerability to depression. Furthermore, the results point out the importance of evaluating both attachment style and sociotropy/autonomy personality dimensions for the treatment of depressive patients.  相似文献   

In this article, we show that the underlying dimensions obtained when factor analyzing cross-sectional data actually form a mix of within-person state dimensions and between-person trait dimensions. We propose a factor analytical model that distinguishes between four independent sources of variance: common trait, unique trait, common state, and unique state. We show that by testing whether there is weak factorial invariance across the trait and state factor structures, we can tackle the fundamental question first raised by Cattell; that is, are within-person state dimensions qualitatively the same as between-person trait dimensions? Furthermore, we discuss how this model is related to other trait-state factor models, and we illustrate its use with two empirical data sets. We end by discussing the implications for cross-sectional factor analysis and suggest potential future developments.  相似文献   

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