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An Extended Two-Way Euclidean Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) model which assumes both common and specific dimensions is described and contrasted with the standard (Two-Way) MDS model. In this Extended Two-Way Euclidean model then stimuli (or other objects) are assumed to be characterized by coordinates onR common dimensions. In addition each stimulus is assumed to have a dimension (or dimensions) specific to it alone. The overall distance between objecti and objectj then is defined as the square root of the ordinary squared Euclidean distance plus terms denoting the specificity of each object. The specificity,s j , can be thought of as the sum of squares of coordinates on those dimensions specific to objecti, all of which have nonzero coordinatesonly for objecti. (In practice, we may think of there being just one such specific dimension for each object, as this situation is mathematically indistinguishable from the case in which there are more than one.)We further assume that ij =F(d ij ) +e ij where ij is the proximity value (e.g., similarity or dissimilarity) of objectsi andj,d ij is the extended Euclidean distance defined above, whilee ij is an error term assumed i.i.d.N(0, 2).F is assumed either a linear function (in the metric case) or a monotone spline of specified form (in the quasi-nonmetric case). A numerical procedure alternating a modified Newton-Raphson algorithm with an algorithm for fitting an optimal monotone spline (or linear function) is used to secure maximum likelihood estimates of the paramstatistics) can be used to test hypotheses about the number of common dimensions, and/or the existence of specific (in addition toR common) dimensions.This approach is illustrated with applications to both artificial data and real data on judged similarity of nations.  相似文献   

Multivariate models for the triangular and duo-trio methods are described in this paper. In both cases, the mathematical formulation of Euclidean models for these methods is derived and evaluated for the bivariate case using numerical quadrature. Theoretical results are compared with those obtained using Monte Carlo simulation which is validated by comparison with previously published theoretical results for univariate models of these methods. This work is discussed in light of its importance to the development of a new theory for multidimensional scaling in which the traditional assumption can be eliminated that proximity measures and perceptual distances are monotonically related.  相似文献   

Fitting and testing carroll's weighted unfolding model for preferences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quadratic programming algorithm is presented for fitting Carroll's weighted unfolding model for preferences to known multidimensional scale values. The algorithm can be applied directly to pairwise preferences; it permits nonnegativity constraints on subject weights; and it provides a means of testing various preference model hypotheses. While basically metric, it can be combined with Kruskal's monotone regression to fit ordinal data. Monte Carlo results show that (a) adequacy of true preference recovery depends on the number of data points and the amount of error, and (b) the proportion of data variance accounted for by the model sometimes only approximately reflects true recovery.This study is based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The author wishes to thank the members of his dissertation committee—Lawrence E. Jones, Chairman, Charles Lewis, Stephen Golding, Ledyard Tucker, and Nancy Wiggins—for their helpful comments.  相似文献   

Abstract: At least two types of models, the vector model and the unfolding model can be used for the analysis of dichotomous choice data taken from, for example, the pick any/ n method. The previous vector threshold models have a difficulty with estimation of the nuisance parameters such as the individual vectors and thresholds. This paper proposes a new probabilistic vector threshold model, where, unlike the former vector models, the angle that defines an individual vector is a random variable, and where the marginal maximum likelihood estimation method using the expectation-maximization algorithm is adopted to avoid incidental parameters. The paper also attempts to discuss which of the two models is more appropriate to account for dichotomous choice data. Two sets of dichotomous choice data are analyzed by the model.  相似文献   

Three-way metric unfolding via alternating weighted least squares   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
Three-way unfolding was developed by DeSarbo (1978) and reported in DeSarbo and Carroll (1980, 1981) as a new model to accommodate the analysis of two-mode three-way data (e.g., nonsymmetric proximities for stimulus objects collected over time) and three-mode, three-way data (e.g., subjects rendering preference judgments for various stimuli in different usage occasions or situations). This paper presents a revised objective function and new algorithm which attempt to prevent the common type of degenerate solutions encountered in typical unfolding analysis. We begin with an introduction of the problem and a review of three-way unfolding. The three-way unfolding model, weighted objective function, and new algorithm are presented. Monte Carlo work via a fractional factorial experimental design is described investigating the effect of several data and model factors on overall algorithm performance. Finally, three applications of the methodology are reported illustrating the flexibility and robustness of the procedure.We wish to thank the editor and reviewers for their insightful comments.  相似文献   

The kinds of individual differences in perceptions permitted by the weighted euclidean model for multidimensional scaling (e.g., INDSCAL) are much more restricted than those allowed by Tucker's Three-mode Multidimensional Scaling (TMMDS) model or Carroll's Idiosyncratic Scaling (IDIOSCAL) model. Although, in some situations the more general models would seem desirable, investigators have been reluctant to use them because they are subject to transformational indeterminacies which complicate interpretation. In this article, we show how these indeterminacies can be removed by constructing specific models of the phenomenon under investigation. As an example of this approach, a model of the size-weight illusion is developed and applied to data from two experiments, with highly meaningful results. The same data are also analyzed using INDSCAL. Of the two solutions, only the one obtained by using the size-weight model allows examination of individual differences in the strength of the illusion; INDSCAL can not represent such differences. In this sample, however, individual differences in illusion strength turn out to be minor. Hence the INDSCAL solution, while less informative than the size-weight solution, is nonetheless easily interpretable.This paper is based on the first author's doctoral dissertation at the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The aid of Professor Ledyard R Tucker is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the development of a measure of the precision of a multidimensional euclidean structure. The measure is a precision index for each point in the structure, assuming that all the other points are precisely located. The measure is defined and two numerical methods are presented for its calculation. A small Monte Carlo study of the measure's behavior is performed and findings discussed.The authors are indebted to Bert F. Green, Jr., Ronald Helms, Andrea Sedlak, and three anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments on earlier drafts of this paper.  相似文献   

A method for externally constraining certain distances in multidimensional scaling configurations is introduced and illustrated. The approach defines an objective function which is a linear composite of the loss function of the point configurationX relative to the proximity dataP and the loss ofX relative to a pseudo-data matrixR. The matrixR is set up such that the side constraints to be imposed onX's distances are expressed by the relations amongR's numerical elements. One then uses a double-phase procedure with relative penalties on the loss components to generate a constrained solutionX. Various possibilities for constructing actual MDS algorithms are conceivable: the major classes are defined by the specification of metric or nonmetric loss for data and/or constraints, and by the various possibilities for partitioning the matricesP andR. Further generalizations are introduced by substitutingR by a set ofR matrices,R i ,i=1, ...r, which opens the way for formulating overlapping constraints as, e.g., in patterns that are both row- and column-conditional at the same time.  相似文献   

Multidimensional successive categories scaling: A maximum likelihood method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A single-step maximum likelihood estimation procedure is developed for multidimensional scaling of dissimilarity data measured on rating scales. The procedure can fit the euclidian distance model to the data under various assumptions about category widths and under two distributional assumptions. The scoring algorithm for parameter estimation has been developed and implemented in the form of a computer program. Practical uses of the method are demonstrated with an emphasis on various advantages of the method as a statistical procedure.The research reported here was partly supported by Grant A6394 to the author by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Portions of this research were presented at the Psychometric Society meeting in Uppsala, Sweden, in June, 1978. MAXSCAL-2.1, a program to perform the computations discussed in this paper may be obtained from the author. Thanks are due to Jim Ramsay for his helpful comments.  相似文献   

Stability or sensitivity analysis is an important topic in data analysis that has received little attention in the application of multidimensional scaling (MDS), for which the only available approaches are given in terms of a coordinate‐based analytical jackknife methodology. Although in MDS the prime interest is in assessing the stability of the points in the configuration, this methodology may be influenced by imprecisions resulting from the inherently necessary Procrustes method. This paper proposes an analytical distance‐based jackknife procedure to study stability and cross‐validation in MDS in terms of the jackknife distances, which is not influenced by the Procrustes method. For each object, the corresponding jackknife estimated points are considered as naturally clustered points, and stability and cross‐validation are analysed in terms of the MDS distances arising from the jackknife procedure, on the basis of a weighted cluster‐MDS algorithm. A jackknife‐relevant configuration is also proposed for cross‐validation in terms of coordinates, in a cluster‐MDS framework.  相似文献   

都市人智慧隐含理论的初步调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张卫东  董海涛 《心理科学》2003,26(3):419-421
本研究对上海市高校教师及其他成年市民的智慧隐含理论进行调查,经筛选获得40项智慧特征并对其进行非度量多维标度分析,鉴别出三个双极维度,分别解释为六个因子:超脱谦和的处世风格、杰出的认知能力、出色的人际互动能力、丰富的知识与经验、非凡的自知和自控能力、良好的性格特质。本文就中国人与西方人的智慧隐含理论进行跨文化比较分析。  相似文献   

The tunneling method for global optimization in multidimensional scaling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the problem of local minima of the STRESS function. It turns out that unidimensional scaling is particularly prone to local minima, whereas full dimensional scaling with Euclidean distances has a local minimum that is global. For intermediate dimensionality with Euclidean distances it depends on the dissimilarities how severe the local minimum problem is. For city-block distances in any dimensionality many different local minima are found. A simulation experiment is presented that indicates under what conditions local minima can be expected. We introduce the tunneling method for global minimization, and adjust it for multidimensional scaling with general Minkowski distances. The tunneling method alternates a local search step, in which a local minimum is sought, with a tunneling step in which a different configuration is sought with the same STRESS as the previous local minimum. In this manner successively better local minima are obtained, and experimentation so far shows that the last one is often a global minimum.This paper is based on the 1994 Psychometric Society's outstanding thesis award of the first author. The authros would like to thank Robert Tijssen of the CWTS Leiden for kindly making available the co-citation data of the Psychometric literature. This paper is an extended version of the paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society at Champaign-Urbana, Illin., June 1994.  相似文献   

Multidimensional probabilistic models of behavior following similarity and choice judgements have proven to be useful in representing multidimensional percepts in Euclidean and non-Euclidean spaces. With few exceptions, these models are generally computationally intense because they often require numerical work with multiple integrals. This paper focuses attention on a particularly general triad and preferential choice model previously requiring the numerical evaluation of a 2n-fold integral, wheren is the number of elements in the vectors representing the psychological magnitudes. Transforming this model to an indefinite quadratic form leads to a single integral. The significance of this form to multidimensional scaling and computational efficiency is discussed.The authors would like to thank Jean-Claude Falmagne and Norman Johnson for suggestions and advice concerning quadratic forms.  相似文献   

The weighted euclidean distances model in multidimensional scaling (WMDS) represents individual differences as dimension saliences which can be interpreted as the orientations of vectors in a subject space. It has recently been suggested that the statistics of directions would be appropriate for carrying out tests of location with such data. The nature of the directional representation in WMDS is reviewed and it is argued that since dimension saliences are almost always positive, the directional representations will usually be confined to the positive orthant. Conventional statistical techniques are appropriate to angular representations of the individual differences which will yield angles in the interval (0, 90) so long as dimension saliences are nonnegative, a restriction which can be imposed. Ordinary statistical methods are also appropriate with several linear indices which can be derived from WMDS results. Directional statistics may be applied more fruitfully to vector representations of preferences.  相似文献   

Wendy M. Yen 《Psychometrika》1985,50(4):399-410
When the three-parameter logistic model is applied to tests covering a broad range of difficulty, there frequently is an increase in mean item discrimination and a decrease in variance of item difficulties and traits as the tests become more difficult. To examine the hypothesis that this unexpected scale shrinkage effect occurs because the items increase in complexity as they increase in difficulty, an approximate relationship is derived between the unidimensional model used in data analysis and a multidimensional model hypothesized to be generating the item responses. Scale shrinkage is successfully predicted for several sets of simulated data.The author is grateful to Robert Mislevy for kindly providing a copy of his computer program, RESOLVE.  相似文献   

The paper derives sufficient conditions for the consistency and asymptotic normality of the least squares estimator of a trilinear decomposition model for multiway data analysis.  相似文献   

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