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使用词汇情绪启动的实验范式,通过两个行为实验探讨了不同SOA(100ms、300ms和500ms)条件下情绪唤醒度在情绪启动效应中的作用,以及情绪启动效应是否受到任务形式的影响。结果发现,在情绪效价判断任务中,SOA为100ms时高唤醒和低唤醒启动词都出现了情绪启动效应,SOA为300ms时只有高唤醒启动词出现了情绪启动效应。在真假词判断任务中,无论高唤醒还是低唤醒启动词都没有出现情绪启动效应。唤醒度是影响词汇情绪启动效应的重要因素,但这种效应不是完全自动化的过程,会受到SOA和任务导向的影响。情绪启动效应可能来自于启动词与目标词在反应趋向上的一致性趋势。  相似文献   

Despite the widespread interest in understanding and identifying risk takers by psychologists, clinicians, and economists, the risk literature currently lacks consensus regarding the nature of risk taking and its measurement. Existing measures of risk taking are predominantly domain‐specific despite emerging support for risk taking as a domain‐general disposition. In the present paper, we examine the nature of risk taking as a domain‐general personality disposition and develop a concise measure: the General Risk Propensity Scale (GRiPS). Data from 1,523 participants across five studies provided evidence for its construct validity. The GRiPS converged with other self‐report measures of risk taking and provided incremental prediction of work, academic, and life outcomes over and above the five‐factor model of personality and the Domain‐Specific Risk Taking Scale.  相似文献   

The main objective of the present study was to adapt the Perceived Acceptance Scale (PAS), developed by Brock, Sarason, Sanghvi and Gurung to evaluate the cognitive component of perceived social support, to the Spanish language. In a sample of 855 university students registered for the first time in different degree courses, the reliability, dimensionality and external validity of the scale scores were analyzed. The results show adequate internal consistency in both the subscales (friends, family, father and mother) and in the overall scale. The factorial structure, derived from a confirmatory factorial analysis, fitted the theoretical model proposed by the authors of the scale. The scale scores showed evidence of convergent and discriminant validity from the observed relationships with the measures of perceived social support. The psychometric properties of the adapted scale provide an adequate measuring instrument for evaluating perceived acceptance in Spanish university students.  相似文献   

The role of response to cognitive therapy as a predictor of suicide was investigated by comparing 17 outpatients with mood disorders who committed suicide with 17 matched patients who did not commit suicide. The suiciders attended significantly fewer sessions of cognitive therapy and dropped out of therapy more frequently: 88% of the suiciders, compared to 53% of the controls, were rated by their therapists as requiring more treatment at termination. They also had higher levels of hopelessness at the termination of therapy. The results suggest that premature termination of therapy and inadequate response to treatment have unfavorable prognostic significance for eventual suicide.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between curiosity and emotional intelligence (EI) in a sample of graduate and undergraduate business administration students. Curiosity was assessed using the Melbourne Curiosity Inventory ( Naylor, 1981 ) and the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory ( Kashdan, Rose, & Fincham, 2004 ), and EI was measured using the Trait Meta-Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey, & Palfai, 1995 ). Results indicate a significant relationship between trait curiosity and EI. Relationships between the subscales of the 3 measures are also reported. Stepwise regression analysis indicates that trait curiosity and absorption curiosity were the best predictors of total EI; while absorption curiosity was the best predictor of attention to emotions, clarity of emotions, and repair of emotions.

Curiosity [has been] conceptualized as a positive emotional-motivation system associated with the recognition, pursuit, and self-regulation of novelty and challenge. ( Kashdan, Rose, & Fincham, 2004 , p. 291)

The masked affective priming task was used as an unobtrusive measure of intergroup prejudices in a sample of German adolescents (aged 13–15). Pictures of Turks and Germans were used as masked primes that preceded positive and negative target adjectives conveying either other-relevant valence (e.g., honest, evil) or possessor-relevant valence (e.g., talented, dull). Affective priming indices (denoting relative negativity of Turkish primes) were positively correlated with the open expression of prejudices towards Turks and foreigners in general in questionnaires as well as with discriminative interaction behavior in a virtual ball-tossing game. As expected, these correlations were found only for priming indices based on other-relevant targets, thereby emphasizing the differentiation of automatic prejudice into (imputed) hostility and depreciation.  相似文献   

This article presents the Spanish adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang, 1999). The norms are based on 720 participants' assessments of the translation into Spanish of the 1,034 words included in the ANEW. The evaluations were done in the dimensions of valence, arousal and dominance using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM). Apart from these dimensions, five objective (number of letters, number of syllables, grammatical class, frequency and number of orthographic neighbors) and three subjective (familiarity, concreteness and imageability) psycholinguistic indexes are included. The Spanish adaptation of ANEW can be downloaded at www.psychonomic.org.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Higher levels of self-reported parenting self-efficacy have been associated with positive parent–child relationships, parental mental health and child...  相似文献   

We developed affective norms for 1,121 Italian words in order to provide researchers with a highly controlled tool for the study of verbal processing. This database was developed from translations of the 1,034 English words present in the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang, 1999) and from words taken from Italian semantic norms (Montefinese, Ambrosini, Fairfield, & Mammarella, Behavior Research Methods, 45, 440–461, 2013). Participants evaluated valence, arousal, and dominance using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) in a Web survey procedure. Participants also provided evaluations of three subjective psycholinguistic indexes (familiarity, imageability, and concreteness), and five objective psycholinguistic indexes (e.g., word frequency) were also included in the resulting database in order to further characterize the Italian words. We obtained a typical quadratic relation between valence and arousal, in line with previous findings. We also tested the reliability of the present ANEW adaptation for Italian by comparing it to previous affective databases and performing split-half correlations for each variable. We found high split-half correlations within our sample and high correlations between our ratings and those of previous studies, confirming the validity of the adaptation of ANEW for Italian. This database of affective norms provides a tool for future research about the effects of emotion on human cognition.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between curiosity and emotional intelligence (EI) in a sample of graduate and undergraduate students in business administration courses (N = 312). To determine the nature of this relationship, curiosity was assessed using the Melbourne Curiosity Index (MCI; Naylor, 1981 ) and the Curiosity and Exploration Inventory (CEI; Kashdan, Rose, & Fincham, 2004 ). Emotional intelligence was measured using the Trait Meta‐Mood Scale (TMMS; Salovey, Mayer, Goldman, Turvey, & Palfai, 1995 ). The results indicate that there is a significant relationship between trait curiosity and emotional intelligence. Curiosity [has been] conceptualized as a positive emotional‐motivation system associated with the recognition, pursuit, and self‐regulation of novelty and challenge. ( Kashdan, Rose, & Fincham, 2004 , p. 291)  相似文献   

In an earlier paper I defended an emotional state theory of happiness. In a basic form, emotional state theories identify happiness with a person’s moods and emotions. To this formulation I added a second component, “mood propensity”: roughly, an individual’s disposition to experience moods, which can vary with the circumstances. Scott Hill argues that this view is vulnerable to a serious counterexample and that my intuitive arguments for it are unconvincing. This paper extends my earlier defense of mood propensity as an aspect of happiness, in the process replying to Hill’s objections. I argue that the intuitive considerations favoring my view are not weakened by the points Hill raises. Moreover, the inclusion of dispositional elements in a theory of happiness is actually quite common, and there are good substantive, and not just intuitive, reasons for incorporating mood propensity in the account. In particular, it seems to be required by the guiding conception of happiness as a matter of a person’s overall emotional condition.  相似文献   

The modified version of the Conflict Tactics Scale (M-CTS), originally created by Straus in 1979, is one of the most extensively used instruments to detect violent verbal and physical behaviours in youths' and adolescents' dating relations. The aim of the present work was to analyze the psychometric properties of the instrument and to validate its adequacy in the Spanish population. The sample was made up of 5,355 Spanish youths from the Community of Madrid, ages between 16 and 26 years. By means of confirmatory factor analysis, four factors that were consistent with the theory and with previous research were identified: arguments, psychological/verbal aggression, slight physical aggression, and severe physical aggression. It is concluded that the scale assesses the presence of various types of aggression in youths' and adolescents' dating relationships with sufficient psychometric guarantees.  相似文献   

The current study examined the relationships between personnel employment interview scores (PEI), cognitive ability test scores (CAT) and assessment center (AC) scores, as well as the potential to circumvent the costly AC method for some of the candidates by using these less expensive selection methods. A total of 423 Israeli police force candidates participated in the study. Their PEI and CAT scores were collected in the first stage of the selection process. They subsequently participated in an AC and a final decision was made regarding their acceptance to the police force. It was found that PEI and CAT scores significantly correlated with the AC scores and the recruitment decision, although the PEI scores demonstrated stronger correlations with the criteria. An actuarial analysis demonstrated the benefit of using the AC procedure for those achieving middle range scores on the PEI and CAT, circumventing the costly ACs for those achieving high and low scores. This strategy resulted in minor costs of both α and β errors. Organizations can adopt this economical strategy when the AC costs exceed the manpower costs incurred by disposing of the AC.  相似文献   

In order to determine the relationship between perceptions of injustice and support for workplace aggression, 139 subjects were presented with four scenarios representing different levels and types of injustice. Subjects then responded to an eight-item aggression scale. Support for aggressive behavior across the scenarios generally corresponded to the amount and type of perceived injustice; a procedural injustice scenario was perceived as the most unjust and led to the most support for aggression. Although the interpersonal and distributive injustice scenarios were seen as virtually identical in terms of injustice, there was significantly more support for aggression with interpersonal injustice. The strongest predictor of support for aggression in the justice scenarios, however, was simply the degree of support for aggression in a neutral, or control, scenario. It is suggested that employers need to be concerned both about fair and courteous relations with employees and also with identifying generally aggressive employees.  相似文献   

Psychological Reactance is typically studied using conscious manipulations and individual-difference measures. We hypothesized that, similar to other goals, a reactance motive can be primed nonconsciously. In this experiment, participants were given an explicit expectation that a pill would improve their performance on an accuracy task, or they were not given this expectation. Participants also received a reactance or neutral prime. On a subsequent accuracy task, participants given both the reactance prime and the explicit accuracy expectation committed the most errors. The findings suggest that reactance can be nonconsciously primed, generating behavioral effects. Evidence supporting the goal-priming interpretation is also presented.  相似文献   

Divergent values for the Affective Ratio score of Rorschach's test have been reported by Exner and Beck. The results of computation of the scores of 119 school children supported Beck's findings.  相似文献   

This study presents the adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW; Bradley & Lang, 1999a) for European Portuguese (EP). The EP adaptation of the ANEW was based on the affective ratings made by 958 college students who were EP native speakers. Subjects assessed about 60 words by considering the affective dimensions of valence, arousal, and dominance, using the Self-Assessment Manikin (SAM) in either a paper-and-pencil or a Web survey procedure. Results of the adaptation of the ANEW for EP are presented. Furthermore, the differences between EP, American (Bradley & Lang, 1999a), and Spanish (Redondo, Fraga, Padrón, & Comesa?a, Behavior Research Methods, 39, 600–605, 2007) standardizations were explored. Results showed that the ANEW words were understood in a similar way by EP, American, and Spanish subjects, although some sex and cross-cultural differences were observed. The EP adaptation of the ANEW is shown to be a valid and useful tool that will allow researchers to control and/or manipulate the affective properties of stimuli, as well as to develop cross-linguistic studies. The normative values of EP adaptation of the ANEW can be downloaded at .  相似文献   

Behavior problems influence development at multiple stages over the lifespan. The present study explores the relations between maternal behavior prior to parenting and offspring behavior problems in childhood and adolescence using National Longitudinal Survey of Youth data (N = 2,820 dyads with 50.0 % male offspring and 52.2 % of ethnic/racial minority status). Index scores for behavior problems were created for mothers prior to parenting and for offspring at two time points. Path analyses indicated that maternal behavior problems prior to parenthood predicted offspring being at increased risk for behavior problems in childhood and adolescence. Mothers’ behavior had a significant influence on adolescent behavior, even after childhood behavior problems and demographic covariates were taken into account. Post-hoc analyses demonstrated the stability of behavior problems is especially strong for males. Results support a long tradition of research and the external validity of the stability of behavior problems as well as the importance of maternal behavior prior to parenthood for their future offspring across development. Clinical and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The equity-control model of vandalism (Baron & Fisher, 1984; Fisher & Baron, 1982) is used to conceptualize vandalism among college students. The model predicts that vandalism is most likely where there are low perceived equity (perceived lack of fairness in one's social or environmental arrangements) and low to moderate perceived control (perceived inability to effectively modify outcomes and arrangements). To test the model, university students were given questionnaires which measured perceived equity and control as these factors relate to the university and to dormitory living. Using multiple regression analysis, the interaction of equity and control was predictive of vandalism: Subjects with low perceived equity and control were most likely to report they engaged in vandalistic acts.  相似文献   

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