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This article addresses the clinical encounter of men struggling to make and keep marital commitments. The “Male Code” limits mens' feeling and body awareness, thus leaving them information-deprived when it comes to making important decisions. The culture is viewed as less than supportive of this process. Commitment is described as a multi-faceted concept and men's struggles are explored from developmental, cultural, emotional, familial, and spiritual perspectives. Individual and group, clinical, and educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This article briefly describes some of the changes in men that are a result of “men's liberation” and examines some of the evidence for the Men's Movement, a network of men and women across the United States and Western Europe that is a counterpart to the Women's Movement. The article also explores some of the implications of men's liberation and the Men's Movement for counselors who work with men wishing to change, especially in terms of developing partnerships as equals with women.  相似文献   


The men's movement has a breadth and significance for mainstream men, too little evidenced. This paper provides a historical review of the men's movement and presents implications for mainstream men. Four themes in the men's movement are identified: 1) men adopting a feminist philosophy, 2) fathers with equal rights interest in divorce, 3) men supportive of gay rights, and 4) mythopoetic men. Implications for mainstream men and emotional health are considered for each theme within the Men's Movement. Finally, it is argued that each time a man struggles to balance his work with his family, his anger with his pain and his power with his care, he is an active participant in the men's movement.  相似文献   

Insights from sexual selection and costly signalling theory suggest that competition for females underlies men's public good contributions. We conducted two public good experiments to test this hypothesis. First, we found that men contributed more in the presence of an opposite sex audience, but there was no parallel effect for the women. In addition, men's public good contributions went up as they rated the female observer more attractive. In the second experiment, all male groups played a five round public good game and their contributions significantly increased over time with a female audience only. In this condition men also volunteered more time for various charitable causes. These findings support the idea that men compete with each other by creating public goods to impress women. Thus, a public good is the human equivalent of a peacock's tail.  相似文献   

In the family violence literature, a number of risk markers associated with men's use of violence against women have been identified. Using the 1975 National Family Violence Survey, a multivariate analysis was performed to examine which risk markers best differentiated among nonviolent men, verbally aggressive men, men who exhibit minor physical violence, and severely physically violent men. High levels of marital conflict, lower socioeconomic status, and greater exposure to violent role models in the home of origin emerged as primary correlates of levels of violence between intimates. Theoretical and research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A socially optimized learning approach, which integrates diverse theoretical perspectives, places men who have sex with men (MSM) in an interactive virtual environment designed to simulate the emotional, interpersonal, and contextual narrative of an actual sexual encounter while challenging and changing MSM's more automatic patterns of risky responses. MSM assume a character's identity and are scaffolded in their decision‐making and relearning process by supportive, and often humorous, peer coaches who encourage situated learning of self‐regulatory and behavioral skills, and tailor and frame their responses to be responsive to the men's behavioral choices. In a longitudinal design, participants were randomly assigned to receive either an interactive video (IAV) intervention with peer counseling or to a peer‐counseling‐alone control. Compared to the counseling alone, men who also received the IAV reduced risky anal sex behaviors and increased protected anal sex behaviors.  相似文献   

A summary of research findings showed that men who choose female-dominated occupations likely possess many of the same traits and characteristics often attributed to women in the same jobs. Contrary to stereotypes, men generally are comfortable with themselves and their masculine sexuality, although they score lower in Bem's masculine identity than traditional men. A framework for the process of men's nontraditional career choice is presented based on previous career development models for traditional careers plus a review of the empirical research literature. Implications for professional counselors and organizations are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes men's gender role conflict and strain that emanate from rigid gender socialization. The author proposes 10 assumptions about how gender role socialization and sexism can be psychologically dysfunctional for both men and women. The masculine mystique and value system and men's fear of femininity produce six patterns of gender role conflict and strain in men's lives. These patterns are discussed and their effects on men's psychological and physical well being are presented. Four recommendations for counselors and psychologists are offered to increase sensitivity to gender role conflict and decrease the emotional pain in people's lives caused by sexism and restrictive gender role socialization.  相似文献   

Bodywork is a particularly effective means of counseling males when used in a way that recognizes men's fear of therapy itself, of being touched, of being vulnerable, especially if the counselor is male. This article explores, in brief, the theory behind bodywork, the necessity of verbal therapy along with it, and methods for unblocking males' expression of fear, hurt, anger, and pleasure.  相似文献   

This article examines heterosexual men's experience of negotiating through hegemonic masculinity after a partner‐initiated breakup. The men in the study learned to navigate the relational demands of the norms of masculinity in a variety of ways, using strategies along a spectrum between resistance and accommodation. Many of the men described their breakup in terms not merely of one psychological trauma but of two: the acute personal psychic and emotional blow of the breakup, followed by the emerging realization that their social status as men had been undermined. This article finds that a majority of the men demonstrated some degree of resistance to socially imposed definitions of their subjective experience concerning what their breakup “should” mean to them.  相似文献   

Career development is central to men's lives because occupation is closely welded to male identity. Specific issues discussed in this article include: sex role stereotypes and men's careers; the male equation of occupational success and high self esteem; the balancing of work, personal attachments and recreation; traditional and nontraditional careers; male-female employment combinations; developmental issues of mid-life and retirement; and high consumption (the result/motivator of occupational success?). Men will continue to need clearly conceptualized and highly skilled help with career development issues.  相似文献   

Although many women find masculine men physically attractive, the perception that such men are prone to infidelity may limit their appeal as romantic partners. To explore this issue, we first investigated the interplay between the effects of men's face shape (masculinity versus femininity) and social knowledge of men's behavior in previous romantic relationships (faithful versus unfaithful) on women's judgments of men's attractiveness. Analyses suggested that the extent to which women rated masculine men to be more attractive than feminine men was significantly greater when judging men labeled as faithful than when judging men labeled as unfaithful. In a second experiment, we obtained similar results when the women in our study were instructed to imagine they were on a date with each of the men and that, while on the date, they observed him either flirting or not flirting with another woman. These interactions suggest that social knowledge about men's behavior in romantic relationships can offset one of the costs that women associate with choosing a masculine mate, increasing the appeal of masculine men. More fundamentally, these findings suggest integration of social knowledge and information from facial cues in women's attractiveness judgments.  相似文献   

《Theology & Sexuality》2013,19(1):47-62

This paper explores the reasons why men express violence against women, children and other men, suggesting that men's violence represents one of the darkest features of masculinity. The way men are socialized and conditioned requires and produces violent behaviors that are destructive to men themselves as well as to women, children, and the earth. The author proposes the need to re-envision masculinity to enable men and women to create communities in which people are encouraged to participate in ‘adventurous partnering for peace’.  相似文献   

As public consciousness of sexism is increasing in the workplace (e.g., #MeToo movement), labelling oneself as an ally (e.g., UN HeforShe campaign) is becoming more socially desirable for men. However, do women agree with such men in their assessments of being allies? Importantly, how does women's agreement (or not) with men's self-assessments of allyship affect women's inclusion-relevant outcomes? Using a multi-informant design and data from 101 men–women colleague pairs, this study considered men's self-perceptions and women's other-reports of men's key allyship-relevant characteristics—justice, moral courage, civility and allyship. Polynomial regression and response surface analyses revealed differential impacts of (in)congruence between men's and women's perceptions on women's sense of inclusion and vitality. Simply, when women perceived men as higher (or the same) in justice, moral courage and civility than men reported themselves, it positively predicted women's outcomes. This suggests that humble self-presentation by men on characteristics that are parallel to allyship (but not allyship) may be ideal. Yet, both under- and overestimation by men on allyship itself predicted poorer outcomes for women, suggesting that the ideal is for men to have an accurate assessment of their own strengths and weaknesses as an ally.  相似文献   

Using a new set of male figure drawings which(unlike the Stunkard, Sorensen, & Schulsinger, 1983figures) illustrate differing degrees of muscle massrather than body fat, college men and adult men selected their current figure, ideal figure,figure they thought most attractive to women and figurethat they thought would be the ideal for other men.Adult men's choices indicated satisfaction with their current bodies, but college men's selectionsindicated a desire to be larger (partly because theybelieve that a much larger body is what everybody {menand women} finds most attractive). The male body college women find most attractive is largerthan what college men indicate they currently have butsmaller than what the college men want to look like.Adult women chose an ideal male figure which is the same as that which the adult men indicate theyhave. Thus, selections using the new figure drawingsshow a desire for more muscle mass in college men andsatisfaction in adult men, while selections using the Stunkard et al. (1983) figuredrawings indicated satisfaction in college men and adesire for less body fat in the adult men (Rozin &Fallon, 1988). Both sets of figures provide valuableinformation.  相似文献   

This article examines the link between men's personal fear of crime and men's fear of crime for others. Previous work finds men fear crime less than women and that men fear crime for others, especially spouses. Gender role socialization is a key reason men lack personal fear. Few works consider the connection between personal fear and vicarious fear for men. Analyzing in-depth interviews with fourteen married couples, this study relies on marriage as a context to understand the relationship between personal fear and fear for spouses among married men. Narratives with married men demonstrate a heightened sense of personal fear and fear for spouses due to a new sense of “responsibility” for spousal safety and protection.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the implications for counsellors of a discourse analytic study examining men's talk about body weight. It is argued that research in the area of problems with body has neglected the growing pressures on men to manage body as a feature of self. This research perpetuates the dominant discursive construction of men's relationship to body as unproblematic — a construction that may present many barriers to men in seeking help for any distress encountered. An analysis of men's talk is discussed in terms of the expectation that body is not problematic and the observable downplaying of any concerns acknowledged. The accountability of body as a site of regulation also emerges within the extracts presented. It is argued that this property within the accounts resonates with work highlighting the growing pressures on men to exercise control over body. The contradictions between the two discourses identified are discussed in terms of their therapeutic implications. It is postulated that male distress emerging from the growing pressures to maintain body weight may be neglected within primary care and therapeutic domains if discourses formulating such difficulties as not relevant to men remain dominant.  相似文献   

Classifying a face as male or female was shown to be reliably affected by the direction in which the face was looking—a variable apparently unrelated to reported features of the face that show sexual dimorphism. Decisions were slower when gaze was averted downwards. Furthermore, masculinity ratings were lower for men's faces looking down than for the same faces looking ahead. One high-level (configurational) face feature that varies with the sex of the face and with direction of gaze was identified. The vertical upper-lid-to-brow distance is smaller in men than in women and becomes less salient when eyes are averted down. This display feature may have evolved to signal gender quickly and reliably, especially in alert male faces.  相似文献   


Few studies examine men's experiences in becoming a therapist. Only a modicum of attention appears to be paid to men's professional training needs in MFT training programs as expressed in the family therapy literature. Five recommendations, based on the author's experiences and male student voices, are provided for how to best meet the needs of male students in MFT training programs. These recommendations are (1) be aware of men's experiences and don't assume silence means disinterest, (2) develop depth in clinical training on men's issues, (3) incorporate theories of masculinity into curriculum, (4) engage male students in the training process, and (5) provide support to male students through mentorship and support groups.  相似文献   

Sex differences in reactions to evaluative feedback   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies tested the influence of various types of verbal evaluative feedback men's and women's self-evaluations of their performance in achievenment situations. We tested a theory that women perceive evaluative feedback, particularly negative feedback, to be more informative about their abilities than do men. Because of this, women's self-assessments of their abilities are more straightforwardly influenced by evaluative feedback than are men's. In contrast, men take a more self-promotional approach to evaluative situations, and therefore are more selective in their responses to feedback. Results from our questionnaire study showed that women's self-evaluations were influenced by both positive and negative evaluative statements. Men allowed positive feedback to influence them more than negative feedback, and were less influenced overall by negative feedback than women. Furthermore, women reported that evaluative feedback, particularly negative feedback, contained more information relevant to their abilities than men. Our laboratory study showed that women's actual self-evaluations were impacted differently by positive and negative feedback, whereas men's were not. In addition, we found some evidence to indicate that women were more negatively influenced by feedback that was positively toned, yet irrelevant with respect to their performance, than men. This finding underscores the fact that the focus, and not just the valence, of evaluative feedback plays an important role in men's and women's responses to it.  相似文献   

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