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一、一条惊人的信息报载:南京某著名大学易学研究所和建设部、中国建筑文化中心等联合举办“建筑风水文化师”培训班,并将在国内首次开展“建筑风水文化师”认证,经考试合格者可获得建设部中国建筑文化中心颁发的“建筑风水文化执行官(师)”职业资格证书。这就是说一向被视为搞迷信活动,以相宅基、点墓穴为职业的江湖术士们可以“加冕”了, 可以冠冕堂皇地挂牌营业了。某些笃信“风水”、为保佑官运亨通的共产党员领导干部们,以公费“埋单”、请风水先生选址建办公大楼的行为也无需  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of the Gulf War on two groups of Kuwaiti children and youth. Those children experiencing war-related traumatic events and those who did not experience or witness a war-related traumatic event participated. Data were obtained from the mother of each child. Each mother completed a structured interview which included Child Traumatic Reaction Index, developed according to the DSM-IV (1994) criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The data indicated a significant interaction effect observed by mothers according to the child's gender, experience of war traumatic events, and PTSD. The results are discussed in terms of the diagnostic criteria for PTSD, the necessity of early identification, and the difficulty associated with the diagnosing PTSD in children.  相似文献   

A partir de données GLOBE Grées de questionnaires administrés à des cadres moyens du Qatar ( N =101) et du Koweit ( N =78) et d'entretiens approfondis auprès de onze cadres moyens du Qatar et dix du Koweit, cette étude analyse les traits du leadership efficace dans les Etats du Golfe. On s'intéresse aussi à la théorie du leadership implicite dans une approche culturelle. Les résultats montrent que le Qatar et le Koweit sont très proches pour ce qui est des profils globaux des leaders efficaces ou exceptionnels. Le leader efficace est compétent sur le plan administratif, diplomate, visionnaire, intègre, centré sur la performance et il suscite des idées. Une analyse factorielle de second ordre confirme la proximité des deux pays pour ce qui est des caractéristiques du leadership efficace. Les variables démographiques ont un impact très faible sur la représentation que les répondants se font du leadership efficace. Cette recherche décrit la double série de valeurs que représentent la tradition et le modernisme dans les deux sociétés.  相似文献   


Since the early 2000s, wide-ranging initiatives geared towards the promotion of tolerance, moderation and interfaith dialogue have proliferated throughout the Persian Gulf, culminating most recently in the establishment of the world’s first Ministry of Tolerance in the UAE. For more than a decade, Qatar has hosted annual interfaith conferences on themes such as ‘Steps Towards Tolerance’. Oman and Bahrain have been prominent advocates, pursuing their respective tolerance agendas through academic publications, travelling delegations, exhibitions and international conferences. Even Saudi Arabia, notorious for its intolerance at home, has been a prominent advocate on the world stage. Talk of tolerance, it seems, is everywhere, but what is behind this regional trend? This article situates the emergent political discourse of tolerance in the broader post-9/11 geopolitical context, wherein the ideal of tolerance has been embraced by both the West and the Muslim world as an antidote to the global problem of terrorism. I suggest that Gulf tolerance initiatives are best understood in terms of a broader politics of representation that coheres around the promotion of ‘moderate Islam’, and that in the context of what has been described as the Western ‘civilisational discourse’ of tolerance, Muslim-majority countries are responding with a civilisational discourse of their own.  相似文献   

The consensus of several studies on health among Gulf War (GW)-deployed veterans is that they have elevated symptom complaints. Central nervous system (CNS) symptoms among these veterans have been assessed in several investigations. Studies have disagreed as to whether there are neuropsychological deficits in GW-deployed veterans relative to controls. When differences between these groups have been found, they have often been attributed to stress or psychiatric factors, although exposures to neurotoxic substances present in the GW theatre have also been indicted as possible explanations. A review of the existing literature as well as the 5 papers contained in this issue of Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment suggests that the neuropsychological and health symptom sequelae of GW zone service are multidetermined and cannot easily be explained on the basis of simplistic models of causation. Psychological, historical, and exposure parameters must be considered in the scientific evaluation of this problem.  相似文献   


The names of two major Gulf airlines, Qatar Airways and Emirates, have saturated the European football scene for many years, sponsoring some of the most prominent European teams and FIFA itself. These state-backed airlines are also active in motorsports, rugby, cycling, tennis, golf, cricket, and equestrian sport, while several prominent Gulf elites and royal family members have recently taken over major sports franchises in Europe and elsewhere. How should we understand these far-reaching sponsorship agendas in the Gulf? What can they tell us about the politics and ethics of international sport on the Arabian Peninsula? Moving beyond the general readings of Gulf sport sponsorship as an exercise in ‘soft power,’ this article shows how these deals are strategic nodes for diverse actors in the Gulf and in the international sporting community to advance various interests: personal, political, financial, and otherwise. Informed by a critical geopolitics lens that questions the coherence of the ‘state’ as an actor, I ask what it means to say that ‘the Gulf’ sponsors sport, and more specifically investigate the relevant actors behind these sponsorship deals. To do so, this article examines regional and global political economy through a focus on three Gulf airline sponsors, Emirates, Etihad, and Qatar Airways, and three elite sports sponsors—the UAE’s Sheik Mansour, Qatar’s Nasser bin Ghanim Al-Khelaïfi, and Sheikh Nasser of Bahrain. By decentering ‘soft power’ approaches to sport that unduly emphasize the ‘state’ as an actor, this article suggests a more grounded approach to the geopolitics of sport in the Arabian Peninsula, which simultaneously acknowledges the complicity of Western actors and institutions in the rise of Gulf sports sponsorship deals in the past decade.  相似文献   

The current study presents results of a survey of 3,215 calls received at seven centers of telephone emergency services (TES) in Israel during the Gulf War, when citizens of Israel experienced severe stress resulting from SCUD missile attacks. Whereas former surveys have shown that characteristics of calls to TES in Israel are generally not affected by external stressogenic events, a remarkable change was recorded in both the quantity and quality of calls received in TES centers in Israel during the Gulf War. The relative frequencies of problem categories presented by callers during the Gulf War revealed a significant increase in environmental pressures, a category that reflected the stressful situation of the war, as opposed to intra- or interpersonal problems typical of peacetime calls. A comparison between this group of war calls and a control group of nonwar calls, revealed that the two groups represented populations of callers differing in sociodemographic characteristics, expectations, and benefits from the calls. Results are discussed in reference to the unique role of TES as a source of psychological first-aid in a community crisis situation.  相似文献   

This study examined the life outcomes of children exposed to the Gulf crisis in 1990–1991. We expected war-trauma exposure and psychological distress symptoms to predict poorer educational and occupational outcomes. Participants were 151 Kuwaiti citizens who were assessed during childhood (in 1993; M age = 10.6 years), and who were reassessed 10 years later in young adulthood (in 2003; M age = 21.2 years). Participants completed measures of intelligence, war-trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress symptoms, anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, intervening life events, and life outcomes. Results indicated that war-trauma exposure negatively impacted children's educational and occupational outcomes as young adults. Boys with higher levels of war-trauma exposure were less likely to attend University. Posttraumatic stress and anxiety symptoms also predicted poorer educational and occupational outcomes. However, this relationship was not significant when we accounted for children's intelligence. Depressive symptoms were not predictive of children's educational or occupational outcomes. Results suggest that war-trauma exposure may have life-altering effects on children. Tailored, early interventions are needed for children exposed to war traumas.  相似文献   

When a group of 20 college students and seven adult leaders traveled to the Gulf Coast to repair houses damaged by Hurricane Katrina, they did not realize the multiple ways that they themselves would be renewed. Finding God in the struggle, celebrating diversity, and living with gratitude became the result that subtly changed many lives. Fredrica R. Halligan, Ph.D. is a spiritually-oriented clinical psychologist. She is currently Director of the Counseling Center at Western Connecticut State University and author of Listen Deeply to God: Exploring Spirituality in an Interreligious Age.  相似文献   

Arabia has figured in Western imagination from a very early time, but seldom in neutral terms. For reasons not thoroughly understood, the Arab role in Western thinking has fluctuated between hope and menace, love and hate. While nineteenth‐century Europe saw in Arabia a romantic adventure — an illustration of the Victorian era — nineteenth‐century America viewed it differently. It saw an alternation between the images of the supposedly fanatical Islam that at one time overran the Christian world and a deprived contemporary society in need of Christian aid. Plainly, Western images of Arabia have been more changeable than the conditions of Arab life. Perhaps one reason for this love/hate, menace/hope attitude lies in the fact that Islamic civilization has been the great alternative to Christendom. Being so different and also so distant, Arabia seemed like a cultural incognito, a place where Americans could start their intercultural experience. Nothing would bring them a step closer to their goal than missionary work.  相似文献   

Neuropsychological Functioning in Danish Gulf War Veterans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Research has shown that Danish Gulf War (GW) veterans reported a significantly higher prevalence of neuropsychological symptoms than did military controls 6 years after GW deployment. To explore the possible central nervous system determinants of these complaints, neuropsychological tests were administered to stratified, random samples of the Danish cohort of 916 GW-deployed veterans and 236 non–GW-deployed participants. Multivariate analyses of covariance were used to analyze neuropsychological test outcomes among the 215 male participants (143 GW-deployed and 72 non–GW-deployed soldiers). No significant differences in neuropsychological test performances were found between the GW-deployed and non–GW-deployed groups. Troops deployed to the GW reported significantly more mood complaints (i.e., fatigue and confusion) than their nondeployed counterparts. Because they were assigned to the Gulf region during the postcombat phase, Danish GW soldiers differed from the majority of American GW-deployed troops in military assignments and possible toxicant exposures.  相似文献   

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