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Suicide risk after attempted suicide, as predicted by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) monoamine metabolite concentrations, was studied in a sample of 92 psychiatric mood disorder inpatients admitted shortly after attempting suicide. The potential of the serotonin metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) in the CSF to predict suicide risk within the first year after attempted suicide was studied by means of survival analysis after median split sub-grouping. Eleven patients (12%) committed suicide within 1 year after attempted suicide. Eight of these belonged to the below-the-median (< 87 nM) CSF 5-HIAA subgroup, that is, the suicide risk was 17% as compared with 7% among those with above-the-median CSF 5-HIAA. The cumulative number of survived patient-months during the first year after attempted suicide was significantly lower in the low CSF 5-HIAA subgroup. It was concluded that low CSF 5-HIAA predicts short-range suicide risk after attempted suicide in mood disorder psychiatric inpatients. These findings lend further support to the serotonin hypothesis of suicide risk.  相似文献   

To replicate and extend results of earlier studies on amino acid effects on post-stress ulcers, rats were subjected to i.p. injections of (a) saline, (b) tryptophan, (c) tyrosine + valine or(d) tryptophan + tyrosine + valine, either 30 minutes before or immediately after one hour of water restraint stress. Gastric lesions, brain norepinephrine, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) were examined after one hour of poststress rest. We hypothesised that post-stress lesions could be aggravated by central noradrenergic hypoactivity and serotonergic hyperactivity during the post-stress period. Other studies have indicated that tyrosine + valine reduces central serotonergic activity, while additional tryptophan blocks this effect. We therefore expected post-stress lesions to be reduced in tyrosine + valine but not in tryptophan + tyrosine + valine treated animals. Although these expectations were met tentatively in animals injected prior to stress, thus replicating tyrosine + valine effects we had observed earlier, opposite results were found in animals treated post-stress. The brain analyses indicate that the data cannot be explained by a norepinephrine/serotonin imbalance hypothesis. The time dependency of the effects underlines the need for caution in clinical applications of these amino acid treatments.  相似文献   

不同自尊者在赌博情境下的风险规避行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为了考察不同自尊水平的个体在赌博情境下的风险规避行为,263名大学生被试同时完成外显Rosenberg量表、内隐联想测验和21点赌博游戏。实验结果发现,(1)随着风险的增加,所有被试都表现出风险规避;(2)在高外显自尊水平的个体中,低内隐自尊水平个体比高内隐自尊水平个体表现出更多的风险规避行为;在低内隐自尊的个体中,高外显自尊个体比低外显自尊个体表现出更多的风险规避行为。风险规避行为间接地反映出个体的防御倾向,结果提示,在风险情境中,高外显低内隐自尊个体表现出较高的自我防御倾向。  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that irrational thinking may play a central role in the maintenance of behavior in slot machine gambling (M. B. Walker, 1992b). The present study is an evaluation of the validity and predictors of irrational thinking in a sample of regular gamblers (N = 20) drawn from the general community. The results were generally consistent with earlier findings; 75% of gambling-related cognitions were found to be irrational. Irrationality was unrelated to the amount of money lost or won during sessions but was positively related to risk taking. The most common irrational cognitions included false beliefs concerning the extent to which outcomes could be controlled or predicted and the attribution of human qualities (personification) to gambling devices. Gender comparisons showed that women were more likely than men to personify the machines. The validity of the speaking-aloud approach and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Uller C 《Animal cognition》2004,7(3):154-161
Do nonhuman primates attribute goals to others? Traditional studies with chimpanzees provide equivocal evidence for “mind reading” in nonhuman primates. Here we adopt looking time, a methodology commonly used with human infants to test infant chimpanzees. In this experiment, four infant chimpanzees saw computer-generated stimuli that mimicked a goal-directed behavior. The baby chimps performed as well as human infants, namely, they were sensitive to the trajectories of the objects, thus suggesting that chimpanzees may be endowed with a disposition to understand goal-directed behaviors. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate, from a gender perspective, how different features of problem gambling present in men and women who gamble regularly in Sweden were distributed in four domains based on gambling type (chance or strategy) and setting (public or domestic). Problem gambling features were based on the nine items in the Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). It was hypothesized that men and women gamble in different domains. Further, it was hypothesized that male gamblers overall experienced more problems with gambling than female gamblers, although in the same domains they would report the same level of problems. A further hypothesis predicted that regular female gamblers would experience more health and social problems and men would experience more financial difficulties. Interviews with a subsample of gamblers (n?=?3191) from a Swedish nationally representative sample (n?=?8179) was used to examine how features of problem gambling correspond with gender and the domains. Only the first hypothesis was fully supported. Men were more likely to participate in forms of gambling requiring strategy in a public setting, and women were more likely to participate in chance-based gambling in a domestic setting. Male and female gamblers had similar levels of problem gambling in the bi-variate analysis, but if controlling for age and gambling in multiple domains, women were more at risk than men. Additionally, men and women presented similar health and economic situations. The differences between male and female gamblers in Sweden have implications for research and prevention.  相似文献   

该项研究通过控制五只股票、每只股票有18期价格波动的实验来研究中国投资者的投资行为特征。结果发现,被试并没有表现出Bayesian最优行为,处置效应却很明显;被试之间在性别、专业、受教育程度与入市时间上的差异不构成处置效应程度上的差异。但入市资金量在5%的水平上对处置效应程度有显著作用。尽管实验中还发现均值反转信念发生作用的证据,但相对于处置效应而言,解释力度要弱。  相似文献   

The use of altered states of consciousness has a long history in religious settings, providing a vehicle for enhanced spirituality at a personal and collective level. These states have also provided the means of healing both within religious settings and more recently in secular health settings. Biblical sources affirm their value in providing wisdom and insight. Tensions exist among those who question whether altered states are safe, and these exist especially among some Christians who demonize hypnosis. Links between these spiritual and secular phenomena are explored with the help of examples, to argue that these two areas are complementary and not in conflict with one another.  相似文献   

Adults automatically infer a person’s social disposition and future behavior based on the many properties they observe about how they look and sound. The goal of the current study is to explore the developmental origins of this bias. We tested whether 12-month-old infants automatically infer a character’s social disposition (e.g., whether they are likely to “help” or “hinder” another character’s goal) based on the sounds and visual features those characters display. Infants were habituated to 2 characters, 1 that possessed more positive properties (e.g., a soft, fluffy appearance and a happy-sounding laugh) or more negative properties (e.g., a sharp, pointy appearance and a deep, ominous laugh). During test trials, we observed that infants looked longer at events that involved characters engaging in social actions toward another that were inconsistent rather than consistent with the valence of how they looked and sounded during habituation. Two control conditions support the interpretation that infants’ responses were based on an inferred causal relationship between a character’s features and its disposition rather than on some noncausal associations between the positive and negative valences of the characteristics and actions. Together, these studies suggest that infants are biased to connect an agent’s audiovisual features to their social behavior.  相似文献   

临床病理诊断中蕴涵的哲学原理及其重要性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
准确的临床病理诊断有赖于正确的思维方法,将哲学原理运用于临床病理诊断有利于更准确地诊断疾病。在临床病理诊断中应注重和运用理论源于实践,又反过来指导实践;透过现象看本质,抓住事物的主要矛盾;事物的发展具有普遍规律和特殊规律两个方面;事物是普遍联系的等原理。  相似文献   


This article presents information on the characteristics of a clinical population of male perpetrators of intimate partner violence (IPV) court-ordered for batterers' treatment, and how these characteristics co-varied with treatment attrition. The average demographic profile of male batterers in a midwestern treatment program that met present-day treatment guidelines was similar to that found in other studies. In addition, relationship length and status, alcohol/drug use, self-reports of past treatment and mental health issues, and self-report of witnessing or experiencing violence within the home during childhood was also similar. Batterers' self-reports of their own violent behavior were found to vary by data collection technique, with face-to-face interviews eliciting greater admission of violent behavior than paper-and-pencil questionnaires. However, the only predictors of successful treatment outcome were living arrangement at the time of treatment and racial category. Implications of these findings are discussed, and “local effects” program evaluation approaches are suggested.  相似文献   


The healing power of psychodynamically oriented therapy and training groups rests, to a large degree, upon the quality of the here and now interactions. For the work to be effective, the basic principles of analytic group work need to be followed, including the observance of no extra–group contact. Simply said, nothing leaves the room. This principle has both ethical and clinical implications. It is my premise that while some forms of outside contact between members are relatively benign, other types are not. Outside contact that is built into the fabric and context of the group may pose a risk, as may be the case where dual relationships exist between members. The impact of dual relationships between group members in the particular instance of analytic training institutes is the focus of this article. What happens to the transference in this context when members reveal too much of their personal lives to each other through dual relationships is explored. It is suggested that extra–group contact can disrupt the balance between reality and transference distortion in group interactions in at least three ways: (a) “The Emperor’s New Clothes” effect, (b) looping, and (c) gaslighting. Vignettes are presented to illustrate these phenomena and suggestions for reform are offered.  相似文献   

通过对目前地市级及以下医院病理诊断工作处于艰难处境,严重制约临床各科发展的现状进行分析。提出了四个方面突出的矛盾,临床技术飞速发展与病理工作条件滞后的矛盾;病理、临床医师间信息不对称的矛盾;日益升温的冰冻切片需求与其固有局限性的矛盾;临床对诊断高准确性要求与病理诊断高复杂性现实的矛盾。探讨了相应解决对策。  相似文献   

Male sexual fantasy: multidimensionality in content   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sixty-six men provided ratings of the extent to which they regarded fantasies depicting nominated sexual activities as sexually arousing. A Male Sexual Fantasy Questionnaire (MSFQ) with five subscales was constructed following factor analysis of these ratings. The subscales yield separate scores for fantasies representing sensual, genital, public sex, sexual dominance-submission, and sexual aggression themes. Levels of penile tumescence recorded while men engaged in fantasies depicting content represented in the MSFQ correlated with the extent to which these men earlier had rated these same fantasies as sexually arousing. Since ratings on the MSFQ did not correlate substantially or consistently with scores on the Betts Questionnaire Upon Mental Imagery, the Imaginal Processes Inventory, and the Gordon Test of Visual Imagery Control, sexual fantasy may be mediated by processes different from those involved in non-sexual imagery and daydreaming. The need to validate use of the MSFQ in several clinical contexts is noted.  相似文献   


This article by Virginia Prince, writing as Virginia Bruce, was first published in The Journal of Sex Research, vol. 3, no. 2, 1967, pp. 129–139. Prince distinguishes sex from gender. Sex is the biological division we share with other animals. Gender-the division of masculine and feminine-is a human invention. Socialisation entails children being pushed into one or other gender direction and the suppression of characteristics of the “opposite” gender. Transvestism is the expression in males of suppressed femininity. The “true transvestite” is a “FemmePersonator” who “personates,” that is, makes a real person out of and brings to life his feminine self. Questionnaire data is used to reject ideas that true transvestism is a sexual deviation, and true transvestites are psychiatrically disturbed.  相似文献   

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