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大学生网络交往中性别差异的调查研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本通过对网络交往行为的调查,考察了性别对大学生进行网络交往行为的影响。利用问卷调查的方式分别从网络名的使用、与网友的交往情况、对交往对象的知觉情况进行分析,发现网络交往行为中性别的影响在一定程度上是存在的,但并不像我们设想的那么显。很多交往方式仍然受到传统的性别角色的惯性影响,但由于网络的匿名性等因素的作用,已经使传统的影响慢慢变弱。  相似文献   

肖崇好 《心理科学》2004,27(3):726-728
该文介绍了网络环境,论述了网络环境的特点及其对网络用户心理的影响。指出对网络的不同理解,可能导致心理学家采用不同的思路和研究方法。把网络作为现实环境中的新元素,可能导致研究者使用传统的研究思路,把网络看成是自变量;把网络当作一个新环境,研究者最初应该使用定性的研究方法。但在国外,在研究初期就使用的定性与定量相结合的研究方法:互补探索性数据分析方法。本文最后对这一方法做了简要介绍。  相似文献   

影响大学生参与网上招聘意向的因素模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨洋  雷雳 《应用心理学》2006,12(1):36-42
该研究基于“计划行为理论”探索了影响大学生参与网上招聘意向的因素模型。研究结果证实了创建的模型对大学生参与网上招聘意向的预测和解释效力:(1)态度、针对网上招聘的特殊互联网自我效能感以及知觉到的对行为实施与否的控制力对大学生参与网上招聘的意向有显著的直接正向影响;(2)人际规范和知觉到的有用性对态度有显著的正向影响,知觉到的危险性对态度有显著的负向影响;(3)一般互联网自我效能感(ISE)对针对网上招聘的特殊ISE有显著的正向影响,对大学生参与网上招聘意向并没有直接的影响,而是通过针对网上招聘的特殊ISE这一中介变量产生间接影响。  相似文献   

网络是大学生获取信息的重要方式,大学生对网络的认识水平,应用技能及自控能力会影响其上网行为,进而影响其学习和生活。本研究自编大学生网络元认知量表、网络学习行为调查问卷并应用网络成瘾诊断量表调查大学生网络学习行为偏好、网络元认知和网络成瘾的现状,并进一步分析网络元认知与网络成瘾等相关因素的关系。结果表明:大学生网络行为总体健康良好;大学生网络花费时间存在性别差异和时间段差异;大学生网络元认知水平分布呈正偏态,大学生网络元认知水平不存在性别差异,年级差异及专业差异;大学生网络成瘾比例较低,大学生网络成瘾性别差异显著;网络成瘾与网络元认知得分呈负相关。  相似文献   

网络成瘾及其心理矫正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络在现代生活中与人们的联系日益紧密。然而,对于不能够正确使用网络的人,网络行为可能构成一种"高危"行为。网络成瘾会严重地降低人的心理功能和社会效能,是一个越来越引人关注的问题。本文分析了网络成瘾的心理机制,并根据自己的咨询经验提出了操作性的心理矫正模式。  相似文献   

陈朝阳 《心理科学》2006,29(4):1019-1021,1002
网络对于人际交往的影响研究存在两大理论分野,形成横向研究和纵向研究相结合的交叉性研究策略,并初步建构了网络影响人际交往的心理机制。  相似文献   

网络的出现正在改变人类的生产和生活方式,对人的心理和心理学的发展也会产生影响。  相似文献   

本文通过对自我改变现象的简要描述,从良性和非良性范围分析了人们尤其是大学生在运用网络技术的过程中人们在心理上和行为上的自我改变,并提出了网络技术应用引起的自我改变的心理、行为效果模式。  相似文献   

赵宝春 《心理科学》2012,35(4):921-925
基于计划行为理论,自编直接经验、自主学习意愿等量表,以武汉地区402名中学生为被试,系统分析直接经验对自主学习意愿的影响。结果发现:直接经验的积累可增强学习主体参与自主学习活动的意愿;直接经验对自主学习意愿的积极影响可通过行为态度等核心变量发挥间接效应实现,也可通过直接路径实现;直接经验与自主学习意愿的关系不受行为态度等核心变量调节。这些结果表明,直接经验是自主学习意愿的重要影响因子,对培养和提高学生自主学习意识具有重要价值。  相似文献   

一、问题提出《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(20i0—2020年)》把教育信息化作为实现未来教育改革和发展战略目标的重要保障条件,明确提出了加速教育信息化进程,为我国教育信息化描绘了宏伟的蓝图。《湖南省建设教育强省规划纲要(2010--2020)》进一步指出,~JJ2020年,基本建成覆盖城乡各级各类学校的教育信息化体系,促进教育内容、教学手段和方法的现代化,实现“数字湖南教育”的目标。同时,交互式电子白板、Web2.O社会性软件、云计算等新技术的涌现,  相似文献   

解军 《心理科学》2001,24(5):634-635
依据发展心理学的理论,在对儿童个体发展起作用的遗传、环境、教育等三个方面中,教育是起决定作用的,在学前时期和小学阶段,儿童的心理刚刚开始发展,生理机能发育没有定型,外界对儿童的身心成长影响极大,尤其是家庭教育和学校教育的影响极其重大。这两方面教育适当与否就会看到儿童心理健康的状况如何。所以儿童的心理健康问题也必须首先从教育的角度去研究和引导。  相似文献   

We examined variables associated with parental intention to participate in a parenting program viewed within a socio-ecological framework. In two metropolitan areas in Japan, 222 families voluntarily completed a series of questionnaires. A series of multiple regression analyses was used to evaluate the Socio-Ecological Predictor Model that was able to account for 50% of the variance associated with parental intention to participate in a parenting program. The most significant predictor in the model was program features, which accounted for 30% of the variance. It is important to consider program features that make it more likely that parents will engage positively in a parenting program. We discuss parental intention to participate in a parenting program as well as the limitations of the study and areas for future research.  相似文献   

In this article, we examine research that may lead to a better assessment of psychological factors affecting medical conditions. We performed a review of the psychosomatic literature using both Medline and manual searches. We selected papers that were judged to be relevant to new strategies of assessment, with particular reference to the use of the Diagnostic Criteria for Psychosomatic Research. We assessed 8 areas concerned with the assessment of psychological factors in the setting of medical disease: hypochondriasis, disease phobia, persistent somatization, conversion symptoms, illness denial, demoralization, irritable mood, and Type A behavior. A new subclassification of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed. [DSM-V]; not yet published) category of psychological factors affecting physical conditions appears to be feasible and may provide the clinician with better tools for identifying psychological distress.  相似文献   

A sample of 102 male East Indians intending to immigrate to Canada was compared on several personality and nonpersonality variables with a matched sample of 114 Indians who planned to remain in India. A mail questionnaire procedure was used. Discriminant analyses indicated that personality factors alone accounted for 27% of the variance and that inclusion of nonpersonality factors raised this to 38%. The most important variables separating the groups are occupational satisfaction, sensation seeking, interest in world news, and a locus-of-control component. The findings indicate the sizeable role of personality factors in the decision to migrate and illustrate the utility of a multifaceted approach in understanding complex phenomena such as migration.  相似文献   

为了更好地促进退休人员人力资源的开发和提高退休人员的生活质量,本研究采用城市退休人员再就业自我效能量表等工具对城市退休人员的再就业意向进行调查。探索了影响退休人员再就业意向的相关因素以及它们之间相互的关系。结果发现:男性退休人员比女性退休人员再就业意向更强;年龄越低再就业意向越强;专业技术比受教育程度对退休人员的再就业意向有更大影响;就业机会、再就业态度、再就业自我效能和他人支持都能显著地预测再就业意向。研究表明,再就业自我效能通过再就业态度影响再就业意向,工具性态度通过情感性态度影响再就业意向,外部因素(就业机会、他人支持)能通过内部因素(求职自我效能)对再就业意向产生影响。  相似文献   

120名在校孤儿影响学习的心理因素调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李国强  郑力 《心理科学》2004,27(2):402-403
本文研究120名在校孤儿影响其学习的儿项心理因素情况.录川问卷测验法和个案调查法,结果表明:孤儿的智力水平、心理健康水平低于同龄正常儿童,提高学习能力较差,问题行为较多,但在校学习方法、与教师关系较好。  相似文献   

A wide range of factors, from perceived child behavior problems to sociocultural factors, have been identified as impacting the engagement of parents in parenting interventions. However, parents’ cognitions and behaviors have not been evaluated sufficiently to understand their role in initial parental engagement. The current study aimed to examine why some parents are more likely to want to participate in parenting programs and how their cognitions and behaviors are related to their intention to participate in future parenting interventions. We tested the hypothesised model of parental factors on intention to participate using structural equation modelling (SEM) in AMOS. This study (N = 6,733) analyzed existing data from the International Parenting Survey (IPS), a web-based tool developed to collect information about parents’ views on family and parenting at a population level in several countries. Results showed that parents’ coercive parenting, parental consistency, positive encouragement, relationship with their child, parental self-efficacy, psychological distress, and help-seeking behaviors were significantly related to their intention to participate in future parenting interventions. The structural model of parents’ cognitions and behaviors explained 16% of the variance in intention to participate. Although the current model explained a small but significant percentage of the variance, it expands existing understanding regarding parental cognitions and behaviors and their relationship to intention. Implications for further research and engagement practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify factors predictive of intentions to participate in genetic testing for hereditary cancer. Measures of the psychosocial influences on intention were based on the theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behaviour (TPB) and a new measure of Attitude toward Uncertainty. The participants (the breast cancer sample, n = 124; the colon cancer sample, n = 168) were recruited via a general practitioner's patient database and asked to complete postal questionnaires. The overall response rate was 57.4% (54.7% in the colon cancer sample, 61.4% in the breast cancer sample). In the colon cancer sample, 72% of respondents stated that they would choose to participate in genetic testing for colon cancer susceptibility. In the breast cancer sample, 77% of respondents stated that they would choose to participate in genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility. The TRA components (attitudes and subjective norms) and Attitude toward Uncertainty emerged as the strongest predictors of intention. The Attitude toward Uncertainty appears to moderate intention in that participants with more negative attitudes toward uncertainty are more likely to undergo the test than those seeking more certainty.  相似文献   

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