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龚群 《哲学动态》2003,(7):43-45
阿拉斯代尔·麦金太尔 (AlasdairMacIntyre)是为我国学术界所熟知的当代美国著名伦理学家。他的几部著作都已经译成或即将译成中文出版。麦金太尔早年是个马克思主义者。1 981年出版的《德性之后》 (AfterVirtue) [1]  标志着他成为一个共同体主义者的旗手。麦金太尔在 2 0世纪的重要影响是从他的《德性之后》开始的 ,虽然其早年的《伦理学简史》已经使他具有相当的知名度。麦金太尔近期推出他的重要新作《依赖性的理性动物———为什么人需要德性》(DependentRationalAnimals—WhyHumanBeingsNeedVirtue) ,使人们感受到了一个思想家…  相似文献   

情境模型时间维度研究是目前文本阅读研究的热点之一。研究者们从不同角度、采用不同范式和技术手段证明了时间维度在情境模型建构中的重要作用,并且在这方面也取得了大量研究成果。文章从理论观点和实证研究两方面对这些研究成果进行梳理和总结,并对未来研究发展做出了展望。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to test the prediction, derived from field theory, that unfilled intervals at the core of a social episode (in-process) are perceived to last longer than unfilled intervals at the beginning (preprocess) or toward the end of the social episode (postprocess). As expected, individuals who judged in-process unfilled intervals overestimated their duration and judged them to last longer than individuals who judged preprocess or postprocess unfilled intervals. Moreover, this finding was observed in both immediate and delayed time duration estimates, and the overestimation effect for in-process intervals was stronger in the remote than in the immediate estimates. Relations to prior research on delays in services and implications for the management of services are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSRACT: Although time has been frequently used as a variable or as an implied dimension in creativity research, very few systematic attempts to date have been undertaken to integrate diverse findings and knowledge about the relation of time with creativity. This article proposes a theoretical framework for understanding the various associations between time and creativity in terms of 3 temporal modes: cyclicity, linearity, and timelessness. Cyclical time underlies the periodic and recurring dimensions of creativity, linear time underlies its evolutionary and contextual aspects, and timelessness is related to the deep immersion states of the creative process. This article illustrates the links between creativity and each of the temporal modes with selected findings from the multidisciplinary literature on creativity and discusses implications and further directions for the study of time and creativity.  相似文献   

关于秩序的思考是贯穿于先秦儒家治世之道中的一条内在逻辑理路.以孔子、荀子为代表的儒家意识到等级秩序的破坏是社会动乱的根源所在,秩序构建是治世中必须解决的重大现实问题.正是以秩序建构为逻辑起点,儒家设计了其治世之道.以礼义为核心的伦理价值系统是儒家治世之道中的重要内容,关于秩序的思考既是其逻辑起点,又是其最终的价值归依.人伦关系协调是儒家治世之道中的重要问题,无论是对"人"还是"伦"的思考,秩序构建始终是贯穿于儒家人伦思想中的核心问题.  相似文献   

论生态经济学的伦理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态经济学主张经济发展的现实基础是人的感性生存;经济发展的动力机制是人类文明的可持续性;经济发展的价值目的是人的全面发展.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the relationships among culture, character, and suicide. It draws on the author's research in Scandinavia and his studies of suicide among United States urban blacks and college students. The differences in motivation and significance of suicide in Sweden and Denmark are illustrated. The United States is an amalgam of subcultures which must be studied separately to identify the psychosocial determinants of behavior. The varying rates and motivations for suicide in different cultures and subcultures, the differences between men and women, between young and old, differences in ways of coping with love and loss, life and death make clear that suicide is part of a culture's possibilities. The varying psychodynamic ways in which the suicidal individual in differing cultures and subcultures conceives of, uses, and absorbs death also has much to tell us about how we live.  相似文献   

黄小惠 《学海》2011,(3):166-169
在现代西方哲学界,詹姆逊最为明确地高举起乌托邦旗帜。他继承了布洛赫的乌托邦思想,将总体性思想内嵌其中,并且始终把乌托邦作为一种政治策略来建构,因此他的乌托邦思想具有鲜明的政治维度。乌托邦的本质是政治无意识,借助总体性方法,乌托邦实现对社会历史总体性的揭示;而乌托邦的政治功能在意识形态与乌托邦的辩证法中得到充分凸显。  相似文献   

Political authorities decide much of current educational reform and the teaching profession is expected to comply with an increasing number of demands issued by those in authority. This has a long tradition and serves to ensure that service to the state itself, or its manifestation as an economic entity, is prioritized. Because of this there is a tendency to disregard the immediate relationships within the school community, which serve as a basis for moral and spiritual development. Teachers’ autonomy and a greater respect for their vocational capacities are prerequisites for addressing the questions raised by the inclusion of spiritual concepts in education.  相似文献   

道德需要是主体意识到道德与其生存和发展的价值、意义后而对道德产生的心理倾向。道德需要作为人的特殊的高级需要 ,具有功利性和超功利性的二重属性。  相似文献   

今本《易经》六十四卦可视作六十四个原型事件,每个事件均是一个时间性整体,其中,卦辞描述了整个事件的线索,爻辞则描述了事件的具体过程,爻的阴阳变化则揭示了事物变化之几的整体特性,而涵括三者的易时间是多元时间观的统一体。  相似文献   

德性伦理学的特征与维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中西伦理思想史上,主导性的规范伦理学都是德性伦理学,即"人是什么"或人"应当成为什么"的问题处于规范伦理学的中心地位.同时,"是什么"包括了"做什么"的问题.对于行为,义务论强调了道德原则的重要性,功利论强调了后果的重要性,德性论则强调对人的判断的重要性.同时,德性伦理学的重点在于对德性的研究,德性指的是人的内在品性的规定性.  相似文献   

<庄子·逍遥游>区分了四个层次的逍遥:知效一官者的逍遥、宋荣子的逍遥、列子的逍遥、圣人的逍遥.然而,人们对庄子逍遥游的主题的理解常常被宋荣子、列子的逍遥所主导,而将逍遥视为个体的逍遥,因而,对逍遥的理解,偏离了庄子所探寻的内圣外王之道的主题,而具有去政治化的倾向.事实上,庄子的逍遥则是乘天地之正,为万物的各正性命创造条件,因而,其逍遥具有鲜明的政治向度.  相似文献   

Acceptance of three tenets of the doctrine of scientific objectivity, namely, the tenets of consensus, compartmentalization, and ahistorical truth, undermines scientists appreciation of the importance of scientific controversy and consideration of the policy and value implications of controversial scientific theories. This essay rejects these tenets and suggests scientists appreciate theoretical diversity, learn rational means for adjudicating value differences, and cultivate conversational as well as written forms of communication.  相似文献   

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