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A set of approximately 500 words taken from the literature on emotion was examined. The overall goal was to develop a comprehensive taxonomy of the affective lexicon, with special attention being devoted to the isolation of terms that refer to emotions. Within the taxonomy we propose, the best examples of emotion terms appear to be those that (a) refer to internal, mental conditions as opposed to physical or external ones, (b) are clear cases of stares, and (c) have affect as opposed to behavior or cognition as a predominant (rather than incidental) referential focus. Relaxing one or another of these constraints yields poorer examples or nonexamples of emotions; however, this gradedness is not taken as evidence that emotions necessarily defy classical definition.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The emotional significance of sensory events may influence attention in a reflexive manner, but these effects vary across paradigms and participants. Recent research indicates that specific circuits in the brain may serve to amplify neural responses to emotional stimuli, a modulation similar to attentional effects usually driven by endogenous goals. However, this modulation involves distinct sources in emotional systems such as the amygdala, and may thus operate partly independent of top-down control by attentional systems in frontoparietal cortices. It remains to be clarified to what degree these emotional effects are influenced by specific perceptual and emotional dimensions, automaticity and attentional resources, task goals or expectations, and individual personality traits.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore sex differences along several affective dimensions. A sample of 455 undergraduate students was administered several affective scales. A discriminant analysis was performed using the affective scales as discriminating variables and sex as the group variable. Significant sex differences were found on only two of nine affective scales, and the substantive significance of these differences seems to he minimal. The authors concluded that the promotion of faulty stereotypical beliefs should be abandoned in favor of increasingly complex inquiry in this area.  相似文献   

情绪启动与语义启动发生时孰先孰后、进行中独立平行还是交互作用、效应上孰强孰弱,还存在较大争议.这些争议的本质涉及到人脑中情绪和认知这两大基本系统的关系认识问题.通过行为观察与事件相关脑电位技术结合,在同一个实验中设置情绪启动、语义启动两种情境,并匹配可能影响这两种启动效应的因素,如信息强度、启动刺激和靶刺激的信息关联程度等,然后系统性变化启动刺激呈现的时间、SOA、实验任务等,并逐步加入被试的年龄、性别、学科专业、认知风格、情绪易感性等个体差异变量,可望直接而系统地澄清争议,深层次揭示情绪信息流与语义信息流的加工特点,并进而揭示人脑情绪系统与认知系统功能与机制的发展规律.  相似文献   

The performance of 14 poor readers on an audiovisual speech perception task was compared with 14 normal subjects matched on chronological age (CA) and 14 subjects matched on reading age (RA). The task consisted of identifying synthetic speech varying in place of articulation on an acoustic 9-point continuum between /ba/ and /da/ (Massaro & Cohen, 1983). The acoustic speech events were factorially combined with the visual articulation of /ba/, /da/, or none. In addition, the visual-only articulation of /ba/ or /da/ was presented. The results showed that (1) poor readers were less categorical than CA and RA in the identification of the auditory speech events and (2) that they were worse in speech reading. This convergence between the deficits clearly suggests that the auditory speech processing difficulty of poor readers is speech specific and relates to the processing of phonological information.  相似文献   

日常言语交流常常会遇到各种噪音的干扰。研究表明, 噪音所产生的能量掩蔽和信息掩蔽会给语音感知带来较大影响。在感知地道的二语语音时, 二语者在各种噪音条件下所受干扰通常比母语者更大, 其表现随噪音类型、水平和目标音位特征的不同而变化; 同时, 二语者的感知也存在较大个体差异, 这是多种因素影响的结果。在噪音下感知带有各种外国腔的二语口音时, 母语者的表现差于其对地道母语语音的感知; 二语经历贫乏的二语者则对与自己口音类似的外国腔感知较好, 但二语经历较长的二语者在感知中却表现出较大灵活性。  相似文献   

Speech Perception: Cognitive Foundations and Cortical Implementation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Speech perception includes, minimally, the set of computations that transform continuously varying acoustic signals into linguistic representations that can be used for subsequent processing. The auditory and motor subroutines of this complex perceptual process are executed in a network of brain areas organized in ventral and dorsal parallel pathways, performing sound-to-meaning and sound-to-motor mappings, respectively. Research on speech using neurobiological techniques argues against narrow motor or auditory theories. To account for the range of cognitive and neural attributes, integrative computational models seem promising.  相似文献   

The current study applies semantic differential to explore the semantic perception of emergency signs, in an attempt to analyze the meanings of emergency signs in regard to the psychological exigencies of the general public. The results indicate that problems concerning recognition accuracy have been observed, but also that the evaluation of the semantic meaning of the signs is positive. However, a number of emotional factors also emerge, indicating that if improvements should be made to the existing emergency signs, it would better facilitate evacuation in the event of an emergency. As for the design guidelines, the emergency signs should be readily recognizable and have a single meaning. Multiple symbolic meanings should be eliminated. Concrete design guidelines include: (a) safety movement, (b) clarity, and (c) safety. To avoid confusion in sign recognition, in addition to the improvements made based on the abovementioned guidelines, educational promotional activities carried out by the government would also prove very beneficial.  相似文献   

语音感知的发展状况对个体的语言发展有着深远影响。生命的第一年中, 在语言经验的作用下, 婴儿的语音感知从最初的普遍性感知逐渐发展为对母语的特异性感知。研究者们提出统计学习机制对这一过程加以解释, 即婴儿对语言环境中语音的频次分布十分敏感, 可以通过对频次分布的计算, 从语音的连续体中区分出在母语中起区别意义作用的各个语音范畴。同时, 功能性重组机制和一些社会性线索也会对婴儿语音感知的发展产生重要影响。  相似文献   

Usual scoring systems for figure drawing techniques are based on structural and content aspects of the drawing, and ignore the affectively toned associations that occur when an observer first sees a drawing. A system for measuring two components of judgment, (a) emission of affective associations (b) evaluation of affective associations, has been developed. This method was applied with some success in studying individuals who had represented in their drawings an image that corresponded to their actual physical appearance. The research so far suggests that the evaluation component of judgment may contribute more to discrimination than the emission component.  相似文献   

听力正常的老年人常常受到噪声环境中言语感知能力下降的困扰。延缓这一类型的听觉老龄化具有重要的心理和社会意义。经历过音乐训练的老年人在噪声环境中的言语识别成绩显著高于听力相当但是未经历过音乐训练的老年人。此外, 音乐训练也伴随着老年人的听觉脑干对言语信号的加工速度和时间精度的明显提高。这一言语信号神经表征的增强可能在音乐训练延缓老年人言语感知能力下降的过程中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

婴儿期言语知觉研究表明婴儿最初(1~4个月)可以分辨几乎所有的语音范畴对比;随母语经验增加,婴儿言语知觉逐渐表现出母语语音特征的影响,辅音知觉表现为对母语语音范畴界限敏感性的提高和对非母语范畴界限敏感性的下降,非母语范畴开始同化到母语音系中去,母语元音知觉表现出知觉磁体效应。这些证据表明婴儿逐渐习得母语音位范畴,音位范畴习得顺序可能依赖范畴例子本身的声学特征、发生频率等因素  相似文献   

A number of recent studies have examined the effects of phonological variation on the perception of speech. These studies show that both the lexical representations of words and the mechanisms of lexical access are organized so that natural, systematic variation is tolerated by the perceptual system, while a general intolerance of random deviation is maintained. Lexical abstraction distinguishes between phonetic features that form the invariant core of a word and those that are susceptible to variation. Phonological inference relies on the context of surface changes to retrieve the underlying phonological form. In this article we present a model of these processes in speech perception, based on connectionist learning techniques. A simple recurrent network was trained on the mapping from the variant surface form of speech to the underlying form. Once trained, the network exhibited features of both abstraction and inference in its processing of normal speech, and predicted that similar behavior will be found in the perception of nonsense words. This prediction was confirmed in subsequent research (Gaskell & Marslen-Wilson, 1994).  相似文献   

Previous work (e.g. Bargh, Chaiken, Govender, & Pratto, 1992; Fazio, Sanbonmatsu, Powell, & Kardes, 1986) has shown that objects are evaluated on a goodness/badness dimension automatically and preconsciously. Vakoch and Wurm (1997; Wurm & Vakoch, 1996) have found similar results using different stimuli and tasks. They found that auditory lexical decision times depend on dimensions of connotation (Evaluation, Potency, and Activity). Reaction times (RTs) from these studies were interpreted in terms of the evolutionary adaptiveness of different types of perceptual processing. The current study introduces a new way to define words, using two dimensions (Danger and Usefulness) rather than three, that allows a direct test of the adaptiveness model. RTs for nouns chosen for their adaptive significance were related to Usefulness and Danger, and to the interaction between Usefulness and Danger. A database of dimension weights is included.  相似文献   

图画口语命名包括了概念准备、词条选择、音韵编码和发音等加工阶段, 是口语产生研究中经典的实验任务。文章首先简要介绍了两类言语产生的基础理论, 然后介绍了不同研究范式下的语义抑制效应与语义促进效应。在此基础上总结了影响语义效应的各种因素, 并重点介绍了竞争说、动态词汇网络假说、反应一致说、语义选择说以及反应排除说。最后基于已有的研究成果与研究现状指出了下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   

We used fluency tasks to investigate lexical organisation in Deaf adults who use British sign language (BSL). The number of responses produced to semantic categories did not differ from reports in spoken languages. However, there was considerable variability in the number of responses across phonological categories, and some signers had difficulty retrieving items. Responses were richly clustered according to semantic and/or phonological properties. With respect to phonology, there was significantly more clustering around the parameters “handshape” and “location” compared to “movement”. We conclude that the BSL lexicon is organised in similar ways to the lexicons of spoken languages, but that lexical retrieval is characterised by strong links between semantics and phonology; movement is less readily retrieved than handshape and location; and phonological fluency is difficult for signers because they have little metaphonological awareness in BSL and because signs do not display the onset salience that characterises spoken words.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of an exploratory study of salesperson listening in the context of an extended sales relationship. In-depth interviews with both buyers and sellers suggest that listening has both cognitive and affective characteristics. Moreover, the data indicate a temporal dimension of listening, not addressed in current models of listening in the sales literature. Further, there appears to be a link between the salesperson’s listening and the impressions of affective and cognitive empathy created and maintained over the course of sales interactions with customers. The impressions of affective and cognitive empathy created may affect the development of buyer–seller relationships.  相似文献   

要求中国被试基于对中国面孔图片的第一印象对图片中人物进行人格判断,运用主成分分析和平行分析的方法,探究面孔中的人格知觉维度。结果发现,中国被试知觉本族男性、女性面孔时存在"亲和性"和"能力"两个人格知觉维度。初步揭示了亲和性维度具有跨文化的共性,并提出更广义的能力维度,其内容包含支配性特质和坚韧性特质。  相似文献   

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