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Effective emotion regulation is important for high-quality social functioning. Recent laboratory-based evidence suggests that mindfulness may enhance emotion regulation in socioemotional contexts; however, little is known about mindful emotion regulation during in vivo social interactions. In a study of romantic couples, we assessed each partner's mindfulness and top-down attentional efficiency (with an Emotional Go/No-Go task) prior to sampling emotions and perceived connection with others during day-to-day social interactions. Analyses revealed that mindfulness-related differences in top-down attentional efficiency on the Emotional Go/No-Go predicted positive emotion during daily social interactions. In turn, positive emotion and two additional indices of social emotion regulation each mediated the relation between actor mindfulness and perceived social connection. In corresponding analyses, neither trait reappraisal nor suppression use predicted the outcomes, and all mindfulness relations held controlling for these strategies. Findings support a framework for investigating mindfulness and higher-quality social functioning, for which mindful emotion regulation may be key.  相似文献   

We examined how culture influences perceptions of applicant attributes when assessing employment suitability. In two studies (N = 408), we compared members from a collectivistic society (Singapore) to two samples from individualistic societies (the United States and Australia) on their perceptions of applicant attributes across job contexts. For each job, participants either chose between candidates with different attribute profiles or created ideal candidates by allocating a fixed amount of percentile points across different attributes. More often than Australians, Singaporeans chose the candidate with higher levels of the trait (e.g., openness to experience) uniquely associated with the job (e.g., graphic designer). More so than either Americans or Australians, Singaporeans prioritized having the trait most associated with each job. Members from collectivistic societies may require higher levels of the traits most associated with different jobs than members from individualistic societies, who prefer more well-rounded individuals for each job. As discussed, the study of lay perceptions may have implications for training hiring professionals and managers.  相似文献   

Increased vigilance to threat-related stimuli is thought to be a core cognitive feature of anxiety. We sought to investigate the cognitive impact of experimentally induced anxiety, by means of a 7.5% CO2 challenge, which acts as an unconditioned anxiogenic stimulus, on attentional bias for positive and negative facial cues of emotional expression in the dot-probe task. In two experiments we found robust physiological and subjective effects of the CO2 inhalation consistent with the claim that the procedure reliably induces anxiety. Data from the dot-probe task demonstrated an attentional bias to emotional facial expressions compared with neutral faces regardless of valence (happy, angry, and fearful). These attentional effects, however, were entirely inconsistent in terms of their relationship with induced anxiety. We conclude that the previously reported poor reliability of this task is the most parsimonious explanation for our conflicting findings and that future research should develop a more reliable paradigm for measuring attentional bias in this field.  相似文献   


Persons scoring high on negative affectivity (NA) have more subjective health complaints. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that high NA persons are more likely to experience internal sensations as threatening signs of health problems. Low and high NA participants (N=44) were given four breathing trials: one room air trial followed by three trials containing 5.5% CO2 which induced transient low intensity somatic sensations. Prior to each CO2 trial, participants received either positive, negative or uncertain labelings of the sensations that might occur. Participants rated the (un)pleasantness of the experienced somatic sensations and the perceived intensity. Also respiratory responses were measured. During CO2 trials, reliable main effects of information were found but no effects involving NA were observed, neither on pleasantness ratings nor on respiratory responses. However, during room air breathing, high NA participants reported more intense somatic sensations than low NA participants. Post-experimental data suggested that high NA participants had more negative meanings and worries about the consequences of the physical sensations. It is concluded that interpretational biases in high NA is situated at the level of attributional processes.  相似文献   

Clinically significant premenstrual symptoms (PMS) is conceptualized as a depressive disorder in DSM-5, however, it may share pathophysiological processes with anxiety- and fear-related disorders. Specifically, women with PMS panic at higher rates during biological challenge procedures. It is unclear if this increased interoceptive sensitivity is a general vulnerability or specific to the premenstrual phase. The current study examined the role of menstrual cycle phase on reactivity to a CO2 challenge among women with (n = 11) and without (n = 26) clinically significant PMS (N = 37). During the late follicular phase (days 6–12), women with and without PMS responded similarly to the CO2 challenge, whereas during the premenstrual phase (within 5 days before menses), women with PMS reported significantly more intense panic symptoms in response to the challenge than women without PMS. Vulnerability to panic in women with PMS may be specific to the premenstrual phase. Potential psychological and neurobiological mechanisms underlying this phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Molecular mechanics simulations were performed to probe the incipient plastic deformation in carbon nanotubes (CNTs), which involves nucleation of Stone–Wales (SW) defects and spiral glide of 5/7 dislocation dipoles that lead to quantized necking through a stepwise reduction in tube diameter. Quantification of the strain-dependent energetics of dislocation glide reveals that such dislocation motions are energetically favoured at high tensile strain. Pre-existing dislocations critically affect subsequent nucleation and separation of SW defects, as manifested by the competing deformation modes of symmetric versus asymmetric necking. The results provide a quantitative basis for the dislocation dynamics simulations of superplastically deformed CNTs.  相似文献   

In this study, (Gd1? x Nd x )2(Zr1? x Ce x )2O7 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.5) ceramics have been prepared by pressureless sintering at 1973 K to investigate the influence of Nd and Ce co-doping on their electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity of the ceramics was investigated by impedance spectroscopy measurements from 723 to 1173 K over the frequency range of 20 Hz to 2 MHz in air. The measured values obey the Arrhenius relation. For each composition, the grain conductivity gradually increases with increasing temperature from 723 to 1173 K. At a given temperature, it gradually decreases with increasing neodymium and cerium contents from x = 0 to 0.3; thereafter, the grain conductivity exhibits a slight increase with further increasing neodymium and cerium contents up to x = 0.5.  相似文献   

The Raman spectra and electronic spin resonance (ESR) parameters (spin-Hamiltonian parameter g factors, zero-field splitting parameter D, and hyperfine structure constant A) for the trigonal V3+ centers in salt guanidinium vanadium sulfate hexahydrate (GVSH) are calculated from the complete diagonalization (of energy matrix) method. The theoretical results are in agreement with the experimental findings and the trigonal crystal-field parameters are determined. The difficulty in explaining ESR parameters of V3+ in GVSH is removed.  相似文献   


Time-of-flight inelastic neutron scattering spectra were measured on cerium metal at temperatures near the fcc (gamma)-to-bcc (delta) transition temperature. Phonon density-of-states (DOS) curves were extracted from data acquired over a wide range of momentum transfers. A large softening of the phonon DOS was found in going from gamma-cerium to delta-cerium, and this accounts for an increase in vibrational entropy of (0.71 +/- 0.05)k B/atom. To be consistent with the latent heat of the gamma-delta transition, this increase in vibrational entropy must be accompanied by a large decrease in electronic entropy. The results not only confirm the recent discovery of a significant electronic contribution to the gamma-delta transition but also suggest that it may be twice that previously reported.  相似文献   

The pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity of three different samples of cassiterite, namely natural cassiterite SnO2, synthetic nanocrystalline SnO2 (with crystallite size 46?nm) and nanocrystalline Co-doped SnO2 (with crystallite size 32?nm), has been measured up to 7?GPa at room temperature. The resistivity of natural cassiterite SnO2 decreases from 2.5?×?104?Ωm at normal pressure and temperature to 1.7?×?104?Ωm at 7.0?GPa. The nanocrystalline SnO2 has a high resistivity 6.0?×?105?Ωm at normal pressure and temperature and decreases with pressure reaching a value of 2.98?×?105?Ωm at 7?GPa. The activation energy of the electrical conduction of the studied samples were found to be 0.32?eV for the natural SnO2, 0.40?eV for the nanocrystalline SnO2 sample and 0.28?eV for the nanocrystalline Co-doped SnO2. Measurements of the pressure dependence of the electrical resistivity of the Co-doped SnO2 showed a decrease from 3.60?×?105 to 5.4?×?104?Ωm at 7.0?GPa. We did not observe any pressure-induced phase transition in SnO2 up to 7?GPa. This study of the high-pressure phase stability of cassiterite corroborates the experimental findings of SnO2 nanoinclusions in diamonds.  相似文献   

Kowalski  Tomasz 《Studia Logica》2004,77(2):255-265
We prove that all semisimple varieties of FL ew-algebras are discriminator varieties. A characterisation of discriminator and EDPC varieties of FL ew-algebras follows. It matches exactly a natural classification of logics over FL ew proposed by H. Ono.  相似文献   

Classical conditioning of the nictitating membrane response requires a specific temporal interval between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus, and produces an incrase in Protein Kinase C (PKC) activation in Purkinje cells. To evaluate whether biochemical interactions within the Purkinje cell may explain the temporal sensitivity, a model of PKC activation byCa 2+, diacylglycerol (DAG), and arachidonic acid (AA) is developed.Ca 2+ elevation is due to CF stimulation and IP3 inducedCa 2+ release (IICR). DAG andIP 3 result from PF stimulation, while AA results from phospholipase A2 (PLA 2). Simulations predict increased PKC activation when PF stimulation precedes CF stimulation by 0.1 to 3 s. The sensitivity of IICR to the temporal relation between PF and CF stimulation, together with the buffering system of Purkinje cells, significantly contribute to the temporal sensitivity.  相似文献   

A spectroscopic characterization of Er3+-doped SrAl2O4 phosphor materials synthesized by a solid-state reaction method with Er concentrations varying from 0.1 to 1?mol% has been performed by studying photoluminescence (PL) in the temperature range 10 to 360?K and absorption spectra. PL signals containing five emission bands at 1492, 1529, 1541, 1558, and 1600?nm, respectively, have been observed at room temperature for Er3+ transitions in the near infrared region. The samples exhibit a main luminescence peak at 1.54?µm, which is assigned to recombination via an intra-4f Er3+ transition. Sharp bands centered at around 378, 488, 521, 651, 980, 1492, and 1538?nm in the absorption spectra can be associated with transitions from 4I15/2 level to 2H9/2, 4F7/2, 2H11/2, 4F9/2, 4I11/2, 2H11/2, and 4I13/2 levels, respectively. The sharp emission peaks and excellent luminescence properties show that SrAl2O4 is a suitable host for rare-earth-doped phosphors, which may be suitable for optical applications.  相似文献   

Durgin et al. (2010) argued that the apparent accuracy of the palmboard measure of geographical slant is accidental and reflects limitations in wrist flexion that reduce palmboard adjustments by just the right amount given the perceptual overestimations upon which they are based. This account is inconsistent with findings that verbal reports and palmboard adjustments are dissociable. In addition to previous evidence found for such dissociation, Durgin et al. also found verbal/palmboard dissociations in Experiment 2. Experiments 1 and 3 of Durgin et al. lacked verbal reports and instead compared palmboard adjustments to free-hand estimates in the context of small wooden surfaces. These experiments are not relevant to the issue of verbal/palmboard dissociability. Across studies, the accuracy of Durgin et al.'s palmboard implementation is far less than that found by others (Feresin & Agostini, 2007). The design of Durgin et al.'s Experiment 5 misrepresented the experimental conditions of Creem and Proffitt (1998), and consequently, the findings of this study have no bearing on the issue at hand.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the differential effects of heelsticks and tactile-kinesthetic massage on transcutaneous oxygen tension (TcPO2) in preterm infants. The sample was comprised of 37 stabilized preterm neonates from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. During the heelstick procedure, TcPO2 significantly declined an average of 14 mmHg. When compared to the tactile-kinesthetic massage, TcPO2 levels during the heelstick (M = 39.8) were significantly lower than during the stimulation (M = 72.8). Mean TcPO2 levels remained clinically safe during the four massage sessions evaluated. The TcPO2 levels during kinesthetic stimulation were somewhat more varied, and movement and pressurization of the TcPO2 electrode were investigated as possible artifactual explanations for this phenomenon. Overall, the findings indicate that social forms of touch such as tactile-kinesthetic massage do not appear to have a medically compromising effect on TcPO2 in the preterm neonate. These findings are evaluated in relation to the “minimal touch” policy, and implications for future handling of the stabilized preterm neonate are discussed.  相似文献   

Male Swiss mice were tested 24 h after training in a one-trial step-through inhibitory avoidance task. Low subeffective doses of -(+)-glucose (10 mg/kg, ip), but not its stereoisomer -(−)-glucose (30 mg/kg, ip), administered immediately after training, and AF-DX 116 (0.3 mg/kg, ip), a presynaptic muscarinic receptor antagonist, given 10 min after training, interact to improve retention. Insulin (8 IU/kg, ip) impaired retention when injected immediately after training, and the effects were reversed, in a dose-related manner, by AF-DX 116 (0.3, 1.0, or 3.0 mg/kg, ip) administered 10 min following insulin. Since AF-DX 116 possibly blocks autoreceptors mediating the inhibition of acetylcholine release from cholinergic nerve terminals, the present data support the view that changes in the central nervous system glucose availability, subsequent to modification of circulating glucose levels, influence the activity of central cholinergic mechanisms involved in memory storage of an inhibitory avoidance response in mice.  相似文献   

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