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谢书书  张积家  朱君 《心理学报》2019,51(11):1229-1243
采用色环搜索单任务和双任务范式, 考察语言中区分蓝、绿的汉族和语言中蓝、绿混用的纳西族对蓝色和绿色的辨别是否存在颜色范畴知觉效应(Categorical perception, 以下简称为CP效应)。结果发现:(1)纳西族对蓝色和绿色的区分比汉族困难, 体现了语言的作用; (2)语言中蓝、绿混用的纳西族与语言中区分蓝、绿的汉族都出现显著的蓝绿CP效应; (3)两个民族被试的左视野的CP效应受到图形记忆次任务的显著干扰, 说明左视野的CP效应与右脑激活有关。整个研究表明, 颜色CP效应既存在普遍的知觉机制, 也存在语言驱动机制, 语言的作用存在直接效应。研究结果支持颜色词与颜色认知的相互作用理论。  相似文献   

Roberson D  Pak H  Hanley JR 《Cognition》2008,107(2):752-762
In this study we demonstrate that Korean (but not English) speakers show Categorical perception (CP) on a visual search task for a boundary between two Korean colour categories that is not marked in English. These effects were observed regardless of whether target items were presented to the left or right visual field. Because this boundary is unique to Korean, these results are not consistent with a suggestion made by Drivonikou [Drivonikou, G. V., Kay, P., Regier, T., Ivry, R. B., Gilbert, A. L., Franklin, A. et al. (2007) Further evidence that Whorfian effects are stronger in the right visual field than in the left. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104, 1097-1102] that CP effects in the left visual field provide evidence for the existence of a set of universal colour categories. Dividing Korean participants into fast and slow responders demonstrated that fast responders show CP only in the right visual field while slow responders show CP in both visual fields. We argue that this finding is consistent with the view that CP in both visual fields is verbally mediated by the left hemisphere language system.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the perception of facial expressions of emotion fits the criteria of categorical perception (CP). The present paper tests whether a pattern of categories emerges when facial expressions are examined within the framework of multidimensional scaling. Blends of five “pure” expressions (Angry, Sad, Surprised, Happy, Neutral) were created using computerised “morphing”, providing the stimuli for four experiments. Instead of attempting to identify these stimuli, subjects described the proximities between them, using two quite different forms of data: similarity comparisons, and sorting partitions. Multidimensional scaling techniques were applied to integrate the resulting ordinal-level data into models which represent the interstimulus similarities at ratio level. All four experiments yielded strong evidence that the expressions were perceived in distinct categories. Adjacent pairs in the models were not spaced at equal intervals, but were clustered together as if drawn towards a “perceptual magnet”; within each category. We argue that spatial representations are compatible with CP effects, and indeed are a useful tool for investigating them.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether the orientation between an object's parts is coded categorically for object recognition and physical discrimination. In three experiments, line drawings of novel objects in which the relative orientation of object parts varied by steps of 30 degrees were used. Participants performed either an object recognition task, in which they had to determine whether two objects were composed of the same set of parts, or a physical discrimination task, in which they had to determine whether two objects were physically identical. For object recognition, participants found it more difficult to compare the 0 degrees and 30 degrees versions and the 90 degrees and 60 degrees versions of an object than to compare the 30 degrees and 60 degrees versions, but only at an extended interstimulus interval (ISI). Categorical coding was also found in the physical discrimination task. These results suggest that relative orientation is coded categorically for both object recognition and physical discrimination, although metric information appears to be coded as well, especially at brief ISIs.  相似文献   

Two priming experiments using a perceptual identification task were conducted to explore the functional and representational overlap between visual imagery and visual perception. The first experiment included a study phase in which primes were either perceived or imaged objects and a perceptual identification test task in which targets were parts of studied and non-studied objects. Imagery primed identification when subjects were instructed to count the parts of the imaged objects in the study phase but not when they were instructed to focus on the global shape of the imaged objects. This result suggests that imagery involves perceptual representations identical to those involved in perception. It also suggests that the representational overlap between imagery and perception depends on the type of images generated, as some images may consist in global shapes only, whereas others may consist in detailed, multi-part shapes. In the second experiment, we used whole objects as target stimuli which provided subjects with more information to identify masked targets and thereby reduced top-down processing. Priming from imagery fell beneath significance, suggesting that this sort of priming is elicited in a large part by a transfer of top-down processes from study to test.  相似文献   

本研究采用不同参照语境下的面孔情绪评定任务,使用事件相关电位技术,考察了自我参照、母亲参照及他人参照对面孔情绪知觉加工的影响。行为结果显示,与他人参照相比,在自我参照与母亲参照的消极语境中的面孔被认为更消极,积极语境中的面孔被认为更积极。ERP的结果显示,相比他人参照,自我参照与母亲参照都能诱发更大的EPN波幅;自我参照与母亲参照对EPN和LPP波幅的影响差异并不显著。这些研究结果表明,自我参照和母亲参照在面孔情绪知觉上具有一致性,本研究从他人面孔情绪加工的角度为中国人的自我结构中包含"母亲"成分提供了进一步的证据。  相似文献   

Allocation of processing resources to emotional picture stimuli was examined using steady-state visual evoked brain potentials (ssVEPs). Participants viewed a set of 60 colored affective pictures from the International Affective Picture System, presented in a flickering mode at 10 Hz in order to elicit ssVEPs. Phase and amplitude of the 10-Hz ssVEP were examined for six picture categories: threat and mutilation (unpleasant), families and erotica (pleasant), and household objects and persons (neutral). Self-reported affective arousal and hedonic valence of the picture stimuli were assessed by means of subjective ratings. Viewing affectively arousing (unpleasant and pleasant) pictures was associated with enhanced ssVEP amplitude at parieto-occipital recording sites, as compared with neutral stimuli. Phase information suggested increased coactivation of right occipitotemporal and frontotemporal sources during processing of affectively arousing stimuli. These findings are consistent with reentrant modulation of early visual processing by distributed networks including subcortical and neocortical structures according to a stimulus's motivational relevance.  相似文献   

In conditions precluding focused attention, illusory conjunctions of triangles were more frequent when the emergent characteristic of closure was present in the display together with the component parts than when it was not. This replicates Treisman and Paterson's 1984 result, which is the strongest evidence available in favor of the notion of an early extraction of emergent properties.  相似文献   

The distinction between auditory and phonetic processes in speech perception was used in the design and analysis of an experiment. Earlier studies had shown that dichotically presented stop consonants are more often identified correctly when they share place of production (e.g., /ba-pa/) or voicing (e.g., /ba-da/) than when neither feature is shared (e.g., /ba-ta/). The present experiment was intended to determine whether the effect has an auditory or a phonetic basis. Increments in performance due to feature-sharing were compared for synthetic stop-vowel syllables in which formant transitions were the sole cues to place of production under two experimental conditions: (1) when the vowel was the same for both syllables in a dichotic pair, as in our earlier studies, and (2) when the vowels differed. Since the increment in performance due to sharing place was not diminished when vowels differed (i.e., when formant transitions did not coincide), it was concluded that the effect has a phonetic rather than an auditory basis. Right ear advantages were also measured and were found to interact with both place of production and vowel conditions. Taken together, the two sets of results suggest that inhibition of the ipsilateral signal in the perception of dichotically presented speech occurs during phonetic analysis.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying joke comprehension using event‐related potentials (ERPs). Fourteen healthy college students were presented with the context of a story without its joke or nonjoke ending, and then, when the story ending was presented, they were asked to make a funny/unfunny judgment about these endings. The behavioral results showed that there was no significant difference between funny and unfunny items, which meant that subjects could understand funny items as easily as unfunny ones. However, the ERP results showed that funny items initially elicited a more negative ERP deflection (N350–450) over frontocentral scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generators in the left temporal gyrus and the left medial frontal gyrus; it is suggested that these areas might be involved in detecting the incongruent element in joke comprehension. Between 600 and 800 ms, funny items subsequently elicited a more negative ERP deflection (N600–800) over frontocentral scalp regions and a more positive ERP deflection (P600–800) over posterior scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generator in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), an area involved in the breaking of mental set/expectation and the forming of novel associations. Finally, funny items elicited a more positive ERP deflection (P1250–1400) over anterior and posterior scalp regions. Dipole analysis localized the generators in the middle frontal gyrus and the fusiform gyrus, areas that might be related to the affective appreciation stage in joke process. Unlike that of Coulson and Kutas (2001), the present study might support the hypothesis of a three stage model of humor processing (humor detection, resolution of incongruity and humor appreciation).  相似文献   

叶丽群  谭欣  姚堃  丁玉珑 《心理科学进展》2022,30(12):2746-2763
选择性注意能够作用于视觉信息加工的不同阶段。各个注意阶段均受到老化过程的影响,其中注意早期阶段的老化研究对于理解认知老化的发生机制有重要意义。本文系统地梳理了刺激前的注意预期阶段以及刺激后200 ms内的早期感知注意阶段的正常老年人和青年人ERP比较研究,以探讨正常老化对视觉早期注意的影响。现有证据表明,相对于青年人,正常老年人:(1)多个早期ERP注意效应(包括注意预期ADAN,早期空间注意N1,以及特征注意SP和SN)在潜伏期上都存在显著延迟;(2)在振幅上,不同ERP注意效应的老化表现存在差异:某些ERP成分(包括注意预期EDAN,以及早期空间注意P1)的注意效应没有明显减弱,而某些ERP成分(包括注意预期alpha,早期空间注意N1,以及特征注意SN)的注意效应受到老化调控;(3)一些注意效应(包括特征注意SP成分,以及客体注意P1和N1成分)的目标增强机制保留,而干扰抑制机制缺损。目前已有研究在老化对注意效应振幅的调控上还存在不一致,这可能与研究的信噪比、任务难度、注意机制分离以及老年人的个体差异有关。未来研究应考虑这些因素以更好地探究正常老化对视觉早期注意的影响。  相似文献   

In concatenative languages such as English, the morphemes of a word are linked linearly so that words formed from the same base morpheme also resemble each other along orthographic dimensions. In Hebrew, by contrast, the morphemes of a word can be but are not generally concatenated. Instead, a pattern of vowels is infixed between the consonants of the root morpheme. Consequently, the shared portion of morphologically-related words in Hebrew is not always an orthographic unit. In a series of three experiments using the repetition priming task with visually presented Hebrew materials, primes that were formed from the same base morpheme and were morphologically-related to a target facilitated target recognition. Moreover, morphologically-related prime and target pairs that contained a disruption to the shared orthographic pattern showed the same pattern of facilitation as did nondisrupted pairs. That is, there was no effect over successive prime and target presentations, of disrupting the sequence of letters that constitutes the base morpheme or root. In addition, facilitation was similar across derivational, inflectional and identical primes. The conclusion of the present study is that morphological effects in word recognition are distinct from the effects of shared structure.  相似文献   

Witt et al. (2008) have recently shown that golfers who putt with more success perceive the hole to be bigger than golfers who putt with less success. In three experiments, we systematically examined whether this phenomenon, labelled action-specific perception, depends on directing visual attention towards the action target. In Experiment 1 we replicated previously reported action-specific effects on perception in golf putting. In 3 and 4 we directly assessed whether action-specific effects on perception in golf putting are dependent on focusing visual attention on the target. To this end, the participants performed the putting task while visual attention towards the target was either completely withheld (Experiment 2) or divided over the target and other task-relevant objects (Experiment 3). No action-specific effects were found when visual attention towards the action target was occluded or partially diverted from the target. Together, our results provide evidence to suggest that focusing visual attention on the target while performing the action is a prerequisite for the emergence of action-specific perception.  相似文献   

Morphed figures entail a dominant and nondominant interpretation. Testing perception of morphed objects using forced-choice methods demonstrates that morphed figures are perceived as their dominant interpretation (“categorical perception”, or CP). Using a more natural free-naming response could reveal whether CP is an effect independent of method. In Experiment 1, therefore, series of morphed figures were tested for CP using free naming. Half of the morph series were identified as CP patterns. In Experiment 2, we used forced choice to investigate CP, resulting in an increase of number of CP series compared to free naming. The overlap between CP series of Experiments 1 and 2 was small, however. Experiment 3 revealed that higher perceptual similarity between the extremes of the series was strongly related to CP for the free-naming method, in contrast to the forced-choice method. We conclude that the observation of CP depends on the intactness of the intrinsic object structure caused by the morphing procedure.  相似文献   

先前研究表明,对他人的疼痛共情受到多种因素的调节。认知负荷对疼痛共情的调节作用尚无研究。本研究使用事件相关电位技术探究高低认知负荷对疼痛共情神经加工过程的影响。实验通过不同长度的数字串记忆任务,形成高/低两种认知负荷,要求被试在不同认知负荷条件下观看他人处于疼痛/不疼痛情境下的图片,同时记录被试的在观看图片时的EEG数据。通过比较不同条件下观看图片诱发的ERP成分发现:早期成分P2和N2上认知负荷水平与图片类型出现了显著的交互作用,即在高认知负荷下疼痛图片诱发的波幅与非疼痛图片诱发的波幅差异显著,而低认知负荷下两种图片诱发的波幅差异不显著。这表明认知负荷主要影响疼痛共情加工的早期、自动化加工阶段。相比较于低认知负荷条件下,在高认知负荷下他人的疼痛获得了更好的加工。  相似文献   

Identity perception often takes place in multimodal settings, where perceivers have access to both visual (face) and auditory (voice) information. Despite this, identity perception is usually studied in unimodal contexts, where face and voice identity perception are modelled independently from one another. In this study, we asked whether and how much auditory and visual information contribute to audiovisual identity perception from naturally-varying stimuli. In a between-subjects design, participants completed an identity sorting task with either dynamic video-only, audio-only or dynamic audiovisual stimuli. In this task, participants were asked to sort multiple, naturally-varying stimuli from three different people by perceived identity. We found that identity perception was more accurate for video-only and audiovisual stimuli compared with audio-only stimuli. Interestingly, there was no difference in accuracy between video-only and audiovisual stimuli. Auditory information nonetheless played a role alongside visual information as audiovisual identity judgements per stimulus could be predicted from both auditory and visual identity judgements, respectively. While the relationship was stronger for visual information and audiovisual information, auditory information still uniquely explained a significant portion of the variance in audiovisual identity judgements. Our findings thus align with previous theoretical and empirical work that proposes that, compared with faces, voices are an important but relatively less salient and a weaker cue to identity perception. We expand on this work to show that, at least in the context of this study, having access to voices in addition to faces does not result in better identity perception accuracy.  相似文献   

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