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The aim of this study was to develop a scale to measure materialism among children while relying on insights from research conducted among adults. Although research among adults suggests that materialism is a second-order construct with three underlying factors (i.e., material centrality, material happiness, and material success), existing materialism scales for children include only one or two of these factors. Hence, we adapted the items of the well-established Material Values Scale (MVS) of Richins and Dawson (1992) to make them appropriate for use among children. We then administered the Material Values Scale for children (MVS-c) to 1001 8- to 11-year-olds. Structural equation modeling confirmed the presumed second-order structure of the MVS-c. Based on these findings, we created 6- and 3-item versions in addition to the full-length, 18-item MVS-c. All three versions performed well in terms of test–retest reliability and construct validity.  相似文献   

覃丽梅  田宝 《心理学探新》2012,(1):82-85,96
该研究在文献分析和访谈的基础上,确定智力残疾运动领域成就目标定向的四维结构并编制初测问卷。对400名特奥会运动员进行了施测,对数据进行项目分析、验证性因素分析和信度分析。验证性因素分析和信度分析显示,问卷具有较好的效度和信度,可以作为运动领域四维目标定向的测量工具。  相似文献   

大学生自主学习、成就目标定向与学业成就关系的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用大学生自主学习量表、学业成就自评量表和自编的大学生成就目标定向问卷,以安徽省、江苏省、山东省667名大学生为被试,调查分析了大学生自主学习、成就目标定向与学业成就的关系。结果显示:(1)大学生自主学习对学业成就具有预测作用;(2)掌握目标、成绩接近目标对大学生自主学习具有预测作用;(3)掌握目标对大学生学业成就具有预测作用;(4)成就目标定向对学业成就既有直接作用,又有间接作用;自主学习在成就目标对学业成就的影响中发挥着重要的中介作用。  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):371-378

The aim of this study is to confirm the factor structure of a self-report measure of achievement goal tendencies (Hayamizu & Weiner, 1991) described in previous research, and examine the reliability and validity of scores in a sample of Uruguayan university students. A theoretical three-factor model is proposed (learning, performance and outcome goals), as well as one-factor models for each goal. Confirmatory factor analyses show that all models are identified, and solutions are conceptually correct. Our results suggest that outcome goals could be split into two correlated sub-dimensions related to achievement time (short and long term goals). Concurrent and predicted validity were established through significant correlations with perceived ability and academic achievement respectively. Conceptualisation of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生成就目标与主观幸福感的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨大学生成就目标与主观幸福感的关系。方法:采用成就目标量表、主观幸福感量表整群抽样调查247名大学生。结果:①来自乡村的大学生的掌握目标显著高于来自城镇的大学生,女生的成绩回避目标显著高于男生。②掌握目标与积极情感显著正相关,与消极情感显著负相关;成绩接近目标与生活满意度、积极情感显著正相关;成绩回避目标与消极情感显著正相关。③掌握目标正向预测积极情感,负向预测消极情感;成绩接近目标正向预测生活满意度和积极情感;成绩回避目标正向预测消极情感,负向预测积极情感。结论:掌握目标和成绩接近目标有利于主观幸福感,成绩回避目标不利于主幸福感。  相似文献   

目标定向与进步反馈对优差生写作成绩影响的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李伟健  李锋盈 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1086-1090
本研究以24名优生和24名学习困难学生(以下简称差生或学困生)为被试,通过实验探讨了目标定向与进步反馈对优差生写作成绩的影响。结果表明:(1)目标定向和反馈对优生的写作成绩影响不显著;(2)在成绩目标定向时,接受进步反馈的差生其作文成绩显著优于无进步反馈的差生;在掌握目标定向时,进步反馈对差生的影响不显著;(3)在无进步反馈时,掌握目标定向的差生其写作成绩显著优于成绩目标定向的差生;在给予进步反馈时,目标定向对差生的影响不显著。  相似文献   

高钦  刘儒德  贾玲  袁稹 《应用心理学》2010,16(3):201-207
将209名初中生被试分为掌握、表现-接近与表现-回避三种特质性成就目标定向,随机分配在掌握定向与表现定向这两种情境性成就目标要求之下,依次阅读一系列10个同质性材料并回答一道位于每段材料之后并与该材料首句信息相关的选择题,根据被试完成每次任务的阅读时间与答题正确率,考察被试的实际目标定向以及目标调节变化过程。结果表明,特质性成就目标定向对学业成绩具有显著的预测作用,但在特定任务情境下,情境性目标要求掩盖了特质性目标的作用,而且,情境性表现目标的被试比情境性掌握目标的被试更快地调节目标以适应实验任务所隐含的实际目标线索。  相似文献   

成就目标定向、自我效能与反馈寻求行为的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王雁飞  凌文辁  朱瑜 《心理科学》2004,27(1):203-206
本研究共调查来自企业的员工539人,探讨了成就目标定向、自我效能感与反馈寻求行为的关系。研究表明:成就目标定向是通过影响个体的自我效能感来对个体反馈寻求数量、反馈寻求努力起作用的,成就目标定向的各个维度对结果变量均有不同程度的影响。最后,本文提出了一些今后研究的展望。  相似文献   

目的采用学业自我效能感问卷、社会比较量表和成就目标定向量表,选取湘潭地区中学生,共计403名有效被试为对象进行研究,探讨中学生自我效能感、社会比较与成就目标的关系。结果发现,不同性别、年级中学生在成就目标、自我效能感和社会比较上的存在显著性差异;中学生自我效能感、成就目标和社会比较有显著相关;自我效能感与社会比较对成就目标有显著预测作用。  相似文献   

The current study presents a multi-dimensional scale measuring the learning potential of the workplace (LPW), which is applicable across various occupational settings. Based on a comprehensive literature review, we establish four theoretically relevant dimensions of work-based learning, which together constitute the learning potential of the workplace. The psychometric characteristics of our instrument were examined among a sample of Dutch employees working in different organizations (N = 1013). In this study, we tested the factorial structure and validity of the LPW-scale by conducting Confirmatory Factor Analyses, testing for measurement invariance and determining the scale's reliability. Subsequently, the LPW-instrument was cross-validated using SEM (AMOS 20.0). Furthermore, convergent, divergent, and construct validity were investigated. The results empirically supported the theory based four-factor structure of the LPW-scale and provided solid evidence for the sound psychometric properties of the study's instrument.  相似文献   

成就目标相关研究评述   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
成就目标作为成就动机研究的前沿课题,日益受到重视。该文在成就目标分类的基础上,评析了成就目标与动机、认知、行为、情感间的相关研究,并提出了相应的假设模型。  相似文献   

ObjectivesResearchers have advocated for coaches to intentionally teach life skills to their athletes given the accrued developmental benefits. The purpose of this research was to develop and offer initial evidence of validity and reliability for a measure assessing the extent to which coaches are intentional in their approaches to teaching life skills through sport.DesignUsing two independent samples (n = 623; n = 817), three studies were conducted to develop and initially validate the Coaching Life Skills in Sport Questionnaire (CLSS-Q).MethodIn study one, the scale development and content validity processes of the initial measure were conducted. In study two, the factorial validity of the CLSS-Q was tested through exploratory structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analyses. Moreover, scale invariance, discriminant and convergent validity, and construct reliability were assessed. In study three, concurrent validity was assessed with the combined sample (N = 1440) using two theoretically linked constructs.ResultsThe results of the three studies provide initial evidence for the validity and reliability of the 5-factor 36-item CLSS-Q.ConclusionsThe CLSS-Q represents a useful scale for researchers interested in examining levels of intentionality in coaches' teaching of life skills through sport. As scale development is an ongoing process, further research is needed to continue to accumulate evidence for the validity and reliability of the CLSS-Q.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe Game Addiction Scale (GAS: Lemmens, Valkenburg, & Peter, 2008, 2009) is a short instrument (7-item) for evaluating video game playing by adolescents.ObjectiveThe aim of the current research was to investigate the psychometric properties of a French version of the 7-item Game Addiction Scale for adolescents.MethodTwo studies were conducted with two samples of French adolescents between the ages of 10 and 18 (study 1: n = 159; study 2: n = 306). First, we examined the factor structure and internal consistency. Second, we added a concurrent validity analysis with estimation of the daily time spent playing video games and an assessment of depression and anxiety.ResultsIn both studies, the factor analysis revealed a one-factor structure that had good psychometric properties and fit the data well. The analysis also confirmed good internal consistency of the scale. Correlation analysis in the second study showed that the GAS score had significant positive relationships with the time spent playing video games, depression, anxiety, and the fact of being a boy, thereby supporting the concurrent validity of the scale.ConclusionThis French version of the GAS seems to be a reliable tool for identifying and assessing problematic use of video games.  相似文献   

高中生成就目标倾向与心理健康状态关系的研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
选取普高和职高的451名学生为研究对象,对高中生的成就目标状况及其与学生心理健康状态之间的关系进行了测查。结果表明,高中生学习目标倾向高于成绩目标倾向,其中,职高学生的学习目标倾向又高于普高学生。高学习目标倾向的学生比低学习目标倾向的学生心理健康状态更好,高成绩目标学生的情感特征较为消极。  相似文献   

本研究采取问卷法,选取武汉市283名初一和高二学生为被试,考察了中学生成就目标定向与学习策略、学业成绩的关系。结果表明:(1)掌握目标与深加工、元认知策略以及浅表策略三者都存在显著相关,其中与浅表加工策略相关的显著性水平略低,成绩接近目标与三种学习策略都在呈非常显著相关,而成绩回避目标只与浅表策略显著相关;(2)掌握目标和成绩接近目标有助于学业成绩,成绩回避目标不利于取得良好成绩;(3)与初一年级相比,高二年级中成绩接近目标和掌握目标显著下降,采取深加工和元认知策略的水平也下降;初一和高二年级中,男生比女生更多采取掌握目标和元认知策略;(4)多元目标比单一目标的学生更多地使用深加工和元认知策略,但多元目标者并不必然比单一目标者成绩好。  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe Integrated Model of Flow and Clutch States describes two overlapping psychological states that underlie exceptional performance and rewarding exercise experiences. However, research based on this model is currently hampered because no validated measure has yet been developed. Therefore, the aim of this multi-study paper was to develop and provide preliminary validation of the Flow-Clutch Scale in sport and exercise.DesignUsing two independent adult samples (n = 280; n = 264), three studies were conducted to develop and establish preliminary validity of the Flow-Clutch Scale.MethodIn Study 1, we developed an initial version of the scale and established content validity using an expert panel. In Study 2, we employed exploratory factor analysis to: identify the most appropriate factor structure; examine the scale’s internal consistency; test whether the scale differentiated between individuals who experience flow, clutch, or neither state; and examine relationships with the Flow State Scale-2. In Study 3, we aimed to replicate findings of Study 2 with an independent sample, and employed confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the factor structure, internal consistency, and relationships with the Flow State Scale-2.ResultsThe results provide preliminary validation of the four-factor, 22-item Flow-Clutch Scale.ConclusionsThese studies indicate the Flow-Clutch Scale represents a useful scale for researchers interested in examining flow and/or clutch states in sport and exercise. Recommendations are provided for further research to continue testing, and accumulating evidence for, the validity and reliability of the Flow-Clutch Scale.  相似文献   

成就目标定向、测验焦虑与工作记忆的关系   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在工作记忆广度测验情境下,以152名中学生为被试,考察成就目标定向、测验焦虑和工作记忆的关系。结果表明四种成就目标定向与测验焦虑和工作记忆间具有不同的关系模式:成绩-接近目标与较低的测验焦虑水平和较高的工作记忆广度相关;掌握-接近目标与担忧、情绪化,与工作记忆广度相关不显著;成绩-回避目标与测验焦虑中的担忧和情绪化正相关,与工作记忆广度负相关;掌握-回避目标与担忧和情绪化存在正相关,与工作记忆广度存在接近显著的相关。测验焦虑是成绩-接近和成绩-回避目标影响工作记忆的中介变量。在测验焦虑中,情绪化对工作记忆的干扰大于担忧的干扰  相似文献   

马君  张昊民  杨涛 《心理学报》2015,47(1):79-92
成就目标导向在团队绩效控制情境下能否有效预测员工创造力是个值得关注的话题。以研发团队为研究对象, 运用线性阶层模型考察了三者间的跨层次关系。结果发现, 低绩效控制下, 精熟目标导向、表现–趋近导向对创造力有正向影响, 表现-回避导向有负向影响; 高绩效控制下, 精熟导向对创造力有“S型”非线性影响, 表现-回避导向有正向影响。结果表明, 高精熟目标导向在高绩效控制情境下抑制员工创造力, 而表现导向也并非总是与缺乏创造力联系起来, 提高表现-回避导向个体的绩效控制程度或者降低表现-趋近导向个体的绩效控制程度同样可以促进创造力。启示在于, 管理者不仅应关注成就导向的个体差异, 更应重视构建相应的绩效控制情境, 从二者交互作用出发激活员工创造力。  相似文献   

Students engage in learning activities with different achievement goal orientations. Some students pursue learning for learning sake (i.e. mastery goal orientation), some are driven by gaining favourable judgement of their performance (i.e. performance approach goal orientation), and others focus on avoiding negative judgement (i.e. performance avoidance goal orientation). These goal orientations are linked with academic achievement, and troublingly, students report decreasing levels of goal orientations across the school years. However, little is known concerning the mechanisms that drive this decline. In a large (N = 891 twin pairs) cross‐sectional genetically informative sample (age = 8 to 22 years), we found that older students reported lower goal orientations. Then, we identified shifts in the magnitude of genetic and environmental variance in each goal orientation. For example, variance in mastery goal orientation was primarily associated with environmental factors during the elementary school years. As students entered high school, genetic influences increased, replacing shared environmental influences. Finally, we situated these findings in the larger nomological network by testing associations with psychological constructs (e.g. personality and cognitive ability) and contextual variables (e.g. parents, schools, and peers). The development of academic motivation is complex with many interconnecting factors that appear to shift with age © 2019 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

姒刚彦  李庆珠  刘皓 《心理学报》2007,39(1):163-175
Harwood等人(2000)对已应用于体育运动领域的任务-自我目标定向理论及其相关的测量工具提出了批判与质疑,并在此基础之上提出了运动成就目标三维模型,该模型将体育运动领域的成就目标分为三种,分别是纯任务目标;自我关联的自我目标;以及他人关联的自我目标。本研究的目的是对Harwood等人提出的运动成就目标三维模型进行检验。全文由两个子研究组成。研究一是成就目标问卷的发展与检验,对问卷的发展与信度、效度的检验进行了详细的介绍。研究二中,研究者采用所发展的成就目标问卷与录像访谈相结合的方法对4位(2男,2女)高水平乒乓球运动员的特质性目标以及赛前,赛中,赛后的状态性目标进行测评与检验。验证性因素分析的结果表明该运动成就目标问卷的三维模型拟合较好,三因素结构较为清晰。重测信度检验结果表明该问卷的三个维度均具有较高的重测信度。教练员对4名运动员成就目标的评估结果与运动员的问卷所得结果的一致性进一步支持了运动成就目标问卷的内部效度。对4名运动员的研究结果表明:(1)特质性目标对赛前状态性目标的预测主要与个人特点有关;(2)运动员在赛前与赛中状态性目标呈多元化趋势,既有只突出某一目标的单维现象,又有两种或三种目标同时占主导的多维现象;(3)运动员赛后状态性目标的变化倾向于受到比赛过程与结果的影响;(4)当运动员在比赛中经历重大挫折的时候,会有“亚目标”状态出现。本研究结果对Harwood等人的运动成就目标三维模型提供了支持。通过本研究,人们对高水平运动员的特质性目标及赛前、赛中、赛后状态性目标的性质及其变化有了更加深入的了解  相似文献   

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