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无神论与无意义、荒谬和人生价值对无神论的另一个普通批评,是如果上帝不存在,人生就会变得没有意义和价值。据说,无神论关于人的生存有一种凄凉、悲观的观点。信仰者和不信仰者同样都表达了这种观点。因此,威廉·詹姆斯(William James)——他是一个信仰者——认为,"古有定论:一种纯粹的自然主义人生观,无论其开端如何热情,但其结局悲伤是肯定的",而19世纪的一个生物学家,一个不信仰者罗曼尼斯(G.L.Romanes),则在其著作《有神论的一个公正检查》的末尾承认:"随着对上帝的这种事实上的否定,对我来说,宇宙就失去了它动人的灵魂"。其他一些不信仰者也表达了对人生深沉的悲观态  相似文献   

<正>2021年是科学无神论学科发展的重要一年。这一年既是2016年全国宗教工作会议胜利召开五周年,又是贯彻落实2021年全国宗教工作会议精神的开局之年,学界及时概括梳理五年来党的宗教工作和无神论宣传教育经验,围绕马克思主义宗教学学科建设等重大课题各抒己见,有力地推动了学科发展。2021年也是科学无神论学科建设的承上启下之年。这一年,专家学者们全面总结百年来中国共产党的宗教政策、无神论研究和宣传教育的成就与经验,  相似文献   

无神论论坛是网络科普平台科学公园以欧美新无神论运动为背景举办的在中国搞新无神论运动的大型公众活动,2012年和2013年各举行了一届。其目标是依靠科学理性的力量在中国延续无神的传统,驱除蒙昧的迷雾,缔造一个无神的未来。本文摘录了两届论坛的部分观点:1.无神论者是谁;2.中国无神论面临的四大敌人;3.中国知识分子的无神论思想传统;4.非神论——中国式的实用主义;5.特定文化语境中的无神论宣传;6.科普应该明确、准确地普及科学知识和科学精神。  相似文献   

无神论论坛是网络科普平台科学公园以欧美新无神论运动为背景举办的在中国搞新无神论运动的大型公众活动,2012年和2013年各举行了一届。其目标是依靠科学理性的力量在中国延续无神的传统,驱除蒙昧的迷雾,缔造一个无神的未来。本文摘录了两届论坛的部分观点:1.无神论者是谁;2.中国无神论面临的四大敌人;3.中国知识分子的无神论思想传统;4.非神论—中国式的实用主义;5.特定文化语境中的无神论宣传;6.科普应该明确、准确地普及科学知识和科学精神。  相似文献   

把因果律归结为有效性,又把创造归结为有效因果律,这引发了道德领域内有关上帝观念的更大的问题。之前,道德是自然神论防卫自然主义者攻击的主要领域。的确,自然神论曾认为宗教的内容与  相似文献   

十八世纪的自然神论把任何一个超越观念如此彻底地置于理性的控制之下,以致于内在性与超越之间的差别失去了它的许多意义。这样他们就必然地铺垫了通向无神论之路。现在,无神论不必有我们通常认为的与这一术语相关联的反宗教(antireligious)的意义。早期佛  相似文献   

正在2016年4月召开的全国宗教工作会议上,习近平总书记发表重要讲话,提出坚持马克思主义无神论是大原则,要始终保持马克思主义无神论作为主流意识形态在人民群众思想中占据主导地位。习近平总书记关于马克思主义无神论的重要论述,为科学无神论学科建设开辟了新时代的前进方向。2018-2019年,科学无神论学科发展呈现新的局面。  相似文献   

本义论述了中国传统文化总体上的有神论性质,探讨了中国传统文化中的精华和糟粕问题,指出了无神论在传统文化中的地位,认为中国传统文化的发展服从整个人类文化发展的普遍规律。  相似文献   

在当前,马克思主义科学无神论的理论创新应该包括两个大方面,一是马克思主义科学无神论理论中的拨乱反正,即解读模式的创新;二是面对实践提出的系列问题要给予科学的解释和回答,包括对宗教未来发展态势的准确定位和科学预判。  相似文献   

张忠义 《世界哲学》2008,(4):106-109
《大英百科全书》中有“印度逻辑”条。阐述了印度逻辑没有变项、没有直接陈述逻辑原则等等缺陷。本文分别从“印度逻辑”这一名称包含内容丰富、直接称呼有指代不清之嫌,有“宗”、“因”、“同品”、“异品”等变项并且在法称时期还出现了真值表的雏形,以及有因三相、“合离”等直接陈述的逻辑原则几方面来阐述“印度逻辑”辞条不准确的地方。  相似文献   

This paper reports the case of an aphasic patient, EE, with a problem in word retrieval. He is consistently unable to produce specific lexical items, which tend to be items of low rated familiarity. His retrieval of these words is not aided by the provision of phonemic cues or extra time for word retrieval. His errors consist primarily of failures to respond, and the provision of semantic information without any attempt at the target. It is argued that this pattern of performance is consistent with the loss of specific lexical items from a phonological lexicon for speech production.

EE is shown to have no impairment in auditory recognition and comprehension of the lexical items that are unavailable for naming. This dissociation is problematic for theories that propose a single phonological lexicon for both word recognition and production, but is easily accounted for by separate input and output lexicons.  相似文献   

This study used medium-term auditory repetition priming to investigate word-recognition processes. Highly fluent Catalan-Spanish bilinguals whose first language was either Catalan or Spanish were tested in a lexical decision task involving Catalan words and nonwords. Spanish-dominant individuals, but not Catalan-dominant individuals, exhibited repetition priming for minimal pairs differing in only one feature that is nondistinctive in Spanish (e.g., /net@/ vs. /nEt@/), thereby indicating that they processed these words as homophones. This finding provides direct evidence both that word recognition uses a language-specific phonological representation and that lexical entries are stored in the mental lexicon as abstract forms.  相似文献   

Classical studies on enactment have highlighted the beneficial effects of gestures performed in the encoding phase on memory for words and sentences, for both adults and children. In the present investigation, we focused on the role of enactment for learning from scientific texts among primary-school children. We assumed that enactment would favor the construction of a mental model of the text, and we verified the derived predictions that gestures at the time of encoding would result in greater numbers of correct recollections and discourse-based inferences at recall, as compared to no gestures (Exp. 1), and in a bias to confound paraphrases of the original text with the verbatim text in a recognition test (Exp. 2). The predictions were confirmed; hence, we argue in favor of a theoretical framework that accounts for the beneficial effects of enactment on memory for texts.  相似文献   

When toddlers view an event while hearing a novel verb, the verb’s syntactic context has been shown to help them identify its meaning. The current work takes this finding one step further to reveal that even in the absence of an accompanying event, syntactic information supports toddlers’ identification of verb meaning. Two-year-olds were first introduced to dialogues incorporating novel verbs either in transitive or intransitive sentences, but in the absence of any relevant referent scenes (see Yuan & Fisher, 2009). Next, toddlers viewed two candidate scenes: (a) two participants performing synchronous actions, (b) two participants performing a causative action. When asked to “find mooping”, toddlers who had heard transitive sentences chose the causative scene; those who had heard intransitive sentences did not. These results demonstrate that 2-year-olds infer important components of meaning from syntactic structure alone, using it to direct their subsequent search for a referent in a visual scene.  相似文献   

20世纪80、90年代,我国伪科学和邪教大量出现,给我国社会和人民带来巨大危害,它们都宣称自己是科学,是宗教;不承认自己是伪科学,是邪教;甚至参与批判别的伪科学、邪教,以显示自己是科学,是宗教。这样就搅浑了水,混淆了视听,使人真伪莫辨,便于它们浑水摸鱼,在浑水中生存和发展。它们也正是在这种情况下发展起来。  相似文献   

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