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ABSTRACT— Despite cognitive declines that occur with aging, older adults solve emotionally salient and interpersonal problems in more effective ways than young adults do. I review evidence suggesting that older adults (a) tailor their strategies to the contextual features of the problem and (b) effectively use a combination of instrumental and emotion-regulation strategies. I identify factors of problem-solving contexts that affect what types of problem-solving strategies will be effective. Finally, I discuss how this identification of factors affects what we know about developmental differences in everyday problem-solving competence.  相似文献   

大学生日常问题解决能力的特点及相关因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用自我评价与他人评价相结合的方法 ,对 664名大学生日常问题解决能力进行调查分析。结果表明 ,大学生日常问题解决能力有较强的领域特性和对象特性 ;人际能力、自我调控能力及自我管理能力是构成大学生日常问题解决能力的三大因子 ;在不同因子上存在年级或性别差异 ,且与身体健康、经济状况等因素具有显著的相关性。  相似文献   

Problem construction has been determined to be an important process contributing to creative problem solving. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether problem construction plays a role in how individuals interpret ambiguous, ill-defined problems in a way that fits with their personality. We also hypothesized that solution quality and originality would be related not only to problem construction ability but also to the degree to which the solution fits the personality of the individual. Students who participated in this study (N = 195) were asked to complete measures to identify personality types, a measure of problem construction ability, and a problem-solving exercise. Solutions were rated for fit of the solution to the personality, quality, and originality. Results suggest that problem construction ability is positively related to the fit of the solution to the personality type, and that solution quality and originality are related to both problem construction and solution fit. Implications of the role of problem construction in solving everyday problems are discussed.  相似文献   

中学生自我觉知的日常问题解决能力研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
采用问卷法对907名中学生自我觉知的日常问题解决能力进行研究。结果表明,自我觉知的日常问题解决能力存在显著的领域差异;对不同领域的日常问题,初中生与高中生自我觉知的能力有不同的差异模式,我向思维会导致初中生在某些领域高估其能力水平;性别差异以及独生与非独生子女差异在多项能力评估中显著存在;大多数自我觉知能力与自评健康状况、家庭经济状况、自评外在形象、做家务事的次数及父母管教严格程度有显著的正相关。  相似文献   

集体问题解决中的认知表征、行为惯例和动态能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王建安  张钢 《心理学报》2010,42(8):862-874
以王建安和张钢(2008)开发的三人TTT纸牌游戏(原游戏)及其变式(变式游戏)为实验任务, 研究了集体问解决中认知表征和行为惯例对提高动态能力的作用。共有240名被试, 分成80个三人小组, 参加了前后两场各20盘游戏。80个小组按照是否被告知游戏的问题表征(即有无认知表征), 以及是玩原游戏还是玩变式游戏, 均分成4个区组来玩第一场游戏。在第二场游戏中, 4个区组都玩变式游戏。以玩每盘游戏的平均步时和在问题表征中走过的路径为指标测量惯例, 以玩第一场原游戏习得的能力向玩第二场变式游戏的迁移率来衡量动态能力。结果发现:一方面, 适当的认知表征有助于提高集体问题解决的动态能力; 另一方面, 没有适当认知表征支持的行为惯例反而会阻碍动态能力的发展。概括地说, 动态能力的决定因素是认知表征而不是行为惯例。  相似文献   

As a new addition to the marketing research toolbox, neuromarketing science has given rise to a variety of questions relevant to consumer perceptions of this nascent area of investigation. Neuromarketing researchers are dependent on consumer involvement as research participants, and finding means to educate the public about neuromarketing is a priority for professionals working in the field. This article describes the results of two online questionnaire studies focused on the role of personal constructs presumed to underlie perceptions of neuromarketing research. The findings point to neuromarketing research knowledge, attitudes toward science, attitudes toward technology, and ethical ideology as important factors linked to neuromarketing research attitudes, perceptions of the ethicality of neuromarketing research, and willingness to participate in neuromarketing studies. We discuss the implications of our findings for educating the public about neuromarketing research and encouraging research participation, and we conclude by suggesting directions for future research.  相似文献   

By comparing exercise and health domains, the current experiment extends recent findings that within‐participant analyses of attitudes and subjective norms predict behavioral intentions well (Finlay, Trafimow, & Moroi, 1999). Within‐participant analyses show that health behaviors are particularly likely to be influenced by subjective norms, and those that are relatively normatively influenced are intended to be performed more than those that are not. However, neither was true of exercise behaviors. Additionally, other potential predictors for exercise (e.g., indirect attitudinal measures and goal‐oriented attitudes and intentions) correlated more strongly with exercise behavioral intentions than did general health attitudes and intentions.  相似文献   


Qualitative interviews on family and financial problems from 332 adolescents, young, middle-aged, and older adults, demonstrated that developmentally relevant goals predicted problem-solving strategy use over and above problem domain. Four focal goals concerned autonomy, generativity, maintaining good relationships with others, and changing another person. We examined both self- and other-focused problem-solving strategies. Autonomy goals were associated with self-focused instrumental problem solving and generative goals were related to other-focused instrumental problem solving in family and financial problems. Goals of changing another person were related to other-focused instrumental problem solving in the family domain only. The match between goals and strategies, an indicator of problem-solving adaptiveness, showed that young individuals displayed the greatest match between autonomy goals and self-focused problem solving, whereas older adults showed a greater match between generative goals and other-focused problem solving. Findings speak to the importance of considering goals in investigations of age-related differences in everyday problem solving.  相似文献   

Seventy-four pre-service teachers in an urban graduate school of education were administered VIEW: An Assessment of Problem Solving Style and a questionnaire in which they were asked to rate the importance of numerous principles of learning, teaching, and problem solving. Judges had previously classified these principles according to the six different VIEW problem solving styles (Explorer, Developer, External, Internal, Person-oriented, Task-oriented). Participants categorized by a particular style rated more highly those principles that matched their style. Implications for instruction and the development of problem solving skills are discussed.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether inconsistency in reaction time (RT) is predictive of older adults' ability to solve everyday problems. A sample of 304 community dwelling non-demented older adults, ranging in age from 62 to 92, completed a measure of everyday problem solving, the Everyday Problems Test (EPT). Inconsistency in latencies across trials was assessed on four RT tasks. Performance on the EPT was found to vary according to age and cognitive status. Both mean latencies and inconsistency were significantly associated with EPT performance, such that slower and more inconsistent RTs were associated with poorer everyday problem solving abilities. Even after accounting for age, education, and mean level of performance, inconsistency in reaction time continued to account for a significant proportion of the variance in EPT scores. These findings suggest that indicators of inconsistency in RT may be of functional relevance.  相似文献   

Ninety subjects were randomly assigned to respond to a list of intention or expectation (self-prediction) questions regarding the performance of social, academic, and health-related behaviors. After responding to these questions, subjects were asked to describe the information they drew on when responding to the questionnaire items. A content analysis conducted on these responses revealed that subjects who completed the intention questionnaire relied more heavily on information regarding behavioral beliefs, and that subjects who completed the expectation (self-prediction) questionnaire focused more on their past behavior and circumstance information. The manna in which the results of the content analysis data support Fishbein and Ajzen's (1975) theory of reasoned action and the way in which these findings are related to the enhanced predictive validity obtained in previous research that employed an expectation question (self-prediction) format are discussed.  相似文献   

问题解决策略的元认知研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本研究旨在了解大学生对问题解决策略的理解。通过测试57名大学生对五种问题解决策略(自由产生、类推、逐步分析、形象化重构和整合)在三种情景(人际交往、实际生活和学习过程)三个维度(经常使用、有效性、易于使用)下的评估,发现大学生使用类推策略最多,自由产生策略最少。他们普遍认为这五种策略最适宜于用在学习情景中,在人际交往中的用处不大。这种结果在性别上没有显著性差异。另外.大学生认为几乎每一种策略都需要综合、分析、判断和推理四种思维能力,其中自由产生策略需要用到更多的能力,包括创造能力。  相似文献   

The relative significance of the "golden section" (? 0.618) and other notable proportions was investigated using a new unobtrusive methodology, a modified Fechnerian method of production. Fourteen professional painters each sketched under controlled conditions--"veridically, accurately, and realistically" (but without there being any mention of proportions)--27 complex stimuli presented as slides, thus producing a total of 378 sketches. The stimuli in the slides were (a) vase cutouts of various proportions placed in a mantelpiece context and (b) paintings by Kodama, Mondrian, and Whistler. The golden section and other significant and control proportions (a total of 120 occurrences) were identified beforehand by the researcher in the 27 stimuli. The 378 painters' sketches were subsequently measured by the researcher and two assistants to determine the accuracy with which the various proportions had been reproduced by the painters (a grand total of 1680--14 x 120--possible occurrences). The overall accuracy of rendering the proportions was found to be low for the vases and Kodama's paintings, but increased considerably for the Whistlers and Mondrians. As predicted, the accuracy of rendering the golden section increased from the vases to the Kodamas to the Whistlers and Mondrians. For the latter two, the golden section was in fact the most accurately rendered proportion, followed by 1.00 (found, for example, in the square and circle). The golden section is clearly important in art and to artists, but both its use and detection are subtle and must be pursued with great analytic care. The use of professional artists as informants and research participants may be of considerable help.  相似文献   

提高学生解决问题能力已经成为现代教育的一个重要目标。问题解决就是由一定情境引起的,按照一定的目标,应用各种认知活动、技能等,经过一系列思维操作,使问题得以解决的过程。本文界定了问题和问题解决的概念内涵,构建了问题解决的过程模型,进而提出了问题解决的教学模式和教学策略。  相似文献   


Given the anti-Asian sentiment expressed in recent Australian Gallup polls, the present study sought to determine the dynamics of attitudes toward Vietnamese refugees. The respondents included 83 residents from Canberra and 56 residents from Toowoomba, Queensland. Results indicated that, for both samples, educational level and authoritarian attitudes were significantly related to negative racial attitudes and to negative racial behavior. For the Canberra sample, highly authoritarian behavior and high levels of conformity were significantly related to both negative racial attitudes and negative racial behavior. For the Toowoomba sample, only high levels of conformity were associated with negative racial attitudes, whereas perceived economic deprivation was related to negative racial behavior. We concluded that individual levels of authoritarianism may be the best single explanation of racial prejudice.  相似文献   

We hypothesize that effective collaboration is facilitated when individuals and environmental components form a synergy where they work together and regulate one another to produce stable patterns of behavior, or regularity, as well as adaptively reorganize to form new behaviors, or irregularity. We tested this hypothesis in a study with 32 triads who collaboratively solved a challenging visual computer programming task for 20 min following an introductory warm‐up phase. Multidimensional recurrence quantification analysis was used to examine fine‐grained (i.e., every 10 s) collective patterns of regularity across team members' speech rate, body movement, and team interaction with the shared user interface. We found that teams exhibited significant patterns of regularity as compared to shuffled baselines, but there were no systematic trends in regularity across time. We also found that periods of regularity were associated with a reduction in overall behavior. Notably, the production of irregular behavior predicted expert‐coded metrics of collaborative activity, such as teams' ability to construct shared knowledge and effectively negotiate and coordinate execution of solutions, net of overall behavioral production and behavioral self‐similarity. Our findings support the theory that groups can interact to form interpersonal synergies and indicate that information about system‐level dynamics is a viable way to understand and predict effective collaborative processes.  相似文献   

Too many special needs students leave school without being able to compete effectively for jobs which require problem solving, skilled literacy, knowledge of technology, and at least adequate interpersonal skills. In this article, key problem solving and decision making skills in which special needs students are deficientare outlined and evidence is presented for the importance of teaching these skills. A specific procedure called the Personal Problem Solving Guide, utilizing readily available personal computer technology to teach children social decision making and problem solving, is described. The Guide provides formats that allow for constructive behavior in discipline situations, as well as anticipatory guidance for managing conflicts, thinking about health choices, and reviewing everyday interpersonal and academic situations before taking impulsive action. A case illustration and related information are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of using the computer as a tool for oromoting effective learning of social decision making skills and for bromotinlg the behavioral application of these skills among special needs populations.  相似文献   

Many health-risk behaviors present a self-control conflict in which the short-term outcomes of an action conflict with its long-term consequences. Across three studies, we find that an abstract construal level leads people to focus on long-term rather than short-term consequences when both are described in a message (vs. no message). Studies 1 and 2 explore this hypothesis through a risk behavior (snacking on sugary products), and Study 3 does the same through a health behavior (physical exercise). In Study 1, the Behavioral Identification Form scale is used to measure the construal level as a personal disposition; Studies 2 and 3 use a priming task designed by Freitas, Gollwitzer, and Trope to manipulate the construal level. All these studies show that, under an abstract mindset, people who have read a mixed-outcome message (vs. no message) tend to base their behavioral plans on long-term outcomes. Individually or in small groups (e.g. school class, therapy groups) health messages can be presented along with protocols to change construal level and thus, promote healthier intentions.  相似文献   

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