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Proactive interference refers to recall difficulties caused by prior similar memory-related processing. Information-processing approaches to sentence production predict that retrievability affects sentence form: Speakers may word sentences so that material that is difficult to retrieve is spoken later. In this experiment, speakers produced sentence structures that could include an optionalthat, thereby delaying the mention of a subsequent noun phrase. This subsequent noun phrase was either (1) conceptually similar to three previous noun phrases in the same sentence, leading to greater proactive interference, or (2) conceptually dissimilar, leading to less proactive interference. Speakers produced morethats (and were more disfluencies) before conceptually similar noun phrases, suggesting that retrieval difficulties during sentence production affect the syntactic structures of sentences that speakers produce.  相似文献   

The negative effects of false information presented either prior to (proactive interference; PI) or following (retroactive interference; RI) true information was examined with word definitions (Experiment 1) and trivia facts (Experiment 2). Participants were explicitly aware of which information was true and false when shown, and true-false discrimination was evaluated via multiple-choice tests. Negative suggestion, defined as poorer performance on interference items than noninterference (control) items, consistently occurred when the wrong information followed the correct information (RI) but not when it preceded the correct information (PI). These effects did not change as a function of retention interval (immediate, 1 week, or 3 weeks) or number of incorrect alternatives (1 or 3). Implications of this outcome for experiencing incorrect information in both academic and nonacademic situations are considered.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether hypermnesia (improved net recall over time) can be differentially affected by manipulating the nature of tasks performed during the intervals between successive recall trials. In Experiment 1, all subjects were asked to imaginally encode separate words and were tested three times for recall. The control group (no interpolated task) produced the hypermnesia effect. Both groups performing interpolated tasks showed significantly lower recall. A second experiment was conducted in order to replicate these results and to examine the effects of intertest rehearsal on hypermnesia. In Experiment 2, subjects were asked to encode pairs of words using interactive-imagery instructions. Six different interpolated task conditions were employed, varying in the degree to which subsystems of working memory were used. Groups performing imaginal interpolated tasks showed no hypermnesia, whereas those performing nonimaginal tasks did. These findings suggest that access to working memory (see Baddeley, 1986) is not necessary for hypermnesia.  相似文献   

Sequences of events can affect selective attention either through proactive mechanisms, through reactive mechanisms, or through a combination of the two. The current study examined electrophysiological responses to both prime and target stimuli in a primed dichotic listening task. Each trial presented a distractor prime syllable followed by two simultaneous syllables, and participants were asked to report one of the simultaneous syllables. Trials where the participant reported the non-primed syllable showed more negative event-related potentials at prime presentation, which may indicate inhibition of the prime representation. Trials where the participant reported the primed syllable showed more negative event-related potentials at target presentation, which may indicate cognitive conflict and effortful response selection. In context of current theories, the data suggest that the interplay of a proactive inhibition bias and a reactive potential for conflict is involved in causing sequential effects on selective attention mechanisms.  相似文献   

Decision making often involves using prior contextual information to evaluate relevant events. A laboratory equivalent of context processing situations, the AX-Continuous Performance Task (AX-CPT), yields errors when a target probe appears in a nontarget context, or when a nontarget probe appears in a target context. According to goal-driven accounts, context information is used for top-down preparation towards processing of context-appropriate information. Performance costs in nontarget trials are attributed to inefficient cognitive control. In contrast, the episodic binding account predicts that prior experiences with combinations of a context, probe, and response are bound in episodic memory and thus bias future actions. Performance costs in this view are caused by the need to overrule prepotent associations. The current experiments tested the relative importance of proactive cognitive control versus episodic learning of appropriate stimulus-response relations for CPT performance. Support was obtained for both contributions.  相似文献   

The induction of hippocampal theta rhythm using low-frequency septal stimulation has been shown to proactively (1) facilitate the acquisition and (2) increase resistance to extinction of a food-rewarded fixed-ratio (FR) bar-press response (Holt & Gray, Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 35B, 97-118, 1983). Both (1) and (2) are also seen after septal lesions. This suggests that Holt and Gray's (1983) results may have been due either to stimulation-produced theta waves (the "theta" hypothesis), or a small septal lesion produced by the stimulating current (the "lesion" hypothesis). Both hypotheses were tested in the present experiment using high-frequency septal stimulation. In one of two treatment conditions male Sprague-Dawley rats, chronically implanted with a bilateral septal stimulating electrode and a unilateral bipolar hippocampal recording electrode, received (1) trains of continuous pulses at 77 Hz which blocked the hippocampal theta rhythm, or (2) trains of pulses at 100 Hz interrupted by a 30-msec interval at a frequency of 7.7 Hz. Control animals were implanted but not stimulated. Acquisition of a discrete-trial bar-press response on a fixed ratio 5 reinforcement schedule immediately followed the treatment phase. After 15 days' acquisition all animals were extinguished over the subsequent 12 days. Results indicated that both types of septal stimulation reduced resistance to extinction of barpressing; theta-blocking stimulation produced the greater effect. Theta-blocking stimulation retarded the acquisition of bar-pressing in the early stages of training. These overall results are exactly opposite to those produced by low-frequency (7.7 Hz) theta-driving septal stimulation (Holt & Gray, 1983) and contrary to the predictions of the lesion hypothesis. Furthermore, these findings support the idea that long-term changes in behavior may depend on stimulation-produced changes in the hippocampal theta rhythm.  相似文献   

A short-term motor retention paradigm was used to examine the effect of interpolated movements on the recall of individual distance- and location-cue information. Subjects were instructed to learn either a distance or a location cue during the execution of simple, discrete original movements. Interpolated movements were then made which varied and repeated distance and location either individually or jointly. Changes in variable, absolute, and algebraic error from immediate to delayed recall were totally determined by interpolation of the individual instructed cue. No added recall changes were produced by interpolation of noninstructed cues. The data were interpreted as supporting the presence of a stimulus-selection process that dissociates kinesthetic information as a function of instructional set. The effects of inter-poated movements, then, are determined partially by this selection process.  相似文献   

The effect of topic similarity on proactive interference in sentence recall was investigated in two experiments using the Brown-Peterson paradigm. In Experiment 1, successive sentences about the same topic and related topics were both associated with substantial and progressive amounts of proactive interference; however, a significant trials × condition interaction indicated that the effect was stronger in the related-topics condition. Moreover, significant negative correlations were found between individual differences in susceptibility to proactive interference and academic achievement test scores. In Experiment 2, relatively weak effects leveling off on the second trial were obtained with sentences about unrelated topics. With some assumptions about the spread of activation during retrieval, the results were attributed to response-set interference. The practical implications of these data were also considered, and it was suggested that proactive interference might be a common cause of learning problems.  相似文献   

Two converging tests were used to determine whether people proactively inhibit recently performed tasks when switching to new tasks. A task-cuing paradigm was used. In each trial, the relevant stimulus was accompanied by flankers belonging either to the task performed on the immediately preceding trial (lag 1) or a more distant trial (lag 21). If the just-performed task is inhibited when switching to another task, and this inhibition declines across trials, then flanker interference should be smaller with lag 1 flankers than with lag 21 flankers. Experiment 1, following the methods of Hübner, Dreisbach, Haider, and Kluwe (2003), failed to confirm this prediction. The prediction was confirmed in Experiment 2, however, using a design modified to provide greater incentives for task-set inhibition. The results provide evidence that inhibition can be applied proactively, to reduce the ability of an abandoned task to interfere with the performance of other tasks.  相似文献   

In the current study the influence of proactive interference (PI) and practice on recall from a visuospatial working memory (WM) task was examined. Participants completed a visuospatial WM span task under either high-PI conditions (a traditional span task) or low-PI conditions (a span task with breaks between trials). Trials of each length (i.e., two to five to-be-remembered items) were equally distributed across three blocks in order to examine practice effects. Recall increased across blocks to a greater extent in the low-PI condition than in the high-PI condition, indicating that reducing PI increased recall from WM. Additionally, in the final block the correlation between fluid intelligence and WM recall was stronger for the high-PI condition than the low-PI condition, indicating that practice reduced the strength of the correlation between span task recall and fluid intelligence, but only in the low-PI condition. These results support current theories that propose that one source of variability in recall from WM span task is the build-up of PI, and that PI build-up is an important contributing factor to the relation between visuospatial WM span task recall and higher-level cognition.  相似文献   

Three studies examined whether potential anchor values that are incidentally present in the environment can affect a person's numerical estimates. In Study 1, estimates of an athlete's performance were influenced by the number on his jersey. In Study 2, estimates of the proportion of sales in the domestic market were influenced by a product's model number. In Study 3, participants' estimates of how much they would spend at a restaurant were influenced by whether the restaurant was named “Studio 17” or “Studio 97.” These effects were not qualified by participants' expertise in the relevant domain (Study 1) or by their ability to subsequently recall the anchor value (Study 3). These findings document the existence of a new form of “basic anchoring” and suggest that not all basic anchoring effects are as fragile as the existing anchoring literature suggests. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Subjects were required to judge a series of weights in the presence of two opposing anchor weights, one heavier and one lighter than the series members. It was predicted that the anchors would enhance each other’s effectiveness (contrast). The findings are similar to that found for the single-anchor experiment, with the exception that, and contrary to prediction, the heavier-weight anchor reduced the effectiveness of the lighter-weight anchor. The opposite effect was not true. It is suggested that a pair of opposing anchors could be identified that would completely cancel each other’s effectiveness.  相似文献   

The question of minimally effective weights was investigated by using an interpolated anchor paradigm. The weight series of 100 to 300 g,at 50-g-step intervals, was shown to be significantly affected by an interpolated anchor of 0.5 g, thus demonstrating a reduction in the region of ineffectiveness. The results were discussed in terms of procedural artifacts in the weight-judging methods reported in previous literature.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to show how immediate recall may affect recognition. A number of subjects were shown a picture. Some were asked to recall it and were then given a recognition test. Others were given only the recognition test after the same interval. Only 4 of the 16 subjects who had recalled it identified it; whereas 14 of the 16 others did so. A second experiment gave similar results.

Recall was constructed round dominant items of the picture. This distribution of emphasis together with the acceptance of an invented detail as genuine were the common causes of errors in subsequent recognition. Both the dominant and invented items in recall were those which became most obviously merged into an organization of related experiences and in consequence those which militated against subsequent recognition.

The recognition test was applied in two further groups of 16 subjects with a change in one of the dominant details (i.e. the wording). The number of subjects who now correctly identified the remainder of the material was 9 when there was no intermediate recall, and nil when immediate recall of the original material was interposed.  相似文献   

Three groups of rats ran 108 trials in a straight runway, one trial every 3 days. On the first 44 trials, one group received continuous (and immediate) reinforcement (CRF), a second group 50 per cent partial reinforcement (PRF), and the third group a 50 per cent schedule of partial delay of reinforcement (PDR). All groups received CRF on the next 20 trials, and extinction on the last 44 trials. The PRF and PDR groups extinguished at approximately the same rate, and significantly more slowly than the CRF group.  相似文献   

主动性人格的研究现状与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,越来越多的研究者与管理者开始关注员工的主动行为,主动行为能够改善组织的效率和提高竞争力。主动行为受到许多因素的影响,其中一个因素即主动性人格。主动性人格是一种稳定的主动行为倾向。许多研究表明:主动性人格与许多行为结果都有密切联系,包括工作绩效、职业生涯成功、领导能力、团队绩效、创业等。今后的研究需要探讨一些问题,如主动性人格与关系绩效、职业生涯成功新标准的关系  相似文献   

C. L. Isaac and A. R. Mayes (1999a, 1999b) compared forgetting rates in amnesic patients and normal participants across a range of memory tasks. Although the results are complex, many of them appear to be replicable and there are several commendable features to the design and analysis. Nevertheless, the authors largely ignored 2 relevant literatures: the traditional literature on proactive inhibition/interference and the formal analyses of the complexity of the bindings (associations) required for memory tasks. It is shown how the empirical results and conceptual analyses in these literatures are needed to guide the choice of task, the design of experiments, and the interpretation of results for amnesic patients and normal participants.  相似文献   

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