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Using Mandarin Chinese, a "tone language" in which the pitch contours of syllables differentiate words, the authors examined the acoustic modifications of infant-directed speech (IDS) at the syllable level to test 2 hypotheses: (a) the overall increase in pitch and intonation contour that occurs in IDS at the phrase level would not distort lexical pitch at the syllable level and (b) IDS provides exaggerates cues to lexical tones. Sixteen Mandarin-speaking mothers were recorded while addressing their infants and addressing an adult. The results indicate that IDS does not distort the acoustic cues that are essential to word meaning at the syllable level; evidence of exaggeration of the acoustic differences in IDS was observed, extending previous findings of phonetic exaggeration to the lexical level.  相似文献   

Exaggeration of the vowel space in infant-directed speech (IDS) is well documented for English, but not consistently replicated in other languages or for other speech-sound contrasts. A second attested, but less discussed, pattern of change in IDS is an overall rise of the formant frequencies, which may reflect an affective speaking style. The present study investigates longitudinally how Dutch mothers change their corner vowels, voiceless fricatives, and pitch when speaking to their infant at 11 and 15 months of age. In comparison to adult-directed speech (ADS), Dutch IDS has a smaller vowel space, higher second and third formant frequencies in the vowels, and a higher spectral frequency in the fricatives. The formants of the vowels and spectral frequency of the fricatives are raised more strongly for infants at 11 than at 15 months, while the pitch is more extreme in IDS to 15-month olds. These results show that enhanced positive affect is the main factor influencing Dutch mothers’ realisation of speech sounds in IDS, especially to younger infants. This study provides evidence that mothers’ expression of emotion in IDS can influence the realisation of speech sounds, and that the loss or gain of speech clarity may be secondary effects of affect.  相似文献   

Comparisons between infant-directed and adult-directed speech were conducted to determine whether word-final syllables are highlighted in infant-directed speech. Samples of adult-directed and infant-directed speech were collected from 8 mothers of 6-month-old and 8 mothers of 9- month-old infants. Mothers were asked to label seven objects both to an experimenter and to their infant. Duration, pitch, and amplitude were measured for whole words and for each of the target word syllables. As in prior research, the infant-directed targets were higher pitched and longer than adult-directed targets. The results also extend beyond previous results in showing that lengthening of final syllables in infant-directed speech is particularly exaggerated. Results of analyses comparing word-final versus nonfinal unstressed syllables in utterance-medial position in infant-directed speech showed that lengthening of unstressed word-final syllables occurs even in utterance-internal positions. These results could suggest a mechanism for proposals that word-final syllables are perceptually salient to young children.  相似文献   

Infant-directed maternal speech is an important component of infants’ linguistic input. However, speech from other speakers and speech directed to others constitute a large amount of the linguistic environment. What are the properties of infant-directed speech that differentiate it from other components of infants’ speech environment? To what extent should these other aspects be considered as part of the linguistic input? This review examines the characteristics of the speech input to preverbal infants, including phonological, morphological, and syntactic characteristics, specifically how these properties might support language development. While maternal, infant-directed speech is privileged in the input, other aspects of the environment, such as adult-directed speech, may also play a role. Furthermore, the input is variable in nature, dependent on the age and linguistic development of the infant, the social context, and the interaction between the infant and speakers in the environment.  相似文献   

We investigate the hypothesis that infant-directed speech is a form of hyperspeech, optimized for intelligibility, by focusing on vowel devoicing in Japanese. Using a corpus of infant-directed and adult-directed Japanese, we show that speakers implement high vowel devoicing less often when speaking to infants than when speaking to adults, consistent with the hyperspeech hypothesis. The same speakers, however, increase vowel devoicing in careful, read speech, a speech style which might be expected to pattern similarly to infant-directed speech. We argue that both infant-directed and read speech can be considered listener-oriented speech styles—each is optimized for the specific needs of its intended listener. We further show that in non-high vowels, this trend is reversed: speakers devoice more often in infant-directed speech and less often in read speech, suggesting that devoicing in the two types of vowels is driven by separate mechanisms in Japanese.  相似文献   

“Baby talk” or speech directed to prelinguistic infants is high in pitch and has exaggerated pitch contours (up/down patterns of pitch change) across languages and cultures. Using an acoustic model, we predicted that the large pitch contours of infant-directed speech should improve infants’ ability to discriminate vowels. On the other hand, the same model predicted that high pitch would not benefit, and might actually impair, infants’ ability to discriminate vowels. We then confirmed these predictions experimentally. We conclude that the exaggerated pitch contours of infant-directed speech aid infants’ acquisition of vowel categories but that the high pitch of infant-directed speech must serve another function, such as attracting infants’ attention or aiding emotional communication.  相似文献   

Learning a second language as an adult is particularly effortful when new phonetic representations must be formed. Therefore the processes that allow learning of speech sounds are of great theoretical and practical interest. Here we examined whether perception of single formant transitions, that is, sound components critical in speech perception, can be enhanced through an implicit task-irrelevant learning procedure that has been shown to produce visual perceptual learning. The single-formant sounds were paired at subthreshold levels with the attended targets in an auditory identification task. Results showed that task-irrelevant learning occurred for the unattended stimuli. Surprisingly, the magnitude of this learning effect was similar to that following explicit training on auditory formant transition detection using discriminable stimuli in an adaptive procedure, whereas explicit training on the subthreshold stimuli produced no learning. These results suggest that in adults learning of speech parts can occur at least partially through implicit mechanisms.  相似文献   

In this study a mother's instinctive accommodations of vocal fundamental frequency (f0) of infant-directed speech to two different infants was explored. Maternal speech directed to individual 3-mo.-old fraternal twin-infants was subjected to acoustic analysis. Natural samples of infant-directed speech were recorded at home. There were differences in the rate of infants' vocal responses. The mother changed her f0 and patterns of intonation contour when she spoke to each infant. When she spoke to the infant whose vocal response was less frequent than the other infant, she used a higher mean f0 and a rising intonation contour more than when she spoke to the other infant. The result suggested that the mother's speech characteristic is not inflexible and that the mother may use a higher f0 and rising contour as a strategy to elicit an infant's less frequent vocal response.  相似文献   

Generally, infants prefer infant-directed speech to adult-directed speech. This study investigated which acoustic features of maternal infant-directed speech elicit effectively 3-mo.-old infants' vocal response. The participants were 40 Japanese mother and infant dyads. Vocal f0 from the mother's speech and the infant's vocalization was extracted using Computerized Speech Laboratory (CSL4300) and custom software. The acoustical features measured were mean fundamental frequency (f0), and f0 contour. The rate of the infant's vocal response was significantly higher When the maternal infant-directed speech was terminated with a falling contour rather than a rising or flat contour. There was no significant difference between the mean f0 of the maternal infant-directed speech followed or not followed by the infant's vocal response. This suggests that the falling contour of terminal maternal infant-directed speech serves to elicit the 3-mo.-old infant's vocal response.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether infant-directed (ID) speech facilitates intersensory matching of audio–visual fluent speech in 12-month-old infants. German-learning infants’ audio–visual matching ability of German and French fluent speech was assessed by using a variant of the intermodal matching procedure, with auditory and visual speech information presented sequentially. In Experiment 1, the sentences were spoken in an adult-directed (AD) manner. Results showed that 12-month-old infants did not exhibit a matching performance for the native, nor for the non-native language. However, Experiment 2 revealed that when ID speech stimuli were used, infants did perceive the relation between auditory and visual speech attributes, but only in response to their native language. Thus, the findings suggest that ID speech might have an influence on the intersensory perception of fluent speech and shed further light on multisensory perceptual narrowing.  相似文献   

Isolated words enhance statistical language learning in infancy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Infants are adept at tracking statistical regularities to identify word boundaries in pause-free speech. However, researchers have questioned the relevance of statistical learning mechanisms to language acquisition, since previous studies have used simplified artificial languages that ignore the variability of real language input. The experiments reported here embraced a key dimension of variability in infant-directed speech. English-learning infants (8-10 months) listened briefly to natural Italian speech that contained either fluent speech only or a combination of fluent speech and single-word utterances. Listening times revealed successful learning of the statistical properties of target words only when words appeared both in fluent speech and in isolation; brief exposure to fluent speech alone was not sufficient to facilitate detection of the words' statistical properties. This investigation suggests that statistical learning mechanisms actually benefit from variability in utterance length, and provides the first evidence that isolated words and longer utterances act in concert to support infant word segmentation.  相似文献   

Native speakers of a language are often unable to consciously perceive, and have altered neural responses to, phonemic contrasts not present in their language. This study examined whether speakers of dialects of the same language with different phoneme inventories also show measurably different neural responses to contrasts not present in their dialect. Speakers with (n=11) and without (n=11) an American English I/E (pin/pen) vowel merger in speech production were asked to discriminate perceptually between minimal pairs of words that contrasted in the critical vowel merger and minimal pairs of control words while their event-related potential (ERPs) were recorded. Compared with unmerged dialect speakers, merged dialect speakers were less able to make behavioral discriminations and exhibited a reduced late positive ERP component (LPC) effect to incongruent merger vowel stimuli. These results indicate that between dialects of a single language, the behavioral response differences may reflect neural differences related to conscious phonological decision processes.  相似文献   

Prevocalic and postvocalic (unreleased) occurrences of a stop consonant differ in acoustic shape, but are not unrelated. In particular, the formant transitions taking place at release of a stop consonant approximately mirror in time the formant transitions occurring during closure, assuming that the vowel is the ~same. Several experiments have been performed using brief two-component tone burst approximations to the second and third formant transitions’ that occur in prevocalic and postvocalic allophones of/b, d, g/in order to determine whether such mirror-image acoustic patterns are perceptually related. Listener judgments of similarity within triads of these stimuli indicate that mirror-image patterrts representing the same place of articulation are less similar to each other than to patterns representing different places of articulation. Implications for the child who is acquiring language of the fact that mirror-image patterns in speech do not have inherent perceptual similarity are discussed.  相似文献   

Deviation of real speech from grammatical ideals due to disfluency and other speech errors presents potentially serious problems for the language learner. While infants may initially benefit from attending primarily or solely to infant-directed speech, which contains few grammatical errors, older infants may listen more to adult-directed speech. In a first experiment, Post-verbal infants preferred fluent speech to disfluent speech, while Pre-verbal infants showed no preference. In a second experiment, Post-verbal infants discriminated disfluent and fluent speech even when lexical information was removed, showing that they make use of prosodic properties of the speech stream to detect disfluency. Because disfluencies are highly correlated with grammatical errors, this sensitivity provides infants with a means of filtering ungrammaticality from their input.  相似文献   

Canonical babbling (CB) is critical in forming foundations for speech. Research has shown that the emergence of CB precedes first words, predicts language outcomes, and is delayed in infants with several communicative disorders. We seek a naturalistic portrayal of CB development, using all-day home recordings to evaluate the influences of age, language, and social circumstances on infant CB production. Thus we address the nature of very early language foundations and how they can be modulated. This is the first study to evaluate possible interactions of language and social circumstance in the development of babbling. We examined the effects of age (6 and 11 months), language/culture (English and Chinese), and social circumstances (during infant-directed speech [IDS], during infant overhearing of adult-directed speech [ADS], or when infants were alone) on canonical babbling ratios (CBR = canonical syllables/total syllables). The results showed a three-way interaction of infant age by infant language/culture by social circumstance. The complexity of the results forces us to recognize that a variety of factors can interact in the development of foundations for language, and that both the infant vocal response to the language/culture environment and the language/culture environment of the infant may change across age.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) were utilized to study brain activity while subjects listened to speech and nonspeech stimuli. The effect of duplex perception was exploited, in which listeners perceive formant transitions that are isolated as nonspeech "chirps," but perceive formant transitions that are embedded in synthetic syllables as unique linguistic events with no chirp-like sounds heard at all (Mattingly et al., 1971). Brain ERPs were recorded while subjects listened to and silently identified plain speech-only tokens, duplex tokens, and tone glides (perceived as "chirps" by listeners). A highly controlled set of stimuli was developed that represented equivalent speech and nonspeech stimulus tokens such that the differences were limited to a single acoustic parameter: amplitude. The acoustic elements were matched in terms of number and frequency of components. Results indicated that the neural activity in response to the stimuli was different for different stimulus types. Duplex tokens had significantly longer latencies than the pure speech tokens. The data are consistent with the contention of separate modules for phonetic and auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

Three experiments were performed to examine listeners’ thresholds for identifying stimuli whose spectra were modeled after the vowels /i/ and /ε/, with the differences between these stimuli restricted to the frequency of the first formant. The stimuli were presented in a low-pass masking noise that spectrally overlapped the first formant but not the higher formants. Identification thresholds were lower when the higher formants were present than when they were not, even though the first formant contained the only distinctive information for stimulus identification. This indicates that listeners were more sensitive in identifying the first formant energy through its contribution to the vowel than as an independent percept; this effect is given the namecoherence masking protection. The first experiment showed this effect for synthetic vowels in which the distinctive first formant was supported by a series of harmonics that progressed through the higher formants. In the second two experiments, the harmonics in the first formant region were removed, and the first formant was simulated by a narrow band of noise. This was done so that harmonic relations did not provide a basis for grouping the lower formant with the higher formants; coherence masking protection was still observed. However, when the temporal alignment of the onsets and offsets of the higher and lower formants was disrupted, the effect was eliminated, although the stimuli were still perceived as vowels. These results are interpreted as indicating that general principles of auditory grouping that can exploit regularities in temporal patterns cause acoustic energy belonging to a coherent speech sound to stand out in the auditory scene.  相似文献   

In all languages studied to date, distinct prosodic contours characterize different intention categories of infant-directed (ID) speech. This vocal behavior likely exists universally as a species-typical trait, but little research has examined whether listeners can accurately recognize intentions in ID speech using only vocal cues, without access to semantic information. We recorded native-English-speaking mothers producing four intention categories of utterances (prohibition, approval, comfort, and attention) as both ID and adult-directed (AD) speech, and we then presented the utterances to Shuar adults (South American hunter-horticulturalists). Shuar subjects were able to reliably distinguish ID from AD speech and were able to reliably recognize the intention categories in both types of speech, although performance was significantly better with ID speech. This is the first demonstration that adult listeners in an indigenous, nonindustrialized, and nonliterate culture can accurately infer intentions from both ID speech and AD speech in a language they do not speak.  相似文献   

Across languages, children with developmental dyslexia have a specific difficulty with the neural representation of the sound structure (phonological structure) of speech. One likely cause of their difficulties with phonology is a perceptual difficulty in auditory temporal processing (Tallal, 1980). Tallal (1980) proposed that basic auditory processing of brief, rapidly successive acoustic changes is compromised in dyslexia, thereby affecting phonetic discrimination (e.g. discriminating /b/ from /d/) via impaired discrimination of formant transitions (rapid acoustic changes in frequency and intensity). However, an alternative auditory temporal hypothesis is that the basic auditory processing of the slower amplitude modulation cues in speech is compromised (Goswami et al., 2002). Here, we contrast children's perception of a synthetic speech contrast (ba/wa) when it is based on the speed of the rate of change of frequency information (formant transition duration) versus the speed of the rate of change of amplitude modulation (rise time). We show that children with dyslexia have excellent phonetic discrimination based on formant transition duration, but poor phonetic discrimination based on envelope cues. The results explain why phonetic discrimination may be allophonic in developmental dyslexia (Serniclaes et al., 2004), and suggest new avenues for the remediation of developmental dyslexia.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that infants prefer infant-directed (ID) speech to adult-directed (AD) speech. ID speech functions to aid language learning, obtain and/or maintain an infant's attention, and create emotional communication between the infant and caregiver. We examined psychophysiological responses to ID speech that varied in affective content (i.e., love/comfort, surprise, fear) in a group of typically developing 9-month-old infants. Regional EEG and heart rate were collected continuously during stimulus presentation. We found the pattern of overall frontal EEG power was linearly related to affective intensity of the ID speech, such that EEG power was greatest in response to fear, than surprise than love/comfort; this linear pattern was specific to the frontal region. We also noted that heart rate decelerated to ID speech independent of affective content. As well, infants who were reported by their mothers as temperamentally distressed tended to exhibit greater relative right frontal EEG activity during baseline and in response to affective ID speech, consistent with previous work with visual stimuli and extending it to the auditory modality. Findings are discussed in terms of how increases in frontal EEG power in response to different affective intensity may reflect the cognitive aspects of emotional processing across sensory domains in infancy.  相似文献   

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