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The study examined subordinates' responsiveness to supervisor requests in conflict situations as it relates to leadership type and subordinate level of performance. Police captains (N = 40) completed the Bass and Avolio (1991) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire and an evaluation of their subordinates' performance. Independently, subordinates (N = 240) completed the Interpersonal Power Inventory (IPI), derived from Raven's (1992) power interaction model, which measures the extent to which they are willing to comply with their supervisors' requests. Findings indicated that police officers (subordinates) reported greater willingness to comply with soft rather than harsh power bases. Although performance evaluation was not a significant factor here, officers who worked for high transformational captains reported a significantly greater likelihood to comply with both harsh and soft power bases than their cohorts who worked for low transformational captains. The discussion addressed the issue of leadership type as one of the determining factors in gaining compliance.  相似文献   

The current work examined police officers' decisions to shoot Black and White criminal suspects in a computer simulation. Responses to the simulation revealed that upon initial exposure to the program, the officers were more likely to mistakenly shoot unarmed Black compared with unarmed White suspects. However, after extensive training with the program, in which the race of the suspect was unrelated to the presence of a weapon, the officers were able to eliminate this bias. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for the elimination of racial biases and the training of police officers.  相似文献   

The attitudes and beliefs of jury eligible individuals regarding false confessions were investigated in order to uncover potential biases. Survey respondents provided perceptions of factors related to false confessions (e.g. their frequency and likely situational and dispositional risk variables). Results indicate that people possess an awareness that false confessions can occur and believe that a confession should not be taken as an absolute indicator of guilt. However, their understanding of predisposing and situational factors that contribute to false confessions was incomplete, as was their understanding of interrogation practices. Furthermore, respondents showed a marked bias against believing that they personally would ever falsely confess, which is discussed in the context of potential inconsistencies between people's self-report and their actual behaviors in naturalistic situations.  相似文献   

The occupational stress of chronic working conditions in police organizations has been examined in the past, but the effects of acute stressful events are much more difficult to study systematically. Experienced police officers' memories for elements of a simulated stressful crime scene involving an on‐duty shooting incident were examined. Officers were exposed to one of three situations varying in stress. In a 3 × 2 factorial design, some officers reviewed their memories by answering questions immediately after the shooting, while others did not. Twelve weeks later, officers' long‐term memories were better for all elements of the crime scene if they had rehearsed. Under some conditions, officers tended to remember the most important elements better (i.e. the number of armed people present) and the least important elements worse (i.e. irrelevant objects). In addition, their confidence in their memories had little or no relationship to their memories' accuracy and there was a threat focus in which objects physically closest to the points of threat were remembered better. There are strong implications for two elements of job performance: writing police reports and testifying in court.  相似文献   

In this cross‐sectional study, we examined the relationship between national identification of majority Finns (nation‐wide probability sample, N = 335) and their attitudes towards Russian immigrants living in Finland. As previous research indicates both possibilities, we tested whether this relationship was moderated or mediated by threats and gains perceived to result from immigration. The results supported the mediation hypothesis; those individuals who identified stronger with their national ingroup perceived more threats than gains related to increased immigration and these perceptions, in turn, were associated with more negative attitudes towards immigrants. The role of realistic as opposed to symbolic threats and gains was particularly pronounced. The implications of the results are discussed in terms of their theoretical relevance and practical means to improve intergroup relations, with a particular focus on the relations between Finns and Russian immigrants in Finland.  相似文献   

Young people's knowledge and experience of the youth justice system was examined to explore self-reported factors that influenced their decisions regarding assertion versus waiver of rights to silence and legal counsel. Participants were 50 adolescents from Toronto, Canada ranging in age from 12 to 18 (mean age=15.6 years). Results of semi-structured interviews indicated that while over 60% of participants recalled being told of their rights to silence and counsel, three-quarters did not contact a lawyer at the police station and half of those asked by police answered their questions. Findings suggest that the awareness of due process rights is not sufficient to mitigate the atmosphere of coercion that characterizes the police station. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined Swedish judges', lay judges', and police officers' beliefs about factors that may complicate or facilitate children's reports of sexual abuse. Participants (N = 562) rated potential complicating and facilitating factors and freely reported which criteria they considered important when assessing the reliability of child witnesses. The groups had similar opinions regarding which factors are complicating and facilitating. Furthermore, the groups tended to regard emotional factors as more complicating than cognitive factors. When freely reporting criteria that are important when assessing reliability, judges and police officers reported criteria pertaining mainly to the child, whereas lay judges reported mainly criteria pertaining mainly to the police interview. Results indicate that participants believe that children have the capacity to remember and report about abuse but are hindered in doing so by emotional factors. Results also suggest that police officers may underestimate their own influence on the reliability of children's reports.  相似文献   

The research detailed in this paper had two objectives. First, to carry out an exploratory analysis and a measurement of consumer attitudes towards the future (CATF). Secondly, to check whether a stronger or weaker attitude permits the detection of differences in some purchase patterns. After a review of the literature, an empirical study, representative of the Spanish population, is presented. A two‐dimensional structure of CATF and its acceptable goodness‐of‐fit with the statistical Weibull function were found. Hypotheses related to the adoption of purchasing patterns were also contrasted. The results disclose that a higher CATF is found when consumers have a clear idea of what they want to buy, are loyal to their usual outlets, prefer to pay cash and are not spendthrift. Finally, several future research directions are proposed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study examines the effect of identification feedback on the quantity and accuracy of crime event details recalled, willingness to attempt misleading questions and confidence in the accuracy of these details. All participants (N = 60) viewed a short video clip of a staged building society robbery and then made a false identification of the robber from a target‐absent photospread. Eyewitnesses were next given confirming feedback (i.e. told that they had identified the suspect), disconfirming feedback (i.e. told that they had failed to identify the suspect) or no feedback. All eyewitnesses then attempted a series of short‐answer questions relating to details about the robber, accomplice, victim, building society, theft and getaway. Disconfirming feedback significantly reduced eyewitness confidence in recall accuracy but there was no significant effect of feedback on the overall quantity and accuracy of details recalled or willingness to attempt misleading questions. The theoretical implications of these results are discussed. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study we analyzed variables related to the consumption of alcohol and other psychoactive substances among young people, and to their attitudes towards experimentation. The sample was made up of 775 pupils aged 12 to 16 from four secondary schools in the Principality of Asturias (northern Spain). The results obtained confirm the multi-causal nature of these phenomena. The attitudes of young people towards substance use was found to be more favourable the lower the perception of risk, the more mistaken their beliefs and the more permissive their disposition to the use of alcohol and other illegal drug. Other determining factors are their relationship with peer groups that use drugs, antisocial behaviours and attention-seeking indications.  相似文献   

Research suggests that people's aversion towards pattern deviancy—distortions of repeated forms or models—contributes to social phenomena, such as prejudice. Yet, the factors motivating pattern deviancy aversion remain unclear. Potentially, anxious attachment, as it entails hypervigilant detection of and reactivity to social inconsistency and unreliability, heightens pattern deviancy aversion. In Studies 1 (= 137) and 2 (= 102), anxious but not avoidant attachment predicted aversion towards broken patterns of geometric shapes. In Studies 3 (= 310) and 4 (= 470), experimentally inducing anxious versus avoidant and secure attachment (Study 3), and versus a neutral prime (Study 4), heightened pattern deviancy aversion. Controlling for participants’ aversion towards unbroken patterns, novel objects, and negative stimuli did not change these results. Our findings demonstrate that anxious attachment is one antecedent of pattern deviancy aversion, and suggest that pattern deviancy aversion may underlie links between anxious attachment and certain social phenomena.  相似文献   

Previous work suggested that greater accuracy rates in identifying voices that have been increased in frequency over those that have been decreased in frequency may be due to complex vocal characteristics and specific memory for familiar voices. Here we asked 17 men and 21 women between the ages of 18 and 21 to learn a simple vowel exemplar produced by an unfamiliar target speaker and measured the proportion of times the frequency-shifted exemplar was identified as the originally encoded target speaker. Analysis showed that exemplars when increased in frequency were perceived as belonging to the target speaker significantly more often than exemplars which were decreased in frequency. These findings suggest that the greater accuracy in identifying speakers with increased frequency voice samples does not require previous familiarity with the vocalizations of a particular speaker or complex memory schemata for familiar voices.  相似文献   

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