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Since its formation in 1947, the World Medical Association (WMA) has been a leading voice in international medical ethics. The WMA’s principal ethics activity over the years has been policy development on a wide variety of issues in medical research, medical practice and health care delivery. With the establishment of a dedicated Ethics Unit in 2003, the WMA’s ethics activities have intensified in the areas of liaison, outreach and product development. Initial priorities for the Ethics Unit have been the review of paragraph 30 of the Declaration of Helsinki, the expansion of the Ethics Unit section of the WMA website and the development of an ethics manual for medical students everywhere. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an international conference, “The Ethics of Intellectual Property Rights and Patents,” held in Warsaw, Poland on 23–24 April, 2004.  相似文献   

The main object of criticism of present-day medical ethics is the standard view of the relationship between theory and practice. Medical ethics is more than the application of moral theories and principles, and health care is more than the domain of application of moral theories. Moral theories and principles are necessarily abstract, and therefore fail to take account of the sometimes idiosyncratic reality of clinical work and the actual experiences of practitioners. Suggestions to remedy the illnesses of contemporary medical ethics focus on re-establishing the connection between the internal and external morality of medicine. This article discusses the question how to develop a theoretical perspective on medical ethical issues that connects philosophical reflection with the everyday realities of medical practice. Four steps in a comprehensive approach of medical ethics research are distinguished: (1) examine health care contexts in order to obtain a better understanding of the internal morality of these practices; this requires empirical research; (2) analyze and interpret the external morality governing health care practices; sociological study of prevalent values, norms, and attitudes concerning medical-ethical issues is required; (3) creation of new theoretical perspectives on health care practices; Jensen's theory of healthcare practices will be useful here; (4) develop a new conception of bioethics that illuminates and clarifies the complex interaction between the internal and external morality of health care practices. Hermeneutical ethics can be helpful for integrating the experiences disclosed in the empirical ethical studies, as well as utilizing the insights gained from describing the value-contexts of health care practices. For a critical and normative perspective, hermeneutical ethics has to examine and explain the moral experiences uncovered, in order to understand what they tell us.  相似文献   

战争伦理:一种世界观念   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
战争伦理主要论及战争如何受到道德强制,或者说,它涉及道德的进步如何影响到战争。同时,与人类其他活动相比,战争行为更具国际性,因此,战争伦理作为抑制战争的一种道义力量,也更易成为一种世界观念。可以将战争伦理分为军事伦理、军备伦理、军人伦理三个层面,分别代表基于人、武器以及人与武器相结合而采取的行动———作战之上的伦理规范,它们都是随着时代的发展而发展的。  相似文献   

Today local, national and international ethics committees have become an effective means of social regulation in many European countries. Science itself is an important precondition for the development of bioethical knowledge and ethics expertise. Cultural, social, historical and religious preconditions can facilitate different forms and methods of ethics expertise in each country. Ukrainian ethics expertise has some methodological problems connected with its socio-cultural, historical, science and philosophy development particularities. In this context, clarification of some common legitimacies or methodological approaches to ethics committee (EC) phenomena such as globalization, scientization and the prioritization of an ethics paradigm are very important. On the other hand, elaborate study and critical analysis of international experience by Ukraine and other Eastern European countries will provide the integration of their local and national ethics expertises into a world bioethics ethos. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 6th International Bioethics Conference entitled ‘The Responsible Conduct of Basic and Clinical Research’, held in Warsaw, Poland, 3–4 June 2005.  相似文献   

There is an emerging awareness of the possibility of conflicts of interest in the practice of medicine in Croatia. The paper examines areas within the medical profession where conflicts of interest can and have occurred, probably not only in Croatia. Particularly addressed are situations when a doctor may have dual obligations and how independent ethics committees can help in decreasing the influence of a conflict of interest. The paper also presents extracts from the Croatian Code of Ethics for the medical profession that address problems of conflict of interest. An earlier version of this paper entitled was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002.  相似文献   

The author relates conditions for conducting clinical trials in Russia, current experiences of ethics committees, areas where conflicts of interest can occur regarding publishing the results of clinical trials in medical journals and the state of medical journalism in Russia today. An earlier version of this paper was presented at an International Conference on “Conflict of Interest and its Significance in Science and Medicine” held in Warsaw, Poland on 5–6 April, 2002. The author is a science editor of Meditsynskaya Gazeta.  相似文献   

Cognitive semantics has made important empirical findings about human conceptualization. In this paper some findings concerning moral concepts are analyzed and their implications for medical ethics discussed. The key idea is that morality has to do with metaphors and imagination rather than with well-defined concepts and deduction. It is argued that normative medical ethics to be psychologically realistic should take these findings seriously. This means that an imaginative casuistry is to be preferred compared to principlism and to other forms of casuistry. Furthermore, the metaphorical character of central principles in medical ethics such as autonomy, utility, justice, and integrity is indicated. Such principles are interpreted as rules of thumb summarizing the collective wisdom concerning prototype cases.  相似文献   

There are several branches of ethics. Clinical ethics, the one closest to medical decisionmaking, can be seen as a branch of medicine itself. In this view, clinical ethics is a unitary hermeneutics. Its rule is a guideline for unifying other theories of ethics in conjunction with the clinical context. Put another way, clinical ethics interprets the clinical situation in light of a balance of other values that, while guiding the decisionmaking process, also contributes to the very weighting of those values. The case itself originates ideas, not only about which value ought to predominate in its resolution, but also provides the origin of clinical rules that can be used in other cases. These are interpretive rules. Some examples of these rules are presented as well.  相似文献   

The Helsinki Declaration is a very important document regarding the protection of patients’ rights in clinical trials and one of the fundamental sources of operational principles for every ethics committee. Although they have been updated, the international guidelines for ethics committees continually fail to address certain issues pertaining to the protection of patients’ rights in clinical trials. These issues include, most significantly, the method of electing ethics committees (a free, secret ballot should be preferred to direct appointment), the avoidance of conflict of interest during the election of ethics committee members, and the necessary insurance coverage for the participants of clinical trials. Polish law should, on the other hand, be developed in such way as to not limit the effectiveness of ethics committees in protecting patients’ rights in clinical trials. The ideal solution would be to draft a uniform law concerning not only clinical trials, but all medical experiments. The opinions of experts who have been reviewing medical research projects for several years may prove to be especially valuable in this setting. This paper was presented at the 6th International Bioethics Conference on the subject of ‘The Responsible Conduct of Basic and Clinical Research’, held in Warsaw, Poland, 3–4 June 2005. The author is Chairman, Bioethics Committee of the Warsaw Regional Chamber of Physicians and Dentists.  相似文献   

医学伦理学不可忽视的课题:利益伦理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当今是一个以利益为轴心的时代。利益伦理学是医学伦理学不可忽视的课题。将病人利益置于首位应当是现代医学伦理学的首要原则。欲望是无穷的,利益是有限的。任何利益都有自己的边界和限度。我们必须设置利益的道德界限,以回答当前医学伦理学面临的种种现实课题。  相似文献   

我所了解的英国医学伦理学教育   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
英国的医学伦理学教学强调病人的主体化和“去客体化”.关注病人权利,尤其是弱势群体的权益。融入法律等其他学科的内容,注重跨学科的教学与交流。这样一种教学理念是符合医学伦理学的人文属性。值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

当代中国医德建设与相对主义医学伦理学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当代西方相对主义医学伦理学有许多建树,但也有其致命性的缺陷,这就是否定医学道德的客观绝对性和普遍性医学伦理准则。在引进、介绍了这种学说之后,需要下功夫同它进行对话,即以医德绝对性与相对性辩证统一的原理,对这种学说进行追问,从中借鉴有益的经验和教训,以顺利全面地推进我国当代的医学道德建设。  相似文献   

完善医学生职业道德培养教育途径   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
为了提高我国医学生职业道德教育的有效性和实效性,需不断完善和健全现有职业道德培养渠道,并拓展新渠道。在探讨研究国外医学生道德培养途径基础上,博采众家之长,形成以职业道德教育贯穿于专业教育全过程为特征,以职业道德教育与临床医疗实践相结合,以提高医学生自我道德教育能力为目的,适合我国特点的医学生职业道德培养途径。  相似文献   

加强医学伦理学教育指导医疗实践   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过对五所医院医务人员和两所医科大学的学生从医学伦理学教育和伦理培训等四方面进行现场调查和分析,提出目前在医科大学,医学伦理学已经逐步被认识和接受;医学伦理在临床实践和医疗科研中已有较大的影响;医学伦理委员会的工作需要进一步加强;医学伦理教育任重道远.  相似文献   

解决ART应用中引发的伦理问题、难题的基本对策之一是加强医学伦理调控 ,推进医学伦理精神对医学过程的渗入 ,ART医疗机构伦理委员会是医学伦理调控体制化的表现和实现这种调控的重要途径 ,它以特定的主体形式和审查、咨询、教育、督查、建议等活动方式 ,形成对调控对象某种监督的客观效果。  相似文献   

医学生之医学伦理素养教育剖辨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对医学生加强医学伦理素养教育是当前国内外医学教育的共识,但在教育的内容、方式和方法上却是各具特色.相对而言,我国医学院校对医学生的医学伦理素养教育尚处于不成熟的阶段,其表现就是教育过程中存在着诸多的问题、教学效果不甚理想.从医学伦理素养教育的现状入手,尝试分析我国医学伦理素养教育中的重点和难点问题.  相似文献   

落实当代护理伦理职责存在的问题及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在临床护理实践中,要落实当代护理伦理职责尚存在不少问题,例如忽视多元文化护理、关爱与人性化服务不够以及不能充分认识和维护患者的权利。要解决这些问题,宜促进护理伦理学课程改革,努力提高护士自身素质;同时,营造理想的医疗护理伦理环境,加强管理,也是落实当代护理伦理职责的必由之路。  相似文献   

中国古代医德教育对现代医学生医德教育的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
医德医风已成为全社会普遍关注的焦点,特殊职业要求医务工作者应具有高尚的医德,而高尚医德的培养应从医学生教育阶段开始,努力提高医学生的医德素养。我国传统的医德教育方法,如医学生人品的选拔,老师言传身教,徒弟满师传统等等对于培养现代医学生关爱病人、救死扶伤的医德风范仍具有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

恶性肿瘤的诊断与治疗是当今医学领域的一个研究热点。阐述了综合医院恶性肿瘤的诊治现状,并提出在恶性肿瘤诊治的临床实践中应遵循的伦理原则,目的是呼吁有关部门及广大医务工作者应加强对恶性肿瘤诊治的质量控制和对恶性肿瘤患者实施规范化综合性治疗。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to provide a broader view into the ethical issues surrounding the field of emergency medicine (EM) research. It starts from defining bioethically relevant features of EM and presents this field in the context of different models of health care provider–patient relationship. The paper also provides a short overview of the “post-Nuremberg” evolution of the main international research ethics guidelines relevant to EM research which demonstrates a tendency of liberalization of research on incapable persons. This tendency culminates with the exceptions to informed consent for EM research which is supposed to be balanced by other research ethics principles, especially a careful rationing of risks and benefits. This finally brings us towards a critical analysis of the minimal risk standard which is one of the main fundamental safeguards in EM research. An earlier version of this paper was presented at The 7th International Conference on Bioethics on “The Ethics of Research in Emergency Medicine”, held on June 2, 2006, Warsaw, Poland.  相似文献   

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