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THE PEOPLE MAKE THE PLACE   总被引:68,自引:2,他引:66  
A framework for understanding the etiology of organizational behavior is presented. The framework is based on theory and research from interactional psychology, vocational psychology, I/O psychology, and organizational theory. The framework proposes that organizations are functions of the kinds of people they contain and, further, that the people there are functions of an attraction-selection-attrition (ASA) cycle. The ASA cycle is proposed as an alternative model for understanding organizations and the causes of the structures, processes, and technology of organizations. First, the ASA framework is developed through a series of propositions. Then some implications of the model are outlined, including (1) the difficulty of bringing about change in organizations, (2) the utility of personality and interest measures for understanding organizational behavior, (3) the genesis of organizational climate and culture, (4) the importance of recruitment, and (5) the need for person-based theories of leadership and job attitudes. It is concluded that contemporary I/O psychology is overly dominated by situationist theories of the behavior of organizations and the people in them.  相似文献   

中国人的左右利手分布   总被引:74,自引:2,他引:74  
李心天 《心理学报》1983,16(3):27-35
在利手与大脑语言优势半球的研究中,尚缺乏中国人左右利手的基本数据。本研究从全国各地调查了18,593名男女正常人和1,748名神经精神病患者的利手分布。正常人包括幼儿园、小学、中学、大学学生,同卵和异卵双生子,以及各种职业的成人。同时还调查了七个少数民族的利手分布。调查结果表明,中国人的左利率仅为0.23%,远远低于西方国家的左利手数值。  相似文献   

余铁城 《心理学报》1997,30(4):428-432
本文介绍古人对如何解决语言和意象不相一致这一问题的一些意见,并从中归纳出四种解决问题的方法:1.让形象说话,2.抓住事物主要特征,3.不即不离地描写,4.语言浅近  相似文献   

Applied research in mental retardation has focused on skill training and education to the relative neglect of measuring and increasing happiness in the lives of people with mental retardation. Here we report the results of four preliminary studies that were conducted to develop and demonstrate methodologies for measuring happiness in people with profound mental retardation and other severe handicaps. These results suggest that: (1) facial expressions can provide a valid measure of happiness, and can be measured reliably by relatively untrained observers; (2) the rate of spontaneous smiling is highly variable across individuals; (3) some individuals’ happiness can be increased dramatically by very simple social interactions; and (4) clients’ differential emotional reactions to various caregivers may be useful in tracking the development of social relationships. Suggestions for future research include systematic replication of these preliminary findings with a larger number and variety of subjects, and demonstration of how these measures can be applied to quality assurance systems.  相似文献   

This study investigated children's perceptions of television people and the extent to which these perceptions are generalized to impressions of peers. Elementary school children (W=172) completed questionnaires measuring viewing, knowledge of, identification with, and the perceived reality of television characters, and ratings of peers on 11 traits (e.g., funny, attractive, kind, nice). Two criterion variables were studied: children's mean rating of peers on each of the traits and the variance in the ratings of peers on each trait. Multiple regression analyses (controlling for grade and sex) revealed that: (1) identification with television characters was a significant predictor of the mean evaluation of peers on the traits; (2) television viewing was a significant predictor of the variance in children's ratings of peers; and (3) the relationship between television viewing and the variance in trait ratings was lower for attributes found in past studies to be suggested by television presentations. Implications of these findings for the traditional concern that television standardizes perceptions of people through stereotyping are considered.  相似文献   

王乃怡 《心理学报》1994,27(4):401-409
以视觉系列呈现,序列回忆和自由回忆的方法比较了音、形、义三维编码维量在听力正常人与聋人短时记忆和长时记忆加工过程中的相对效用。结果是听力正常组产生了明显的语音相似性效应,聋人组突出地显示出形码的相似性干扰。在短时记忆和长时记忆加工过程中两组被试都显示出了形义两维编码维量的作用最强,而音码的作用相对比较弱。两组被试也都显示出了明显的系列位置效应及大体相同的长时保持。  相似文献   

我国民众对SARS信息的风险认知及心理行为   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
采用分层抽样的调查方法,对全国17个城市的4231名市民进行了SARS疫情中风险认知特征和心理行为的研究。结果发现:(1)负性信息,包括患病信息和与自身关系密切的信息,更易引起民众的高风险认知; 正性信息,包括治愈信息和政府防范措施的信息,能降低个体风险认知水平。(2)我国民众5月中旬风险认知因素空间位置分析结果表明, SARS病因处于不熟悉和难以控制一端,“愈后对身体的影响和有无传染性”处于不熟悉一端,这是引起民众风险意识的主要因素。(3)结构方程分析结果表明,SARS疫情信息是通过风险认知对个体的应对行为、心理健康产生影响的, 并初步验证了风险评估、心理紧张度、应对行为和心理健康等指标对于危机事件中民众心理行为的预测作用  相似文献   

听力正常人与聋人短时记忆的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
王乃怡 《心理学报》1993,26(1):11-18
以视觉系列呈现,自由回忆的方法比较了听力正常人与聋人对分别被强化的厂类相似性汉语字表的短时记忆获得量。从总的平均获得量来看,两组结果没有显著差异,而从每一编码维量在短时记忆的加工过程中的作用来看,两组被试都显示出了形、义两维编码维量的作用最强,而音码的作用相对比较弱。两组被试也都显示出了明显的系列位置效应,但聋人组的次级记忆容量明显地低于听力正常组,而初级记忆容量两组没有显著差异。并对可能的机制进行了讨论。  相似文献   

This note examines two potential pitfalls in applying the Cleary or regression model of test fairness. The first lies in a misinterpretation of significance tests on intercept differences which can result when the researcher is unaware of the properties of analysis of covariance tests for intercept differences and relies on computer printouts of regression equations. The second lies in the dependence of some tests for intercept differences on predictor scaling. Once aware of them, the researcher can avoid both these pitfalls.  相似文献   

How mothers perceive their infants’ emotions and their subsequent responses are influenced by cultural values and beliefs. Mothers who live in particularly harsh environments may have perceptions about their infants’ emotions that reflect not only cultural values but also constraints of the environment. In this qualitative study, 29 Gamo mothers living in rural Ethiopia were interviewed about perceptions of their infants’ emotions, how they felt about these emotions, and what they believed their infants needed in response. Through constant comparative analysis and thematic coding, several patterns emerged in mothers’ perceptions about their infants’ emotions and what constituted appropriate responses. Mothers said that their infants’ negative emotions were possibly related to illness and that appropriate responses were focused mostly on breastfeeding, complementary food, and needing to be held. Mothers also discussed their work demands and how they conflicted with their desire to respond to their infants; however, many mothers said that they relied on their older children to help. Mothers’ responses were centered on a parenting strategy aimed at promoting infant health and survival, which is consistent with research on parents living in rural environments who subsist by farming and have relatively high risk for infant mortality.  相似文献   

李云  岳文浩 《心理学报》1993,26(3):62-68
以年龄在55—79岁的正常人(男40人,女34人,平均年龄64.34±5.67岁)为被试,做视觉诱发电位(VEP),并测试韦氏智力测验的11项分值及智力商数、临床记忆测验的5项分测验及记忆商数、测量血压和头颅CT的脑萎缩程度,根据眼底动脉硬化表现和神经体征确定脑动脉硬化的程度.将上述资料数字化输入计算机进行多因素逐步回归分析。结果表明,智力和记忆力分别与视觉诱发电位的某些指标变量有关,与脑动脉硬化程度有关,与收缩压相关性较大,与舒张压相关性不大,与生理性脑萎缩程度关系不大。还探讨了推测老年人智力和记忆力的计算公式。  相似文献   

Abstract: People with cognitive disabilities are equal citizens, and law ought to show respect for them as full equals. To do so, law must provide such people with equal entitlements to medical care, housing, and other economic needs. But law must also go further, providing people with disabilities truly equal access to education, even when that is costly and involves considerable change in current methods of instruction. The central theme of this essay is what is required in order to give such people political and civil rights on a basis of genuine equality.  相似文献   

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