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The ways in which 80 agoraphobic patients had acquired their phobia were investigated. The patients were requested to answer a questionnaire concerning: (a) the origin of the phobia, with items relevant for conditioning experiences, vicarious experiences and experiences of negative information/instruction; (b) physiological reactions; (c) anticipatory anxiety; (d) negative thoughts while in the phobic situation. In addition, data on mode of onset, precipitating factors, family history of phobias, marital and occupational status and severity of the phobia were obtained. The reported anxiety reaction was conceptualized in terms of the Three-Systems Model of fear and anxiety, i.e. anxiety as composed of a physiological, cognitive and behavioral component. The results showed that a large majority (81%) of the patients attributed their phobias to conditioning experiences, while 9% recalled vicarious learning, none recalled instruction/information and 10% could not recall any specific onset circumstances at all. In another classification 46% of the patients had a rapid, 36% a gradual and 18% a slow onset of their phobias. There was no relationship between either the ways of acquisition, or the modes of onset, and the anxiety components, nor did the conditioning and the indirect groups differ in severity of phobic reactions.  相似文献   

In a letter-symbol classification task, flanking incompatible symbols slowed response latencies to letter targets, whereas incompatible letter flankers did not slow the classification of symbol targets. The conditions surrounding this asymmetry in response competition were investigated in five experiments. The results showed that: (1) the asymmetry was not related to the familiarity of the symbol targets or to the prime-target interval; (2)when the classification involved familiar and unfamiliar symbols, the asymmetry remained (i.e., there was less interference associated with the unfamiliar symbol targets), but there was now significant response competition associated with both symbol categories; and (3) with a mixed-category task (i.e., letters and symbols assigned to both responses), the symbol targets continued to be less interfered with by both letter and symbol incompatible flankers. These findings were interpreted as suggesting that response competition can be influenced by both classification decision rules and cohesiveness of exemplars comprising a category.  相似文献   

In a letter-symbol classification task, flanking incompatible symbols slowed response latencies to letter targets, whereas incompatible letter flankers did not slow the classification of symbol targets. The conditions surrounding this asymmetry in response competition were investigated in five experiments. The results showed that: (1) the asymmetry was not related to the familiarity of the symbol targets or to the prime-target interval; (2) when the classification involved familiar and unfamiliar symbols, the asymmetry remained (i.e., there was less interference associated with the unfamiliar symbol targets), but there was now significant response competition associated with both symbol categories; and (3) with a mixed-category task (i.e., letters and symbols assigned to both responses), the symbol targets continued to be less interfered with by both letter and symbol incompatible flankers. These findings were interpreted as suggesting that response competition can be influenced by both classification decision rules and cohesiveness of exemplars comprising a category.  相似文献   

Seventy-two sentences presented to ten preschool children for repetition were designed so that three sentence construction factors varied independently. The factors were (1) length in number of words, (2) complexity of personal pronouns and main verbs as scaled by Lee (1974), and (3) word familiarity, defined as common vocabulary or the substitution of a nonsense word in place of a typical noun or verb in the model sentence. Three methods were employed for scoring the children's responses: (1) number of retained words, (2) Developmental Sentence Scoring (Lee, 1974), and (3) Stephens's Categories (Stephens, 1974). Eighteen sentences were re-presented for the assessment of reliability. The results of multiple regression analyses indicated that length was the important contributing factor in the children's responses to the model sentences and that Stephens's Category Scale of response scoring was the most sensitive method for detecting the influence of the three sentence factors on the children's responses.  相似文献   

Background. Previous research is inconclusive regarding antecedents and consequences of achievement goals, and there is a need for more research in order to examine the joint effects of different types of motives and learning strategies as predictors of academic achievement. Aims. To investigate the relationship between achievement motives, achievement goals, learning strategies (deep, surface, and strategic), and academic achievement in a hierarchical model. Sample. Participants were 229 undergraduate students (mean age: 21.2 years) of psychology and economics at the University of Bergen, Norway. Methods. Variables were measured by means of items from the Achievement Motives Scale (AMS), the Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students, and an achievement goal scale. Results. Correlation analysis showed that academic achievement (examination grade) was positively correlated with performance‐approach goal, mastery goal, and strategic learning strategies, and negatively correlated with performance‐avoidance goal and surface learning strategy. A path analysis (structural equation model) showed that achievement goals were mediators between achievement motives and learning strategies, and that strategic learning strategies mediated the relationship between achievement goals and academic achievement. Conclusions. This study integrated previous findings from several studies and provided new evidence on the direct and indirect effects of different types of motives and learning strategies as predictors of academic achievement.  相似文献   

Evidence regarding the influence of response mode on sequence learning in serial reaction time (SRT) tasks has been mixed so far. In the present study, sequence learning was investigated under two different response conditions: manual (button presses) versus verbal (pronunciation of digits). Additionally, participants were divided post hoc into subgroups differing in their degree of explicit knowledge about the sequence. Results showed an interaction between response mode and type of learning (implicit vs. explicit), with explicit learning functioning more effectively under verbal than under manual conditions, whereas implicit learning was unaffected by the variation of the response mode. Implications concerning different underlying learning mechanisms (R-R learning vs. R-S learning) are discussed. Specifically, we suggest that the high response-effect distinctiveness of the verbal responses facilitated R-R learning.  相似文献   

Sixty-three female and 43 male undergraduates responded to a "worry" scale, a trait anxiety measure, and a question asking preferred length of sleep to clarify conflicting findings regarding the relationship between worry and anxiety and length of sleep (e.g., Hartmann, 1973; Hicks & Pellegrini, 1977; Kumar & Vaidya, 1984). Worry and length of sleep were positively correlated, supporting Hartmann's contentions. Anxiety was related to sleep in a U-shaped curvilinear fashion. Anxiety and worry were substantially correlated (r = .60) for subjects above the median on worry but were not correlated for subjects below the median. Worry may be the underlying construct in the positive relationship between anxiety and length of sleep for highly anxious persons. Comparison of high worry-low anxiety and low worry-high anxiety groups also suggests that our understanding of the relationships among sleep, anxiety, and worry may benefit from the simultaneous consideration of worry and anxiety factors.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of decisional control on state anxiety and cognitive performance in a true-to-life evaluative situation. The analyses were based on the mathematics achievement and state anxiety scores of a sample of 74 eighth grade students randomly assigned to either a Decisional Choice or No Choice experimental condition. Students in the Decisional Choice Condition were given a short mathematics quiz consisting of 5 items of homogeneous difficulty level and instructed to respond to any 3 out of the 5 items. The No Choice condition was essentially the same, except that the students were given only the first three problems and instructed to answer all three. Upon completion of the quiz, students were asked to respond to the Hebrew version of Spielberger's State Anxiety Scale. The findings show that both male and female students tested under Decisional Choice conditions are less anxious and attain higher mathematics scores, on average, than those tested under No Choice conditions. The data support the notion that the provision of decisional choice in an evaluative situation enhances the examinee's perceived feeling of control over the source of the threat (i.e. the mathematics examination). This, in turn, allows more favorable psychological adjustments of one's ‘interior mileau’ to outside stimuli, thereby lowering state anxiety and concomitantly raising levels of test attainment.  相似文献   

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