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小贝 《天风》2016,(7):40-41
正晚间,图书馆的阅览室里照旧只有我和勤工俭学的管理员两个人,但并不代表这里安静适合学习。尽管我们已经关闭了所有的窗户,甚至拉上了厚窗帘,但隔壁礼堂喧嚣的排练声响仍有力地穿透进来。我以老师的身份跑去表达了抗议,但收效甚微,不过几分钟礼貌性地减弱,随即又在亢奋的情绪中失控了。管理员无奈地对我说:"没用的,现在同学们都热衷于此。"这话我能理解:年轻人爱动、爱唱、爱展示是天性使然,本无可厚非,毕竟我也曾经历过热血躁动的青春时期。  相似文献   

董元静 《天风》2016,(5):54-55
正"你是位奇妙的神,你是位奇妙的神,你创造了山林你创造大海,你使雀鸟在天空自由自在。你是位奇妙的神……"傍晚,疲惫的我点出手机里的这首赞美诗,合上眼睛,听着六岁的小孩子歌唱。这是他在主日学里学的第一首歌,旋律优美,宛如天籁。当时我录制下来,并且设了自动重复。听着听着,仿佛《诗篇》里的音律和叹息,渐渐拂  相似文献   

先秦易学的"神明"概念与荀子的"神明"观   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"神明"是<易传>关键概念之一,亦在先秦两汉思想范畴中被广泛使用.各家"神明"概念都与"天地"有关,并涉及天地自然造化之过程,古代"神明"不是作为某种祭祀对象而存在,也不表示神祇和鬼神的意义.笔者搜集归纳有关先秦两汉"神明"之资料,发现"神明"一词之用意牵涉天地万物之"德"概念.古人认为,天地万物之死生运行皆源自"德",皆由神明之安排,但"神明"并不具备造物主身份,而是天地合德概念."神明之德"被视为万物造化的原因,若以两个字来表达"神明"的本质,则应是"生机"一词.郭店<太一>阐明了"神明"体现天地的相辅,于是"神明"的作用即是天地之间的媒介、气化主宰者,故为"生机".荀子的"神明"观念,保留天地观的出发点,但同时集中于微观宇宙——"人"的核心概念.荀子对"神明"的定义近于黄老学派,既将"神明"视为"道"的唯一产物,又看作知"道"的唯一依据.只是黄老学派以神明论及天地观,而苟子藉此来探讨儒家的"君子养心"之议题.荀子之外,养生学派也将"心"视为"神明出"的器官,然而养生学派的观点是在表达"神明"是人中的"生机",而荀子藉此"神明"观,来探讨认识论的伦理问题.荀子的神明观,被宋明理学所继承.  相似文献   

2008年1月30日上午,中共中央统战部部长杜青林、副部长斯塔在二局局长周宁等人的陪同下,到北京白云观看望慰问中国道教协会负责人并与之进行了座谈.  相似文献   

在11世纪,宋代易学家邵雍详细阐释了先天图;17世纪末18世纪初,德国数学家、哲学家莱布尼茨系统地提出了二进制.二者具有何种关系成为一个经久不衰的话题.本文首先认真地梳理和辨析了前人的研究成果,其次从反思先天图和二进制的文化意义出发,得出以下结论二进制是纯粹的数学方法,先天图是意蕴丰富的哲学符号,二者区别甚大,没有实质性的关系.  相似文献   

倪光道 《天风》2008,(3):24-25
我们感谢赞美天父的眷顾、救主耶稣基督的恩待和圣灵的引导,使我们中国基督教第八次代表会议圆满完成各项议程,胜利闭幕了.刚才我们所读的经文,可以作为会议所通过的工作报告和各项决议的圣经依据,证明会议所指明的方向、所坚持的原则、所提出的任务,都是正确的,天经地义的.  相似文献   

正当全国人民庆祝"两会"胜利召开和喜迎奥运之际,达赖集团却有组织、有预谋地精心策划和煽动极少数不法分子在拉萨等地进行打砸抢烧破坏活动,妄图把西藏从祖国分裂出去。对于这种政治图谋和罪恶行径,我们道教界表示强烈的愤慨和  相似文献   

全真道创始人王重阳,建立了以心性修炼为基础的道教内丹思想,力倡每个人都具有平等的心性本体,道性俱足,皆有成仙的可能.这一平等的思想体现在人与自然的关系上,就是万物平等,无有高下;体现在与其他教派的关系上,则是儒、释、道三家圆融平等;而在处世待人上,就要平等待人,不分人之贵贱高低,均须恭敬处之.本文试对这一思想的产生背景、内涵进行探析,进一步揭示其对于悟道、修道和传道的作用和影响.  相似文献   

杨时承洛启闽的理学思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程门弟子杨时承洛南传,开拓了洛学在南方的传播与发展,特别是为南宋朱熹闽学的诞生并上承二程洛学为儒学正脉提供了必要的学脉渊源.杨时的理学思想即是以洛学为宗,在洛学的论域内所作的阐释与发挥,他强调理本气化,重视分殊之用,主张反身格物,关注静中体验未发等,这些观点虽不为后学朱熹完全泥守,但却有开启闽学端绪之意义.杨时的理学思想在程朱理学的传衍中起上承下启的作用.  相似文献   

赵朴初 《法音》2000,(12):3-7
今年正逢玄奘法师诞辰1400周年纪念,为了缅怀这位佛门巨匠和世界文化伟人,佛教界在西安隆重举行了纪念玄奘法师诞辰1400周年法会及玄奘三藏院落成、玄奘顶骨舍利安奉、玄奘法师铜像揭幕庆典,还与学术界联合举办了“玄奘精神与西部文化学术研讨会”等系列纪念活动。  早在1964年,已故的中国佛教协会赵朴初会长在首都佛教界、文化界纪念玄奘法师逝世1300周年大型集会上发表讲话,全面回顾了玄奘法师充实饱满的一生和极不平凡的成就,对玄奘法师的伟大精神及其对当今世界的意义作了高度评价。赵朴老在讲话中提出的编辑出版《玄奘全集》、编写《玄奘年谱》、校订《大唐西域记》等设想,在其后的三十多年中陆续成为现实;而修建玄奘纪念馆、设计制作玄奘法师雕像等愿望,也在佛教界的不懈努力下终得圆满。在纪念玄奘法师诞辰1400周年之际,重温赵朴老的这篇讲话,感到分外亲切。本期还选登了黄心川先生、惟贤法师在学术研讨会上的发言,特约日本法相宗大本山药师寺副住持安田 胤先生介绍玄奘法师与日本法相宗的因缘,请王尧先生介绍《大唐西域记》藏译本的有关情况,以此作为玄奘法师诞辰1400周年的纪念。  相似文献   

采用混合实验设计,结合行为和眼动数据,探讨任务规律性对前瞻记忆的影响。行为结果显示规律已知条件下前瞻记忆成绩显著高于规律未知和无规律条件,规律未知条件下的前瞻记忆成绩在靶线索之后刺激上有高于无规律条件的趋势;眼动结果显示规律已知条件下的注视点最多,首次注视时间最长。结果说明:(1)任务规律性对前瞻记忆成绩具有促进作用;(2)任务规律性促进了对前瞻记忆任务的自动化加工;(3)在规律已知条件下前瞻记忆的加工过程呈现出动态交替的特点。  相似文献   

The present diary study examined everyday prospective memory tasks in younger and old adults and explored the role of personal task importance, use of reminders and everyday stress as possible correlates of age-related prospective memory performance in everyday life. Results revealed an age benefit in everyday prospective memory tasks. In addition, task importance was identified as a critical moderator of age-related prospective memory performance. More frequent use of reminders and lower levels of stress, however, were associated with better prospective memory performance in general but did not contribute to age-related prospective memory performance. Exploring further possible correlates of prospective memory revealed that the strategy to reprioritize initially planned intentions was associated with age benefits in everyday prospective memory. Results suggest that the age-related benefit observed in experimenter-given tasks transfers to everyday prospective memory and varies in dependence of motivational and cognitive factors. Implications for theoretical models of prospective memory and aging are discussed.  相似文献   

基于事件的前瞻性记忆的年老化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
王青  焦书兰  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2003,35(4):476-482
采用类别判断任务作为正在进行任务,采用Einstein的研究范式探讨了前瞻性记忆是否随年龄的老化而出现年老化现象。结果表明,当前瞻性记忆任务和当前进行的任务要求的认知过程一致时,前瞻性记忆成绩不会随增龄下降;当前瞻性记忆任务和当前进行的任务要求的认知过程不一致时,前瞻性记忆出现了年老化现象;前瞻性记忆成绩和自由回忆成绩无显著相关  相似文献   

Prospective memory performance follows an inverted U-shaped function across the lifespan. Findings on the relative contribution of purely prospective memory and retrospective memory processes within prospective memory to this trajectory are scarce and inconclusive. We analyzed age-related differences in prospective memory performance across the lifespan in a cross-sectional design including six age groups (N = 99, 7–83 years) and investigated possible mechanisms by experimentally disentangling the relative contributions of retrospective memory and purely prospective memory processes. Results confirmed the inverted U-shaped function of prospective memory performance across the lifespan. A significant interaction between process type and age group was observed indicating differential relative contributions of retrospective memory and purely prospective memory processes on the development of prospective memory performance. Our results showed that mainly the pure prospective memory processes within prospective memory lead to lower prospective memory performance in young children and old adults. Moreover, the relative contributions of the retrospective memory and purely prospective memory processes are not uniform at both ends of the lifespan, i.e., in later adulthood the purely prospective memory processes seem to determine performance to an even greater extent than in childhood. Nevertheless, age effects were also observed in the retrospective component which thus contributed to the prospective memory performance differences between the age groups.  相似文献   

使用情绪图片作为背景任务刺激,通过两个实验来考察积极情绪和消极情绪对时间性和事件性前瞻记忆的影响。结果发现,对于背景任务的反应时,在时间性前瞻记忆和事件性前瞻记忆中,情绪的主效应都显著。而对于前瞻任务的正确率,在两种前瞻记忆中,情绪的主效应都不显著。将两个实验的数据合并分析发现,对于前瞻任务的正确率,任务类型的主效应显著,即时间性前瞻记忆的成绩显著高于事件性前瞻记忆; 而情绪的主效应不显著。结果表明,背景任务中不同的情绪刺激会对个体完成背景任务的速度产生影响,而对前瞻记忆任务的执行不会产生影响。  相似文献   

We administered four prospective memory tasks to 330 adults between 18 and 89 years of age to investigate the relationship among the measures of performance in the four tasks, as well as the relationship of the prospective memory measures to age, other cognitive abilities, and noncognitive factors. The four prospective memory variables were found to exhibit both convergent and discriminant validity, indicating that prospective memory ability appears to represent a distinct dimension of individual differences. The prospective memory construct was significantly related to other cognitive abilities, such as executive functioning, fluid intelligence, episodic memory, and perceptual speed, but it was only weakly related to self-ratings of (primarily retrospective) memory and to personality traits. Although a substantial proportion of the age-related variance on the prospective memory construct was shared with other cognitive abilities, we also found some evidence of unique, statistically independent, age-related influences on prospective memory.  相似文献   

采用2(情绪效价:负性、中性)×2(延迟设置:无延迟、有延迟)的实验设计,探究负性情绪对时间性前瞻记忆的干扰效应。结果显示在无延迟条件下,负性情绪组的前瞻记忆成绩差于中性情绪组,负性情绪组的总时间监控次数和监控后期的时间监控次数均少于中性情绪组;在有延迟条件下,负性情绪组的前瞻记忆成绩和监控后期的时间监控次数与中性情绪组均无差异。结果说明负性情绪会干扰时间性前瞻记忆,而延迟可以消除这种干扰效应。  相似文献   

Recent studies have found poorer prospective remembering among students selected for elevated obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) checking and washing. However, as prospective memory performance also requires retrospective remembering, it is not clear from earlier work whether deficits in prospective memory in samples with OCD symptomatology are due to problems with prospective remembering, or to retrospective memory failures that result in poorer performance on prospective memory tasks. The present study examines performance on matched prospective and retrospective memory tasks among students selected for high (n = 48) and low (n = 44) scores on the Obsessive–Compulsive Inventory‐Revised Obsession subscale. Significant differences between the groups were found in prospective memory (regardless of whether the word was neutral or harm/danger‐related), but not retrospective memory. The findings are consistent with the prediction that obsessional thoughts that occupy working memory capacity would have a deleterious effect on a resource‐demanding prospective memory task. An additional finding was that there were no group differences in self‐reported complaints of problems with prospective memory.  相似文献   

Converging experimental operations and several prospective memory tasks were used across three experiments to determine the extent to which prospective remembering is supported by datadriven versus conceptually driven processes. In all experiments, subjects were asked to perform an action when a target item later occurred. When the semantic context changed from encoding to test, prospective memory significantly declined (Experiment 1). When the target event (the item, which in its subsequent appearance in the experiment was the signal to perform the action) was presented as a word (relative to picture presentation, Experiment 2) or was encoded nonsemantically (relative to semantic encoding, Experiment 3), there was a decline in prospective memory performance. Dividing attention during prospective memory retrieval substantially reduced prospective memory performance (Experiment 3). The results of this research indicated that prospective memory is largely conceptually driven, and it behaves more similarly to direct rather than indirect conceptual tests. We suggest that prospective remembering of the type studied here is mediated by a reflexive episodic associative memory system as proposed by Moscovitch (1994).  相似文献   

摘 要 实验1探究前瞻记忆后效的产生是否消耗认知资源,实验2进一步探究前瞻记忆后效产生过程中消耗的认知资源的去向。实验1结果显示在完成阶段,相比于基线条件,其它四种实验条件的进行中任务反应速度均较慢,实验2结果显示无论线索是否显著,前瞻记忆后效均会随着认知负荷的提高而提高。结果表明前瞻记忆后效产生过程中会消耗认知资源对原意向进行抑制。本研究支持了抑制的观点。  相似文献   

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