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客体工作记忆任务中大脑皮层活动的记忆负荷效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用128导事件相关电位技术,采用延迟匹配任务的实验范式,测查了20名正常被试完成不同负荷客体任务时的皮层慢电位(slow cortical potentials,简称sp成分),实验发现:背侧前额叶在刺激呈现后的700ms到1400ms出现记忆负荷效应,高负荷任务诱发的sp成分显著负于低负荷任务;低负荷任务诱发的sp成分在左前额区(500~1800ms)、左前额-中央区(700~1800ms)、左中央-顶叶区(1000~1400s和1800~4800ms)、右前额区(1800~4800ms)和右前额-中央区(1400~4800ms)显著负于高负荷任务,出现记忆负荷效应,但这种负荷效应在左右大脑半球所反映的心理意义可能不同  相似文献   

Two experiments which require subjects to hold a digit span while solving an equation and then recall the digit span are performed. The size of the memory span and the complexity of the equation are manipulated as well as whether the subject is required to substitute items from the digit span for constants in the equation. As either task (digit span recall or equation solving) gets more complex there are performance decrements (accuracy or latency) not only in that task but also in the other task. It is also shown that the majority of the errors are misretrievals. These results are consistent with the proposal that working memory load has its impact on retrieval from memory. These results are fit by the ACT-R theory (Anderson, 1993) which assumes that there is a limit on source activation and that this activation has to be divided between the two tasks. As either task increases in complexity there is less activation for retrieval of information from declarative memory. Subjects’ misretrievals of associatively related information could be predicted by assuming a partial matching process in ACT-R.  相似文献   

Changes in frontal lobe functions are a typical part of aging of the brain. There are age-related declines in working memory performance, a skill requiring frontal lobe activation. This study examined neural activation, using [15 O] water positron emission tomography (PET) methodology, during performance on two verbal working memory tasks in younger and older participants. The results demonstrated the typical areas of activation associated with working memory performance (e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and inferior parietal cortex) in both groups. However, the younger participants utilized the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and anterior cingulate gyrus significantly more than the older participants. In turn, the older participants used the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex significantly more than the younger participants and maintained material-specific lateralization in their pattern of activation. These findings are consistent with a previous report of different age-related patterns of frontal activation during working memory.  相似文献   

为探究网格在工作记忆中对视觉客体位置编码的影响,本研究采用n-back范式,通过客体位置的确定性和网格出现的不同认知加工阶段,探索了网格线在空间工作记忆视觉客体位置记忆中的作用机制.实验1的结果表明,被试将依据客体的位置确定性强弱来选择类别编码或坐标编码.实验2的结果显示,网格在识记阶段可能有利于位置记忆,而在提取阶段可能有干扰作用.  相似文献   

Education has been suggested to play a protective role against the development of age-related dementias. Accordingly, we examined modulation of functional activation during working memory by age and education. Eight older individuals with a college education, six older individuals with a high school education, and eight younger individuals with a college education performed a working memory task during O15 [water] PET scanning. In a voxel-by-voxel whole brain search, older participants with less education demonstrated greater left frontal activation relative to older participants with more education. Older participants with more education demonstrated greater right precuneus activation relative to older participants with less education. This suggests that older less educated participants may have used additional frontal resources to compensate for dysfunctional parietal cortex. These results occurred in the context of similar activation in well-educated younger and older participants. Younger participants had one unique area of activation in the left posterior parietal cortex and no differences in frontal activation were observed between these two groups. The results of this study indicate the need to consider education in age-related neuroimaging studies.  相似文献   

工作记忆是当前认知心理学中的一个研究热点,而其言语子系统与视觉子系统之间的关系又是一个颇具争论性的问题。实验1、2采用双任务范式考察了言语工作记忆对视觉工作记忆的影响。结果发现,满负荷言语负载条件下的视觉记忆的成绩显著低于无言语负载条件。这表明,言语工作记忆影响了视觉工作记忆任务的完成。  相似文献   

在同一实验条件下采用干扰效应和负启动效应双指标考察了三种不同类型工作记忆(WM)负载对特性干扰子加工的影响,旨在求证胡耿丹等人从位置干扰子加工所提出的"双重作用机制"是否适用于特性干扰子加工,以及对Park等人的负载特异机制观点所做的拓展和完善在特性干扰子范畴内是否正确。结果显示:(1)WM负载对特性干扰子的加工亦存在双重作用机制,提示双重作用机制在单一WM负载范围内具有普适性;(2)当目标刺激与干扰子刺激的属性一致时,无论是在位置干扰子还是在特性干扰子视角下Park等人的负载特异机制观点均可一致地被拓展和完善。  相似文献   

薛成波  叶超雄  张引  刘强 《心理学报》2015,47(7):851-858
弱客体理论认为, 视觉工作记忆系统是由众多特征存储的子系统组成, 不同纬度的特征独立存储在相应的有限容量的子系统中, 相互之间不会竞争记忆资源。而对于特征之间绑定关系的记忆存在不同的观点。一种观点认为绑定关系的记忆需要注意维持, 因此绑定关系的记忆会占用到特征记忆的资源; 另一种观点认为绑定关系的记忆是自动发生的, 不需要注意的维持。本实验的目的是探究特征绑定关系的记忆是否是自动发生的。在实验中, 我们设计了两种任务, 一种任务是只记忆颜色, 另一种任务是记忆颜色跟位置及其之间的绑定关系, 并测试分析视觉工作记忆相关的ERP成分CDA。结果发现两种任务条件下的CDA波幅之间没有显著差异, 说明视觉工作记忆中的特征绑定是自动发生的。  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported on short-term memory for object location. Stimulus displays containing different numbers and types of objects were presented for 30 seconds, after which subjects were required to relocate the various objects within the display, merely to reconstruct positions, or to assign objects correctly to an equal number of premarked positions. In all experiments half the trials were performed with concurrent articulatory suppression. The results support the hypothesis that two processes can be distinguished: one that underlies the construction of a positional map and one that assigns objects to positions. These processes are differentially affected by object numbers and articulatory suppression. This hypothesis is discussed in terms of Baddeley's (1986) working memory model and Kosslyn's (1987) distinction between 'categorical' and 'coordinate' spatial relations.  相似文献   

This paper uses the theoretical distinction that has recently developed between the passive visual store and the active spatial rehearsal mechanism of the visuo-spatial component of working memory (VSSP). It examines the circumstances under which visual fields gain functional access to the passive visual store and seeks to cast light on the circumstances under which irrelevant visual fields interfere with concurrent visual processing. Experiment 1 contrasts a dynamic visual noise field with a static noise field and shows that the static field, in contrast to the dynamic noise field, causes no interference when presented concurrently with a visual task. Experiment 2 investigates the reason for this contrast and concludes that the static field is susceptible to decay and so fails to cause interference. Experiment 3 investigates further the circumstances under which dynamic visual noise causes interference and shows that manipulation of the number of changes within the noise field is also of importance in causing interference. The results allow further consideration of the characteristics of the VSSP.  相似文献   

迟立忠  马晓  张禹 《心理科学进展》2014,22(10):1543-1555
竞技运动中的工作记忆是竞技运动认知研究中较为成熟的一个领域, 对运动表现具有重要影响。现有研究主要涉及运动决策、运动表现失常和运动损伤三个方面。研究者以传统工作记忆容量测试对受试者进行容量大小区分后, 分配到决策任务中, 以了解工作记忆容量与决策表现间的关系。针对运动表现失常的研究表明, 刻板印象威胁造成的认知资源损耗降低了工作记忆容量, 为运动表现失常的解释与避免提供了新的思路。对暂时性脑震荡导致的工作记忆变化研究为进一步揭示工作记忆的脑机制提供了支持。虽然现有竞技运动中工作记忆的研究在数量上并不占优势, 但在研究成果上确实有可圈可点之处。  相似文献   

工作记忆负载对位置干扰子激活加工和抑制加工的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡耿丹  金志成 《心理学报》2009,41(4):292-304
针对工作记忆(WM)负载对干扰子加工的影响存在认知控制机制和负载特异机制两种分歧观点的争议及Park等人的负载特异机制研究中存在的不足,文章尝试采用干扰效应和负启动效应双指标考察了三种不同类型的WM负载对位置干扰子加工的影响。结果表明,WM负载对位置干扰子加工的影响存在双重作用机制(认知控制机制和负载特异机制);目标刺激与干扰子刺激的属性一致时,亦可得出负载特异机制观点,且可将WM任务与选择性注意任务之间竞争的资源锁定为知觉处理资源;导致上述两种观点争议的原因是以往研究未将干扰子加工过程分离为激活加工阶段和抑制加工阶段来考察;用双指标分离干扰子加工阶段的研究思路和方法不但可解决这两种观点的争议且可为两者的统合奠定基础。  相似文献   

儿童的工作记忆广度   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
顾敏敏  鲁忠义 《心理科学》2004,27(1):137-139
针对儿童的工作记忆广度问题,介绍了国内外有关研究的方法及成果,并对影响儿童工作记忆广度的几个因素,如加工速度、领域特殊性和存储能力等进行了分析。  相似文献   

推理与工作记忆   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统地总结了推理与工作记忆的研究进展,具体包括:(1)工作记忆的含义及其在推理中作用的相关研究;(2)推理与工作记忆关系的理论模型;(3)不同类型推理与工作记忆的实验研究;(4)推理与工作记忆的认知神经研究;(5)推理与工作记忆的未来研究展望  相似文献   

工作记忆和推理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文论述了工作记忆和推理之间的关系。首先论述了工作记忆和推理能力的关系,接着阐述了工作记忆各成分和各类推理的关系,最后简单介绍了神经心理学在这方面的研究成果。  相似文献   

Irrelevant Pictures in Visual Working Memory   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The aim of the paper is to establish firmly the phenomenon of an irrelevant picture effect and to demonstrate that the phenomenon can be used to investigate the characteristics of the visuo-spatial sketchpad. Experiment 1 introduces the use of dynamic visual noise as an interfering technique. This technique is shown to cause interference with a word list learned under visual mnemonic mediation instructions but to cause no interference when the word list is learned under verbal mediation instructions. Experiment 2 serves both to replicate this selective interference effect and to illustrate how the dynamic visual noise technique can be used to characterize further the nature of interference in the visuo-spatial sketchpad. Experiment 3 confirms the robustness of the dynamic visual noise technique. Additionally, this experiment demonstrates a double dissociation between two types of interference, dynamic visual noise and irrelevant speech, and two types of mediation, rote and visual mnemonic.  相似文献   

In this paper we briefly describe preliminary data from two experiments that we have carried out to investigate the relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations within scenes. In these experiments, we recorded participants′ eye movements as they viewed a photograph of a cubicle with 12 objects positioned pseudo-randomly on a desk and shelves. After viewing the photograph, participants were taken to the actual cubicle where they undertook two memory tests. Participants were asked to identify the 12 target objects(from the photograph)presented amongst 12 distractors. They were then required to place each of the objects in the location that they occupied in the photograph. These tests assessed participants′ memory for identity of the objects and their locations. In Experiment 1, we assessed the influence of the encoding period and the test delay on object identity and location memory. In Experiment 2 we manipulated scanning behaviour during encoding by "boxing"some of the objects in the photo. We showed that using boxes to change eye movement behaviour during encoding directly affected the nature of memory for the scene. The results of these studies indicate a fundamental relationship between visual encoding and memory for objects and their locations. We explain our findings in terms of the Visual Memory Model(Hollingworth & Henderson, 2002).  相似文献   

视觉工作记忆中的特征捆绑   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
特征捆绑是认知科学和神经科学研究的前沿问题,近来已经成为研究者们关于意识问题争论的焦点所在。很多心理活动涉及复杂对象各种特征的捆绑,在工作记忆中保持这些捆绑的机制是心理加工得以有效进行的基础。视觉工作记忆中的特征捆绑近来成为研究热点之一,有关研究大多凭借变化检测范式和单刺激探测范式,探讨了视觉工作记忆中捆绑特征的保持是否需要注意参与,以及分离特征存储和捆绑特征存储的关系等问题,但目前这些问题仍都没有明确的答案。  相似文献   

毛伟宾  杨治良 《心理科学》2008,31(3):741-743
工作记忆容量作为直接影响人类完成高级认知活动的重要因素而倍受心理学家的关注.长期以来关于工作记忆容量的研究主要集中于工作记忆的执行性控制成分与高级认知活动的关系上,忽略了对注意焦点的研究,而注意焦点则是为了进行当前的认知加工而把从记忆的激活部分提取出来的信息组块加以保持的一个容量有限系统.该文作者讨论了关于工作记忆中注意焦点容量的研究及认识,并指出了当前研究中存在的问题.  相似文献   

虽然Baddeley的工作记忆模型得到大量实验研究的支持,但是有关工作记忆和长时记忆之间的关系未能得到详细阐述。来自神经心理学的证据表明,工作记忆与情景长时记忆任务均诱发了前额区的激活,但同时发现前额区存在不同的功能分区,可能在工作记忆与情景记忆过程中具有独立的执行功能。工作记忆与情景记忆的相互作用是当前记忆研究关注的问题。已有研究发现,在情景记忆对工作记忆的作用过程中,时间进程与头皮分布均显示了年龄效应与材料加工特点。而工作记忆对情景记忆的作用中,则发现工作记忆早期加工可能对情景记忆的成功形成有更大促进作用。今后的研究应在理论模型支持下,利用多种技术手段探讨两种记忆相互作用的神经加工机制  相似文献   

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