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At least since Russell’s influential discussion in The Principles of Mathematics, many philosophers have held there is a problem that they call the problem of the unity of the proposition. In a recent paper, I argued that there is no single problem that alone deserves the epithet the problem of the unity of the proposition. I there distinguished three problems or questions, each of which had some right to be called a problem regarding the unity of the proposition; and I showed how the account of propositions formulated in my book The Nature and Structure of Content [2007 Oxford University Press] solves each of these problems. In the present paper, I take up two of these problems/questions yet again. For I want to consider other accounts of propositions and compare their solutions to these problems, or lack thereof, to mine. I argue that my account provides the best solutions to the unity problems.  相似文献   

In 1985, after nearly a decade of inconclusive professional response to public concern about misconduct in research, Congress passed legislation requiring action. Subsequent to this legislation, federal agencies and research universities adopted policies for responding to allegations of misconduct in research. Conferences, sessions at professional meetings, and special publications were organized. New educational initiatives were begun, many in response to a 1989 National Institutes of Health/ Alcohol, Drug Abuse, and Mental Health Administration requirement to include ethics instruction in training grants. Notwithstanding a few key unresolved issues, such as the lack of a uniform federal definition of misconduct in research, the years since 1985 have witnessed a marked change in the professional response to misconduct in research. This paper evaluates the change since 1985 from the perspective of three key goals: 1) confronting misconduct, 2) promoting integrity and 3) ensuring integrity. While significant progress has been made in achieving the first two goals, the third remains largely unaddressed. The latter is due to the fact that researchers have not been interested in studying the integrity of their own profession. It is therefore suggested that studies are needed of routine or normal research practices and their impact on integrity for use in making decisions about research conduct policy. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the symposium entitled “Misconduct in Science: A Decade of Progress or Merely Years of Controversy” held during the Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 13 February, 1998.  相似文献   


There is a long history of teachers and schools being involved in the delivery of career education and guidance. As the breadth of career education and guidance activity in English schools grew throughout the twentieth century it became increasingly necessary to have an individual within the school responsible for leading and managing this activity (the careers leader). The transfer of responsibility for career guidance from local authorities to schools following the Education Act 2011 has intensified the need for this role. There have been various attempts to conceptualise and professionalise the role of careers leader and to develop appropriate training and support. This article defines the role and the rationale for the role, sets out its history and makes recommendations for the future professionalisation of the role. It is argued that this will include recognition of the role by policy, professionalisation and the development of a career structure and the development of appropriate training and CPD.  相似文献   

Evidence-based medicine (EBM), by its ability to decrease irrational variations in health care, was expected to improve healthcare quality and outcomes. The utility of EBM principles evolved from individual clinical decision-making to wider foundational clinical practice guideline applications, cost containment measures, and clinical quality performance measures. At this evolutionary juncture one can ask the following questions. Given the time-limited exigencies of daily clinical practice, is it tenable for clinicians to follow guidelines? Whose or what interests are served by applying performance assessments? Does such application improve medical care quality? What happens when the best interests of vested parties conflict? Mindful of the constellation of socially and clinically relevant variables influencing health outcomes, is it fair to apply evidence-based performance assessment tools to judge the merits of clinical decision-making? Finally, is it fair and just to incentivize clinicians in ways that might sway clinical judgment? To address these questions, we consider various clinical applications of performance assessment strategies, examining what performance measures purport to measure, how they are measured and whether such applications demonstrably improve quality. With attention to the merits and frailties associated with such applications, we devise and defend criteria that distinguish between justice-sustaining and justice-threatening performance-based clinical protocols.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether ecological speed information describing ongoing driving maneuvers during automated driving enhances the hedonic quality and driving safety immediately after a driving takeover. Visualizing maneuvers and trajectories has already proven effective. However, planned acceleration and deceleration in an automated vehicle have not yet been investigated. Therefore, this paper assesses how an automated vehicle’s speed control information might be presented by an ecological interface. Besides a possible increase in the hedonic quality, this information might enhance safe behavior of the human driver when it comes to a takeover. To assess these two aspects, 43 drivers participated in a dynamic driving simulator study. Using a within-subject design, two scenarios were used to compare an ecological interface, dynamically visualizing speed changes, to a conventional pop-up interface, using pop-up icons to visualize speed changes. The experimental results indicate that ecological feedback and conventional pop-up feedback do not differ regarding the hedonic quality, which was reflected by the state anxiety, usefulness, and satisfaction with the overall human-machine interface (HMI). Nonetheless, the post-hoc questionnaire on situational awareness showed a significantly lower rating for the ecological interface which may be the result of a more automatic and subconscious processing of the information given. Analyzing the takeover performance, the initial takeover time was comparably low for both interfaces. However, concerning safety, the ecological interface significantly enhanced the lateral control after takeover, and the drivers looked at the vehicle mirrors significantly earlier. In conclusion, the results show that the information given by the ecological interface may help drivers cope with a sudden takeover in a faster and more controlled way. Future applications of these findings might serve to enhance the acceptance and safety of semi-autonomous vehicles by implementing ecological interfaces.  相似文献   

Mistakes in eyewitness identification frequently occur when incorrect associations are made between a familiar person and the actions of another person. The present research demonstrates that actors do not need to be similar in appearance for such conjunction errors to occur. The actors can, in fact, be very different in appearance, even of different sexes. Participants attempted to remember a series of brief everyday events, each involving an actor performing an action. Increases in actor similarity led to increases in conjunction errors in which participants incorrectly associated a familiar actor with a familiar action that was actually performed by someone else, but conjunction errors frequently occurred even when the familiar actor was of a different sex than the original actor, arguing against the hypothesis that these conjunction errors are due solely to mistaken identity.  相似文献   

In this article we offer a critical review of Matolino and Kwindingwi’s article “The end of ubuntu” in which they put forward their view, based on conditions in contemporary South Africa, that the philosophy of ubuntu is dead. In the main, we intend to uphold what we believe is the more plausible argument, as suggested by the title of Metz’s paper, “Just the beginning of ubuntu”. We argue that Matolino and Kwindingwi’s arrival at the conclusion that ubuntu is over is influenced by their point of departure, which appears to be established on the dubious pre-philosophic assumption that ubuntu, as a normative ethical theory, is a “narrative of return”. We further question their assertion that contemporary conditions in South Africa are the basis on which ubuntu moral theory should be dismantled. Matolino and Kwindingwi argue for the demise of ubuntu without supporting their position with convincing, logical reasons. We argue that ubuntu, insofar as it is a moral theory, is competitive and will ultimately prove to be a desirable ethic which could contribute positively towards developing moral character in the contemporary sociopolitical environment in parts of Africa. This article intends to explore the methodology and logic of the debate. However, in the pursuit of pure academic critique, we reject Metz’s allegation that the criticism by Matolino and Kwindingwi is ad hominem.  相似文献   

Although the Dark Triad of personality (i.e., Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy) has been researched widely, few studies have looked at women’s preferences for men who are high and low in Dark Triad. Further, it is not clear what the relationships between the Dark Triad and facial masculinity are. We investigated female preference for computer manipulated Dark Triad male faces in two on-line studies (Study 1: n = 125; Study 2: n = 1633). We found that women rated the high psychopathy and narcissistic faces the most masculine (Study 1). We also found that women showed a low preference for the high morphs in both long and short term relationships, and that preference for masculinity was correlated with a preference for narcissism (Study 2). We discuss the results in terms of male and female mating strategies.  相似文献   

With advancing age, episodic memory performance shows marked declines along with concurrent reports of lower subjective memory beliefs. Given that normative age-related declines in episodic memory co-occur with declines in other cognitive domains, we examined the relationship between memory beliefs and multiple domains of cognitive functioning. Confirmatory bi-factor structural equation models were used to parse the shared and independent variance among factors representing episodic memory, psychomotor speed, and executive reasoning in one large cohort study (Senior Odyssey, N = 462), and replicated using another large cohort of healthy older adults (ACTIVE, N = 2802). Accounting for a general fluid cognitive functioning factor (comprised of the shared variance among measures of episodic memory, speed, and reasoning) attenuated the relationship between objective memory performance and subjective memory beliefs in both samples. Moreover, the general cognitive functioning factor was the strongest predictor of memory beliefs in both samples. These findings are consistent with the notion that dispositional memory beliefs may reflect perceptions of cognition more broadly. This may be one reason why memory beliefs have broad predictive validity for interventions that target fluid cognitive ability.  相似文献   

Physical activity (PA) plays an essential part in the secondary prevention of persons with coronary heart disease (CHD). A substantial amount of PA can be gained through increasing the use of active transport modes (walking or cycling for at least 10 min/day) in CHD patients’ daily routine, benefiting the mortality and morbidity rate as well as the environment. The current study aims to investigate the utility of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) framework extended with habit strength, in understanding the behavioural intention and the behaviour of using active transport modes during the daily travel routine of CHD patients. A cross-sectional survey was conducted from 131 CHD patients. The behaviour was measured using three self-report methods; 1) scale measure, the walking or cycling frequency, 2) direct ATS (Active Travel Score, PA calculated by the directly reported aggregated time spent per day for walking or cycling for travel purposes), and 3) indirect ATS (PA calculated by combining the duration spent on trips by walking and cycling from the self-reported one-day travel diary). Additionally, the participants completed surveys on the direct measures of TPB constructs and habit strength. The results indicated that the TPB constructs explained a 38% variance in the intention to use active transport modes of CHD patients, by which the variance increased to 59% with the addition of habit strength. On the contrary, different behavioural measures were explained differently by TPB and habit strength. The scale measure of behaviour was best predicted (up to 21%) by TPB and habit strength. However, the direct and indirect measures of behaviour were poorly explained (up to 3% and 10% only, respectively). Habit strength moderated the relationship between behaviour (scale measure) and behavioural intention. Surprisingly, higher behavioural intention resulted in a lower behavioural frequency when the habit strength to be active is low. This suggests a limited control over the behaviour thus indicating the intention-behaviour gap. The current study findings highlight the inconsistent predictive utility of TPB across different types of behavioural self-report measures, targeted at the use of active transport modes in CHD patients. However, considering this study as hypothesis-generating, further research is necessary to replicate and extend these findings.  相似文献   

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