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Sans résuméCet essai était déjà terminé pour l'essentiel lorsque la nouvelle de la disparition de Michel Foucault nous est parvenue. Que le lecteur veuille bien le considérer comme un modeste hommage à la mémoire du grand philosophe disparu praturément.  相似文献   

Notre propos concerne le développement des inferences temporelles lorsqu'il s'agit des situations symboliques. Notre hypothèse sur les aspects qualitatif et quantitatif du raisonnement est que les données numériques facilitent la résolution de la tâche, parce que ce type d'information (quantitative) conduit à la construction des règles algébriques d'intégration. Seize problèmes portant sur l'ordre d'allumage, l'ordre d'extinction et la durée relative des deux lampes (événements non cinématiques) ont été présentés à 49 sujets de 10 ans. Les problèmes sont présentés selon deux formes: une forme qualitative, où les données sont exprimées en termes relatifs “avant” et “après”, et une forme quantitative où les données sont exprimées par des nombres (par exemple, “la lampe rouge s'allume à 9 heures et la lampe verte à 11 heures”). Ainsi, les sujets doivent résoudre 32 problèmes. Deux types d'énoncés sont distingués: les énoncés décidables conduisent à une seule réponse valable et les énoncés indécidales conduisent à des solutions multiples. Les résultats montrent que (a) les problèmes temporels sont plus facilement résolus quant ils sont présentés sous forme quantitative (information numérique; et (b) les erreurs observées sous forme quantitative sont fondées sur des mécanismes cognitifs plus évolués, supposant des décentrations.  相似文献   

Recent proposals in the field of text revision reveal significant changes in perspective concerning cognitive processes involved in writing. Whereas revision has been considered for a long time as being aimed at enhancing writing, this activity is now seen as a control of the different writing processes. Thus, planning is now added to this control process. Our review shows how results of novel studies strengthen this conception and in which way further researches should be pursued. In particular, we focus on three issues: training of control performed by expert writers, the cognitive cost of the required cognitive treatments and the conditions which permit to increase this control among writers during learning.  相似文献   

L'objectif de cette recherche est d'étudier la relation entre les attentes d'efficacité personnelle en matière de résolution de problèmes, diverses conduites de résolution de problèmes et le degré de satisfaction conjugale des sujets. L'échantillon se compose de 40 couples qui ont complété l'Échelle d'Ajustment Dyadique, l'Inventaire de Résolution de Problèmes Personnels et qui ont participé à une discussion filmée sur ruban magnétoscopique. Les comportements sont codifiés à l'aide du Système Global de Cotation des Interactions Conjugales. Les résultats confirment la présence d'une relation entre les attentes d'efficacité personnelle, les comportements observés en situation de résolution de problèmes et le degré de satisfaction conjugale des femmes et des hommes. Les résultats obtenus démontrent aussi que les variables comportementales ont des fonctions de cumul dans la relation entre les attentes d'efficacité personnelle et la satisfaction conjugale. Les implications théoriques de ces résultats sont discutées.  相似文献   

Children aged 5–6 years performed a problem-solving task designed to investigate the source of cognitive gain observed after peer social interaction. In a joint problem-solving context, pairs of subjects had to work by using a tool whose function was to facilitate and regulate their solving activity. The role of each partner in the dyads was established by the experimenter in the “socio-regulated interaction” group but not in the “free interaction” group. A control group of single children was also included in the present study. The assumption was that role allocation would facilitate semiotic mediation and lead to differentiation in the solving activities. The “free interaction group” obtained the highest performance in the joint problem solving context, whereas a delayed post-test revealed that “socio-regulated interaction” leads to the highest improvements in individual performance. These findings are discussed with reference to the activity-regulation systems and the appropriation mechanisms of regulation.  相似文献   

LIWC is, originally, a text analysis program that counts words of English texts in psychologically meaningful categories. It provides an analysis (in percentage) for 80 dimensions of language (functional words, topics, punctuation). The goal of this methodological note is to present the French LIWC. This version respects the structure of the categories of the English version of the software and gives explanations about the user guide such the preparation of the to be analyzed texts. Then, we explain the decisions for translating the English dictionary into French. We emphasize the constraints imposed by the morphology of written French language and the difficulties encountered (elision of the article, elision of negation and of verbs’ tense). Presenting the translation problems allows understanding the modalities of construction of the dictionary and allows for a LIWC user to build a personalized dictionary in order to analyze contents more suited to the research needs. A qualitative comparison of dimensions obtained with both the French and English versions for 66 bilingual texts of various types and contents provides satisfactory results. A statistical comparison of 119 expressive writings produced by students from three university courses (Humanities, Sciences and Psychology) about a given event (success or failure to an exam) shows the validity of the French version for identifying the expressed contents. Thus, this tool should be efficient for undertaking research in different fields of psychology (health, work and education) concerning oral and written language produced in different contexts.  相似文献   

Frontal-striatal circuits provide an important neurobiological substrate for timing and time perception as well as for working memory. In this review, we outline recent theoretical and empirical work to suggest that interval timing and working memory rely not only on the same anatomic structures, but also on the same neural representation of a specific stimulus. In the striatal beat-frequency model, cortical neurons fire in an oscillatory fashion to form representations of stimuli, and striatal medium spiny neurons detect those patterns of cortical firing that occur co-incident to important temporal events. Information about stimulus identity can be extracted from the specific cortical networks that are involved in the representation, and information about duration can be extracted from the relative phase of neural firing. The properties derived from these neurobiological models fit well with the psychophysics of timing and time perception as well as with information-processing models that emphasize the importance of temporal coding in a variety of working-memory phenomena.  相似文献   

格拉尼埃的整体论哲学是一种深入分析当代核心问题的哲学,一种涵盖历史、思辨和存在的具有三重性的哲学:首先,它的建立使虚无主义哲学东山再起;其次,他思考并诠释了异常难解的问题(本体论、人类学、形而上学、伦理学、艺术、真理等);最后,他提出了一种针对我们生活的管理方法和一些管理原则。整体论哲学主张创建自己的有别于科学的哲  相似文献   

The present study aims to validate the effects of second language learning on children's linguistic awareness. More particularly, we examine whether bilingual background improves the ability to manipulate morpho‐syntactic structure. We postulate that children who received a precocious learning of two languages (French‐German) may develop enhanced awareness and control of syntactic structure since they need an appropriate syntactic repertoire in each language. In return, these children will gain access to the written language with more ease. Our results show an advantage for the children who attended bilingual classes since kindergarten: they were better at grammatical judgement and correction tasks and word recognition.  相似文献   

Relative deprivation (RD) theory usually distinguishes between interpersonal and intergroup comparisons, but neglects intrapersonal comparisons. This research reveals that the comparisons between the actual and the future selves lead to relative gratification (RG) feelings which in turn are related to self‐esteem. A first study (N = 581) confirms that intrapersonal RG positively contributes to self‐esteem. A second study, involving students with a disability (n = 31) and without (n = 50), reveals that if disabled students exhibit a higher level of self‐esteem than nondisabled ones, this preservation is only explained by intrapersonal RG. Finally, intergroup RD and intrapersonal RG are two distinct predictors of militancy in favour of disabled people These results testify to the importance of differentiating comparison levels.  相似文献   

Although maternal contingent responses to their infant's facial expressions of emotions is thought to play an important role in the socialization of emotions, available data are still scarce and often inconsistent To further investigate how mothers' contingent facial expressions might influence infant emotional development, we undertook to study mother‐infant dyads in four episodes of face‐to‐face interaction during the first year. Mothers' facial expressions were strongly related to their infant's facial expressions of emotions, most of their contingent responses being produced within one second following infants' facial expressions Specific patterns of responses were also found. The impact of maternal contingent responding on infants' expressive development was also examined.  相似文献   

Cette recherche s'inspire à la fois des travaux portant sur l'émergence de la communication intentionnelle et des études phonologiques des vocalisations prélangagières. Elle vise à cerner la valeur communicative des vocalisations au cours de leur développement, ainsi qu'à vérifier si le nourrisson utilise un type particulier de vocalisations (prélangagier ou non langagier) pour communiquer avec autrui. Vingt-quatre nourrissons ont été observés à 6, 9, 12, et 15 mois, dans le cadre de tâches de demande. Les résultats révèlent que le nourrisson utilise davantage son canal vocal avec l'âge, et qu'il dirige de plus en plus ses vocalisations vers autrui. Il ne semble toutefois pas employer préférentiellement un type particulier de vocalisations selon qu'il communique avec autrui ou non.  相似文献   

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