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家庭因素与青少年犯罪的关系研究述评   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
随着犯罪理论(如社会控制理论、依恋理论、社会学习理论和问题行为理论)的不断发展,家庭因素与青少年犯罪关系的研究重点已由最初的家庭结构变量(如家庭完整性、家庭经济状况)逐渐扩展并聚焦在家庭功能变量(如家庭气氛、亲子依恋和亲子沟通等)和家庭成员行为变量(如教养方式、父母监控等)。近年来该研究领域开始深入探讨青少年认知过程在教养方式与青少年犯罪之间所起的中介作用,以及儿童青少年的人格、社区环境、神经生物学等变量与家庭因素的交互作用。最后本文总结了该领域研究的最新趋势和以往研究的不足  相似文献   

杜天骄  于娜 《社会心理科学》2005,20(5):176-178,183
家庭在预防青少年犯罪中发挥着学校和社会所无法比拟的优势,这是由家庭所独有的功能决定的。当前在预防青少年犯罪中,应突出和强调家庭的重要地位。从家庭与青少年违法犯罪之间的关系来看,直接影响青少年违法犯罪行为的是家庭的功能缺陷而不是家庭结构的变化,所以,优化家庭功能,是当前预防青少年犯罪的关键,但这不能仅仅期待广大家长的自觉,要想转变传统观念,把法律的触角伸向家庭,必须在法律上做出规定才是切实有效的途径。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,青少年犯罪问题愈发严重,引起了全球各国的普遍关注。青少年犯罪不仅人数增多、涉及面广,且呈现出新的特点和趋势。青少年犯罪是一种复杂的社会现象,导致其的原因有很多,有家庭原因、学校原因、社会原因等。其中家庭是最重要的原因,其所处的独特地位是其他原因无法比拟的,其发挥着纽带和核心的作用。因此,完善家庭功能的社会化,保障青少年健康成长,是目前亟待解决的头等大事。  相似文献   

家庭伦理失范:青少年犯罪的重要原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年犯罪的原因是复杂的、多方面的,分析和研究青少年犯罪现象,可以得出结论:家庭伦理道德的失范是青少年犯罪的重要原因。  相似文献   

为探讨不同年龄青少年家庭功能、同伴关系与网络适应的关系,采用问卷法对1285名初高中学生进行调查。结果显示:(1)家庭功能、同伴关系与积极网络适应呈显著正相关,与消极网络适应呈显著负相关;年龄与积极网络适应呈显著负相关,与消极网络适应呈显著正相关。(2)同伴关系促进家庭功能正向预测积极网络适应和负向预测消极网络适应。(3)随着年龄增长,青少年同伴关系对家庭功能正向预测积极网络适应的促进作用愈发显著,但不能对消极网络适应起到同样的作用。因此,可以根据青少年的年龄从家庭、同伴两方面入手,促进良好网络适应的形成。  相似文献   

家庭功能与青少年问题行为关系的追踪研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
选取北京市三所中学620名初一和初二的学生为被试,采用追踪调查的方式,先后两次(间隔为九个月)让被试报告其家庭功能和问题行为,以探讨青少年家庭功能和问题行为的发展变化情况,以及家庭功能与青少年问题行为的因果关系。研究发现:(1)青少年的家庭功能和问题行为均存在一定的稳定性,但在任务完成、沟通和卷入方面存在变化,均为后测功能不如前测功能;而危害健康行为随着年龄的增长呈显著下降趋势。(2)家庭功能的每个方面均与青少年问题行为呈显著相关,即家庭功能发挥越好,青少年的问题行为也相应越少。(3)交叉滞后回归分析的结果表明,在更大程度上是家庭功能影响着少年的问题行为,进一步回归分析表明,家庭功能中的卷入维度对青少年问题行为具有显著的预测作用。  相似文献   

李彩娜  邹泓 《心理科学》2007,30(4):810-813,819
采用家庭功能评价量表(FAI),青少年孤独感问卷,对北京和两安的1325名初高中生及其父母进行调查。结果发现:(1)在家庭功能问卷的所有维度,亲子间知觉差异显著,青少年的知觉更消极;(2)在家庭功能的所有维度,男孩与父母的知觉差异均大于女孩与父母的差异;沟通维度父子间的差异大于母予差异,冲突与和谐维度母女间的差异大于父女间的差异;(3)不同知觉差异纽青少年的孤独感差异显著,知觉差异水平与孤独感间呈线性关系;亲子阃在冲突与和谐及父母关注维度的知觉差异可以显著预测青少年的孤独感。  相似文献   

人格与青少年犯罪的关系研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
简要介绍了有关青少年犯罪的人格理论,然后按照研究中所采用的不同的人格测量工具:明尼苏达多相人格测验、艾森克人格问卷、卡特尔16项人格因素测验和加利福尼亚人格问卷,以及大五人格问卷分类综述了近10年来人格与青少年犯罪的关系研究。近五年的研究主要采用大五人格结构,将变量中心法和个体中心法相结合,以及将人格和环境因素相结合来研究人格对青少年犯罪的影响作用。进一步的研究需要在人格测量和研究设计上予以改进,深入揭示人格对青少年犯罪的影响机制  相似文献   

家庭功能:理论、影响因素及其与青少年社会适应的关系   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
该文综述了中西方近20年有关家庭功能的定义、理论、影响因素及家庭功能与青少年社会适应关系的研究进展。有关家庭功能的理论可以分为两大类:以家庭发展结果为取向和以家庭发展过程为取向的家庭功能理论。现有研究主要探讨了家庭结构、社会经济地位、家庭关系、发展阶段、生活事件等对家庭功能的影响,并发现家庭功能与青少年的社会适应有着非常密切的关系。文章最后分析了已有家庭功能理论及相关研究的不足,并指出了未来家庭功能领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

Female Juvenile Offending: A Review of Characteristics and Contexts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We reviewed current literature on female juvenile offending including the scope and nature of offending by female adolescents and the risk and protective factors across ecological contexts. We suggested that female juvenile offending is best viewed within a multidimensional framework in which female adolescent developmental characteristics as well as the ecological contexts must be considered for effective preventions and interventions. An ecological framework may assist professionals to target adolescent female offenders who are most likely to be chronic offenders. We offered both an intervention and research frame for addressing the issue of offending among our female youth and concluded that, as the incidence of female juvenile offending increases, researchers and practitioners are well advised to consider both the contexts surrounding the potential female adolescent offender as well as the contexts that contribute to her resiliency against offending.  相似文献   

Preterm children are at risk for a number of visual impairments which can be important for a range of other more complex visuocognitive tasks reliant on visual information. Despite the relatively high incidence of visual impairments in this group there are no good predictors that would allow early identification of those at risk for adverse outcomes. Several lines of evidence suggest that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation for preterm infants may improve outcomes in this area. For example, diets deficient in the long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid DHA have been shown to reduce its concentration in the cerebral cortex and retina, which interferes with physiological processes important for cognition and visual functioning. Further, various studies with pregnant and lactating women, as well as formula-fed infants, have demonstrated a general trend that supplementation with dietary DHA is associated with better childhood outcomes on tests of visual and cognitive development over the first year of life. However, research to date has several methodological limitations, including concentrations of DHA supplementation that have been too low to emulate the in utero accretion of DHA, using single measures of visual acuity to make generalised assumptions about the entire visual system, and little attempt to match what we know about inadequate DHA and structural ramifications with how specific functions may be affected. The objective of this review is to consider the role of DHA in the context of visual processing with a specific emphasis on preterm infants and to illustrate how future research may benefit from marrying what we know about structural consequences to inadequate DHA with functional outcomes that likely have far-reaching ramifications. Factors worth considering for clinical neuropsychological evaluation are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews 50 years of research investigating the relationship between intelligence and various aspects of occupational and vocational adjustment as they relate to both exceptional and nonexceptional individuals. Trends in this research are identified and summarized, and implications for counselors involved in vocational programming are discussed.  相似文献   

Background: Depression is among the most common mental health problems for young people. In adults, depression is associated with neurocognitive deficits that reduce the effectiveness of treatment and impair educational and vocational functioning. Compared to adults, less is known about the neurocognitive functioning of young people with depression, and existing research has reported inconsistent findings. Method: This systematic review and meta-analysis synthesized the literature on neurocognitive functioning in currently depressed youth aged 12–25 years in comparison to healthy controls. Results: Following a systematic review of the literature, 23 studies were included in the meta-analysis. Poorer performance in the domains of attention (SMD: .50, 95% CI: .18–.83, p?=?.002), verbal memory (SMD: .78, 95% CI: .50–1.0, p?<?.001), visual memory (SMD: .65, 95% CI: .30–.99, p?<?.001), verbal reasoning/knowledge (SMD: .46; 95% CI: .14–.79; p?<?0.001) and IQ (SMD: .32; 95% CI: .08–.56; p?=?0.01) were identified in depressed youth. Relative weaknesses in processing speed/reaction time and verbal learning were also evident, however, these findings disappeared when the quality of studies was controlled for. Moderator analysis showed a tendency for poorer set-shifting ability in younger depressed participants relative to controls (although non-significant; p?=?.05). Moderator analysis of medication status showed taking medication was associated with poorer attentional functioning compared to those not taking medication. Conclusion: The findings suggest that currently depressed young people display a range of neurocognitive weaknesses which may impact treatment engagement and outcome. The findings support the need to consider neurocognitive functioning when treating youth with depression.  相似文献   

This article presents a review of studies that have investigated the neuropsychological effects of antiretroviral treatment (ART) for HIV-1 infection. It provides a brief overview of the era of monotherapy, dual-therapy, and an extended overview of the current era of combination antiretroviral therapy (CART). This review highlights that while CART has had a dramatic effect on the incidence and the severity of HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders (HAND), HAND, in its mild form, still remains prevalent. New causes of this sustained prevalence are poor CNS penetration of some antiretroviral agents, drug resistance, poor adherence, potential neurotoxicity, co-morbidities such as the long-term CART side effects in relation to cardio-vascular disease, and chronic HIV brain infection that may facilitate the expression of new forms of neurodegenerative processes. The review emphasizes the need to address methodological limitations of published studies and the need for large and representative cross-disciplinary longitudinal investigations across the HIV illness span.  相似文献   

Turner syndrome (TS) is a genetic disorder in females that arises from the loss of X chromosome material. Affected individuals demonstrate a characteristic neuropsychological profile of strengths in verbal processing and weaknesses in visuospatial processing, consistent with the Nonverbal Learning Disabilities syndrome. Previous research has described a wide range of visuospatial deficits in TS; however, their verbal abilities are less extensively studied. The present paper describes the processing difficulties of a 9-year-old girl with TS who demonstrated problems in integrating details of a complex visual display and using organizational terms to describe visual scenes or events. Her specific cognitive disabilities were thought to underlie some of the social and behavioral problems she was currently experiencing. Her pattern of results is consonant with the neuropsychological pattern that others have attributed to right hemisphere dysfunction and/or white matter abnormality.  相似文献   

心理治疗关系之作用机制研究述评   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
综述心理治疗理论中有关治疗关系之治疗机制的理论观点。发现主要存在三种不同的观点。其中社会影响观点认为治疗关系的作用在增强治疗者在当事人心中的可信性,从而强化了治疗者的说服性信息对当事人态度改变的影响力;心理动力学观点主张移情性治疗关系使得当事人早期的依附情况及当事人的内部工作模型得以在治疗中显现,从而为分析治疗提供依据并指示方向;当事人中心观点则认为良好的治疗关系降低了当事人的防卫性,从而使得当事人的感受和体验可以无障碍地进入意识,进而促进了当事人的一致性。作者提出这个领域今后的研究应该考虑以“跨理论”的角度,加强理论模型的提炼和实际检验  相似文献   

The authors present a literature review concerning the effects of rape on sexual functioning and suggestions for facilitating sexual recovery of rape survivors in counseling.  相似文献   

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) is a chronic rheumatic disease associated with pain and maladjustment. This study investigated whether pain, acceptance of pain, and psychological inflexibility uniquely predicted functional disability, anxiety, general quality of life (QOL), and health-related quality of life (HQOL) among adolescents with JIA. Twenty-three adolescents with JIA and pain were recruited from a pediatric rheumatology clinic. Participants completed self-report measures pertaining to the key study variables. A series of multiple regression analyses demonstrated that higher pain uniquely predicted higher functional disability. Greater psychological inflexibility uniquely predicted higher anxiety, lower general QOL, and lower HQOL. Increases in acceptance of pain were found to be uniquely related to increases in general QOL. These data confirm prior findings that pain impacts functioning, and provide preliminary findings that psychological inflexibility and acceptance may be important targets of psychological intervention for youth with JIA and pain to improve functioning and QOL.  相似文献   

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