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Subjects are shown to verbally encode sentences for simultaneous comparison with pictures but pictorially encode sentences for later comparison with pictures. This is taken as further evidence that subjects adapt their encodings or representations of stimuli to demands of the task.  相似文献   

Clark and Card (1969) have proposed that semantic components underlie memory for comparative (C) sentences. To test this hypothesis, six groups of 15 Ss each were given different sets of C sentences. In line with the theory, Ss tended to remember unmarked adjectives better than marked ones and positive constructions better than negatives. However, contrary to the theory, they also tended to bias their responding either toward the negative or the equative form. A two-stage theory of recall, based on the memory schema-memory trace distinction, is proposed to account for these data.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to ascertain whether subjects’ recall of sentences reflects more closely their surface structure, as Johnson (1965, 1969) and others have predicted, or their performance structure, as Grosjean, Grosjean, and Lane (1979) have proposed. The results clearly show that, as for pausing and parsing, transitional error probability (TEP) in the rote recall of sentences reflects the product of two, sometimes conflicting, demands on processing: the need to respect the linguistic surface structure of the sentence and the need to balance the length of the constituents. The structures obtained from TEPs were similar to those obtained from other tasks (pausing and parsing), showing that performance structures are not task specific. In addition, the presence of deletable elements in the sentences (such as adjectives and adverbs) was closely associated with high TEPs.  相似文献   

Relatively little research has been done on the role of pictorial detail in memory, and the data that do exist are ambiguous. The issue is important because it touches on our understanding of basic issues such as encoding elaboration and trace distinctiveness. The present study attempts to extend our data base by testing recall of words, outlines, and detailed drawings in third graders, sixth graders, and adults. For a categorized set of items, specific comparisons showed that recall of both detailed drawings and outlines was superior to that of words but that these did not differ from one another. For an uncategorized set of items, specific comparisons showed that outlines were recalled significantly better than pictures and that both of these were recalled better than words. The finding of an advantage in recall for outlines over detailed drawings was quite surprising. A variety of explanations may be offered, but true understanding of this effect will depend on future research.  相似文献   

Using a short-term memory paradigm, with an interpolated task, college students were required to recall monaurally presented sentences. Four types of sentences, representing a factorial combination of Surface Structure, either right-branching or self-embedded, and Semantic Constraint, either semantically normal or semantically anomalous, were used. Analysis of recall data indicated a right ear advantage (REA). This result clearly contradicts Kimura's (1967) “perceptual rivalry” hypothesis which assumes that auditory conflict as induced, for example, through dichotic stimulation, is necessary for producing a REA in verbal processing. It was concluded that short-term and attentional factors contributed to the presence of the REA. No interactions involving Ear and either Surface Structure and/or Semantic Constraint were obtained and, therefore, no conclusion could be drawn regarding the view (Kimura and Folb, 1968; Studdert-Kennedy and Shankweiler, 1970) that the lateralized speech encoding mechanisms operate solely at a phonemic or subphonemic level.  相似文献   

The perceptual complexity of lexically ambiguous and unambiguous sentences was compared in three experiments. In Experiment 1, the report of ambiguous words from rapidly presented ambiguous sentences was worse than the report of corresponding unambiguous words from unambiguous sentences. Results of Experiment 2 showed that the effect was not reduced by the presence of prior biasing context within the sentence. Experiment 3 repeated the finding with a sentence meaning classification task. It was concluded that both meanings of a lexically ambiguous sentence must be computed, even when prior context makes one meaning more plausible than the other.  相似文献   

Three reading time experiments were conducted in order to examine the relative contributions of order of antecedents and semantic context to the resolution of temporarily ambiguous Chinese pronouns. These pronouns were ambiguous because each of them was preceded by two antecedents, both of which were likely candidates for coreference. The identity of the pronoun was revealed by subsequent disambiguating information that constrained the pronoun to one particular interpretation. Experiment 1 showed that reading of the disambiguating phrase was slower when the phrase confined the pronoun to the second rather than to the first antecedent. Experiment 2 produced the same effect of antecedent order (first vs. second antecedent) regardless of whether the target antecedent was an action-performing or an action-receiving entity. In Experiment 3, the order effect was eliminated by a biasing modifier inserted immediately before the pronoun. These results indicate that in a semantically neutral environment, the first-appearing antecedent is the preferred candidate for coreferencing the ambiguous Chinese pronoun. The interaction between order of antecedents and semantic context (in the form of preposed biasing modifiers) suggests that the initial comprehension of Chinese pronouns depends as much on contextual as on structural factors.  相似文献   

A picture fragment test was used to compare the priming and cued recall performances of patients with Huntington's disease (HD), patients with dementia of the Alzheimer type (DAT), and neurologically intact normal control (NC) subjects. On the pictorial priming test, subjects were asked to say "the first thing you think of" when shown incompletely drawn pictures, half of which were previously exposed to the subject during an unrelated naming task. Normal controls and HD patients, but not DAT patients, demonstrated similar increases in their ability to identify fragmented versions of previously seen pictures relative to novel pictures. These results are consistent with the previously observed pattern of preserved and impaired verbal priming ability in HD and DAT patients, respectively. The NC subjects, as expected, also demonstrated better performance on the cued recall than on the priming version of the picture fragment test, whereas the HD patients evidenced the opposite relationship on these two tasks and DAT patients were found to be equally impaired on both tests. This finding provides further support for the notion that HD patients' memory impairment is characterized primarily by an inability to initiate systematic retrieval strategies.  相似文献   

本研究围绕中文代词理解中, 读者的常识性知识和语篇语境的作用以及作用时程这一问题展开。实验1首先探讨在中文阅读理解中, 职业性别倾向这种常识性信息是否能对代词的指认产生早期影响。存在一致和冲突(如警卫-他; 警卫-她)两个实验条件, 结果在凝视时间、重读时间和总阅读时间上都发现了职业性别倾向所引发的性别冲突效应。实验2在实验1基础上增加一个代词(如:警卫-他-他; 警卫-她-她), 考察更正后的信息, 即文本语境内容是否可以覆盖常识的作用对代词加工产生影响。结果发现语篇语境确实可以覆盖常识性信息的作用, 对代词加工产生早期影响。但是, 职业性别倾向这种常识性知识仍然在代词加工的后期阶段发挥作用。考虑到代词所形成的语境较为含蓄, 实验3中采用更明确的方式来界定职业名称的性别, 例如男艺人、爸爸等, 然后再出现一个代词, 代词的性别始终和先前的性别描述一致, 而与职业性别倾向冲突, 这样也存在一致和冲突两个条件(例如:保姆-妻子-她, 警卫-妻子-她), 结果发现只有更正后的语境信息对代词加工产生影响, 职业性别倾向不再发挥作用。说明在中文这种高语境依赖性的语言文字中, 语境可以覆盖常识性知识对代词加工产生早期作用。但是, 语境作用的持续性问题会受到语篇语境中性别信息明确程度的影响。  相似文献   

Semantically anomolous sentences, which were spoken prosodically or in an even monotone, were presented monaurally and recalled after 5 sec of interpolated counting. Recall was superior in the Prosody condition, and performance in the Monotone condition showed no improvement when subjects were given prior knowledge of the syntactic structure. Also, a right ear advantage was found in the Prosody condition. The influence of prosody was attributed to its role in directing attention and providing continuity during memorization of the sentences, this being more effective when the information was received by the language hemisphere from the right ear.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we assessed the effects of type of relation and memory test on retrieval-induced forgetting of facts. In Experiments 1 and 2, eight sets of four shared-subject sentences were presented for study. They were constructed so that half were thematically related and half were unrelated. A retrieval practice phase required participants to recall a subset of the studied sentences. In the final test, the participants were prompted to recall all the sentences (character cued in Experiment 1 and character plus stem cued in Experiment 2). The results showed that the retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF) effect was similar for thematically related and unrelated sentences, indicating that the presence of episodic relations among the sentences was sufficient to produce the effect. In Experiment 3, a recognition task was introduced and the RIF effect emerged in accuracy as well as in latency measures. The presence of this effect with item-specific cues is difficult to accommodate for noninhibitory theories of retrieval.  相似文献   

This experiment examined the recall of positive and negative information in an incidental learning task. The two main findings were that a significantly greater number of affirmative than negative clues were correctly recalled and that the majority of errors took the form of conversions from negative to affirmative, independently of meaning. The difficulty associated with the negative clues was explained in terms of their inappropriateness in the situation, namely in the absence of any prior expectations.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined predictions of the relational-distinctive processing view to account for the influence of sentence constraints on memory of target words. In Experiment 1, congruous expected words were recalled better than incongruous words. Words appearing in high-constraint sentences were recalled better than words appearing in low-constraint sentences. In Experiment 2, word expectancy and sentence constraint interacted so that unexpected congruous words appearing in high-constraint sentences were recalled better than their expected counterparts, but this difference was not present for low-constraint sentences. A hybrid model including aspects of the featural restriction model of sentence constraint and the relational-distinctive processing view is proposed.  相似文献   

Two experiments using recall of sentences examined two contrasting principles of clause ordering in a type of complex sentences: the main-clause-first (syntactic) principle and the event-order (or temporal-causal order) prir ciple. In Experiment 1, these two principles were studied in complex sentences with a main clause and a subordinate adverbial clause-e.g., When she heard the thunder, she stopped playing Frisbee. In sentences of this type the subordinate clause typically describes a temporally or causally antecedent event, while the main clause describes a subsequent event in the temporal-causal sequence. These two principles make opposite predictions on what is the psychologically simpler or preferred order of the two clauses in this type of complex sentence. Results of Experiment 1 showed an overall preference in memory for main-clause-first order. In Experiment 2, complex sentences with a main clause and a subordinate clause not temporally or causally related were also used in a sentence recall task. Similar results were obtained. The implication of these findings for the determinants of linguistic structures was discussed.  相似文献   

Context variability can be defined as the number of preexperimental contexts in which a given concept appears. Following M. Steyvers and K. J. Malmberg's (2003) work, the authors have shown that concepts that are experienced in fewer preexperimental contexts generally are better remembered in episodic memory tasks than concepts that are experienced in a greater number of preexperimental contexts. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that low context variability confers its memorial advantage because of stronger item-to-list context associations as compared with high context variability. Three experiments that use environmental context changes from study to test demonstrate that the low context variability advantage is eliminated when item-to-list context associations are not available because of environmental changes at test. In addition, the low context variability advantage is eliminated when inward processing at study prevents the formation of item-to-list context associations.  相似文献   

陈广耀  何先友  刘涛 《心理学报》2018,50(2):186-196
2个眼动实验分别探讨强弱语义语境下的否定句加工机制, 以便考察语言理解是命题表征的过程还是经验模拟的过程, 抑或是二者兼具。在实验中, 被试首先听句子(强语义语境:如“胳膊不是弯曲的”的备择选项为“伸直的胳膊”, 其中“弯曲−伸直”为具有反义关系的强语义连接关系; 弱语义语境:如加工“裙子不是蓝色的”的备择选项为“黑色的裙子”, “蓝色−黑色”为弱语义连接关系), 然后会看到4张同时呈现的图片, 被试的任务是按键选择与句子描述匹配的图片。结果发现, 在强语义语境条件下, 被试在早期(201~600 ms时窗)对描述事件否定状态的图片(弯曲的胳膊)与描述事件实际状态的图片(伸直的胳膊)的注视概率没有差别, 晚期(601 ms后)仅对描述事件实际状态的图片的注视概率更高; 弱语义语境条件下, 被试在早期(401~600 ms)仅对描述事件否定状态的图片(蓝裙子)注视概率更高, 晚期(801 ms后)仅对描述事件实际状态的图片(黑色裙子)注视概率更高; 并且, 都对描述事件否定状态的图片的注视概率低于随机水平。结果支持符号依存假设和抑制假设。  相似文献   

Summary In two experiments the hypothesis was tested that abstract sentences become as easy to understand as concrete sentences when given appropriate prior context. Paragraph contexts and sentences followed by a comprehension question were presented in a speeded reading task. The results showed that the abstract sentences remained significantly more difficult to process than the concrete sentences in both experiments. The hypothesis that the concreteness effect is a function of differential context availability was therefore not supported. It was proposed that lexical differences and/or differences in ease of propositional integration may underlie the effect.  相似文献   

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