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Treatment motivation is required for virtually all psychosocial treatments because clients must participate actively in the treatment process. In child and family treatments, it is the parent who must be motivated to manage treatment participation; however, no measures are currently available for evaluating parent motivation for treatment. The authors developed and evaluated a brief rating scale, the Parent Motivation Inventory (PMI), to measure parent motivation to participate in treatment. Results supported a uni-dimensional measure with strong internal consistency and test-retest reliability. Increases in parent motivation predicted the perception of fewer barriers to treatment participation, which was significantly associated with greater treatment attendance. The PMI provides a reliable and valid method of assessing parents’ motivation to participate in treatment and has implications for the prediction and potential modification of barriers to treatment and treatment participation.  相似文献   

Fifty-two patients with spider phobia, fulfilling the DSM-III-R criteria for simple phobia, were assessed with behavioral, physiological and self-report measures. They were randomly assigned to five different treatment conditions: (1) one session therapist-directed exposure (maximum 3 hours), (2) specific manual-based treatment in the home, (3) specific manual-based treatment at the clinic, (4) general manual-based treatment in the home and (5) general manual-based treatment at the clinic. The results show that therapist-directed one-session treatment was significantly more effective than three of the manual-based treatments, both at the post-treatment and follow-up stages. Specific manual-based treatment at the clinic was significantly more successful than the other manual-based treatments, but only at follow-up. The proportion of clinically significant improved patients at follow-up was 80% in the therapist-directed group compared to 63% for the specific manual-based treatment at the clinic, 10% for specific manual-based treatment in the home, 9% for general manual-based treatment in the home, and 10% for general manual-based treatment at the clinic. The conclusion that can be drawn is that one-session therapist-directed treatment is the treatment of choice for spider phobia but manual-based treatment is a good alternative in some cases.  相似文献   

Emotional distress connected to a cancer disease may result in comorbid mental and especially depressive disorders. Although psychodynamic therapy is one of the most frequently applied forms of psychotherapy of depression in cancer patients there is a lack of empirical studies which meet the criteria of evidence-based psychotherapy research. This is especially true with regard to randomized controlled trials of psychodynamic psychotherapy. As far as we know no manual for psychodynamic treatment of cancer patients has yet been published. In this article a manual for a 20-session short-term psychodynamic treatment is presented. The treatment is based on Luborsky’s supportive-expressive (SE) therapy. The SE treatment manual of depressions in cancer patients presented here is an adaptation of the general SET manual as well as the SE manual for depression. In the first part the general principles of SE therapy are presented. In the second part a manual specifically adapted to the treatment of depressive cancer patients is described. The treatment manual is presently being used in a large-scale randomized controlled multi-centered study comparing short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and treatment as usual.  相似文献   

Although psychodynamic therapy is one of the most frequently applied forms of psychotherapy to treat anxiety disorders in clinical practice, evidence for the efficacy of psychodynamic therapy in anxiety disorders is unsatisfactory. This is especially true with regard to randomized controlled trials of psychodynamic psychotherapy in anxiety disorders. Psychodynamically oriented treatment manuals for anxiety disorders presently exist for generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder. For social phobia (or social anxiety disorder), however, no manual for psychodynamic treatment has yet been published. Social phobia is a very frequent mental disorder characterized by an early onset, a chronic course, severe psychosocial impairments and high socio-economic costs and at the same time in spite of these facts one of the mental disorders which are scarcely diagnosed and treated. In this article, a manual for a 30-session (5 exploratory and 25 therapy sessions) short-term psychodynamic treatment of social phobia is presented. The treatment is based on Luborsky’s supportive-expressive (SE) therapy. In the first part, the general principles of SE therapy are presented. In the second part, a manual specifically adapted to the treatment of social phobia is described. This manual includes specific additional treatment elements that have clinically proved to be useful in the therapy of social phobia. The treatment manual is presently used in a large-scale randomized controlled multi-center study comparing short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy in the treatment of social phobia.  相似文献   

We describe a psychodynamic treatment modified for patients with severe personality disorders identified as borderline personality disorder in DSM-IV, Axis II, and understood as borderline personality organization from a psychoanalytic perspective. This treatment is labeled transference-focused psychotherapy (TFP) in order to highlight the centrality of working with these patients in the here-and-now treatment interaction. The empirical development of TFP is described, including the generation of a treatment manual, the utility of various methods to teach the treatment, and preliminary data on efficacy. The latest step in the development of this treatment is an ongoing randomized clinical trial comparing the efficacy of TFP to a cognitive-behavioral and a supportive treatment.  相似文献   

While cognitive behavioural therapy is highly effective in the treatment of anxiety and depression, a substantive number of individuals either refuse treatment, fail to respond to treatment or respond only partially. Arguably, ambivalence about change or about engaging in treatment tasks may in part be related to incomplete recovery rates in cognitive behavioural therapy. Motivational interviewing is a client-centred, directive treatment originally developed in the addictions domain whose goal is to enhance motivation for change by understanding and resolving ambivalence. This method has consistently received support for enhancing outcomes in the addictions domain, particularly when used as an adjunct to further treatment. As yet, motivational methods have not been generalized to the treatment of prevalent mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression. The present paper presents the application of a treatment targeting motivation (motivational interviewing adapted for anxiety and depression) to the management of resistance in cognitive behavioural therapy for 3 clients with mixed anxiety and depression. Motivational interviewing is conceived as an adjunct to highly effective traditional cognitive behavioural therapy methods, which is indicated for use with clients resistant to and significantly ambivalent about change-based techniques for managing anxiety or alleviating depression.  相似文献   

The study followed-up 245 patients referred to the Henderson Hospital (194 admitted for treatment and 51 not admitted) and for whom information had been collected on their social background and certain psychological variables allowing a classification and typology of personality disorder to be worked out. The study indicates that the therapeutic community treatment is effective with selected individuals showing the antisocial behaviour associated with such disorder. In particular this treatment is of benefit to the offenders with only one conviction and who are able to persevere with treatment for a period of 6 months for treatment to be maximally effective. The variation of psychological types within the broad category of personality disorder was demonstrated and this has a bearing on the outcome of treatment, the extrapunitive neurotic being of poorest prognosis with or without treatment. Yet even in this group, therapeutic community treatment can be effective.  相似文献   

The main aim of this paper is to assess the effectiveness of drug treatment programs in reducing criminal behavior. The research is based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of evaluations of drug treatment programs. The research investigated various drug treatment programs including methadone treatment, therapeutic communities, post-release supervision for drug-misusing offenders, and drug courts, and focused on drug treatment programs that were primarily concerned with heroin, crack and cocaine misuse. The main outcome variable analyzed was reoffending following treatment as measured by self-reports or official records. The study was based on a meta-analysis of 28 evaluations of drug treatment programs. The meta-analysis involved calculating individual effect sizes for each study and weighted mean effect sizes for groups of studies. The mean odds of offending following treatment were significantly lower among clients of the drug treatment programs than among the comparison groups. However, the results varied by type of program, type of evaluation methods used, and characteristics of clients.  相似文献   

Three alternative strategies to link assessment and treatment within a behavioral perspective are described. First is the functional analysis in which the maintaining variables of the target behavior are identified in assessment and modified in treatment. Although this strategy appears to be frequently successful based on positive treatment outcome, critical tests are seldom done: hypothesized functional analyses are not tested prior to intervention; nor is treatment outcome based on one functional analysis pitted against treatment outcome based on an alternative functional analysis. The second strategy is the keystone target behavior strategy. From among multiple possible target behaviors, one is selected for intervention that produces therapeutic response covariation. The third strategy is the diagnostic strategy. A treatment is selected for a particular client based on its overall success in treating a particular disorder. Empirical comparisons are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of these different strategies, linking assessment and treatment for different disorders.Portions of this paper were presented as invited addresses at the meetings of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Philadelphia, November 1984, and of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August 1986.  相似文献   

There is much room for improvement in the treatment of eating disorders, anorexia nervosa in particular. It is argued that for more effective treatment a radical change in thinking and doing is needed. First, the wide-spread multicausal model of eating disorders must be abandoned and replaced by (a) fundamental strategic research into the most parsimonious explanation of eating disorders and (b) interventions solely directed on the specific maintaining mechanisms. Second, evidence-based working is needed in mental health care. In daily practice, two of three psychotherapists do not treat their eating disordered patients with the best treatment available, i.e. cognitive behaviour therapy. The Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport tried to improve the care for eating disorder patients by the nomination of several specialist hospital units. These units are, however, not selected for their treatment quality or the use of evidence-based treatment protocols. It is argued that this ministerial operation will not increase the supply of effective treatment. The Minister obviously should have done two other things to improve the amount and quality of treatment supply for eating disorders: First, she better could invest in a broad array of workshops, training and supervision programs in cognitive behaviour therapy for all psychotherapists working with eating disorders. Second, since nothing is so practical as a good theory, the facilitation of research into parsimonious models of the relevant mechanisms as well as the experimental tests of interventions on these mechanisms would have been a promising move to effective treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of a treatment or an intervention on a count outcome are often of interest in applied research. When controlling for additional covariates, a negative binomial regression model is usually applied to estimate conditional expectations of the count outcome. The difference in conditional expectations under treatment and under control is then defined as the (conditional) treatment effect. While traditionally aggregates of these conditional treatment effects (e.g., average treatment effects) are computed by averaging over the empirical distribution, a recently proposed moment-based approach allows for computing aggregate effects as a function of distribution parameters. The moment-based approach makes it possible to control for (latent) multivariate normally distributed covariates and provides more reliable inferences under certain conditions. In this paper we propose three different ways to account for non-normally distributed continuous covariates in this approach: an alternative, known non-normal distribution; a plausible factorization of the joint distribution; and an approximation using finite Gaussian mixtures. A saturated model is used for categorical covariates, making a distributional assumption obsolete. We further extend the moment-based approach to allow for multiple treatment conditions and the computation of conditional effects for categorical covariates. An illustrative example highlighting the key features of our extension is provided.  相似文献   

In the analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs), treatment effect heterogeneity often occurs, implying differences across (subgroups of) clients in treatment efficacy. This phenomenon is typically referred to as treatment-subgroup interactions. The identification of subgroups of clients, defined in terms of pretreatment characteristics that are involved in a treatment-subgroup interaction, is a methodologically challenging task, especially when many characteristics are available that may interact with treatment and when no comprehensive a priori hypotheses on relevant subgroups are available. A special type of treatment-subgroup interaction occurs if the ranking of treatment alternatives in terms of efficacy differs across subgroups of clients (e.g., for one subgroup treatment A is better than B and for another subgroup treatment B is better than A). These are called qualitative treatment-subgroup interactions and are most important for optimal treatment assignment. The method QUINT (Qualitative INteraction Trees) was recently proposed to induce subgroups involved in such interactions from RCT data. The result of an analysis with QUINT is a binary tree from which treatment assignment criteria can be derived. The implementation of this method, the R package quint, is the topic of this paper. The analysis process is described step-by-step using data from the Breast Cancer Recovery Project, showing the reader all functions included in the package. The output is explained and given a substantive interpretation. Furthermore, an overview is given of the tuning parameters involved in the analysis, along with possible motivational concerns associated with choice alternatives that are available to the user.  相似文献   

Assessing offender readiness for treatment has major implications in terms of determining program referrals, dropout rates and, hence, program efficiency and efficacy. To be treatment ready means that the offender is motivated, finds programming relevant and meaningful, and has the capacity to successfully engage in and complete treatment. The objective of this paper is to systematically review the current methods of defining and measuring the construct of offender treatment readiness. A review of 11 measures assessing treatment readiness is described. Commonalities and differences between the measures are discussed, as well as their psychometric properties and different theoretical models. This paper concludes that there is a lack of consensus regarding the construct of treatment readiness and highlights the need for its standardized assessment. While there are various instruments developed to examine treatment readiness, there have been few efforts in validating the variables and elements encompassed by this construct. The need for a solid theoretical model is identified. Implications regarding best practices are described, as well as future directions on how to develop a psychometrically sound measure.  相似文献   

The S2 guidelines for the treatment of personality disorders (PD) are summarized. In the diagnostic assessment of personality disorders a clinical interview should be supplemented by (semi-) structured clinical interviews and self-report measures for the categorical and dimensional assessment of PDs. The results of the assessment process should be communicated to the patient based on a psycho-educational framework. The diagnosis should always be linked to the patient’s individual history. Psychotherapy is the treatment of choice for personality disorders. A detailed analysis of the patient’s problems as well as the definition of a hierarchy of treatment goals are part of the process of treatment planning. For three PDs empirical evidence for treatment approaches is available: (1) dialectical behavior therapy, mentalization-based therapy, schema focused therapy and transference focused therapy all proved beneficial in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. Cognitive-behavior therapy proved helpful in the treatment of (2) dissociative personality disorder and (3) avoidant personality disorder. There is limited evidence for interpersonal therapy and psychodynamic therapies in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder.  相似文献   

不当医疗问题已经引起社会各界的广泛关注,它包括过度医疗行为、错误医疗行为和缺陷性医疗行为。创伤骨科疾病不当医疗既与医学发展水平和医学本身规律特点有关,又与现行医疗体制、医院经营机制有关,是患者及家属、医务人员和社会等多因素参与,受现行医学科学发展制约的治疗行为。应避免不当医疗,追求适度医疗,尽量达到最优化医疗。  相似文献   

The specialized needs of pregnant and parenting women in the treatment of drug addiction must not be underestimated. The impact of substance abuse on developmental outcomes for young infants and children supports the notion that attention to the parent–child relationship is a critical aspect of addiction treatment for this population. As such, the standard of care appears to be shifting from separating mothers and young children while the mother completes addiction treatment to women residing with their children while in treatment and receiving concurrent addiction treatment and parenting education. While parenting education is important, it may not provide the needed relationship intervention to address the myriad of issues often present for female recovering addicts and their children. This article describes the evolution and workings of a program for integrating infant mental health practice into a long‐term residential treatment community for pregnant and parenting women with addiction. The principles and structure of the modified therapeutic community are described, as are the ways in which infant mental health practice have been effectively integrated and incorporated into the addiction treatment philosophy. A case example is provided, and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is considered the treatment of choice for paediatric anxiety disorders, yet there remains substantial room for improvement in treatment outcomes. This paper examines whether theory and research into the role of information-processing in the underlying psychopathology of paediatric anxiety disorders indicate possibilities for improving treatment response. Using a critical review of recent theoretical, empirical and academic literature, the paper examines the role of information-processing biases in paediatric anxiety disorders, the extent to which CBT targets information-processing biases, and possibilities for improving treatment response. The literature reviewed indicates a role for attentional and interpretational biases in anxious psychopathology. While there is theoretical grounding and limited empirical evidence to indicate that CBT ameliorates interpretational biases, evidence regarding the effects of CBT on attentional biases is mixed. Novel treatment methods including attention bias modification training, attention feedback awareness and control training, and mindfulness-based therapy may hold potential in targeting attentional biases, and thereby in improving treatment response. The integration of novel interventions into an existing evidence-based protocol is a complex issue and faces important challenges with regard to determining the optimal treatment package. Novel interventions targeting information-processing biases may hold potential in improving response to CBT for paediatric anxiety disorders. Many important questions remain to be answered.  相似文献   

The primary objective of the present study is to investigate the association between DSM-IV personality disorders and motivation for treatment in a large sample of patients admitting for a variety of psychotherapeutic programs (n = 1083). Second, we examine whether and to what extent this association is accounted for by other relevant patient variables (i.e., demographics, subjective distress, and treatment history). We developed a brief questionnaire to measure the motivation for treatment: the Motivation for Treatment Questionnaire (MTQ-8). The MTQ-8 consists of two subscales, i.e., Need for help and Readiness to change. The results show that patients with various personality disorders were significantly more motivated for treatment than those without. No differences across specific personality disorders were apparent. The association between personality disorders and motivation for treatment appeared to be partly accounted for by the level of symptom distress. It is concluded that, among treatment-seeking patients, personality disorders are associated with motivation for treatment and this association can best be understood by the higher symptom distress in patients with personality disorders as compared to those without personality disorders.  相似文献   

The prevalence of postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) in adolescents and young adults has been increasing during the past decade. Despite this increase, documentation regarding treatment of these patients is just beginning to emerge. In addition, despite a call for a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary approach, no studies have examined the efficacy of such an approach to treatment. This paper describes a case study of a 19-year-old male with debilitating POTS seen at a tertiary clinic for evaluation and subsequent intensive interdisciplinary treatment. The treatment approach is described and outcomes are presented.  相似文献   

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