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This article presents the Appraisal‐Tendency Framework (ATF; Lerner & Keltner, 2000, 2001; Lerner & Tiedens, 2006) as a basis for predicting the influence of specific emotions on consumer decision making. In particular, the ATF addresses how and why specific emotions carry over from past situations to color future judgments and choices. After reviewing the main assumptions and the 5 main principles of the framework, 2 streams of research are presented. One stream addresses emotional carryover effects on the assessment of risk; the other addresses carryover effects on the assessment of monetary value. Because risk assessment and value assessment are fundamental psychological processes, understanding them has the potential to yield manifold implications for consumer judgment and decision making. The concluding sections highlight limitations and future directions of the framework.  相似文献   

The target article (Han, Lerner, & Keltner, 2007) presents the Appraisal‐Tendency Framework as a basis for predicting the influence of specific emotions on consumer decision making. The 3 thought‐provoking commentaries by Shiv (2007); Yates (2007); and Cavanaugh, Bettman, Luce, and Payne (2007) highlighted the need to (a) distinguish different types of emotional inputs; (b) specify constructs and mechanisms more concretely; and (c) extend the framework in new, creative ways. This response integrates the specific comments into overarching themes and addresses them.  相似文献   

Understanding how consumers represent outcomes and weigh different decision criteria is critical to consumer behavior research. Construal‐level theory articulates how psychological distance alters the mental representation of inputs and the effective weight given to “high‐level” and “low‐level” criteria. Trope, Liberman, and Wakslak (2007) provide a review of this literature. In this commentary, we illustrate the relevance of construal‐level theory to issues in consumer psychology, particularly consumer decision making. We highlight specific questions that researchers could address by considering consumer behavior within the framework of changes in construal. We focus our discussion on how construal levels affect consideration sets and how shifts in weight from high‐level to low‐level features might lead to consumer regret and dissatisfaction. Construal level can help us understand follow‐through on stated intentions for “really new” products and illuminate public‐policy issues such as consumer saving for retirement and nonredemption of rebates. We identify open issues related to how construal levels for the same object evolve over time and whether resources differ in terms of how susceptible they are to psychological distance effects.  相似文献   

信息模糊(obfuscation)是行为经济学研究的重要领域,主要解释了在商品买卖过程中,销售商通过把商品信息复杂化等手段,让人们的消费过程变得更加复杂和困难,从而使消费者在购买商品时面对信息模糊做出种种不明智的选择的现象问题。本文从以往的研究成果出发,就信息模糊、有限理性和销售者的决策行为的关系进行了探讨,以期为信息模糊的跨学科研究提供可借鉴的思路和方法。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine the four processes of dialectical thinking: interconnection, development and change, transformation of quantitative into qualitative, and unity and struggle of opposites. We argue that the decisions of some consumers reflect dialectical thinking, at least some of the time.  相似文献   

A growing number of legal and ethical cases have involved value conflicts between counselors, or counselors‐in‐training, and their clients. The authors examine considerations that professional counselors are encouraged to take into account when value conflicts arise within the therapeutic relationship. The authors present a strategy known as ethical bracketing and the Counselor Values‐Based Conflict Model as tools to use when facing conflicts that arise between personal and professional values.  相似文献   

Metacognitive Experiences in Consumer Judgment and Decision Making   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human reasoning is accompanied by metacognitive experiences, most notably the ease or difficulty of recall and thought generation and the fluency with which new information can be processed. These experiences are informative in their own right. They can serve as a basis of judgment in addition to, or at the expense of, declarative information and can qualify the conclusions drawn from recalled content. What exactly people conclude from a given metacognitive experience depends on the naive theory of mental processes they bring to bear, rendering the outcomes highly variable. The obtained judgments cannot be predicted on the basis of accessible declarative information alone; we cannot understand human judgment without taking into account the interplay of declarative and experiential information.  相似文献   

This paper is driven by the idea that the contextualism‐relativism debate regarding the semantics of value‐attributions turns on certain extra‐semantic assumptions that are unwarranted. One is the assumption that the many‐place predicate of truth, deployed by compositional semantics, cannot be directly appealed to in theorizing about people's assessments of truth value but must be supplemented (if not replaced) by a different truth‐predicate, obtained through certain “postsemantic” principles. Another is the assumption that semantics assigns to sentences not only truth values (as a function of various parameters, such as contexts, worlds and times), but also semantic contents, and that what context‐sensitive expressions contribute to content are contextually determined elements. My first aim in this paper will be to show how the two assumptions have shaped two ways of understanding the debate between contextualism and relativism. My second aim will be to show that both assumptions belong outside semantics and are, moreover, questionable.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of decision making from a position of minor significance to one of primary importance in vocational theory.  相似文献   

In this comment to Trope, Liberman and Makslak's lead article, I refrain from any attempt to review or recapitulate the growing body of research in social psychology in general and in consumer science in particular that is explicitly devoted to construal level theory (CLT). Rather, granting the status of CLT as a leading contemporary theory, with rich implications and applications in consumer science, I concentrate on recent phenomena in judgment and decision making for which CLT provides an implicit account. Specifically, CLT affords an integrative framework for understanding a whole variety of preference reversals—a major challenge for students of consumer behavior.  相似文献   

This study manipulated the graphical representation of options by framing the physical characters in figures and found that preferences could be affected even when the words and numbers of the problem were constant. Based on attribute substitution theory and an equate‐to‐differentiate approach, we proposed a two‐process model of graph‐framing effects. In the first mental process, the graph‐editing process, the physical features (e.g., distance, size) represented in the graph are visually edited, and the perceived numerical difference between the options is judged based on its physical features. The second mental process, the preferential choice process, occurs by an equate‐to‐differentiate approach in which people seek to equate the difference between options on the dimension on which the difference is smaller, thus leaving the greater other‐dimensional difference to be the determinant of the final choice. Four experiments were tested for graph‐framing effects. Experiment 1 found a graph‐framing effect in coordinate graphs resting on the (de)compression of the scales employed in the figures. Experiment 2 revealed additional graph‐framing effects in other question scenarios and showed that preference changes were mediated by perceived numerical distances. Experiment 3 further confirmed the presence of graph‐framing effects in sector graphs similar to those found in coordinate ones. Experiment 4 suggested that such graph‐framing effects could be eliminated when logical processing (e.g., introducing a mathematical operation before a choice task) was encouraged. This paper discusses related research and a possible substrate basis for graph‐framing effects. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Image compatibility, one of Image Theory′s (Beach & Mitchell, 1987; 1990) most instrumental components, was tested in two lab studies. Consistent with theory propositions, results show that when perceptions of a project′s current and target images were more compatible, decision makers were more inclined to continue a project and more willing to commit additional resources. This pattern was found when project performance feedback was positive or negative (Experiment 1), or merely framed in a positive or negative manner (Experiment 2). Moreover, data from both studies indicated that image compatibility accounted for significant variance over and above that predicted by feedback sign and dissatisfaction with project performance alone. Results are discussed in terms of their contribution to the current status of the Image Theory paradigm and as a basis from which future research might build.  相似文献   

The Preference for Gain Frames in Consumer Decision Making.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The way that choices are framed or presented to consumers may exert a significant impact on preferences. With few exceptions, past experiments have always framed choices for decision makers. Six studies examined how people themselves frame ambiguous events. Using a scenario format, Study 1 demonstrated that subjects interpreted paying back a loan as a gain rather than as a loss. Study 2 replicated this finding with a methodology where subjects actually received a loan of real money from the experimenter. Study 3 showed that the tendency to view paying back a loan as a gain was greater when the loan was for oneself rather than another person. Study 4 replicated the initial finding using a choice dilemma similar to those used by Tversky and Kahneman (1981). Studies 5 and 6 showed that people view selling a possession as a gain. However, Study 5 also showed that buyers do not display this tendency. These data suggest that the tendency to frame actions as gains will be moderated by role expectations and the bias to view one's actions in a positive light.  相似文献   

消费者决策分析的新视角:双通道心理账户理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李爱梅  郝玫  李理  凌文辁 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1709-1717
双通道心理账户是指人们在购买决策时具有一个双向通道的心理账户,其中一个通道记录了付款后消费者剩余的正效用,而另一个通道则记录了除去消费后付款带来的负效用.当消费与支付联结紧密时,会让人们更易想起支付的痛苦,从而降低消费快感,此时快乐弱化系数(α)大;当消费与支付联结较弱时,人们更不易记起支付的金额,从而在消费时拥有更多快乐,此时痛苦钝化系数(β)大.文章通过整理已有研究发现:先付款后消费的α系数更小,而先消费后付款的β系数更小;奢侈品的α系数更大,而必需品的β系数更大;吝啬者的α系数更大,而挥霍者的β系数更大.文章进一步阐述了影响消费者购买联结的心理机制是债务规避和负的时间偏好、支付贬值等.在此基础上为消费者做出购买决策以及商家选择促销方式提出了建议.同时也为消费者决策行为研究提供了新的视角和研究课题.  相似文献   

The potential for contributions by applied social psychology to decision research and theory is explored. Most decisions by groups and individuals are social in origin or impact, suggesting that social psychologists should consider decision making as a relevant topic. Early applied work is considered. Mathematical model approaches are explored. Both are found wanting, especially where we wish to apply our science to complex and multiple uncertain decision problems. Examples of recent relevant research that fit well into an applied social psychological framework are provided, indicating the variety of potential topics for investigations. Finally, the need for encompassing theory is considered. The characteristics of needed theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Judges, juries, and other legal decision makers are frequently obligated to find facts about an alleged crime. Does this fact finding benefit from purely rational decision making or from a more intuitive approach? In three studies, rationality was found to be related to more suspect‐lenient decision making. The data suggest that fact finding in criminal proceedings is served best with strictly rational analyses of the evidence, rather than with intuition, gut feeling, and other obscure decision processes.Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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