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Multivariate ordinal and quantitative longitudinal data measuring the same latent construct are frequently collected in psychology. We propose an approach to describe change over time of the latent process underlying multiple longitudinal outcomes of different types (binary, ordinal, quantitative). By relying on random‐effect models, this approach handles individually varying and outcome‐specific measurement times. A linear mixed model describes the latent process trajectory while equations of observation combine outcome‐specific threshold models for binary or ordinal outcomes and models based on flexible parameterized non‐linear families of transformations for Gaussian and non‐Gaussian quantitative outcomes. As models assuming continuous distributions may be also used with discrete outcomes, we propose likelihood and information criteria for discrete data to compare the goodness of fit of models assuming either a continuous or a discrete distribution for discrete data. Two analyses of the repeated measures of the Mini‐Mental State Examination, a 20‐item psychometric test, illustrate the method. First, we highlight the usefulness of parameterized non‐linear transformations by comparing different flexible families of transformation for modelling the test as a sum score. Then, change over time of the latent construct underlying directly the 20 items is described using two‐parameter longitudinal item response models that are specific cases of the approach.  相似文献   

A new multilevel latent state graded response model for longitudinal multitrait–multimethod (MTMM) measurement designs combining structurally different and interchangeable methods is proposed. The model allows researchers to examine construct validity over time and to study the change and stability of constructs and method effects based on ordinal response variables. We show how Bayesian estimation techniques can address a number of important issues that typically arise in longitudinal multilevel MTMM studies and facilitates the estimation of the model presented. Estimation accuracy and the impact of between‐ and within‐level sample sizes as well as different prior specifications on parameter recovery were investigated in a Monte Carlo simulation study. Findings indicate that the parameters of the model presented can be accurately estimated with Bayesian estimation methods in the case of low convergent validity with as few as 250 clusters and more than two observations within each cluster. The model was applied to well‐being data from a longitudinal MTMM study, assessing the change and stability of life satisfaction and subjective happiness in young adults after high‐school graduation. Guidelines for empirical applications are provided and advantages and limitations of a Bayesian approach to estimating longitudinal multilevel MTMM models are discussed.  相似文献   

A new class of parametric models that generalize the multivariate probit model and the errors-in-variables model is developed to model and analyze ordinal data. A general model structure is assumed to accommodate the information that is obtained via surrogate variables. A hybrid Gibbs sampler is developed to estimate the model parameters. To obtain a rapidly converged algorithm, the parameter expansion technique is applied to the correlation structure of the multivariate probit models. The proposed model and method of analysis are demonstrated with real data examples and simulation studies.  相似文献   

A novel method for the maximum likelihood estimation of structural equation models (SEM) with both ordinal and continuous indicators is introduced using a flexible multivariate probit model for the ordinal indicators. A full information approach ensures unbiased estimates for data missing at random. Exceeding the capability of prior methods, up to 13 ordinal variables can be included before integration time increases beyond 1 s per row. The method relies on the axiom of conditional probability to split apart the distribution of continuous and ordinal variables. Due to the symmetry of the axiom, two similar methods are available. A simulation study provides evidence that the two similar approaches offer equal accuracy. A further simulation is used to develop a heuristic to automatically select the most computationally efficient approach. Joint ordinal continuous SEM is implemented in OpenMx, free and open-source software.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a general approach to accounting for individual differences in the extreme response style in statistical models for ordered response categories. This approach uses a hierarchical ordinal regression modeling framework with heterogeneous thresholds structures to account for individual differences in the response style. Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for Bayesian inference for models with heterogeneous thresholds structures are discussed in detail. A simulation and two examples based on ordinal probit models are given to illustrate the proposed methodology. The simulation and examples also demonstrate that failing to account for individual differences in the extreme response style can have adverse consequences for statistical inferences.The author is grateful to Ulf Böckenholt, an associate editor, and three anonymous reviewers for helpful comments, and Kristine Kuhn and Kshiti Joshi for providing the data.  相似文献   

Maximum likelihood estimation of mixed effect baseline category logit models for multinomial longitudinal data can be prohibitive due to the integral dimension of the random effects distribution. We propose to use multidimensional unfolding methodology to reduce the dimensionality of the problem. As a by-product, readily interpretable graphical displays representing change are obtained. The methodology can be applied to both nominal and ordinal response variables. Relationships to standard statistical models for multinomial data are presented. Several empirical examples are given to show the merits of the proposed modeling framework.  相似文献   

Composite links and exploded likelihoods are powerful yet simple tools for specifying a wide range of latent variable models. Applications considered include survival or duration models, models for rankings, small area estimation with census information, models for ordinal responses, item response models with guessing, randomized response models, unfolding models, latent class models with random effects, multilevel latent class models, models with log-normal latent variables, and zero-inflated Poisson models with random effects. Some of the ideas are illustrated by estimating an unfolding model for attitudes to female work participation. We wish to thank The Research Council of Norway for a grant supporting our collaboration.  相似文献   

Two different item response theory model frameworks have been proposed for the assessment and control of response styles in rating data. According to one framework, response styles can be assessed by analysing threshold parameters in Rasch models for ordinal data and in mixture‐distribution extensions of such models. A different framework is provided by multi‐process item response tree models, which can be used to disentangle response processes that are related to the substantive traits and response tendencies elicited by the response scale. In this tutorial, the two approaches are reviewed, illustrated with an empirical data set of the two‐dimensional ‘Personal Need for Structure’ construct, and compared in terms of multiple criteria. Mplus is used as a software framework for (mixed) polytomous Rasch models and item response tree models as well as for demonstrating how parsimonious model variants can be specified to test assumptions on the structure of response styles and attitude strength. Although both frameworks are shown to account for response styles, they differ on the quantitative criteria of model selection, practical aspects of model estimation, and conceptual issues of representing response styles as continuous and multidimensional sources of individual differences in psychological assessment.  相似文献   

In this paper I present a class of discrete choice models for ordinal response variables based on a generalization of the stereotype model. The stereotype model can be derived and generalized as a random utility model for ordered alternatives. Random utility models can be specified to account for heteroscedastic and correlated utilities. In the case of the generalized stereotype model this includes category-specific random effects due to individual differences in response style. But unlike standard random utility models the generalized stereotype model is better suited for ordinal response variables and can be interpreted as a kind of unidimensional unfolding model. This paper discusses the specification, interpretation, identification, and estimation of generalized stereotype models. Two applications are provided for illustration. This paper benefited significantly from the comments and suggestions of the editor, associate editor, and three anonymous reviewers. It is dedicated to my late colleague, peer, and friend Bradley D. Crouch.  相似文献   

Previous work on a general class of multidimensional latent variable models for analysing ordinal manifest variables is extended here to allow for direct covariate effects on the manifest ordinal variables and covariate effects on the latent variables. A full maximum likelihood estimation method is used to estimate all the model parameters simultaneously. Goodness‐of‐fit statistics and standard errors are discussed. Two examples from the 1996 British Social Attitudes Survey are used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

The paper proposes a full information maximum likelihood estimation method for modelling multivariate longitudinal ordinal variables. Two latent variable models are proposed that account for dependencies among items within time and between time. One model fits item‐specific random effects which account for the between time points correlations and the second model uses a common factor. The relationships between the time‐dependent latent variables are modelled with a non‐stationary autoregressive model. The proposed models are fitted to a real data set.  相似文献   

Two models for the analysis of longitudinal binary data are discussed: the marginal model and the random intercepts model. In contrast to the linear mixed model (LMM), the two models for binary data are not subsumed under a single hierarchical model. The marginal model provides group-level information whereas the random intercepts model provides individual-level information including information about heterogeneity of growth. It is shown how a type of numerical averaging can be used with the random intercepts model to obtain group-level information, thus approximating individual and marginal aspects of the LMM. The types of inferences associated with each model are illustrated with longitudinal criminal offending data based on N = 506 males followed over a 22-year period. Violent offending indexed by official records and self-report were analyzed, with the marginal model estimated using generalized estimating equations and the random intercepts model estimated using maximum likelihood. The results show that the numerical averaging based on the random intercepts can produce prediction curves almost identical to those obtained directly from the marginal model parameter estimates. The results provide a basis for contrasting the models and the estimation procedures and key features are discussed to aid in selecting a method for empirical analysis.  相似文献   

An ordinally‐observed variable is a variable that is only partially observed through an ordinal surrogate. Although statistical models for ordinally‐observed response variables are well known, relatively little attention has been given to the problem of ordinally‐observed regressors. In this paper I show that if surrogates to ordinally‐observed covariates are used as regressors in a generalized linear model then the resulting measurement error in the covariates can compromise the consistency of point estimators and standard errors for the effects of fully‐observed regressors. To properly account for this measurement error when making inferences concerning the fully‐observed regressors, I propose a general modelling framework for generalized linear models with ordinally‐observed covariates. I discuss issues of model specification, identification, and estimation, and illustrate these with examples.  相似文献   

Until recently, item response models such as the factor analysis model for metric responses, the two‐parameter logistic model for binary responses and the multinomial model for nominal responses considered only the main effects of latent variables without allowing for interaction or polynomial latent variable effects. However, non‐linear relationships among the latent variables might be necessary in real applications. Methods for fitting models with non‐linear latent terms have been developed mainly under the structural equation modelling approach. In this paper, we consider a latent variable model framework for mixed responses (metric and categorical) that allows inclusion of both non‐linear latent and covariate effects. The model parameters are estimated using full maximum likelihood based on a hybrid integration–maximization algorithm. Finally, a method for obtaining factor scores based on multiple imputation is proposed here for the non‐linear model.  相似文献   

The analysis of continuous hierarchical data such as repeated measures or data from meta‐analyses can be carried out by means of the linear mixed‐effects model. However, in some situations this model, in its standard form, does pose computational problems. For example, when dealing with crossed random‐effects models, the estimation of the variance components becomes a non‐trivial task if only one observation is available for each cross‐classified level. Pseudolikelihood ideas have been used in the context of binary data with standard generalized linear multilevel models. However, even in this case the problem of the estimation of the variance remains non‐trivial. In this paper, we first propose a method to fit a crossed random‐effects model with two levels and continuous outcomes, borrowing ideas from conditional linear mixed‐effects model theory. We also propose a crossed random‐effects model for binary data combining ideas of conditional logistic regression with pseudolikelihood estimation. We apply this method to a case study with data coming from the field of psychometrics and study a series of items (responses) crossed with participants. A simulation study assesses the operational characteristics of the method.  相似文献   

Behavior analysis and statistical inference have shared a conflicted relationship for over fifty years. However, a significant portion of this conflict is directed toward statistical tests (e.g., t‐tests, ANOVA) that aggregate group and/or temporal variability into means and standard deviations and as a result remove much of the data important to behavior analysts. Mixed‐effects modeling, a more recently developed statistical test, addresses many of the limitations of more basic tests by incorporating random effects. Random effects quantify individual subject variability without eliminating it from the model, hence producing a model that can predict both group and individual behavior. We present the results of a generalized linear mixed‐effects model applied to single‐subject data taken from Ackerlund Brandt, Dozier, Juanico, Laudont, & Mick, 2015, in which children chose from one of three reinforcers for completing a task. Results of the mixed‐effects modeling are consistent with visual analyses and importantly provide a statistical framework to predict individual behavior without requiring aggregation. We conclude by discussing the implications of these results and provide recommendations for further integration of mixed‐effects models in the analyses of single‐subject designs.  相似文献   

Different latent variable models have been used to analyze ordinal categorical data which can be conceptualized as manifestations of an unobserved continuous variable. In this paper, we propose a unified framework based on a general latent variable model for the comparison of treatments with ordinal responses. The latent variable model is built upon the location-scale family and is rich enough to include many important existing models for analyzing ordinal categorical variables, including the proportional odds model, the ordered probit-type model, and the proportional hazards model. A flexible estimation procedure is proposed for the identification and estimation of the general latent variable model, which allows for the location and scale parameters to be freely estimated. The framework advances the existing methods by enabling many other popular models for analyzing continuous variables to be used to analyze ordinal categorical data, thus allowing for important statistical inferences such as location and/or dispersion comparisons among treatments to be conveniently drawn. Analysis on real data sets is used to illustrate the proposed methods.  相似文献   

Two‐level structural equation models with mixed continuous and polytomous data and nonlinear structural equations at both the between‐groups and within‐groups levels are important but difficult to deal with. A Bayesian approach is developed for analysing this kind of model. A Markov chain Monte Carlo procedure based on the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis‐Hasting algorithm is proposed for producing joint Bayesian estimates of the thresholds, structural parameters and latent variables at both levels. Standard errors and highest posterior density intervals are also computed. A procedure for computing Bayes factor, based on the key idea of path sampling, is established for model comparison.  相似文献   

For structural equation models (SEMs) with categorical data, correlated measurement residuals are not easily implemented. The problem lies mainly in the absence of a categorical analogue to the multivariate normal distribution and the absence of closed form formulas in SEMs for categorical data. We present a novel technique to handle measurement residuals that keeps the attractive SEM mainframe intact yet adds flexibility in dependence modeling without excessive computational burden. The technique is based upon the concept of copula functions and is introduced with a data set of ordinal responses originating from a contextualized personality study on aggression. Focus is on models arising in a multitrait-multimethod context, where the flexibility in dependence structures allows for method effects that can vary across the latent trait dimension. The empirical application illustrates that ignoring design-implied correlated measurement residuals can potentially influence study results and conclusions in both a quantitative as well as a qualitative way. Model parameter estimates can be biased, but more important, model inferences can be heavily distorted.  相似文献   

Ideal-points are widely used to model choices when preferences are single-peaked. Ideal-point choice models have been typically estimated at the individual-level, or have been based on the assumption that ideal-points are normally distributed over the population of choice makers. We propose two probabilistic ideal-point choice models for the external analysis of preferences that allow for more flexible multimodal distributions of ideal-points, thus acknowledging the existence of subpopulations with distinct preferences. The first model extends the ideal-point probit model for heterogeneous preferences to accommodate a mixture of multivariate normal distributions of ideal-points. The second model assumes that ideal-points are uniformly distributed within finite ranges of the attribute space, leading to a more simplistic formulation and a more flexible distribution. The two models are applied to simulated and actual choice data, and compared to the ideal-point probit model.This research was funded by the Dean's Fund for Faculty Research of the Owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt University.  相似文献   

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