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The current study focused on analyzing steering control of the drivers during a car-following situation under increasing time pressure conditions. A driving simulator experiment was conducted on ninety-two participants to assess steering performance measures. Five different steering control measures: Variability in Steering Angle (VSA), Steering Reversal Rate (SRR), Steering Speed (SS), Stability of Steering Control (SSC), and Maximum Steering Swerve (MSS) were examined under No Time Pressure (NTP), Low Time Pressure (LTP), and High Time Pressure (HTP) driving conditions. Repeated measures ANOVA (for continuous data) and Friedman’s test (count data) with post-hoc analysis and Generalized Estimating Equation (GEE) modeling technique were used to investigate the influence of time pressure and different predictor variables. The statistical analysis showed that time pressure driving conditions significantly affected steering control of the drivers. The pairwise comparison of time pressure conditions revealed that HTP significantly affected most of the steering control measures as compared to LTP. Further, a GEE model also exhibited similar results where steering control measures were substantially influenced by HTP as compared to LTP. Moreover, in addition to time pressure conditions, demographic characteristics showed significant influence on steering control measures. The GEE model results showed that female drivers performed 13% more steering corrections (5° SRR) which led to better SSC by 124.44% than male drivers. Additionally, it was discovered that young-aged and experienced drivers took extra steering efforts to control lateral position of the vehicle by increasing 53.50% SS and 1% SRR compared to middle-aged and inexperienced drivers. The findings from the current study revealed that drivers undergo fast and abrupt steering maneuvers under time pressure conditions. The research approach demonstrated in the current study can be beneficial to discriminate minimum requirement of steering efforts and set-up threshold values for various steering evasion techniques to control and maintain safe lateral position during car-following maneuvers.  相似文献   

The present study compared two distinct approaches to designing driving assistance devices. These devices aim to facilitate steering responses by delivering directional pulses on the steering wheel when lane departure is imminent. In one case, the aim is to prime the corrective gesture through a haptic cue in the direction of the lane centre (motor priming). The other approach consists of eliciting a compensatory reflex reaction by means of a jerk of the steering wheel in the opposite direction. Central to this investigation are the safety benefits of the devices and the ability of drivers to remain in full control of their steering responses. The steering behaviour of 18 participants during near lane departure in bends and in straight lines was analysed. The strength and direction of haptic cueing was manipulated. The results show that drivers were always able to control the direction of the steering response when the haptic cue was delivered. No reflex counteraction was observed, whatever the strength or the direction of the stimulus. The fastest responses were observed when the cue was directed toward lane departure, especially when cueing was strong. However, these did not necessarily lead to the fastest returns to a safe position in the lane when compared with motor priming toward the lane centre. The latter yielded improved manoeuvre execution as soon as the steering movement was initiated. These results are discussed in relation to the sensorimotor and cognitive processes involved in steering behaviour. Their implications for the design of haptic-based lane departure warning systems are considered.  相似文献   

Detailed quantitative models are required to investigate the neurological basis of motor behavior. Previous studies of visually guided manual tracking have either identified a variety of control signals (cues) for planning tracking movements or analyzed how a single cue is used (i.e., one-tracking strategy). A systematic, quantitative analysis of the effects and interactions of cues in terms of human manual-tracking performance is presented here together with measurements of concomitant eye movements. These measurements help define the routes by which information reaches the CNS, and the analysis elucidates how the control signals are processed and combined. The results quantify not only the large improvement in performance observed when the target waveform being tracked is predictable but also the extent to which this improvement depends on the availability of current information about target movements and positional error. Target information is shown to provide short-term prediction independent of the error signals used in on-line negative feedback control.  相似文献   

A two-point visual control model of steering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Salvucci DD  Gray R 《Perception》2004,33(10):1233-1248
When steering down a winding road, drivers have been shown to use both near and far regions of the road for guidance during steering. We propose a model of steering that explicitly embodies this idea, using both a 'near point' to maintain a central lane position and a 'far point' to account for the upcoming roadway. Unlike control models that integrate near and far information to compute curvature or more complex features, our model relies solely on one perceptually plausible feature of the near and far points, namely the visual direction to each point. The resulting parsimonious model can be run in simulation within a realistic highway environment to facilitate direct comparison between model and human behavior. Using such simulations, we demonstrate that the proposed two-point model is able to account for four interesting aspects of steering behavior: curve negotiation with occluded visual regions, corrective steering after a lateral drift, lane changing, and individual differences.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the effects of visual roll tilt on gaze and riding behavior when negotiating a bend using a motorcycle simulator. To this end, experienced motorcyclists rode along a track with a series of right and left turns whilst the degree of visual roll tilt was manipulated in three different conditions. Gaze behavior was analyzed by using the tangent point as a dynamic spatial reference; the deviation of gaze to this particular point was computed in both the horizontal and vertical directions. Steering control was assessed in terms of the lateral positioning, steering stability and number of lane departures. In the no-roll condition, the motorcyclists tracked a steering point on the road ahead, which was compatible with the hypothesis of “steer where you look” behavior. In the roll condition, our results revealed that the horizontal distribution of gaze points relative to the tangent point was preserved. However, significantly more fixations were made further ahead of the tangent point in the vertical direction. This modification of visual behavior was coupled with a degradation in steering stability and an offset in lateral positioning, which sometimes led to lane departures. These results are discussed with regard to models of visual control of steering for bend negotiation.  相似文献   

The reaction times (RTs), movement times (MTs), and final accuracy of hand movements directed towards visual goals were measured in 6-, 8-, and 10-year-old children, using tasks in which direction and amplitude components of movement were distinctly required. The tasks were performed with and without visual feedback of the limb. RTs decreased with age, and were shorter in directional than in amplitude task, in all ages. MTs were the longest at age 8 in both tasks, equally short at ages 6 and 10 in the directional task, the shortest at age 10, and intermediate at age 6, when amplitude had to be regulated. In the amplitude task, the target distance generally affected MTs under both visual conditions, but to a lower degree at age 10 than in the two younger groups. Movement accuracy, which was in all cases higher with visual feedback, showed different developmental trends among the two spatial components: directional accuracy was not different among the three groups of age, whereas amplitude accuracy showed a nonmonotonic development in the nonvisual condition, with an increase between age 6 and age 10, and the lowest level at age 8. In the visual condition, amplitude accuracy did not change with age. The specification of direction seems therefore to predominantly load the preparatory stage of the response. Amplitude specification seems to be more dependent on on-going regulations and to undergo a longer and more complex development, with a critical period around age 8 when a greater propensity for a feedback-based control appears on the two components. With increasing age, amplitude tends to be specific to a greater extent by a feedforward process.  相似文献   

Expertise effects in music were studied in a new task: the construction of mental representations from separate fragments. Groups of expert musicians and non-musicians were asked to recall note patterns presented visually note by note. Skill-level, musical well-formedness of the note patterns and presentation mode were varied. The musicians recalled note patterns better than the non-musicians, even though the presentation was visual and successive. Furthermore, only musicians' performance was affected by musical well-formedness of the note patterns when visual gestalt properties, verbal rehearsability, and familiarity of the stimuli were controlled. Musicians were also able to use letter names referring to notes as efficiently as visual notes, which indicates that the better recall of musicians cannot be explained by perceptual visual chunking. These results and the effect of skill level on the distribution of recall errors indicate that the ability to chunk incoming information into meaningful units does not require that complete familiar patterns are accessible to encoding processes, yet previous knowledge stored in long-term memory affects representation construction in working memory. The present method offers a new reliable tool, and its implications to the research on construction of representations and musical imagery are discussed.  相似文献   

Experienced drivers performed simple steering maneuvers in the absence of continuous visual input. Experiments conducted in a driving simulator assessed drivers' performance of lane corrections during brief visual occlusion and examined the visual cues that guide steering. The dependence of steering behavior on heading, speed, and lateral position at the start of the maneuver was measured. Drivers adjusted steering amplitude with heading and performed the maneuver more rapidly at higher speeds. These dependencies were unaffected by a 1.5-s visual occlusion at the start of the maneuver. Longer occlusions resulted in severe performance degradation. Two steering control models were developed to account for these findings. In the 1st, steering actions were coupled to perceptual variables such as lateral position and heading. In the 2nd, drivers pursued a virtual target in the scene. Both models yielded behavior that closely matches that of human drivers.  相似文献   

Current theories of dual visual systems suggest that color is processed in a ventral cortical stream that eventually gives rise to visual awareness but is only indirectly involved in visuomotor control mediated by the dorsal stream. If the dorsal stream is indeed less sensitive to color than the ventral stream, color stimuli blocked from awareness by visual masking should also be blocked from guiding fast motor responses. In this study, pointing movements to one of two isoluminant color targets were preceded by consistent or inconsistent color primes. Trajectories were strongly affected by priming, with kinematics implying a continuous flow of color information into executive brain areas while the finger was already moving. Motor effects were more sensitive to color of the primes than were deliberate attempts to identify the primes in forced-choice tasks based on visual awareness. Priming was observed even when masking was complete.  相似文献   

The effects of gaze eccentricity on the steering of an automobile were studied. Drivers performed an attention task while attempting to drive down the middle of a straight road in a simulation. Steering was biased in the direction of fixation, and deviation from the center of the road was proportional to the gaze direction until saturation at approximately 15 degrees gaze-angle from straight ahead. This effect remains when the position of the head was controlled and a reverse-steering task was used. Furthermore, the effect was not dependent on speed but reversed when the forward movement of the driver was removed from the simulation. Thus, small deviations in a driver's gaze can lead to significant impairments of the ability to drive a straight course.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that angular errors in visually directed pointing, in which an unseen target is pointed to after its direction has been seen, are attributed to the difference between the locations of the visual and kinesthetic egocentres. Experiment 1 showed that in three of four cases, angular errors in visually directed pointing equaled those in kinesthetically directed pointing, in which a visual target was pointed to after its direction had been felt. Experiment 2 confirmed the results of experiment 1 for the targets at two different egocentric distances. Experiment 3 showed that when the kinesthetic egocentre was used as the reference of direction, angular errors in visually directed pointing equaled those in visually directed reaching, in which an unseen target is reached after its location has been seen. These results suggest that in the visually and the kinesthetically directed pointing, the egocentric directions represented in the visual space are transferred to the kinesthetic space and vice versa.  相似文献   

In the absence of visual supervision, tilting the head sideways gives rise to deviations in spatially defined arm movements. The purpose of this study was to determine whether these deviations are restricted to situations with impoverished visual information. Two experiments were conducted in which participants were positioned supine and reproduced with their unseen index finger a 2 dimensional figure either under visual supervision or from memory (eyes closed). In the former condition, the figure remained visible (using a mirror). In the latter condition, the figure was first observed and then reproduced from memory. Participants' head was either aligned with the trunk or tilted 30° towards the left or right shoulder. In experiment 1, participants observed first the figure with the head straight and then reproduced it with the head either aligned or tilted sideways. In Experiment 2, participants observed the figure with the head in the position in which the figure was later reproduced. Results of Experiment 1 and 2 showed deviations of the motor reproduction in the direction opposite to the head in both the memory and visually-guided conditions. However, the deviations decreased significantly under visual supervision when the head was tilted left. In Experiment 1, the perceptual visual bias induced by head tilt was evaluated. Participants were required to align the figure parallel to their median trunk axis. Results revealed that the figure was perceived as parallel with the trunk when it was actually tilted in the direction of the head. Perceptual and motor responses did not correlate. Therefore, as long as visual feedback of the arm is prevented, an internal bias, likely originating from head/trunk representation, alters hand-motor production irrespectively of whether visual feedback of the figure is available or not.  相似文献   

Surprisingly few quantitative studies have addressed the question of whether visually impaired individuals evidence, perhaps in compensation for their loss of vision, increased acuteness in their other senses. In this experiment we sought to determine whether blind subjects outperform sighted subjects on a number of basic tests of chemosensory function. Over 50 blind and 75 sighted subjects were administered the following olfactory and gustatory tests: the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test (UPSIT); a 16-item odor discrimination test; and a suprathreshold taste test in which measures of taste-quality identification and ratings of the perceived intensity and pleasantness of sucrose, citric acid, sodium chloride, and caffeine were obtained. In addition, 39 blind subjects and 77 sighted subjects were administered a single staircase phenyl ethyl alcohol (PEA) odor detection threshold test. Twenty-three of the sighted subjects were employed by the Philadelphia Water Department and trained to serve on its water quality evaluation panel. The primary findings of the study were that (a) the blind subjects did not outperform sighted subjects on any test of chemosensory function and (b) the trained subjects significantly outperformed the other two groups on the odor detection, odor discrimination, and taste identification tests, and nearly outperformed the blind subjects on the UPSIT. The citric acid concentrations received larger pleasantness ratings from the trained panel members than from the blind subjects, whose ratings did not differ significantly from those of the untrained sighted subjects. Overall, the data imply that blindness, per se, has little influence on chemosensory function and add further support to the notion that specialized training enhances performance on a number of chemosensory tasks.  相似文献   

The purpose of this exploratory study was to determine the influence of coactors on the running performance of 13 visually impaired individuals. There was no significant difference for visually impaired sprint runners running alone and with a coactor. The "mere presence" of a coactor was not enough for social facilitation to occur when visual evaluation was not present.  相似文献   

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