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In this review essay, I provide a summary of the basic tenets of Stuart A. Pizer's book, Building Bridges: The Negotiation of Paradox in Psychoanalysis. Focusing on the concepts of negotiation, paradox, and potential space, he privileges them as constituting the basic structure and process of the analytic relationship. Therapeutic action resides specifically in the analyst's optimizing of the potential space within which intrapsychic and interpersonal negotiation can occur. Negotiating paradox is a uniquely human capacity, difficult to sustain, but essential for a “distributed” self, one that is decentered and dynamic rather than disassociated. Pizer extends the reach of these concepts by developing them in relation to gender, evolution, species, and mediation. He also considers that which is nonnegotiable, a relational property between analyst and patient, at the brink of which deep analysis occurs. The book, with its elegant theoretical model and clinically useful tool, provides a rich potential space within which I was able to engage fruitfully.  相似文献   

Does gender make a difference in the way politicians speak and are spoken to in public? This paper examines perspective in three television interviews and two radio interviews with Bill Clinton in June 2004 and in three television interviews and two radio interviews with Hillary Clinton in June 2003 with the same interviewers. Our perspectival approach assumes that each utterance has a dialogically constructed point of view. Earlier research has shown that markers of conceptual orality and literacy as well as referencing (name and pronoun use for self and other reference) do reflect perspective. This paper asks whether perspective is gendered. Our data analysis demonstrates that some markers of perspective show gender differences while others do not. Those that do include the number of syllables spoken by each interlocutor, referencing, the use of the intensifier so, the use of the hedge you know, the use of non-standard pronunciations, turn transitions, and lastly the use of laughter.  相似文献   

As persons whose careers depend upon the support of the public, politicians by definition are required to be concerned with the management of their public impressions. This research considers the impact of a politician's sex on citizens' evaluations following alleged transgressions. The study uses an experimental design to test how the sex of the politician affects the acceptability of various accounts following transgressions. The interaction of sex with the nature of the offense and the type of account offered is examined. Analysis suggests that sex, type of account, and type of transgression affect citizens' evaluations although not always in obvious or direct ways. Most significantly, the analysis shows that women are not judged more harshly than men when involved in a transgression.  相似文献   

This two‐part essay offers a critical assessment of Hillman's archetypal psychology and enquires into its viability as a psychological model. The first part explores his legacy and reviews the metapsychological frame in which his work operates. It considers the relation between his thought and Jung's, and argues that Hillman's work is not so much post‐Jungian as pre‐Jungian. The second part is primarily intrapsychic; it explores Hillman's character, as discerned through his writings and interviews, and considers his work as an expression of the puer aeternus. It is argued that the puer prefers to live in an eternal dream‐state resistant to growing up: yet denial of the maturational impulse will only lead to it happening anyway but in a negative form. The paper considers how Hillman's model was ‘unmade’ by the missing developmental element of his thought. Development is an archetypal and bio‐psychological necessity, and if rejected it can ruin any system that refuses to take it seriously. In Hillman's case this manifested in the form of a repressed masculine shadow, destroying the credibility of his earlier work. The two‐part paper attempts to weave an objective appraisal with a running commentary based on the author's personal engagement with the man and his work.  相似文献   

I detest the man who is the object of your study: as far as a single individual can be responsible for the misery of this part of the world, he surely is [Freud on Woodrow Wilson, 1920].  相似文献   

Leadership images are built collectively by leaders and their relevantconstituencies—elected officials, the news media, and the public. The process of buildingleadership image rests on prior expectations about the leader, policy outputs, the course ofevents, and the disposition of political resources. In building images of leadership, each of thethree constituencies puts more weight on some aspects of image-building than on others: Thepublic sees the president primarily in terms of his previous behavior, the media view thepresident through the lens of immediate events, and other elected officials focus on politicalresources. One of the president's most important resources is his public image. It can helphim to maintain the loyalty of other officials, which in turn contributes to balanced newscoverage, even in times of crisis. President Clinton was able to preserve his public image throughthe impeachment debacle in large part because of low public expectations about his personalmoral behavior and satisfaction with his economic leadership. Conversely, President Nixon wasforced to resign because of high public expectations about his personal probity anddisappointment with his management of the economy.  相似文献   


Patterns in physics and psychology are often related. This paper examines such relations on two levels. First, a survey is made of the various possible relations between physics and psychology and, secondly, a series of analogies between patterns in modern physics and cognition is presented. The analogies pertain both to the theory of relativity (both special and general) and to quantum mechanics. While the different analogies noted are argued for independently from one another, together they do present some unified patterns. It is argued that the analogies may be useful in opening up avenues for new conceptual bameworks in psychology. In particular, they are linked to a possible critique of the representational view of mind.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to investigate the performance of children of different ages on an analogymaking task involving semantic analogies in which there are competing semantic matches. We suggest that this can best be studied in terms of developmental changes in executive functioning. We hypothesize that the selection of common relational structure requires the inhibition of other salient features, in particular semantically related matches. Our results show that children's performance in classic A ∶ B ∶∶ C ∶ D analogy-making tasks seems to depend crucially on the nature of the distractors and the association strength between both the A and B terms and the C and D terms. These results agree with an analogy-making account (Richland, Morrison, & Holyoak, 2006) based on different limitations in executive functioning at different ages.  相似文献   

Many tasks (e.g., solving algebraic equations and running errands) require the execution of several component processes in an unconstrained order. The research reported here uses the geometric analogy task as a paradigm case for studying the ordering of component processes in this type of task. In solving geometric analogies by applying mental transformations such as rotate, change size, and add a part, the order of performing the transformations is unconstrained and does not in principle affect solution accuracy. Nevertheless, solvers may bring cognitive constraints with them to the analogy task that influence the ordering of the transformations. First, we demonstrate that solvers have a preferred order for performing mental transformations during analogy solution. We then investigate three classes of explanations for the preferred order, one based on general information processing considerations, another based on task-specific considerations, and a third based on individual differences in analogy ability. In the first and third experiments, college students solved geometric analogies requiring two or three transformations and indicated the order in which they performed the transformations. There was close agreement on nearly the same order for both types of analogies. In the second experiment, subjects were directed to perform pairs of transformations in the preferred or unpreferred order. Both speed and accuracy were greater for the preferred orders, thus validating subjects' reported orders. Ability differences were observed for only the more difficult three-transformation problems: High- and middle-ability subjects agreed on an overall performance order, but the highs were more consistent in their use of this order. Low-ability subjects did not consistently order the transformations for these difficult problems. The general information processing factor examined was working-memory load. A number of task factors have been shown to affect working-memory load during the solution of inductive reasoning problems. Of these, we chose to examine process difficulty. Because analogies are solved in working memory, performing more difficult transformations earlier may reduce working-memory load and facilitate problem solution. However, the observed performance order was not correlated with transformation difficulty. The first task-specific factor considered was that some transformations may be identified earlier, possibly because of perceptual salience, and that the performance order follows the identification order.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

This research addresses the kinds of matching elements that determine analogical relatedness and literal similarity. Despite theoretical agreement on the importance of relational match, the empirical evidence is neither systematic nor definitive. In 3 studies, participants performed online evaluations of relatedness of sentence pairs that varied in either the object or relational match. Results show a consistent focus on relational matches as the main determinant of analogical acceptance. In addition, analogy does not require strict overall identity of relational concepts. Semantically overlapping but nonsynonymous relations were commonly accepted, but required more processing time. Finally, performance in a similarity rating task partly paralleled analogical acceptance; however, relatively more weight was given to object matches. Implications for psychological theories of analogy and similarity are addressed.  相似文献   

The present paper examines whether causal relations are necessary for the use of social analogies. Although causal relations increase the use of social analogies, it is not known whether they are necessary. Establishing this is important for understanding both analogical reasoning and learning in novel situations where people lack knowledge of the causal relations. Study 1 demonstrated that, in the absence of an explicit causal relation, as the similarity between a target individual and a previously encountered individual (the base) increased, people thought the target was increasingly likely to perform the same behavior as the base. Thus, a causal relation is not necessary. Two additional studies used asymmetries in similarity judgments to provide additional evidence that when reasoning analogically people relied on similarity. Manipulating whether subjects focused primarily on the target or the base completely reversed asymmetries both in judgments of how similar the target was to the base and in predictions of how likely the target was to perform the same behavior as the base. The asymmetries for similarity and prediction were completely parallel. Thus, in the absence of an explicit causal relation, use of the analogy was based on judgments of global similarity. The implications of these asymmetries in similarity judgments and predictions for other judgments, such as stereotyping, are also discussed.  相似文献   

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