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The aim of the present study was to examine preliminarily the validity of a Greek version of the 1995 Sport Motivation Scale of Pelletier, Fortier, Vallerand, Tuson, Briere, and Blais. For 134 athletes the seven subscales had moderate to good internal consistency (Cronbach coefficients alpha from .64 to .78). Confirmatory factor analysis with nested factor models supported the structural validity of the inventory. Moreover, correlations of scores on the subscales with a measure of task and ego orientation as well as with athletes' self-reported effort in training were in the expected direction.  相似文献   

The Sport Motivation Scale was developed in French and later translated into English and validated by Pelletier, et al. in 1995. It is based on the principles of self-determination theory. In this study the scale was translated into Spanish to assess and validate it for a sample of 275 athletes (78 women and 197 men) whose mean age was 21.3 yr. (SD=3.8) and who represented eight sports (track and field, tennis, swimming, waterpolo, soccer, basketball, handball, and volleyball). The Spanish version showed satisfactory internal consistency (Cronbach alpha of .70 to .80) and temporal stability (test-retest r = .69 to .74) over a 4-wk. period. A confirmatory factor analysis partially supported the seven-factor structure. Correlations among the subscales indicated a simplex pattern supporting the construct validity of the scale. Sex differences were found. Taken together, these findings support use of the Spanish version for assessment of motivation in sport.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to explore the relation between teacher expectations and student achievement in physical education classes, in the light of three complementary hypotheses. Student achievement may confirm teacher expectations because these expectations create self‐fulfilling prophecies, create perceptual biases, or accurately predict, without influencing, student achievement (Jussim, 1989 ). Another purpose was to examine the mediating role played by students' perceived ability in the teacher expectancy process. Study data were obtained from 173 students and 7 teachers. Path analysis revealed that teacher expectations have weak self‐fulfilling effects, strongly predicted student achievement mainly because they are accurate, and have no biasing effects on teacher judgements. Results also show evidence concerning the role of partial mediator of perceived student ability in the confirmation process of teacher expectations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Objectives: Based on recommendations from a recent review of self-determination theory (Vallerand, R. J. (1997). In: M. Zanna (Ed.), Advances in experimental social psychology (pp. 271–360). New York: Academic Press) the present study aimed to uncover the different motivational profiles in physical education. It was expected that at least two motivational profiles would emerge: a self-determined profile and a controlling motivation/amotivation profile.Design: Cross-sectional survey.Method: Questionnaires were administered to 428 British students, aged between 14 and 16 years, from two schools in the Northwest of England.Results: A cluster analysis produced three motivational profiles in the first school, which were replicated in the second school. The first was named the ‘self-determined profile’ because the students displayed high self-determined motivation, effort, enjoyment, and cooperative learning, and low controlling motivation, amotivation, boredom, and unequal recognition. The second profile was the ‘moderate motivation profile’ with moderate scores on all variables measured. The third was named the ‘controlling motivation/amotivation’ profile because the students demonstrated high controlling motivation, amotivation, boredom, and unequal recognition, and low self-determined motivation, effort, and enjoyment.Conclusions: The results demonstrate the importance of developing self-determination in physical education, as it is associated with desirable behavioural and affective outcomes.  相似文献   

The current investigation further validated the Economic, i.e., gambling, subscale of the Sport Fan Motivation Scale as subscale scores were highly correlated with both estimates of gambling frequency and estimates of money wagered by 91 college students.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to develop a measure of state anxiety for school physical education. The Physical Education State Anxiety Scale was designed to assess the basic anxiety dimensions plus the related cognitive processes. High school students (n = 631) completed the scale just prior to a test on two track and field tasks, in order to create a stressful condition. Data from the sample were randoml y split in two and subjected to exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, which supported the proposed three-factor structure of Worry, Cognitive Processes, and Somatic Anxiety. Internal consistency coefficients were acceptable. Moderate correlations among the subscale scores supported its construct validity. Results provide preliminary evidence for validity and reliability.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to report an investigation of attitudes toward physical education in a sample of primary school students and examine the predictive influence of students' sex, grades in physical education classes, and parents' education and socioeconomic status on students' attitudes. Participants, 963 (474 girls and 489 boys) primary school students from Grades 6 (12.7%), 7 (10.3%) and 8 (77%), completed the Wear Attitude Inventory. Analysis indicated students had positive scores on General Attitudes rather than on Social, Emotional, and Physical Attitudes. In addition, girls (M = 32.6, SD = 3.9) had more positive General Attitudes than boys (M = 32.0, SD = 4.6). Also, students' grades in physical education classes were statistically significantly related to their Attitudes toward physical education (Wilks lambda, F1,1110 = 2.88, p < .05). However, parents' education and socioeconomic status were not. One may infer that ways of encouraging more favorable attitudes might be planned.  相似文献   

We introduce a new nonverbal and unobtrusive measure to assess power motive activation, the Spatial Power Motivation Scale (SPMS). The unique features of this instrument are that it is (a) very simple and economical, (b) reliable and valid, and (c) sensitive to situational changes. Study 1 demonstrates the instrument's convergent and discriminant validity with explicit measures. Study 2 demonstrates the instrument's responsiveness to situational power motive salience: anticipating and winning competition versus losing competition and watching television. Studies 3 and 4 demonstrate that thoughts of competition result in higher power motivation specifically for individuals with a high dispositional power motive.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine differences in motivation with respect to physical education of students who participate in after-school sport clubs and students who do not. 247 secondary school students responded to scales assessing intrinsic motivation, outcome expectancies, perceived competence, and perceived usefulness of physical education. Analysis showed that students in after-school sports exhibited a more positive motivational pattern regarding physical education with intrinsic motivation, outcome expectancies, and perceived competence making unique contributions to the overall difference.  相似文献   

This study validated a German version of the Sport Motivation Scale (SMS28) and investigated the sex-specific and age-related differences in motivation of competitive mountain runners. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the SMS28 was based on translation and back-translation methodology. Acceptable validity of the German version of the SMS28 was indicated by the high correlations (.81 to .98) of scores on the seven subscales for the English and German versions completed by 15 subjects. Motivation analysis was performed with 127 competitive male and female mountain runners. The seven subscales of the German version showed good internal consistency (Cronbach's coefficient alphas .70 to .85). Findings on motivation of competitive mountain runners were a decline across age groups of Intrinsic motivation toward accomplishment for both sexes and an age-related decline of External regulation only for females. These motivational changes might well be associated with the observed diminishing numbers of older participants in mountain running competitions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the factorial validity of the 5-factor model of sport organizational effectiveness developed by Papadimitriou and Taylor. This questionnaire has 33 items which assess five composite effectiveness dimensions pertinent to the operation of sport organizations: calibre of the board and external liaisons, interest in athletes, internal procedures, long term planning, and sport science support. The multiple constituency approach was used as a theoretical framework for developing this scale. Data were obtained from respondents affiliated with 20 Greek national sport organizations with a questionnaire. Analysis indicated that the 5-factor model of effectiveness is workable in assessing the organizational performance of nonprofit sport organizations. The application of the multiple constituency approach in studying sport organizational effectiveness was also suggested.  相似文献   

This study qualitatively examined the motivationally relevant behaviors of key social agents in specializing sport participants. Seventy-nine participants (9–18 years old) from 26 sports participated in semi-structured focus groups investigating how coaches, parents, and peers may influence motivation. Using a critical-realist perspective, an inductive content analysis indicated that specializing athletes perceived a multitude of motivationally relevant social cues. Coaches’ and parents’ influences were related to their specific roles: instruction/assessment for coaches, support-and-facilitation for parents. Peers influenced motivation through competitive behaviors, collaborative behaviors, evaluative communications, and through their social relationships. The results help to delineate different roles for social agents in influencing athletes’ motivation.  相似文献   

竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠量表编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
殷小川  薛祖梅 《心理学报》2009,41(6):545-556
从竞技运动项目教练员工作特点和工作倦怠主题入手,以文献研究和已有相关问卷、量表为基础,结合半结构问卷调查和访谈所获得资料,编制竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠问卷。对514名竞技运动项目教练员进行了施测,并对测试数据进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析。探索性因素分析的结果表明,竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠主要表现在情绪衰竭、去个性化、个人成就感低、知识枯竭感4个方面;验证性因素分析结果表明,所提取的4个因素与构想模型拟合较好,编制的竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠量表的信度、效度均达到心理测量学上的要求,可以作为今后测量竞技运动项目教练员工作倦怠状况的工具。  相似文献   

This study explored dimensions of adult reading motivation and collected reliability and validity information for a measure that assesses individual differences in adult reading motivation. Reading engagement theory provided the basis for an initial pool of items. A factor analysis showed that four dimensions, (a) reading as part of the self, (b) reading efficacy, (c) reading for recognition, and (d) reading to do well in other realms, accounted for a substantial amount of the variance in reading motivation. An overall reading motivation scale of 21 items with subscales representing the four dimensions was created using items with high factor loadings. The internal consistency of the total reading motivation scale was good and the internal consistencies of the subscales were reasonable. The total scale and subscales predicted reading enjoyment and time spent reading. A better understanding of adult reading motivation may aid those who support adult readers.  相似文献   

This study characterizes the reading and writing motivations of kindergarten children. Four hundred fifty-one children participated in the study, answering questions measuring value, self-concept, and enjoyment of reading and writing. A factor analysis validated the conceptual motivational constructs. Findings indicate that kindergarten children have high motivation for both reading and writing, although scores for writing motivation were not as high as those for reading. Among the group studied, boys’ and girls’ motivational profiles are not markedly differentiated. Implications for future research and educational practices are discussed.  相似文献   

Intrusive thoughts (i.e., unwelcome, distressing, involuntary thoughts) are prevalent in a variety of clinical conditions and are increasingly a focus of translational research. The goal of this study was to develop and preliminarily examine a brief self-report measure designed to assess clinically relevant aspects of the experience of intrusive thoughts related to a particular target. The Experience of Intrusions Scale (EIS) is a five-item measure that assesses the frequency, unpredictability, and unwantedness of intrusive thoughts, as well as the interference and distress caused by the intrusions, each on a five-point Likert-type scale. Five times over a four-] period, female undergraduates (N=160) completed the EIS in response to intrusive thoughts regarding a film clip depicting a sexual assault. On the first and last days, participants completed the EIS five minutes after watching the clip. In between film clip viewings, participants completed the EIS once per day. The EIS demonstrated good internal consistency, good to excellent test-retest reliability using both immediate post-stimulus and 24-hour time intervals, and convergent validity with two existing measures of intrusive phenomena: the White Bear Suppression Inventory (Wegner & Zanakos, 1994) and the Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist-Civilian Version (Weathers, Litz, Herman, Huska, & Keane, 1993).  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to develop and validate a situational (or state) measure of motivation, the Situational Motivation Scale (SIMS). The SIMS is designed to assess the constructs of intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation (E. L. Deci & R. M. Ryan, 1985, 1991) in field and laboratory settings. Five studies were conducted to develop and validate the SIMS. Overall, results show that the SIMS is composed of 4 internally consistent factors. The construct validity of the scale is also supported by correlations with other constructs as postulated by current theories. Moreover, the SIMS is responsive to experimental induction as evidenced by data gathered through a laboratory study. In sum, the SIMS represents a brief and versatile self-report measure of situational intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation.  相似文献   

The current paper describes an analysis of the factor structure and convergent validity of the Error-Oriented Motivation Scale (EOMS). The EOMS is an attempt to validate a context-general and brief measure of error orientations theoretically similar to the Error Orientation Questionnaire (EOQ) written by (Rybowiak, Garst, Frese, and Batinic (1999)). Motivation theory, particularly approach/avoidance motives and goal theory, was chosen as a foundational model for the new EOMS measure, arguing that errors take on properties of goals when they occur by creating a discrepancy, which generates arousal and direction toward a solution. In this article, the factor structure of the EOMS is examined, as well as expected correlations with subscales of the EOQ. The discussion focuses on the advantages of the EOMS measure and suggestions for its further validation and use in applied settings.  相似文献   

Motivation for physical activity in children below the age of 12 years is a largely underrepresented issue in contemporary research. Although engagement in sufficient physical activity is highly important for children’s current and later health, relatively little is known of the factors that motivate children to be physically active. Various theories have been developed in an attempt to explain motivation toward physical activity in adults. Recent developments have focussed on integrating constructs of these theories in order to attain a comprehensive account of motivated behavior. The relationships between different motivational constructs have generally been investigated in healthy adolescents and adults.  相似文献   

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