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After a long time of growth current studies on representative samples of adolescents indicate that the number of adolescent cannabis users in Germany is possibly decreasing. However, it may be presumptuous to expect a similar trend concerning the number of clients with cannabis-related disorders. Even if there is in fact a downward trend which is not yet proven, the rapidly growing number of clients presenting with these disorders in recent years cannot be explained by a similar growth in the number of regular cannabis users. Treatment centres should therefore expect a further inreasing number of especially male adolescents and young adults seeking help for problems related to cannabis use. The development, evaluation and implementation of specific treatment options concerning cannabis use disorders will be increasingly needed in the future. Cognitive-behavioral and motivational interventions have been shown to be evidence-based treatments. The paper describes some promising or already successful treatment approaches and related research projects in Germany.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome is a common disorder that can be associated with significant disability and health care costs. Beyond it is the most common disease diagnosed by gastroenterologists. Diagnosis is based on typical complaints including abdominal pain, bloating, irregularities of bowel movements and defecation. The discussion of different etiopathogenetic models showed that irritable bowel syndrome is a biopsychosocial disorder in which psychosocial factors, altered motility and visceral hypersensitivity interact. When symptoms are moderate to severe and are associated with psychological distress and impaired quality of life, psychological treatments can be considered. Apart from symptomatic treatment with loperamide for diarrhoea and antidepressants for abdominal pain and comorbid psychological symptoms for example cognitive behavioral treatment, hypnotherapy, psychodynamic short-term psychotherapy and functional relaxation are being evaluated.  相似文献   

Messie ist abgeleitet von mess (englisch für Chaos, Unordnung). Betroffene, die als Messies bezeichnet werden, leiden darunter insbesondere im privaten Bereich keine zeitliche und / oder r?umliche Ordnung herstellen oder halten zu k?nnen. Eine eindeutige diagnostische Zuordnung ist bis jetzt nicht m?glich. Je nach Auspr?gungsgrad und Leidensdruck kommen verschiedene therapeutische Ma?nahmen zur Anwendung: Hilfestellung, Coaching, Selbsthilfegruppen, Psychotherapie (kognitive Verhaltenstherapie) und medikament?se Therapie (selektive Serotonin-Wiederaufnahmehemmer).  相似文献   

Das Antilogische     
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In 1995, the International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group (IRLSSG) developed the first consensus-based diagnostic criteria, which were revised in 2003. These criteria allowed the implementation of numerous epidemiological, pathophysiological, and therapeutic approval studies. To increase the specificity, the guidelines were augmented regarding differential diagnoses, clinical severity, and objective examination in 2012. RLS, one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide, is often misdiagnosed and greatly underdiagnosed. Symptomatic treatment with dopaminergic agents is standard treatment for primary RLS; however, opioids are also used.  相似文献   

Das Unbewusste     
In this paper I want to explore whether it is possible to establish a correlation between different levels of pathology and the distortions of some unconscious functions necessary for good mental functioning. My hypothesis is that mental health depends on the possibility to use an apparatus that allows us to contain and keep our emotions alive as well as to give meaning to them. This apparatus functions all the time, beyond individual consciousness. Some patients have this apparatus or have at least the potential to develop it whereas others, such as borderline and psychotic patients seem to be lacking it completely, hence the difficulty of analyzing these kinds of patients.  相似文献   

Julius Schaxel 《Erkenntnis》1930,1(1):467-492
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This paper intends to support the idea of homosexuality as an independent development. It shifts the attention to a complex which is described as the homosexual dilemma. It emerges regularly with the regression in homosexual men. In their analysis it forms the basis of the transference and is the core complex which is regarded to be an organizer of the usual male homosexual development: The mismatching between outlines representing the parental thought about the male baby and his actual identity. It is a specific dilemma within the reflexive identity processes in the basic homosexual development. It continues in later interactions and dominates a major part of the homosexual life. The way how this dilemma is solved determines the further development. If this is done successfully, the child will have the chance for a healthy homosexual life. If it turns out to fail, the final result will be a homosexual disturbance of identity, i.e. a pathological homosexuality. Reporting clinical examples it is shown how the homosexual dilemma finds its expression in the transference. The analyst is mainly used as a narcissistic self object. Mostly, he doesn’t become an object of sexual desire but a companion who promotes the stabilization of the homosexual identity by recognition.  相似文献   

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