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This paper reviews current debates and findings surrounding leadership in times of uncertainty as framed by the social identity theory of leadership. The past decade has witnessed reinvigorated social psychological research on leadership by focusing on the identity function of leadership, as well as group‐based and prototype‐based influences. This line of research overwhelmingly confirms that group prototypical leaders are preferred over less prototypical leaders. Integrating uncertainty‐identity theory, recent evidence illustrates self‐conceptual uncertainty can strengthen or weaken/negate the prototypical leader advantage. This novel line of research also demonstrates how and when uncertainty can alter perceptions of and preferences for different, and sometimes ‘nasty’ leaders—contradicting contemporary organizational behavior and leadership theories, which argue that people (almost always) prefer transformational, charismatic, or authentic leaders.  相似文献   

Three Avenues for Future Research on Creativity, Innovation, and Initiative   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
La créativité, l’innovation et l’initiative sont des processus psychologiques qui facilitent la transformation des rôles professionnels individuels, des équipes et des organisations en ce qui est souhaitable. Cet article est donc axé sur des orientations de recherche virtuelles de ce secteur de plus en plus important. Plus précisément, nous indiquons trois graves lacunes, à savoir la nécessité d’une plus grande différenciation des processus, d’une intégration des concepts et d’une analyse transculturelle. Tout d’abord, les différents antécédents potentiels de la créativité spécifique ou des phases de l’innovation ont bénéficié d’une attention insuffisante. Ensuite, la recherche sur la créativité et l’innovation peut être enrichie par une intégration des concepts de proactivité récemment développés telles que l’initiative personelle et la parole. Enfin, les différences transculturelles dans les valeurs, les orientations motivationnelles et les préférences relatives au leadership peuvent rendre compte de la façon dont la créativité et l’innovation sont mises en ?uvre et cultivées à travers le monde. Eu égard à chacun de ces futurs défis, nous faisons des suggestions pour des avancées théoriques et empiriques et discutons des développements virtuels pratiques et méthodologiques. Creativity, innovation, and initiative are psychological processes that facilitate the transformation of individual work roles, teams, and organisations into desired future states. Therefore, the present paper focuses on potential research trends in this increasingly important area. Specifically, we identify three substantive gaps reflecting the needs for greater process differentiation, concept integration, and cross‐cultural analysis. First, potential differential antecedents of specific creativity or innovation phases have received insufficient attention. Second, the creativity and innovation research domain may benefit from an integration of recently developed proactivity concepts such as personal initiative and voice behavior. Third, cross‐cultural differences in values, motivational orientations, and leadership preferences may determine how creativity and innovation are enacted and cultivated across the globe. With respect to each of these future challenges, we provide suggestions for theoretical and empirical advancements and discuss potential practical and methodological developments.  相似文献   

Shelby L. Langer 《Sex roles》2010,63(3-4):178-183
Interest in emotional expression is long-standing. Given well-established gender differences in expressivity, it is surprising that researchers have not consistently examined gender as a potential moderator of outcome in the context of experimental disclosure studies. This article comments on Range and Jenkins’ (2010) research recommendations in light of the suggestion that males evidence greater benefit of disclosure than females and three gender theories: gender schema theory, social role theory, and gender socialization theory. Further avenues for research are also presented, including the examination of gender differences in subjective, expressive and physiologic indicators of emotion during disclosure. Such data could elucidate mechanisms by which persons of different genders or persons with different schemata/ social roles/ socialization histories differ on pre/ post disclosure outcomes.  相似文献   

Skepticism regarding the importance of personality traits as predictors of organizational behavior criteria has given way to an appreciation of the broad array of work outcomes predicted by personality. This article considers the effects of the five‐factor model (‘Big Five’) personality traits on the following work outcomes: (1) job performance; (2) work motivation; (3) job attitudes; (4) leadership; (5) power, politics, and influence; (6) stress, adaptability, and coping; (7) team effectiveness; (8) counterproductive/deviant workplace behaviors; (9) workplace accidents; and (10) conflict and negotiation. Two contemporary criticisms of personality research in organizational behavior – that the validities are small and that faking undermines the usefulness of personality inventories in employment contexts – are then evaluated. Finally, a brief agenda for future research is provided which highlights needed areas of advancement.  相似文献   

This paper describes an instrument designed to assess the suicide potential of youth 14–18 years of age who are at risk for suicidal behaviors. A comprehensive measurement theory provides the basis for three central constructs in the Measure of Adolescent Potential for Suicide (MAPS): direct suicide risk factors, related risk factors, and protective factors. The MAPS entails an introductory questionnaire followed by a computer-assisted, structured interview. Two samples were used to examine psychometric properties of the MAPS (n = 43; n = 123). Results revealed generally strong validity (content, criterion, construct) and reliability (internal consistency) for the MAPS. Further verification studies with large and diverse samples are warranted.  相似文献   

Neurofibromatosis type 1(NF1) is a complex and variable inherited disorder. The complexity and variability present particular difficulty for genetic counseling. Thirty-three people with NF1 of reproductive age were interviewed about their experience of genetic counseling, their past reproductive behavior and future intentions. One third reported having had no genetic counseling or not having it until after their first child. In part, this may be due to delay in diagnosis but also indicates poor access to genetic services. Only three people had ever been offered prenatal genetic testing and only one had accepted. Although testing is still technically difficult, the greatest deterrent to uptake of prenatal testing for NF1 is the variability of the disorder. However, six of the 17 people planning future pregnancies would want a test with a view to termination if necessary. Others would welcome testing in order to be prepared but not to terminate. We discuss some of the factors which influence reproductive decision making for people with NF1 and some of the difficulties in genetic counseling in such a variable and complex disorder.  相似文献   

Research on the hypothesized relationship between sexual orientation and suicide is limited both in quantity and quality. National or statewide data on the frequency and causes of completed suicide in gay and lesbian people in the general population, including youth, do not exist. Similarly, national or statewide data on the frequency of suicide attempts among the general population or among gay and lesbian people, including youth, do not exist. Methodological limitations in the small research literature include a lack of consensus on definitions for key terms such as suicide attempt and sexual orientation, uncertain reliability and validity of measures for these terms, nonrepresentative samples, and a lack of appropriate nongay and/or nonclinical control groups for making accurate comparisons. These numerous methodological limitations prevent accurate conclusions about the role sexual orientation might play in suicidal behavior; the limitations also suggest opportunities for future research. Furthermore, recent evaluations of some school suicide-awareness programs suggest that these programs are ineffective and may actually have unintended negative effects. The premature dissemination of unproven programs is unwarranted.  相似文献   

Some researchers report that people who are more deeply involved in religion may be more obese, but other investigators have been unable to replicate these findings. The purpose of the current study was to examine the relationship between religious life and obesity with data from a recent nationwide survey, the Landmark Spirituality and Health Survey (N = 1,497). The core measure of religion is an anxious or insecure attachment to God. It is hypothesized that study participants with a more anxious attachment to God are more likely to be obese. However, it is further proposed that this relationship will only hold for study participants who receive little spiritual or emotional support from fellow church members. Spiritual support is assistance that is provided with the explicit purpose of bolstering the religious beliefs and behaviors of the recipient. The findings reveal that having an anxious attachment to God is associated with a greater risk of being obese, but this relationship becomes progressively weaker as the level of spiritual and emotional support increases.  相似文献   

This study validates the Sensitivity to Punishment and Sensitivity to Reward Questionnaire for children (SPSRQ-C), using a Dutch sample of 1234 children between 6–13 years old. Factor analysis determined that a 4-factor and a 5-factor solution were best fitting, explaining 41% and 50% of the variance respectively. The 4-factor model was highly similar to the original SPSRQ factors found in adults (Punishment Sensitivity, Reward Responsivity, Impulsivity/Fun-Seeking, and Drive). The 5-factor model was similar to the 4-factor model, with the exception of a subdivision of the Punishment Sensitivity factor into a factor with ‘social-fear’ items and a factor with ‘anxiety’ items. To determine external validity, scores of three groups of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) were compared on the EFA models: ADHD-only (n = 34), ADHD and autism spectrum disorder (ADHD+ASD; n = 22), ADHD and oppositional defiant disorder (ADHD+ODD; n = 22). All ADHD groups scored higher than typical controls on Reward Responsivity and on the ‘anxiety’ factor (n = 75). The ADHD-only and ADHD+ODD group scored higher than other groups on Impulsivity/Fun-Seeking and Drive, while the ADHD+ASD group scored higher on Punishment Sensitivity. The findings emphasize the value of the SPSRQ-C to quickly and reliably assess a child’s sensitivity to reinforcement, with the aim to provide individually-tailored behavioral interventions that utilize reward and reprimands.  相似文献   




Research on the use of autonomous vehicles as a mode of public transport in a city context is lacking. This paper focuses on the use of recently established autonomous buses (self-driving electric shuttle buses) running along a regular public transport line in a residential area of Oslo, Norway. We use a mixed-methods approach based on survey and interview data from two independent studies. The paper examines intentions to use autonomous buses before and after these were introduced in the case area as well as how passengers experience traveling by autonomous bus. Results show that the intention to use the autonomous buses was mostly positive both before and after using them. Most users felt safe while traveling by autonomous bus. Two suggestions for improvement made by the users were to: increase the speed and reduce the abrupt breaking of the autonomous buses. Overall, outcomes from this paper suggest that residents would be willing to use autonomous buses if these offer more frequent bus departures than the existing ones. However, as full automation has not been achieved yet and there is a host on board who can control the vehicle if necessary, passenger experiences and intentions to use should be reassessed with fully automated buses in future studies.  相似文献   

In 1994, Strathman, Gleicher, Boninger, and Edwards (1994) introduced the 12‐item consideration of future consequences scale to measure individual differences in the extent to which people base their decisions on the immediate versus future consequences of their actions. After tracing the origin and development of the CFC construct, theoretical models, including the awareness and concern models, buffering and susceptibility models, and an integrative model of CFC are outlined. Next, a narrative review of work examining the role of CFC within several outcome domains is presented, including research in the areas of health, financial, work, ethical, and environmental behaviors and decision‐making. Measurement issues including the dimensionality of the scale and adaptation to specific domains (e.g., healthy eating) are subsequently considered, and eight directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Ray  Travis N.  Parkhill  Michele R. 《Sex roles》2021,84(1-2):49-60

Within a social hierarchy based on sexual orientation, heteronormative ideology serves as a social force that maintains dominant group members’ status (e.g., heterosexual men). Disgust may be an emotional reaction to gay men’s violation of heteronormativity (i.e., same-sex sexual behavior) and motivate hostile attitudes toward gay men to promote interpersonal and intergroup boundaries. Based on this theoretical framework, we hypothesized that sexual disgust—compared to pathogen or moral disgust—would be most strongly associated with antigay hostility and would statistically mediate its relationship with heteronormativity. Heterosexual men in the United States (n?=?409) completed an online questionnaire assessing heteronormative ideology, disgust sensitivity, and hostile attitudes toward gay men. Results support the hypotheses and suggest that gay men’s sexual behavior is the most likely elicitor of disgust and antigay hostility, as opposed to a perceived pathogen threat or moral transgression. The findings indicate that heteronormative attitudes and sexual disgust are likely contributors to antigay hostility. Thus, intervention efforts should seek to improve tolerance of same-sex sexual behavior among heterosexual men, which may mitigate emotional reactions and hostile attitudes toward gay men.


《Media Psychology》2013,16(3):279-305
This paper considers the phenomenon of parasocial interaction (PSI) used by media researchers to describe the relationship between media users and media figures (from celebrities to fictional characters). Although the concept has been used consistently across the past two decades in media research, it is argued here that it has not been sufficiently developed at a theoretical level to be taken up by psychologists. A number of key issues have not been addressed: firstly, how PSI might, as its originators put it, be "integrated into the matrix of usual social activity" (Horton & Wohl, 1956); secondly, how PSI might vary according to different types of media figure; and thirdly, what processes over time and media use bind user and figure into a "parasocial relationship." In this paper the existing literature on PSI is extensively reviewed, and an original model of PSI is developed for use in future social psychological research, which places PSI within the realm of ordinary social interaction and suggests ways in which different media use and different types of media figure interact to produce different styles of relationship. Finally, some applications of more detailed research into PSI are suggested.  相似文献   

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