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A sample of 134 suicide attempters completed the Reasons for Attempting Suicide Questionnaire (RASQ). Maximum likelihood factor and principal components analyses confirmed the multidimensionality of the RASQ, with two-component and three-factor models each receiving support. Scales from these competing multidimensional RASQ models demonstrated adequate internal consistency reliability. For the two-component model, two previously developed scales demonstrated differential validity with suicide indices. It is concluded that the RASQ has at least two dimensions, and it is recommended that the RASQ be scored for two scales: Internal Perturbation-Based Reasons and Extrapunitive/Manipulative Motivations.  相似文献   

We wished to examine determinants of suicidal behavior in prisoners. 903 male prisoners had a psychiatric interview which included various psychometric tests. Suicide attempters were compared with prisoners who had never attempted suicide. Significantly more of the attempters had a history of psychiatric disorder, substance abuse, a family history of suicidal behavior, convictions for violent crime, had exhibited aggressive behavior in jail, and had higher BGLHA aggression scores. A similar pattern of risk factors was found for prisoners with suicidal ideation. A lifetime history of attempting suicide, or of having suicidal ideation, is frequent in prisoners. Risk factors include family, developmental, aggression, personality, psychiatric, and substance abuse factors.  相似文献   

In order to examine risk factors for attempting suicide in heroin dependent patients, a group of 527 abstinent opiate dependent patients had a psychiatric interview and completed the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire. Patients who had or had never attempted suicide were compared on putative suicide risk factors. It was found that 207 of the 527 heroin abusers (39.3%) had attempted suicide. Attempters were younger; more were female, reported childhood trauma, a family history of suicidal behavior, a history of aggression, treatment with antidepressant medication, and alcohol and cocaine dependence. Logistic regression revealed that a family history of suicidal behavior, alcohol dependence, cocaine dependence, and treatment with antidepressant medication were significant predictors of attempting suicide. These results suggest that attempting suicide is common among opiate dependent patients and that both distal and proximal risk factors may play a role.  相似文献   

Despite condemnation of same‐sex attraction by certain religious groups, few studies have explored the relationship between religion, same‐sex attraction, and suicidality. This study examined the moderating effect of same‐sex attraction on the relationship between parent/adolescent religiosity and suicide ideation/attempts in a suicidal adolescent sample (= 129). Linear and negative binomial regressions tested the effects of a two‐way dichotomous (same‐sex attraction, yes/no) by continuous (religiosity) interaction on ideation and attempts, respectively. The interaction was not significant for ideation. However, high religiosity was associated with more attempts in youth reporting same‐sex attraction but fewer attempts in those reporting opposite‐sex attraction only.  相似文献   

We determined risk factors that discriminate between suicide attempt (SA) adolescents and suicidal ideation only (SI only) adolescents using data from the 2010 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web‐based Survey (12–19 years; N = 73,238). In males, heavy alcohol use, drug use, and high perceived sadness/hopelessness showed significant effects on the presence of SA versus the presence of SI only. In females, along with these variables, low academic achievement, poor perceived health status, high perceived stress, and unhealthy coping strategy were also significantly related to the presence of SA versus SI only. Therefore, clinical interventions targeting adolescents' psychological distress are warranted to prevent suicide.  相似文献   

Psychopathology, social support, and interpersonal orientation were studied in relation to suicide attempt status in acutely suicidal, psychiatrically hospitalized Black adolescents and a matched sample of White adolescents. In the total sample, multiple attempters were differentiated by lower perceived support. Within the Black youth subsample, social comparison and positive stimulation from others differentiated multiple attempters from single attempters/ideators. Only suicidal ideation predicted multiple attempts among White youth and only higher interpersonal orientation predicted multiple suicide attempts within Black adolescents.  相似文献   

This study examined the Response Styles Theory in a large, racially and ethnically diverse sample (N = 722) of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. We examined the role of response styles (rumination, distraction, and problem-solving) as predictors of changes in depressive symptoms over a seven-month period. Higher levels of rumination and lower levels of problem-solving and distraction were associated with increases in depressive symptoms over time. Response style ratio scores (rumination scores divided by the sum of distraction and problem-solving scores) also predicted increases in depressive symptoms over time. Girls reported greater depressive symptoms compared to boys, and both rumination and response style ratio score statistically accounted for the gender difference in depressive symptoms. Clinical implications include the importance of problem-solving training and rumination reduction techniques in preventive interventions.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to report the prevalence of youth victimization and poly-victimization in northern Chile. Using the Juvenile Victimization Questionnaire, a sample of 706 adolescents ages 12 to 17 were surveyed. The results indicated that 89% of the participants had experienced victimization at least once in their lives and 76.8% had experienced at least 1 experience of victimization in the past year. The most frequent forms were conventional crimes (70% and 54.7%), witnessing and indirect victimization (63.2% and 45.2%), and peer and sibling victimization (50.0% and 34.6%), for the lifetime and the past year, respectively. Sexual victimization was less common for both time periods, but still relevant (15.9% lifetime and 9.9% past year). Older females and younger adolescents presented a higher risk of victimization particularly in conventional crimes and victimization by caregivers. As for poly-victimization, 21% of the adolescents presented between 4 and 6 different forms of victimization (the low poly-victimization group) and 16% reported seven or more (the high poly-victimization group) in the last year. The results showed that child and adolescent victimization is a significant problem in Chile. Percentages of victimization in Chilean adolescents were higher than those found in Europe or North America. Results from the group of poly-victims reinforces the need to evaluate the multiple forms of victimization that affect adolescents in Chile and to prioritize it in the design of the treatment of the consequences of violence, taking into account differences in gender and age.  相似文献   

Despite the focus on impulsivity within suicide research, it remains unclear the extent to which impulsivity assessments, that purportedly tap similar constructs, show significant overlap in samples of individuals with suicidal behaviors. In a sample of 69 suicide attempters, we took a multitrait, multimethod approach to examine the relation among various questionnaire and behavioral assessments of impulsivity facets. With the exception of urgency and go–stop performance, there was little evidence of concordance between questionnaire and behavioral measures. These findings suggest researchers cannot presume that measures of “impulsivity” assess similar psychological processes and that more nuanced terminology is needed.  相似文献   

The Power of Food Scale (PFS) was developed to assess hedonic hunger, or how individuals think and feel about food and eating in the absence of metabolic need. The measure was originally developed and validated in two adult samples, and recent preliminary support has been provided for the validity in a sample of preadolescents. The aim of the current study was to conduct a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on the PFS in a community sample of preadolescents and adolescents to examine the psychometric properties in youth. Participants were 148 youth ages 11–18 (M = 12.85) from two Midwestern communities in the United States. Participants completed the PFS to assess for hedonic hunger. Structural equation modeling was used to conduct multiple CFAs to test varying factor structures of the PFS in preadolescents and adolescents. Results suggested that the scale was best represented by the previously established 15-item version of the measure with an aggregate domain and three subscales based on food proximity (i.e., food available, food present, and food tasted). Results from the CFA revealed that the measurement model had a close fit (RMSEA = 0.033, CFI = 0.985). Cronbach’s α for the total scale and the three subscales ranged from 0.86 to 0.95. Findings suggest that the previously established factor structure of the 15-item PFS best represents the factor structure of the measure in a community sample of preadolescents and adolescents.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the Hebrew Reasons for Attempting Suicide Questionnaire (RASQ‐H) and its application for suicidality, and mental pain and its tolerance. The sample comprised 97 participants who were inpatient suicide attempters, inpatient nonattempters, or nonpatient controls. Differentiation of the RASQ into internal perturbation‐based reasons and extrapunitive/manipulative motivations factors was confirmed, with each scale demonstrating strong internal reliability. While the internal perturbation‐based reasons factor related positively to some suicidal manifestations, to mental pain, and to lower mental pain tolerance, the extrapunitive/manipulative motivations factor mostly associated with lower suicidality and had fewer and smaller associations with mental pain and its tolerance.  相似文献   

This study explored how individual- and community-based resilience factors operated together in order to reduce risk of suicide for a sample of transgender therapy clients. We collected cross-sectional survey data from 106 transgender therapy clients at a local community center, including demographic information, experiences of relational support, participants' emotional stability, and risk for suicide. Results from our mediation analysis indicated that high levels of perceived relational support are related to reduced risk for suicide and that this happens by way of a person's emotional stability. Clinical implications for family therapists are discussed based on the significant indirect effect found in this study.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of risk and protective factors on the odds that African American adolescents seriously think about or attempt suicide. Data from students in grades 5–12 in a mostly urban, southeastern U.S. school district were analyzed. Findings support earlier work documenting differences in gender and grades. Risk factors were uniformly significant in understanding both ideation and attempts. Protective factors were not consistent predictors; the lowering role of religious protective factors was limited, though student's belonging to or their perception of belonging to a spiritual community was a significant factor in lowering the odds of suicide ideation.  相似文献   

The Reasons for Living vs. Reasons for Dying (RFL/RFD) Assessment was used to obtain suicidal outpatients' top five reasons for living and for dying, respectively. Forty-nine suicidal university counseling center patients provided 173 RFL and 145 RFD responses. These responses were organized into eight RFL coding categories and nine RFD coding categories. Two coders trained in the RFL/RFD coding system showed high levels of inter-rater reliability (KRFL = .81; KRFD = .80). Chi-square results for RFL and RFD coding categories showed that the coding categories were not equally salient to these suicidal patients.  相似文献   

The underlying hypothesis was that suicide attempters tend to retrieve overgeneral autobiographical memories, with a considerable latency. Two cognitive measures (Autobiographical Memory Test and Means-Ends Problem-Solving Task, Persian versions) were used to assess 20 suicide patients who met DSM-IV criteria for depression, in comparison with a matched control group. The results showed that the suicide attempters produced more overgeneral memories and responded more slowly to positive than negative cue words, compared to the control participants. In the problem-solving task, the depressed patients evidenced less effective strategies, fewer and more irrelevant means, and took longer to respond to the task than the matched healthy participants. Moreover, there were significant correlations between autobiographical memory and problem-solving variables.  相似文献   

师生关系在青少年发展中的作用全国大城市抽样调查   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1640中国青少年(平均年龄14.5岁)以及他们的父母和老师参加了一次全国城市青少年抽样调查.该调查的目的是为了研究师生和亲子关系对青少年发展的影响(如学生成绩,心理健康,利他行为和问题行为).结果发现师生关系与青少年发展有很高的相关,甚至超过亲子关系与青少年发展的相关.另外,师生关系等与青少年发展的相关程度不受性别及年龄的影响,此研究的发现指出教师在中国青少年发展中的重要作用,进一步加强了一个正在起步的研究领域--非父母成人(包括教师)在青少年发展中的作用.  相似文献   

One in five adolescents in the United States has engaged in nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI), one in eight have had serious thoughts of suicide, and one in 25 have attempted suicide. Research suggests that NSSI may increase risk for suicide attempt, yet little is known about the relationship between NSSI and suicidal ideation or attempts. In a primary care setting, 1,561 youth aged 14–24 years completed a brief, comprehensive, mental health screen as part of a routine well visit to determine which factors were most likely to predict suicidal ideation and attempt among youth engaging in NSSI. Results of recursive partitioning revealed that current depression and history of alcohol use best differentiated youth engaging in NSSI with low versus high risk for suicidal ideation and attempts. This simple algorithm is presented as a clinical screening tool that might aid medical providers in determining which youth would benefit from more intensive assessment and intervention.  相似文献   

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