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综合认知模型(Integrative Cognitive Model, ICM)整合多个相关理论, 探讨在敌意情境下不同特质愤怒水平的个体反应性攻击行为出现差异的内部认知机制, 构建了敌意解释、反思注意和努力控制三个核心认知加工过程之间的关系模型。该模型具有结构清晰、易于操控等特点, 对该领域的实证研究与理论探索具有启发意义, 并有巨大的应用价值。该理论仍缺乏囊括更多因素的综合实证研究支持, 以及有关的神经生理研究和心理干预探索, 这将是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

This study examined aggression and offending motivation. Participants were 206 adult male prisoners. All completed the Aggression Motivation Questionnaire [Ireland, 2008], the Offending Motivation Questionnaire [Gudjonsson and Sigurdsson, 2004], the Multidimensional Anger Inventory [Siegel, 1986] and the Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding [Paulhus, 1991]. It was predicted that aggression motivation would separate into two factors, one reflecting proactive aggression and the other reactive aggression. It was predicted that aggression motives would vary by offence type. It was also predicted that the offending motives identified in previous research (i.e. Excitement, Compliance, Provocation and Financial) would be reflected in this study. Levels of anger and social desirability were also examined for their relationship with aggression and offending motives. Results indicated that aggression motivation separated into four core motives; protection, social recognition, perceived positive outcome, and pleasure. Violent and nonviolent offenders were found to differ in their underlying motives for recent acts of aggression. Anger was related to all core aggression motives, whereas social desirability was related only to some. Offending motives were similar to previous research although some differences were found. Results are discussed with reference to their theoretical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

Anger and aggression are common combat-related behavioral health problems. The impact of combat on anger and aggression appears to be largely attributable to symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Factors that moderate the purported pathway from combat to anger and aggression are poorly understood. We examined the conditional direct and indirect associations of combat exposure with self-reported anger and aggression using survey data collected from 592 U.S. Soldiers during a combat deployment in Afghanistan. Unit morale was examined as a moderator between combat exposure and PSTD symptoms, as well as the indirect association of combat exposure with anger and aggression via PTSD symptoms, controlling for depression symptoms. Results indicated that unit morale was negatively correlated with PTSD symptoms and self-reported anger and aggressive behaviors. Perceptions of unit morale moderated the direct association of combat exposure with PTSD symptoms. Unit morale also moderated the indirect association of combat exposure with anger and aggression through PTSD symptoms. Unit morale moderated the association of combat exposure with anger and aggression during combat operations by putatively mitigating the deleterious effect of combat on stress-related symptoms. The impact of policy and leadership on soldier and unit morale should be carefully considered given its protective role during combat operations.  相似文献   

In the present series of studies existing hostility and anger trait questionnaires were examined. We found them to be unsuitable for our subjects and purpose, A new questionnaire based on novel principles, the Anger Situation Questionnaire (ASQ), was developed to measure anger proneness in women. The ASQ consists of 33 vignettes or scenarios, Each vignette has three dimensions: emotional experience, intensity of emotional experience, and action readiness mode. The ASQ was administered to 146 female students. Out of this sample two extreme groups were selected of 30 subjects each: one group scoring low on self-reported anger and angry readiness, the other group scoring high on both aspects. An anger-induction paradigm was developed consisting of essentially three elements: a physically aversive situation, the performance of some frustrative tasks, as well as an unpleasantly acting female experimenter. The ASQ was validated in this paradigm: subjects scoring high on the ASQ became more angry due to these manipulations; moreover, in most of the subjects at one moment or another a state of anger was induced. © 1994 wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

采用2(自恋故事vs.中性故事)×2(威胁情境vs.表扬情境)的被试间设计对162名大学生的状态自恋与攻击行为的关系及其机制进行考察。结果发现:(1)与中性故事组相比,自恋故事能够显著激活被试的状态自恋水平;(2)与表扬情境相比,威胁情境中自恋激活组个体的攻击意向显著高于中性故事组,说明状态自恋激活能够显著增加个体的攻击行为;(3)状态自恋通过知觉到的威胁、愤怒情绪和敌意归因偏差间接预测攻击行为;(4)从总体上来说,知觉到的威胁既可显著直接预测攻击行为,也可通过愤怒情绪间接预测攻击行为。对自恋激活组,状态自恋可以通过影响愤怒情绪和敌意归因偏差间接影响攻击行为;对中性控制组来说,这种关系则不存在。本研究结果证实,状态自恋的激活能够显著增加个体面对消极反馈时攻击行为产生的认知情绪机制。  相似文献   

儿童攻击行为与"心理理论"关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究采用自然观察法评定177名3—4岁儿童的攻击行为。以攻击行为平均分为指标从被观察儿童中选取93名为被试.采用“意外转移”和“欺骗外表”两种实验任务,比较各类攻击儿童的心理理论。本研究得出主要结论:总体而言.攻击儿童与无攻击儿童的心理理论不存在显著差异。间接攻击儿童的心理理论显著高于身体攻击儿童。各类儿童的表征变化不存在显著差异。研究结果支持了我们提出的攻击行为“类型特殊性”假说。  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this multimethod and multimeasure study was to identify how the peer relationships of Australian adolescents (ages 9–15 years; N = 335) at school, including relational aggression and victimization, correlated with their symptoms of depression and anxiety. Moreover, relational aggression and victimization were measured via both self‐ and peer report, and discrepancies between reports were considered as correlates of symptoms and peer relationship status. Adolescents who reported more symptoms of depression and anxiety also self‐reported more relational victimization and reported their peers as less trustworthy. Adolescents who overreported their own relational victimization and aggression compared with peer report had more symptoms compared with those who agreed with their peers or underreported their aggression and victimization. Adolescents who underreported their own aggression were not only more socially prominent but were also more disliked by their peers. When considered independent of self‐reports, no measure of peer‐reported peer status, aggression, or victimization was associated with depressive symptoms; but adolescents reported as more accepted by their peers had fewer anxiety symptoms. Longitudinal research should be conducted to examine adolescents' increasing socioemotional problems as correlates of discrepancies between self‐ and peer reports of relational aggression and victimization. Aggr. Behav. 38:16‐30, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the current study, two mediational mechanisms, parenting practices and children's beliefs about aggression, were hypothesized to account for the relationship between perceived neighborhood danger and childhood aggression. Using structural equation modeling, data were analyzed from an inner-city school-based sample of 732 predominantly African American 5th graders. Results suggested that perceived neighborhood danger was associated with strong positive beliefs about aggression, which in turn was associated with high levels of aggression. The hypothesized mediating role of parenting practices (restrictive discipline, parental monitoring, and parental involvement) on the relation between perceived neighborhood danger and child aggression was not supported. However, the current findings suggest that children's positive beliefs about aggression mediated the relationship between restrictive discipline and aggression. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

李芮  夏凌翔 《心理学报》2021,53(7):788-797
特质愤怒是影响反应性攻击的重要人格因素, 反应性攻击的提出是基于攻击动机, 但是特质愤怒影响反应性攻击的动机机制尚不清楚。本研究假设特质愤怒可以通过增强反应性攻击的特异性动机(即敌意性动机)以及反应性攻击与主动性攻击的共同性动机(即道德准许动机)来纵向预测反应性攻击。为了检验该假设, 对5个省市共1007名大学生的特质愤怒、敌意归因偏向(代表敌意性动机)和道德推脱(代表道德准许动机)、反应性攻击与主动性攻击进行了3次追踪调查。结果显示:(1)在控制性别后, 第一个时间点的特质愤怒可以通过第二个时间点的敌意归因偏向和道德推脱预测第三个时间点的反应性攻击; (2)敌意归因偏向只能纵向预测反应性攻击, 而不能跨时间预测主动性攻击; (3)道德推脱可以纵向预测反应性攻击和主动性攻击。这一结果支持了特质愤怒影响反应性攻击的动机模型, 发展了人格与攻击关系的理论与研究, 对于揭示反应性攻击形成的动机机制具有积极作用。  相似文献   

That anger elicited in one situation can carry over to drive risky behavior in another situation has been described since the days of Aristotle. The present studies examine the mechanisms through which and the conditions under which such behavior occurs. Across three experiments, as well as a meta‐analytic synthesis of the data, results reveal that incidental anger is significantly more likely to drive risky decision making among males than among females. Moreover, the experiments document that, under certain circumstances, such risk‐taking pays off financially. Indeed, the present experiments demonstrate that, because the expected‐value‐maximizing strategy in these studies rewarded risk‐taking, angry‐male individuals earned more money than did both neutral‐emotion males and angry females. In sum, these studies found evidence for robust disparities between males and females for anger‐driven risk‐taking. Importantly, although men did not experience more anger than women, they did show a heightened tendency to respond to anger with risk‐taking. Published 2016. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

为探讨特质愤怒、道德推脱及大学生网络攻击行为之间的关系,选取450名大学生,采用特质愤怒量表、道德推脱问卷和网络攻击行为量表进行调查。结果表明:(1)特质愤怒对大学生网络攻击行为有着显著的正向影响,并间接地通过道德推脱对大学生网络攻击行为产生作用,道德推脱起部分中介作用;(2)道德推脱在特质愤怒对大学生网络攻击行为的影响中起显著的调节作用,具体而言,在高道德推脱水平下,特质愤怒能显著的正向预测大学生网络攻击行为,而在低道德推脱水平下,特质愤怒对大学生网络攻击行为的预测作用不显著。  相似文献   

The authors conducted a randomized controlled trial to investigate differences among 36 elementary school age children who received 16 sessions of child‐centered play therapy and 35 children who were assigned to a waitlist control group. Pre‐ and postassessments were used to measure children's levels of aggression, self‐regulation, and empathy per parent and teacher report. Results revealed statistically significant positive results for parents and nonstatistically significant results for teachers. Implications and future research are examined.  相似文献   

The current research investigates the effect of incidental anger on anchoring bias. We hypothesized that feeling angry will make people less influenced by other‐provided anchors because of the moving against action tendency associated with anger. That is, individuals in an angry state will be likely to perceive a given anchor as a viable target for their desire to attack and actively seek out anchor‐inconsistent information, thereby committing less anchoring bias. To examine our hypothesis, in Study 1, we manipulated emotions using film clips and administered a general knowledge task with other‐provided anchors. As predicted, participants in the anger condition showed less anchoring bias to the other‐provided anchors than those in the sad or neutral condition. Study 2 replicated the finding with a different emotion manipulation technique and different anchoring questions. More important, consistent with the moving against action tendency explanation, we also found that people in an angry state committed more anchoring bias for self‐generated anchors, compared with people in a sad or neutral state. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

通过对重庆某综合大学大一到大三527名学生的问卷调查, 运用结构方程模型技术考察了特质愤怒、敌意认知、冲动性水平和攻击行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)敌意认知在特质愤怒和攻击行为之间起部分中介的作用, 特质愤怒既对攻击行为产生直接影响, 也通过敌意认知对攻击行为产生间接影响;(2)运动冲动性因子对敌意认知的中介作用起到调节作用, 即敌意认知对攻击行为的影响随着个体冲动性水平的增加而提升;敌意认知对个体的攻击行为起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨人际冲突和安全工作行为之间的关系,以及愤怒和报复动机的多重中介作用,采用时间滞后的数据搜集方法,通过上级-下属配对的方式对229名公交司机及其主管进行调查。结果表明:人际冲突能够对安全工作行为产生显著的负向影响,人际冲突可以通过激发愤怒情绪来减少安全工作行为,也能够通过刺激报复动机对安全工作行为产生消极影响,愤怒和报复动机在人际冲突与安全工作行为之间发挥着多重中介效应。  相似文献   

Tested a theoretical model in which social cognitions about aggression partially mediated the relation of environmental and emotion regulation factors to children's aggressive behavior. An ethnically diverse sample of 778 children (57% girls) in grades 4–6 from both urban and suburban schools participated. Measures included exposure to aggression (seeing/hearing about aggression, victimization), emotion regulation (impulsivity, anger control), social cognitions about aggression (self‐evaluation, self‐efficacy, retaliation approval, aggressive fantasizing, caring about consequences), and aggressive behavior. Results supported the hypothesis that social cognitions mediate the relations of exposure to aggression and anger control to aggressive behavior. Also, social cognitions about direct and indirect aggression differentially predicted the respective behaviors with which they are associated. That is, social cognitions about direct aggression were mediators of direct aggressive behavior, whereas social cognitions about indirect aggression were mediators of indirect aggressive behavior. Finally, gender moderated the relations among the variables such that for girls, retaliation approval beliefs were a strong mediator, whereas for boys, self‐evaluation was more important. Aggr. Behav. 30:389–408, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Enhanced cognitive‐behavioural therapy (CBT‐E) is the current treatment of choice for bulimia nervosa. While the cognitive‐behavioural theory and treatment of bulimia nervosa have made a substantial contribution to our understanding of the disorder, approximately half of patients treated with CBT‐E fail to achieve remission of binge eating and purging. There is evidence showing that mechanisms proposed by the CBT‐E model are associated with binge eating and purging symptoms, and therefore likely important targets for treatment. To identify future directions in improving the efficacy of this treatment, and informed by a model of the client change process, we review the evidence for the hypothesised treatment mechanisms of CBT‐E. We conclude that while the proposed treatment mechanisms of CBT‐E largely change over the course of treatment, there is limited evidence that the treatment manipulations of CBT‐E are responsible for the specific changes in the proposed treatment mechanisms. In addition, given a lack of research in this area, we could find no evidence that changes in the additional treatment mechanisms outlined in CBT‐E are associated with changes in the core symptomatology of binge eating and purging. Based on these findings, we recommend that future efforts are directed towards understanding the client change process in CBT‐E and outline three clear directions for research.  相似文献   

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